Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Former Mx President Calderon's Security Chief, Genaro Garcia Luna, arrested in Dallas facing drug charges in Brooklyn

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat TY The Butler From AP-USNews Reforma and KTLA

Grcia Luna had applied for U.S. Citizenship and is accused of lying on the application...............
He served as secretary of public security in Mexico from 2006 to 2012 has been indicted in New York City on drug charges alleging he accepted millions of dollars in bribes to let the Sinaloa cartel operate with impunity in Mexico.

Image result for Genaro Garcia Luna

Charged with: International Cocaine Distribution Conspiracy

A former secretary of public security in Mexico has been indicted in New York on charges that he took millions of dollars in bribes from a drug cartel.

Genaro Garcia Luna was arrested Monday by federal agents in Dallas. The arrest and charges were announced Tuesday. He is a resident of Florida. 

Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn said Garcia Luna is charged with three counts of cocaine trafficking conspiracy and one count of making false statements.

Garcia Luna was secretary of public security in Mexico from 2006 to 2012.

U.S. Attorney Richard P. Donoghue said Garcia Luna took millions of dollars in bribes from the former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán.

Garcia Luna was once seen as a powerful ally in the American effort to thwart Mexican cartels from flooding the U.S. market with cocaine and other illegal drugs. But he had also previously come under suspicion of taking bribes.

In 2018, former cartel member Jesus Zambada testified at El Chapo’s New York trial that he personally made at least $6 million in hidden payments to Garcia Luna, on behalf of his older brother, cartel boss Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada.

The cash was delivered during two meetings at a restaurant in Mexico between the start of 2005 and the end of 2007, he said.

"The defendant abused his position as a public servant to help the Sinaloa Cartel traffic cocaine into the United States. In exchange for multi-million dollar bribes, he allowed that cartel, one of the world’s largest and most violent criminal organizations, to operate with impunity in Mexico, "said federal prosecutor Richard P. Donaghue.

"To date, García Luna benefited from his crimes and has lied about them in her attempt to secure US citizenship."

The Brooklyn Court is the same one in which Joaquín "El Chapo Guzmán" was prosecuted and sentenced this year to life imprisonment.

In his letter to the Court, the Prosecutor Donoghue requested that a "permanent arrest warrant" be issued against García Luna, considering he represents a serious risk of escape, and that if he fled to Mexico, he could be protected by the Cartel or by " senior officials. "

There was no immediate comment from representatives for Garcia Luna.

Press Release from Justice Department

Former Mexican Secretary of Public Security Arrested for Drug-Trafficking Conspiracy and Making False Statements

Genaro Garcia Luna Allegedly Received Millions of Dollars in Bribes from “El Chapo’s” Sinaloa Cartel

An indictment was unsealed today in federal court in Brooklyn charging Genaro Garcia Luna, the former Secretary of Public Security in Mexico from 2006 to 2012, with three counts of cocaine trafficking conspiracy and one count of making false statements.  In exchange for multimillion-dollar bribes, the defendant allegedly permitted the Sinaloa Cartel to operate with impunity in Mexico.  Garcia Luna was arrested yesterday by federal agents in Dallas, Texas, and the government will seek his removal to the Eastern District of New York to face these charges.

Richard P. Donoghue, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, announced the charges.

“Garcia Luna stands accused of taking millions of dollars in bribes from ‘El Chapo’ Guzman’s Sinaloa Cartel while he controlled Mexico’s Federal Police Force and was responsible for ensuring public safety in Mexico,” stated United States Attorney Donoghue.  “Today’s arrest demonstrates our resolve to bring to justice those who help cartels inflict devastating harm on the United States and Mexico, regardless of the positions they held while committing their crimes.”  Mr. Donoghue thanked the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offices in New York and Houston, Homeland Security Investigations, New York Field Office (HSI), New York City Police Department (NYPD) and New York State Police (NYSP) for their work on the case.

According to the indictment and other court filings by the government, from 2001 to 2012, while occupying high-ranking law enforcement positions in the Mexican government, Garcia Luna received millions of dollars in bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel in exchange for providing protection for its drug trafficking activities.  From 2001 to 2005, Garcia Luna led Mexico’s Federal Investigation Agency, and from 2006 to 2012, he served as Mexico’s Secretary of Public Security, controlling Mexico’s Federal Police Force.  In exchange for the payment of bribes, the Sinaloa Cartel obtained safe passage for its drug shipments, sensitive law enforcement information about investigations into the Cartel, and information about rival drug cartels, thereby facilitating the importation of multiton quantities of cocaine and other drugs into the United States.  On two occasions, the Cartel personally delivered bribe payments to Garcia Luna in briefcases containing between three and five million dollars.  According to financial records obtained by the government, by the time Garcia Luna relocated to the United States in 2012, he had amassed a personal fortune of millions of dollars.  

Garcia Luna continued to take steps in the United States to conceal his corrupt assistance to drug traffickers.  Specifically, he allegedly submitted an application for naturalization in 2018, in which he lied about his past criminal acts on behalf of the Sinaloa Cartel.

If convicted of the drug conspiracy charge, Garcia Luna faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment and a maximum of life imprisonment.

The investigation was led by the New York Strike Force, a crime-fighting unit comprising federal, state and local law enforcement agencies supported by the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force and the New York/New Jersey High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area.  The Strike Force is based at the DEA’s New York Division and includes agents and officers of the DEA, NYPD, NYSP, HSI, U.S. Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Secret Service, United States Marshals Service, New York National Guard, Clarkstown Police Department, U.S. Coast Guard, Port Washington Police Department and New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision.

The charges in the indictment are allegations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

The government’s case is being prosecuted by the Eastern District’s International Narcotics and Money Laundering Section and Public Integrity Section.  Assistant United States Attorneys Michael P. Robotti, Ryan Harris and Erin Reid are in charge of the prosecution.

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  1. Idiot should have stayed in Mexico or gone to any other country. The American's will lock you up so long you'll want to take your own life. He gets what he deserves.

    1. They will lock you up depending on who you are... get it right

    2. 10:30 Should have pulled a Carlos Salinas and leave to Dublin. Quiet place, cool, and people are alright.

  2. Wow finally. But hes just one of many from Jalisco to el DF who have been at it for many decades. He definitely knows all the crooks in Mexico.

  3. CDS Chapitos kicked him out of Mexico, just like calderoni they all go down. This dude knows a lot, Calderon next please

    1. Lol 10:34 am. Please stop your ignorance. Calderon went after all the cartels and public officials. I’m sure he’s not in bed with the cartels. I would also like you to know. Calderon comes and goes to the USA all the time.

    2. 11:42 Just wait until Garcia Luna starts talking your picador Calderon won't look so hot in a few. Looks like AMLO made Trump a deal. Looks like Trump is going to counter attack the people trying to impeach him by getting them prosecuted for collusion with the Drug Cartels.

    3. This is more like a warning to corruption in Mexico.

  4. You would think a lot of Mexicanos should be happy about arrests like this,these are the people who are true TRAITORS to Mexico.
    These are the direct people who facilitate drug cartels and bosses to become so powerful and dangerous.

    1. Agree completely - drain the swamp

    2. Who said they were not?

    3. Beautifully said.
      Let's see what he offers up for a lenient sentence. Rather who and how many government officials.

    4. Drain the swamp!

  5. One of MANY corrupt Mexican officials working for CARTELS
    That guy took out many from la familia michoacana and Los zetas.. Cds decently had him in his pocket

  6. He shoulda stayed in Mexico. The prosecutors will make an example of him. He will only get 10-15 if he squeals, but he’s gonna get out of prison as a senior citizen.

  7. To see this unfold years later is wild. Donahughe is leading unprecedented investigations into Sinaloa, based on the prosecution of Chapo Guzman, and Edgar Vetiya.

    1. Incredible! I was pissed they didn't go after him, then bam! they are getting him for lying on his U.S. citizenship application. at least some Mx outlets are reporting that. I will look for the indictment.

    2. yep the indictment charges the lying to customs

  8. I just added the Justice department press release which does talk about his lying on the citizenship application

    1. Thanks for your journalistic tenacity and fearlessness. You guys shine a light on The inconceivable corruption not to mention the pain and anguish that every Mexican has been affected by in one way or another during the drug wars. Fuck Calderon, fuck Garcia Luna, fuck Humberto moreira and fuck every dirty politician in Mexico whose hands are stained in blood.


    2. And fuck amlo too...

  9. There it is , sinaloa cartel assisted by mex goverment at highest levels and couldnt even win. The only thing they did was make a mess of things all over mexico!!! Whos turf did they win? All the northern states are still controlled by same groups as before, the central states cjng is making a push there, michoacan and surroundings are controlled by other groups but cds, goes to show you the incompetence of cds after having supoort all the way up to los pinos!!! Anabel hernandez was right!!!

    1. And what will transpire from this?
      Drugs and monetary contributions will remain to Mexican officials to operate.
      It's not like the president of Mexico will extradite any government official to the US for their crimes.
      Only names of officials which will be considered Hearsay by those political leaders in Mexico.
      Same shit different day. Nothing changes.

    2. That's a very straight forward/ black and white approach of looking at things. The corruption is so complex that this news is barely scratching the service.

  10. Is their any good Mexican politicals. Is there any good American politicians. All bad.

    1. Now that I can agree with.
      I've always stipulated that most politicians are legally corrupt.
      The perfect employment for those who lust for criminal immunity.

      Such a shame that constituents have very little say about how government should operate.

      Stephen king stated it best;
      I get a kick out of the Republicans saying impeachment is an effort to overthrow the will of the American people when Hillary beat the dumbell by 3 million votes. He won because the antiquated electoral college, a 2 mile wagon in a jet world.

    2. Thank u for posting chivis. Despite its conflicting views on this topic.
      Now more than ever; my concerns and conscience speaks on behalf of the injustices many face. Like many countries who practice monetary policies over political correctness.
      Quite sure u know who its from.

      Best of wishes always.

    3. Correction for 9.06

      A 2 mile wagon in a jet world.


  11. The fall of Genaro Garcia Luna is thanks to the cooperation agreements between the US and Mexico, Trump is responsible for imprisoning former presidents Felipe Calderon and Fox for links with El Guzman and AMLO will deliver two heads that TRUMP wants.


  12. This is a strong message to all Mexican Narco-politicians.

    *Trump is no Pussy like Obama.

    Let’s see what dirt is uncovered on other former Mexican officials in the Vicente Fox, and EPN administrations.


  13. great. now get the guys who allowed the Sinaloa Cartel to operate with impunity out here in the U.S.

  14. Good. And where is that degenerate piece of dog shit Humberto moreira during all of this? That motherfcker gave the most blood thirsty cartel in the history of the Americas cartel Blanche to do literally whatever the hell they wanted in Coahuila . The f$&king prison was the zetas torture/murder castle clubhouse and crematorium all rolled into one. Without ‘people’ like him, there is no zetas. No CJNG. No insurgencies. Without corrupt soulless fucks, the DTO’s are forced back into the shadows to operate with discretion as opposed to impunity. Duterte too. Fuck that guy.

    Be well, stay safe, it’ll get better. Hopefully not too much worse first.

    Frank from Canada

  15. Chapo snitched��

  16. Let him serve his time in America, then when he gets deported, try him with the control judge of Mexico.

  17. Durazno secretary with Obrador, becarefull when accepting bribes especially from the cartel you chose not to name that killed LeBron members.
    You will pay the time later.

  18. Garcia Lunca is innocent until proven guilty. He will win his case, wait and see

    1. DEA has lots of evidence stacked against him, good luck on this one, do the crime pay the time.

  19. The streets in mexico are saying that fox and calderon are sweating because genaro knows 2 much, and there's a smile from Tijuana to Quintana roo.


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