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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

El Mencho's imprisoned son, "Menchito", writes a letter to Mexican President AMLO

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat TY BB Follower from Proceso

“I want him to know that I am an honest, hardworking, humble, servant, transparent person with principles and values that my family has instilled in me…”

Rubén Oseguera González, aka “Menchito” arrested in 2015 and currently imprisoned in a federal prison in Hermosillo, Sonora, claims not to be the son of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes “El Mencho”, alleged leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), despite the United States governments and Mexico both confirm he is.

Through a letter sent to President López Obrador -of which Proceso had a copy delivered by his attorney Víctor Beltrán García- Oseguera González,   he supports the project of the Morenista which has been called the “fourth transformation”.

In his letter - Rubén Oseguera then reveals his situation to the president:

“I am being held at the CPS # 11 cereso in Hermosillo, Sonora, for an extradition process which I am sure and am confident that our Mexican laws will determine a lawful decision  in resolving my situation,  throughout five years - I say - I have demonstrated my innocence by having been acquitted of each and every one of my charges, some from the first instance, and others through resources in the second instance or even under protection [amparo], because they were of general knowledge”

He continues:

“…I have experienced a very difficult situation in seclusion, because of the following they have violated my human rights and my constitutional guarantees, in this period of 5 years I have been being transferred to different federal centers without any reason or foundation, violating definitive suspensions of amparos promoted by my defense, making life impossible for me and my family”. 

He states that he has lived in isolation: 

“Without being able to live with the other PPL (Persons Deprived of their Liberty), since they mention that there are higher orders from which I receive this treatment without taking into account that all this time I have behaved respectfully without causing any problem to anyone and always adhering to the regulation, for that reason I come to you and I agree with the change of the 4th transformation, it is a very big responsibility that you assumed”

After pointing out to President López Obrador that he has all of his support, Rubén Oseguera González, points out:

“I want him to know that I am an honest, hardworking, humble, servant, transparent person with principles and values ​​that my family has instilled in me, I hope he has time to read these letters, consider my situation and take action on the matter  I know they are difficult times to make decisions but it is his duty to keep the citizenship in conformity and satisfaction in each and every one of the issues that I propose when taking this very compromising position, to end  the corruption and privileges at the root that the presidents and past administrations had."

He signed the letter with "God bless you" and his name Rubén Oseguera González

Just last December 3, Rubén Oseguera González's lawyer denounced before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) that the extradition process to the United States is plagued by irregularities and that the judicial instances have ignored the complaints of the defense.


  1. Lmao too many narcos and their families reach out to the President. Something isn’t right

    1. Chapos mom sent AlMO a letter thanking him, of not jailing his chapito, along with a shoe box filled US currency in 100$

    2. 9:39 it doesn’t sit well with me to see how narcos (and their fams) think AMLO will save them. Why the fuck? Porque la confianza y la seguridad de que el pudiera hacer algo?

      12:02 that WAS weird. Parecían lifelong friends

    3. 12:02 got proof? Aristegui would love any proof.

    4. A trend that appears to become more and more like Ebola for Mexico.

    5. His coward michoacan blood is showing the same coward blood of his father and borderland beat thank you for bringing us this news saludasos

  2. Lol writes a letter that he is an angel. Wait wait... don't tell his father is stated in the letter,that he is bricklayer, and earns his money honestly. Will ALMO fall for it.
    Luna Apagtha

    1. I think he has. But is not willing to support this request at the present time.
      Trust me he will accommodate those wishes for his father.

  3. We all know what hardworking means in that business. This guy never had a legal job in his entire life. All he learned and did was to move drugs and give orders to others. I feel sorry for him in a way. He's pretty young and he risks life imprisonment if being extradited to US.

    1. All he new was to be a snitch and traitor same has his father don't blame the boy michocan is full of snitches and cowards

    2. 3:43 you mean sinaloa???

  4. Of course he is in isolation, it's a prison cell, it would be a disgrace to Mexico if he is set free. He is testing Obradors soft side.

    1. Doubt it's a test. Rather, what's to be expected from AMLO.

      Read between the lines.

  5. Amlo dissapoints me a bit. Being president of Mexico should be different than being mayor of Mexico City. People buying favors of the president looks bad on the world stage and the world is watching as Amlo capitulates to the cartels.

  6. He should be skinned alive and dumped in a hefty bag for his father to see.

    1. Or blown up like he did to that father and son a few years back.

    2. I agree he deserves all of that, just like chapos kids deserve to get killed with a chain saw just like chapo did to some guys like 8 years ago

    3. Exactly! Someone has forgotten!

  7. So ther making his life impossible for him and his family ///you want to know how many people you and your dad mencho have made life impossible cause ther dead ya big difference him and his family have made Mexico a fucken blood bath with no respect for the innocent people who are not mixed up in the Business and your going to the United States and if your punk dad mencho don’t get killed he’s going to because they don’t want the United States naming the cartels terrorist causes that open the door for them to enter Mexico and they agreed that Los mencho s have to be sacrificed for the reast

  8. Did I read that right????
    "I want him to know that I am an honest, hardworking, humble, servant, transparent person with principles and values ​​that my family has instilled in me"
    Honest???? Hardworking??? HUMBLE???? Values?? Has his family valued anyone else's life other than their own? Is anyone in his family honest?...if they were, they would let authorities know where his dad and associates are. The only thing humbling for him is that he is stuck in prison and rightfully so. Whats worse is that AMLO will read this and start feeling sorry for him...thinking that this delinquent needs a good warm hug and that should set him straight. Really...he should be flown to another prison by helicopter and "accidently" pushed out the door. No more letters, amparo's or hugs.

    1. Just shy from an alter boy.

      Geez! Truly doubt he can read or write for him to address his concerns.

  9. Can’t be mad at him for trying I hope he is not sent to the USA no reason for it

    1. Lol no reason for it, I can't stop laughing...lots of drugs smuggled into USA, money laundering, kidnapping...yep no reason at all

  10. First of all, if you gotta write a letter begging AMLO and declaring your virtuous character instilled by your drug capo dad and upstanding citizenship, ‘ YA DONT GOT ENOUGH JUICE SON!’

    I hope that the end is near for the worst scum since the Zetas. Taking over territories ie) entire states through violence and terror are not sustainable business practices for a DTO. On the human side, my mind is incapable of grasping the horror and atrocities and what goes through the minds of the perpetrators and the victims as these evil,acts are carried out. I support no cartel I just wonder what the answer to this is and it seems like short of legalization, the mega cartel solution with sensible capos not bloodthirsty animals is probably the only way to reduce death and destruction. First let’s get the state politicos that get hard just looking at all that plata

    Frank from Canada

    1. @10:17 Finally someone understands CJNG is fucking scum, Z style.

  11. as a US Citizen, why is he afraid to face the US justice system? why ask Mexico for help if Mexico considers him a foreign national regardless of growing up there

    1. I was thinking that too. Can someone tell me if he can be sentenced to death? I know Mexico extradite its nationals as long as they aren’t killed. Does it go the same way for foreigners such as Menchito? Will they forbid the US to execute a US citizen?

    2. if he is a us citizen he is subject to us laws and penalties. That extradition treaty only applies to MEXICAN nationals so they won’t be killed by the us govt. little menchos ass is grass if he was indeed born in the states.

  12. AMLO will give little menchito a second chance because he is an upstanding citizen and has the means to fill pockets with lots of cash

    1. His second chance was forfeited when he took his first steps in life. A narco family with ill intentions for decades now.
      Some are just bad people. Not deprived nor neglected by any means.

  13. This guy is a softy little beeeatch.... mencho probably like "correct, he is not my son" lol

  14. Sadly, I suspect that AMLO will protect him and not extradite him. He will do a few more years in jail in Mexico and then be set free to enjoy his father’s billions of dollars. It’s very telling that all of these narcos see AMLO as their ally and reach out to him to defend them from justice.

  15. AMLO- "I DON'TT CARE I serve only CDS, I will give YOU a HUG " 😆

    1. I hate that you made me laugh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Funniest comment of the day.

  16. He forgot to tell the president about the time when he was arrested. The first time he was arrested he had military grade weapons, $17 million pesos and $610 thousand dollars.
    At 23 years of age I wish I had that much money.

  17. Tiene miedo, ve que lo van a extraditar y se le esta encojiendo el chikistrikis, alias el chimuelo, alias, el beso de abuela, alias el arrima moscas, alias la araña pisada, alias el ojo de pollo, alias el nudo de globo, el ojo de payaso, el sin esquinas, el rasca y huele, el anillo, el tiraelote, la bala, el saca truenos, el Corta churros, la fabrica de nutela...

  18. It's pretty obvious that BB is bias towards AMLO. His strategy is to hit them in their pockets by freezing accounts and imprisoning corrupt officials. Why do you not publish that.

    1. Hitting their pockets will not stop the killings.

    2. Yeah freezing bank accts will do nothing...they have mass amounts of cash and swiss bank accts that cant be touched by anyone. Business goes on as usual.

  19. Ya that letter is funny stuff..he sounds scared to death. He knows, trump ordered him up, and he WILL be extradited. End of story. Watch and see.

  20. Him, his dad, and chapo will all be enjoying the Colorado sky together. Shortly amigos.

  21. The HONEST people of Mexico should pay close attention to this situation. You will see what kind of leader AMLO is. One that does what's right, and benefits the honest people Mexico, who care about the future of their children and country. Or one that is in the pockets of the cartel. I'm leaning toward the latter. But time will tell....

    1. Odds are your assumptions will be correct.
      Let's see the backlash get deflected again like that of Sinaloa's embarrassing moment with the release.

    2. 327 lol time will tell, 1 year went by, approximately 30,000 homicides this year, yep your right, and then let's see how many more die in 2020. Yep good job Obrador.

  22. Goes to show mencho doesn't control mexico at all his cheerleaders are crying now since their idol is looking like bxtch jajaja

    1. Yeah exactly. The real power lies within the Valencia family not Mencho. People need to realize the reason Menchos name popped up over and over was because he was the armed wing of the Valencia family. He isnt a narco trafficker as much as he is a gangster thug. Much like Chapo they were both the ones with all the men and guns and who sent crews in to do all the dirty work.

  23. Major le haga mandado un carta a Santa on los Reyes magos jajajajaja.Amlo es un pendejo

  24. He built this city on bricks of blow

  25. Need a Mexican Maury Povich type show reveal... in the case of Menchito (card please)...Mencho, you are/are not the father (and certainly the yougin is a little biyatch).

  26. They should send him to a Mexican prison in Michoacan or Reynosa and put him in general population instead of extraditing him.....

  27. I wish they would publish a picture of him playing cards with Chapo if hes extradited

  28. It worked for CHAPITOS when they shot down the MARINA in CULIACAN last year and sent AMLO a thank you latter after the culiacanazo recently.. Those chapitos got that guy in their pockets, I wonder what's going to happen with MAYO and the c hapitos now that they are BEEFING

  29. Todavia no canta el gallo 3 veces y ya nego a su padre. Para que miren los huevotes que cargan

  30. Pol now they are all hard working citizenS ... lacras son lo k son

  31. Dear Santa for Christmas I want to be free, I have been good, I hurt nobody, my farther is cool, he nice man, he hurt no one, anyway Santa, I want a 50 cal, machine gun to shoot at birds.

  32. Replies
    1. Edgar Alvarado who you. Calling son. Are you talking to yourself again?

  33. What u need to understand is the U S. Gov. Has minipulated the world along with The News organizations in u s. Who the CIA own. The Cartel is The CIA!!! Pay attention. Our U S. gov has kidnapped these individuals and families to be the face of there crime organization that connects all the way to the EU


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