Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, December 20, 2019

'El Rey' Zambada will testify in trial against Genaro García Luna in New York

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY GUS  from Rio Doce

Jesús Reynaldo Rey Zambada will be one of the protected witnesses who would testify against Genaro García Luna, if he decides to confront the United States government in federal court, sources from the Department of Justice of that country (USDOJ) confirmed to Riodoce.

The plan of the US government is to have the brother of Ismael Mayo Zambada's testify against the former Secretary of Public Security, after he gave testimony during the trial of Joaquín Chapo Guzmán that García Luna was given briefcases with several million dollars in cash to protect the cartel interests.

El Rey Zambada would be one of several drug trafficker witnesses of the Sinaloa Cartel who joined the program of protected witnesses, which would be called by prosecutors Richard P. Donoghue and Brian Benczkowski, to give more details about how Garcia Luna.

It would not be the case of Guzmán Loera, who determined not to cooperate with the US prosecutor's office,[ he in fact was not asked by the government or offered any deal] and that he was already sentenced and his defense is considering appealing the sentence of Judge Brian Cogan.

Eduardo Balarezo, who defended Chapo during the so-called trial of the century, observed that the process against García Luna will be interesting, as it will generate great expectations regarding the evidence that prosecutors must present.

"Although I feel that the only thing that prosecutors have are the testimonies of several protected witnesses, because I don't think there are any recordings or other tangible evidence to accuse this man," Balarezo said in a telephone interview with Riodoce.
However, the lawyer added, even if they are only testimonies, García Luna can be found guilty if what the protected witnesses say is something substantial, but above all, if the jury believes it, then they find him guilty.

Alejandro Hope, a security analyst in Mexico, considered the testimonies that arise interesting because the former security secretary could involve other high-level officials of the Felipe Calderón administration.

“What I do not have is that he has seen the brother of Mayo Zambada in a restaurant, and that he has been handed a briefcase full of money; Garcia Luna may be corrupt, but he's not an idiot, ”said Hope.

Hope also considered the period of collaboration between the United States and García Luna to be "mysterious", and that during all that time, no one has noticed the existence of their operations, even that they have been allowed to live in Florida for years, and so far they will act.

"That means the agencies did not know, and if they did, they protected him," he said.

Former Mexican Secretary of Public Security Arrested for Drug-Trafficking Conspiracy and Making False Statements
Genaro Garcia Luna Allegedly Received Millions of Dollars in Bribes from “El Chapo’s” Sinaloa Cartel
An indictment was unsealed today in federal court in Brooklyn charging Genaro Garcia Luna, the former Secretary of Public Security in Mexico from 2006 to 2012, with three counts of cocaine trafficking conspiracy and one count of making false statements.  In exchange for multimillion-dollar bribes, the defendant allegedly permitted the Sinaloa Cartel to operate with impunity in Mexico.  Garcia Luna was arrested yesterday by federal agents in Dallas, Texas, and the government will seek his removal to the Eastern District of New York to face these charges.
Richard P. Donoghue, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, announced the charges.
“Garcia Luna stands accused of taking millions of dollars in bribes from ‘El Chapo’ Guzman’s Sinaloa Cartel while he controlled Mexico’s Federal Police Force and was responsible for ensuring public safety in Mexico,” stated United States Attorney Donoghue.  “Today’s arrest demonstrates our resolve to bring to justice those who help cartels inflict devastating harm on the United States and Mexico, regardless of the positions they held while committing their crimes.”  Mr. Donoghue thanked the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offices in New York and Houston, Homeland Security Investigations, New York Field Office (HSI), New York City Police Department (NYPD) and New York State Police (NYSP) for their work on the case.
According to the indictment and other court filings by the government, from 2001 to 2012, while occupying high-ranking law enforcement positions in the Mexican government, Garcia Luna received millions of dollars in bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel in exchange for providing protection for its drug trafficking activities.  From 2001 to 2005, Garcia Luna led Mexico’s Federal Investigation Agency, and from 2006 to 2012, he served as Mexico’s Secretary of Public Security, controlling Mexico’s Federal Police Force.  In exchange for the payment of bribes, the Sinaloa Cartel obtained safe passage for its drug shipments, sensitive law enforcement information about investigations into the Cartel, and information about rival drug cartels, thereby facilitating the importation of multi‑ton quantities of cocaine and other drugs into the United States.  On two occasions, the Cartel personally delivered bribe payments to Garcia Luna in briefcases containing between three and five million dollars.  According to financial records obtained by the government, by the time Garcia Luna relocated to the United States in 2012, he had amassed a personal fortune of millions of dollars.   
Garcia Luna continued to take steps in the United States to conceal his corrupt assistance to drug traffickers.  Specifically, he allegedly submitted an application for naturalization in 2018, in which he lied about his past criminal acts on behalf of the Sinaloa Cartel.

If convicted of the drug conspiracy charge, Garcia Luna faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment and a maximum of life imprisonment.
Indictment below; use hyperlink to enlarge to regular size

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  1. Another one going to the slammer. Also the former secretary of security arrested, Durazno Montano, watch out, those bribes are tempting.

  2. We all know Garcia Luna took money its obvious and Calderon knew it only a dummy will think he didnt i bealive Amlo knows that most politicians are one way or the other dirty. Some members of Morena have a tail that can be steped on for sure i know a few, drug trafficking has been in Mexico for almost a century its inbeded in everyday life everyone knows somebody many legitimate businesses were constructed with drug money. So many familys became rich from one day to the other especially the 80s and 90s it was easy money and hardly no violence like now the diffrence was it was controlled by the PRI once they lost control of the goverment the cartels were left on their own and alliances started to shift everyday between them and the PAN and PRI parties and now add Morena to the mix.

    1. Is taking bribes worst than murdering people? They let known killers free in exchange for large payments

    2. 8:37 Very good said and what you say I agree except maybe about Calderon. I believe Presidente Calderon recognize the trouble of corrupción and want to make gob honest because any Mexican man who thinks of Mexico before himself knows many institución de Mexico have corrupción from too many years the PRI.
      Many familias respected make the first money in contraband and then leaved to clean business in 1990s. In 1990s I attend studies in Mazatlan and many peoples were killed every week for maybe 5 years.

    3. Very true i bealive it was at that time the masacre of el tecomate happend close to Mazatlan its sad how all turned out i had seen many friends die in my town alot last time i counted it was 66 and its a pueblo of not even 2500 people not counting the ones in prison or missing. And not counting the other ranchos and bigger towns not even 5 minutes away.

    4. 1:13 El borracho FECAL KNEW, don't try and make his shit fly with your perjumes.
      Just because you may be a partisan and they spin you like a top, it still don't make a trompito out of you, as a matter of fact fecal is trying to save his ass, like Rosario robles berlanga, deschamps, epn, garcia luna and fox, among many many others...
      The marines killed ABL "el barbas" for garcia luna after ABL demanded GGL deliver on his promises and do what he got paid for, and epn also took benefit when they all got to monopolize the toluca airport, epn cheated to make fecal presidente, and fecal cheated to pay back the favor...they all knew their dirty businesses and dirty deals.

  3. que se hunda el hijueputa garcia luna por vende patrias, corrupto de corruptos, tramposo de tramposos ojala que nunca vea la luz de dia.

  4. I forgot about this guy MAYO'S brother , vicentillo and this guy are BIG TIME rats.. Snitchaloas doing what they do best NO SURPRISE HERE

  5. Luna is gonna squil more then a pig,maybe not in calderon but for a movement of this magnitude u need more then 2 people

  6. Well Luna is a scumbag. Basically the head police man. Protecting one cartel hunting others. This was obvious. With all the uploaded videos. Of slow brutal beheadings and death. And their government not seeing them. You know why this don't happen in the states? If I were to upload some beheadings, they would hunt me down till they found me. Must be nice having crooked scum paid off. Doing what you want with impunity. Because the government protects you. Get to brag about it with corridos. And authorities still don't touch you. They arrest and bring you your enemies. Make your enemies public enemies. Now he'll have even more protection. Paid for by Americans taxes. Cause American officials said pay. I say send this guy back to Mexico. Send all the kingpins back to MEXICO. It is still as corrupt as ever. Judging by amlo showing favour. If that had been any other group. Any other holding those hostages. They would already have caught or killed them. But AMLO let's him go with a warm hug. And grandma even thanks him for it. And sends her prized menudo recipe. Mexico your problem is corruption. At the highest level possible. You need the right to bear arms my gente. Then you wouldn't be at their mercy.
    El Smarto

  7. Crazy how Garcia Luna is taking the BLAME BUT he was folliwing orders from people above him.. But he has no choice, he's still guilty nit a victim but he's not ALONE in the protection of CDS

  8. Daniel Hernandez as a surprise witness too.

  9. And what about EPN?

  10. EPN was a puppet president who didnt know what he was doing they married him to la paloma so people would vote for him what a surprise they divorced after his term ended the one pulling the strings was Gortari thats why all the movements with pemex cfe and all the federal agencies. They used him to milk the cow Mexicos problem is corruption the other is ignorence.

  11. Vincent should ask for a paternity test. Spitting image of rey!

  12. 10:10 AM pretty fucked up hey!! and I dont think he'll be getting a release date anytime soon coz him and his singing(snitching) are too useful for the feds..

  13. the zambadas are a protected family of narcos by the u.s.a...what a sham of a legal system...


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