Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, December 5, 2019

FIU blocked a bank account of Ovidio Guzmán, son of “El Chapo”, reports Santiago Nieto

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TYGus  From Zeta

“We find from people of Chinese nationality with significant cash flows: 300, 400, 500 million pesos of a single individual in a year, making deposits and transfers that go to China, for which it uses foreign trade as a mechanism for the 'money laundering', he said.

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), signed 36 bank account blocking agreements of 122 natural born citizens and legal residents persons related to criminal groups, such as the Sinaloa Cartel, Unión Tepito, the Zetas and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

Within the framework of its participation of a diploma organized by the University of the Americas in Puebla, Santiago Nieto Castillo, head of the FIU, informed that the banking institutions will take approximately 48 hours to make their request effective and that during this period it will be possible to know Frozen money amounts.

The federal official recalled that so far this year more than 990 million pesos have been blocked in accounts related to the organized crime group, because the blocking of available resources of criminals is part of the Government's security strategy Federal.

Nieto Castillo also revealed that among the 330 accounts blocked last week, and related to the Sinaloa Cartel, is one belonging to Ovidio Guzmán López, alias “El Ratón”, son of the boss Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera, “El Chapo ”, Arrested and then released during the failed operation carried out on October 17, in Culiacán, Sinaloa.

The federal official said that reforms to the law should be considered, as there are cases of accounts linked to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, for 2 million dollars and 24 million pesos, which are abandoned and whose resources are under the power of the banks.

The head of the FIU stated that in recent dates, 42 people linked to the CJNG, headed by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias “El Mencho”, was blocked, together with the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC, for its acronym in English) of the Department of the Treasury of the United States, for 2 million dollars and 70 million pesos.

Nieto Castillo said that at the moment the FIU is focused on the review of cases related to drug trafficking, after starting the year with the issue of theft of hydrocarbons, after dealing with migrant people and trafficking, political corruption, façade and billing companies .

On November 26, Nieto Castillo reported that from January to October of this year, the FIU has filed 148 complaints with the Attorney General's Office (FGR), in which 798 individuals and legal entities are investigated for alleged money laundering.
During his participation in the seminar 'Violence and Peace', organized by the College of Mexico (Colmex), the federal official revealed that they detected irregular financial operations for various amounts: 304 billion pesos in deposits, 269 billion in withdrawals and one thousand 940 million dollars.

“We find from people of Chinese nationality with significant cash flows: 300, 400, 500 million pesos of a single individual in a year, making deposits and transfers that go to China, for which it uses foreign trade as a mechanism for the 'money laundering', he said.

Likewise, Nieto Castillo presumed that in the last 10 months the accounts of 858 people (physical and moral) have been blocked, representing amounts for 5 thousand 325 million pesos and 47 million dollars blocked, including 330 bank accounts linked to the Sinaloa cartel, which was led by "El Chapo".

The federal official added that resources from the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) have also been frozen; as well as the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, dedicated to the theft of fuel or huachicol. Regarding the blockade of the Sinaloense criminal group, Nieto Castillo said it was carried out thanks to information provided by the Mexican intelligence organs.

In addition, it has been financially "affected" to an organization dedicated to the lenocinio and trafficking of persons, whose leader was arrested in Cancun, Quintana Roo, and who used a website to promote the sexual services of the victims, said the head of the FIU .

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  1. somos gente del Ovidio !

    1. That guy looks like a lame duck.

    2. 3:56 your the lame stop hating

  2. Wonder what happened to all those frozen assets...where does it go. Does it get invested into drug addiction programs or education?

    1. Into the pockets of politicals.

    2. 9:39 not under AMLO's presidency...
      But ask Zheli Ye Gone about the billion dollars in cash he had in his residence,
      of which only 200 million dollars were delivered to presidente FECAL to steal...
      "Narco senator and lord of huachicol javier Lozano and genarco garcia Luna the high lord cop of corruption said to mr gone "o Copelas o cuello", then they stole his money, but the chinese criminals are not the only ones, keep digging and you will find their employers just taking it all back like there is a new cartel taking it all over, it happened in New York and New Jersey when Rudi Giuliani took down the Italian families top capos to make free way for the Red Russian Mafiya which in two or three years had defrauded Medicare of over 2 billion dollars...

    3. In the fat pockets of the politicians so they can enjoy their life and buy houses and other stuff in Mexico and in the USA and other countries to enjoy their luxury life

    4. From my understanding AMLO is using the seized funds and properties to fund social programs, repair and build roads, build new universities and a handful of other projects. Mexico needs to be fixed from the ground up and it will not be an easy endeavor but it needs to start somewhere. AMLO has stepped up to the challenge, it's just a matter of the following presidents to continue the fight. 🤞🏼

    5. @11:24
      Right on.
      Viva AMLO. VIVA.

    6. sure he has cash on hand

  3. Out great president AMLo is building roads, infrastructure, etc. By selling properties, jewels, cars that have been seized.

    1. Yeah but not in the plazas of those who oppose his favorite cartel right? He should just let those profits go. He's good at letting things go ain't he? Things like loyalty to his nation. When he neglects all those other people. Who don't happen to be with his cartel. Who happen to be his cash cow's foes. Mark my words he is a puppet. How many of his rival candidates were assassinated? If you don't see he was allowed in. Then boy you need to open your eyes.
      El Smarto

    2. You're and idiot. Stop with your speculations. Favorite cartel?
      Hes helping the poor first before any other class in mexico. You cry babies always look for the smallest thing to whine about.

    3. Thank you 12:53! Somebody had to say it!
      Seems like people that are discontent with AMLO is middle to upper class Citizens...i know first hand that he is helping a lot of people starting with the elderly which i know first hand from my retired father living in Mexicali

    4. 250 Boy your right, he had done a lot, I want him to be president forever, just Ortega in Nic., Maduro of Vene, he had lowered the homicides to 0, nevertheless, he kisses every cartel member, that he lets, I am with you.

  4. El dinero de los patrones esta en el banco del Vaticano.

    1. From the mouths of children....

    2. Chapo is in prison. Forever.

    3. No ebarren a el Vaticano en sus mierdas pinches habladores huevones. Ya si ay algun guey que sea chueco en aquella ciudad y ande haciendo lo que no debe no quiere decir que el Papa o los Obispos anden en sus pedos pendejos. Por pinche mierdas habladores como ustedes Mexico esta para la verga y quieren hacer a todo mubdo igual.

  5. @sicario006
    why would you pass on this info?
    did you not get paid this week?

  6. Okay, CDS is ran by many plaza bosses, but who actually runs the plaza of the bigger places such as Culiacán and Los Mochis, we hear about Mayo and Chapo-his sons too but not the ones actually doing work in the plaza.

    1. Mochis is Isidros

    2. Mazatlan is also BLO under Isidro now.

    3. @6:40 lmao!!! Haha yup La Línea controlling all of Mexico

  7. Hitting them where it really touché from the editors...rather see dead bodies for the headlines right?...

  8. Culiacan is ran by those 2 and Mochis was ran by BLO but Chapo had El Cholo take out El Chapo Isidro people and they took over there but heard that Isidro people came back for the plaza after his arrest don't know if they accomplished it since it seems they are in better terms

  9. Not much, the withdrawals are turned and flushed into legitimate businesses, gold bars (which are locked away safe all over the Sierra). One currency that does not erode is Gold. Lesson learned from Mr Senor Pablo Escobar. CDS/CDP has billions from decades all over the world. Good luck tracking Bitcoin and other precious metals. A gift for the University and bloodshed spilled in Culiacan. All I know is Juarez is going to be back into its rightful owners hands soon.


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