Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, December 6, 2019

Coalcomán, Mich: CJNG Attacks Civilians as they Set Fire to Bus and Shoot up Town

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Radio Formula y Aristegui

CJNG armed confrontation reported in Coalcomán, Michoacán. They also set passenger bus on the Purhépecha line on fire.

In the Coalcomán mountain range, in the Mexican State of Michoacán, they report a confrontation between elements of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) against the population.

Around 07:30 hours on Friday, criminals shot up the house and cars of Misael González, former leader of the Coalcomán self-defense groups.

In an interview with Miriam Moreno, a reporter for “In the morning”, González informed that the town has not received support from the authorities, only public ministries arrived at the report of shot houses in the center of Coalcomán , but there is no specific operation.

In addition to the shot up houses, a burned passenger bus is also reported, in the limits Coalcomán and Chinicuila; the transport had left Colima and was headed to Coalcomán.

Armed men shoot houses and burn trucks in Coalcomán, Michoacán: From Arisegui
The State Secretariat of Public Security reported that it has reinforced security in the municipalities of Coalcomán and Aquila to preserve order.

An armed group caused shootings and the burning of a bus in the vicinity of the municipalities of Coalcomán and Chinicuila, in the state of Michoacán.
According to the newspaper Reforma , from the dawn it was reported that a command broke into the municipal seat of Coalcomán to attack two houses with firearms. It is presumed that one of the houses belongs to the former mayor Misael González. 

Also, on Friday morning, a public transport truck of the Purépecha line was set on fire and abandoned on the Coalcomán-Aquila road, with no trace of dead or injured people.

As reported by the newspaper, the criminal movement caused the classes to be suspended in the Municipality of Tepalcatepec, adjacent to this area .

Faced with the confrontation, the Tepalcatepec community keeps on alert.

Last August, an irruption of hit men from the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) caused a confrontation with villagers that left nine people dead and 11 injured.

It is presumed that the violence that permeates the area is due to the dispute over the territory dominated by Juan José Farías, aka “El Abuelo”, a former self-defense leader who was linked to the CJNG in previous years.

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  1. Low life scum of Cjng always trying to bully and kill innocents

  2. Where are the civilians that were injured ? It's CJNG vs Fructuoso Comparan & Familia Michoacana. The Autodefensas only fight back when they have Governmt Assistance

  3. Terrorists? No!
    Pathetic government can't control and stem violence.

  4. Time for Abuelo, Marro, Mayo to bond and push back. CJNG is ruthless and will not stop at any boundary.

    1. As of right now those 3 cant handle mencho, mecho has way to much power, they have already bond together and cant do shit to mencho, crazy how these fool is actually doing what chapo and his corridos say chapo would do

  5. When is Don Juanjo getting released, I would normally Google it but decided to post it here since I'm sick of seeing shit related to the gulf/zetas or mich getting torched up. He is another jefe grande expected to be released soom

    1. JJQP.? que no segun murio.? es lo que escuche.

  6. So, are these the innocents that CJNG claims not to hurt?

    1. What innocents? That area is active in cartel fighting. Punks who like to kill but when the reaper is upon them show the coward within them.

  7. Misael González former Templario, who received funding and weapons from CJNG during the Narco Defensas movement and head of the Narcos in Coalcoman. CJNG didn't attack any civilians they hit the homes of all the Chocomiles chapulines. Misael Gonzalez ran his ass to Tepaltepec screaming at the top of her lungs police, army, marines help the bad men want to kill me. The Narcodefensas from Chinicuila are the ones that blocked the road and set fire to the bus because CJNG was going straight for Villa Victoria from Colima and Coalcoman. You had Los Reyes, Tepaltepec and Coalcoman crying that CJNG was attacking the towns like the cowards they are and say they are bad hombres but instead of grabbing their balls and fighting they run and hide in the towns crying for help.

    They were forced to retreat once the Federal Police, Army showed up. It seems CJNG isn't willing to engage in a gun battle with the PoliViagras and Viagra Militares Mencho doesn't want the heat.

    1. 7:48 clap, clap, clap!!!👏👏👏
      Atte Moskow Mitch.

    2. Thanks for the real scoop

  8. Lol viagras posing as cjng

  9. There is a huge military installment there with hundreds of active soldiers. What are they doing??? Typical Mexican corruption paid to look the other way. They are literally just standing around on road while CJNG is murdering innocent civilians.

  10. Whether it's jalisco cartel or the blue pills does it really matter? different names all same rundown. my dad is from el grullo jalisco and hasn't been back in over 25+ yrs plus and i want to go also but i hear el menchos group will be moving around there in that area in between towns and only way to get up there are a few roads now imagine being at the wrong place at the wrong time and run into a fake checkpoint? yeah no thanks

    1. No seas payaso 🤡

    2. @9:43 how is that being a payaso? I've seen a lot of bad shit happen to family members in different parts of mexico also to other random all for being at the wrong place at the wrong time only payaso here is you

    3. Para yegar al grullo tienes que pasar por san pedro toxin yo soy de alli y el cnjg esta en mi pueblo donde esta tan chiquito sercas de tusca y el puerto y toliman y ah una pedrada d3 lejos de el paso donde tienen las fiestas en pero que bonita esta la taza en san pedro esta jente esta extorcionando alas empresas de tomate en san gabriel si eres sercas de donde soy yo dejanos saber como esta tu pueblo ya que la fm y cjng estan presentes en todos los pueblitos cercas de minatitlan colima

  11. Replies
    1. All cartels are SCUMBAGS

    2. Nope all cartels are narco terrorists.

  12. Makes me sick all you cowards who support this scum of mencho

    1. Did you support chapo before? Just a question

    2. By the way chapo and MZ are chomos ive heard a few old corridos where they mention that they like their girls young and virgins, those are some sick mofos, thats why cds are known as the chomo cartel

    3. What about your idol "The RatKing" Godfather of the SNITCHaloa Cartel?

  13. Wow just tear it up! Really I think they are famouse forever

  14. And El Abuelo no sabe nada, except that the state of michuakan government is missing in action, at least until the attacks and the murdering are done with...

  15. The only good cjng is a dead one.

  16. Again they come to kill townspeople, that are defenseless, as most don't have weapons to fight back. Why no mention if government forces came to aid the town,

    1. Bro is cjng vs a rival cartel, they are not innocent you just talk cause you have no idea of whats going on michoacan is full of cartels small and big just like tamaulipas

    2. 822 did you not read the said innocent people were shot. Perhaps you nuthuggers to the Cartel lol.

  17. This is the main reason autodefensas need to be established, your on your own, fight the cowardly cartel. Armed up the government won't help.

  18. In Coalcoman they have one of the biggest bases in Michoacan and they still can't catch the criminals. There is is only 2 roads out of there and the colima road is a curvy 2 lane..mind blown

  19. 8:14 that big fat bus is no people, and inside it there was no people either, this looks like scare tactic, probably paid for by the government or himself to create scandal and anti AMLO sentiment or to get more federal money to fight crime, their own crime and criminality, forget about it, before AMLO there was money and they just stole it and sent it overseas to foreign banks for "safekeeping" until some foreign country expropriates it for being illegally obtained funds...
    --"El Rambo de Tijuana" jesus Alberto capella ibarra wrote the book on stealing police funds through seminars for his elements that paid him handsomely while Morelos state drowned in blood, and it still drowns in blood under el cuauh while capella is doing another con job in Cancun and the whole state of QR and the Yucatan peninsula...

  20. Mi hija lee algunas de las respuestas a los artículos. La corrupción no es el problema con el ejercito. El problema es el liderazgo y la planificación incompetentes. Muchos soldados tienen educación primaria y son tan crédulos que son incapaces de saber si el coronel está fumando mucho para poder recolectar dinero. El coronel soldado ejercito tiene una estrella negra en su casco. Aquí se confía mucho más en los personas de la Armada que en los soldados del ejercito. Siempre nos alivia ver el transporte militar especial que es de color gris y no verde.

  21. Wait until Trump gets hold of CJNG terrorists! It will be a great day!


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