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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Jenni Rivera: The interview she did not want revealed while she was alive

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat TY GUS from Notifomex and IG post of interview

“I went to the Monterrey arena and there I also received a tweet that said if I went to sing, the Zetas were going to kill me, all I did was turn off my phone and go up to sing, obviously I got tense, but I went to sing ”
Image result for jenni rivera cemetery long beach
Drivers license found at crash site
Today, the radio personality Pepe Garza shared the conversation he had with the late singer Jenni Rivera, which, from the beginning, the singer wished would not be made public unless she was deceased.

While Garza and Jenni's children are sitting to listen to the interview, the audio opens with a phrase that hits the pit of the stomach; “It is an interview that we hope will never air,” says Pepe Garza in a dry voice, while saying hello to Jenni Rivera who begins speaking about a complicated issue.

"There is a situation in Mexico that is putting the lives of many artists at risk," Garza continues, explaining how complicated it is to be a Mexican regional singer and to please audiences who are in complicated areas of the country.

The Diva de la Banda breathes and is blunt in the first thing she says in that interview: “Every weekend that I am working in Mexico I am risking my life .... I keep doing this for the love of what one does and the love I have for my audience. ”

Pepe Garza stops the recording and tells Jenni's children that are stunned listening to their mother, "did your mother ever tell you that she had had threats?"

Chiquis replies: “That year  I remember that my mother had commented that she had been warned to not go to a city in Mexico, to prevent her being killed,  she entrusted herself to God and went and thank God came back well. ” Remember the oldest daughter of the singer.

Johnny, the youngest son, says that he only remembers that his mother told his uncle Juan Rivera that he was watchful so that her children would not spend all the money if she were gone.

“Today is Wednesday, July 27 and it's 4 in the afternoon, and I wanted to do the interview because today I received an email from a person who is about to do a concert of mine in Arizona and even the FBI communicated with them wanting to speak with me…... they know about the death threats that I have received,“ Jenni says to Garza who, he says, is shared in confidence.

Under the assurance that the call was real because it was the same singer who spoke to the agency located in San Diego, she says, she did not want to tell her family to not worry them.

“If I feel uneasy, because professional people are already involved, but I have to go and I asked my husband (Esteban Loaiza), not to accompany me, I asked him to stay and stay with my children in case something happens.  That is why I would go alone so that my children would not be left alone”, while saying this the singer is visibly worried.
Jenni's daughter Chiquis and son Johnny with Garza before listening to their mothers interview
Chiquis interrupts at that time, says he did not know about that, while Johnny says his mother never told them not to worry,  he was only 10 years old.

She was born to be a legend, confirms Jenni's youngest son, she was sure that she would die tragically, somehow she was obsessed with deaths like Selena's or Princess Diana herself, she says. The year Jenni died, she wanted to rest, she was tired, says Chiquis, while wiping her tears.

“I had no idea, my business is not illegal, on the contrary, I work hard, I don't get in touch with anyone, I would like people to know that if people have gone to palenques or if they ask me for photos, I don’t deny it, I deal with people a lot, I don't have problems with any group or any cartel.”

“I went to the Monterrey arena and there I also received a tweet that said if I went to sing, the Zetas were going to kill me, all I did was turn off my phone and go up to sing, obviously I got tense, but I went to to sing” states Jenni, who at that time does not know that he will apparently die in a plane crash after singing in the same arena.

Rivera also remembers that in Michoacán she was threatened with decapitation, and that another day she also ran barefoot to save her life, among 18,000 people who also did the same.
Related image
Jenni is buried at All Souls Cemetery in Long Beach California --her home town 
The singer also talks about wanting to be more at home, she wanted to work more with her radio show so she could take her little Johnny to school, her son comments:

“She just wanted to be a mom…” with the voice of a man and that Jenni never lived to know.


  1. Cartels need a taste of U.S. intervention.

    1. Sorry but I think the USA has already done that, and I don’t want to be an ass but. How come you guys haven’t been able to stop the sale of drugs in USA, and the flow of cash and weapons down south. ?

    2. I’d take a wild guess and say 1. Creativity to enter drugs 2. Corruption at the border (both sides).

      Thankfully I don’t experience any violence or feel any fear in my state. That’s all I care about.

    3. Mexicans don’t have to buy the guns flowing down south.

    4. 1205 some help from the Mexican government would help to stop drugs and money flowing in both directions.

    5. Juan Mijo 1205 why has your president not lower the high homicide rate, he has police, 300 of his elite paratroopers at his disposal, common dude your country keeps going down. Dios mio.

    6. because we have very liberal laws without stiff consequences. Either we make the consequences super stiff or we legalize. There's no excuse for how things are.

    7. Intervene on your side of the border.

    8. A few drone strikes will change the game. No more narco convoys with their names on their trucks. Lol

    9. Good response El Chico Juan 👌. On another note Jenni Rivera was whack and also into some shady business when she died remember when she was stopped at the airport for not declaring like $50,000 dollars 💵 or something like that. Good riddance

    10. exactly they haven't intervened the money and the guns going south people should think before they open there mouth

    11. Exactly people should think before they open there dirty mouth

    12. Change starts at home

    13. Here we go with the repetitive bullshit. When is everyone going to understand that the drug business need to work in a low key non violent fashion? People want their drugs. USA isn’t the only market. The senseless killings like the one posted is what fucks everything up. It’s obviously supposed to be a show put on to create revenue they got out of hand. Just cat n mouse game like back in the day. No one cared.

    14. 12:45 word 😂😂😂😂 “ no demand no supply “

    15. The USA is the biggest drug dealer in the world, please stop projecting your mental flaws !

  2. But why would someone kill her? Could it have been refusal to perform at private parties? She sang corridos but not to any specific group (that I know of).

    1. Ask La Barbie he may know a thing or two.

    2. 10:31 yeah that’s a great answer

    3. The U.S. needs to intervene & worry about their own out of control problems, here on our own soil. Where's the intervention with the big pharma companies that have created this drug epidemic! Where's the intervention to get a handle on our own addicts, & gun issues? If there's no demand, that will help with the issues of the cartel supply. We have to intervene on our own people before we go trying to intervene and tell other countries how and what to do! That sure is calling the kettle black.

  3. Sad story if it was not the Zetas, it was a 2nd hand airplane, she was test driving to see if worth buying it and the maintenance and mileage on plane was kept secret.
    El Perin de Tamp.

    1. Willis 405, what you talking about?

    2. An airplane usage is not calculated by miles, it's not a car. It's by how many hours it flies.

    3. 6:57 What cho takin bout?

    4. And 10:11 was very respectful to you as you should have been....and Yes i know chivas uses that term but only when dissed or someone says something idiotic,unlike 4:05 who knows how to fly,lol

    5. The aircraft she died in was an illegal charter and owned by Salvador Esquino-Nunez. Esquino and his business partner Lance Ricotta had been using aircraft in sales status to fly illegal charters in Mexico. The had been kicked out of the United States and were involved in insurance fraud (falsifying maintenance records and aircraft time) and narcotics smuggling in all of their aircraft listed under Starwood Management LLC in Nevada. The aircraft was a piece of junk, the pilot was an 78 yr old with That was not allowed to Fly in Instrument conditions and not allowed to fly in the US. This was a perfect storm for an accident. Who let this operation operate? The Mex Government did. The only drug connection with direct involvement may have been what was in the pilots body. What about the copilot. Not Licensed to fly outside of Mexico. The United States rules would not let these aircraft fly in The United States, Why would mexico? Its in the culture. Pay some money to the correct person and go on your way. There are multiple issues pointing to fault , none were pointing to narcotics trafficking.

    6. 920 finally somebody who knows what he’s talking about. I’m an aviation mechanic and you’d be surprised how little the general public knows about this stuff. Aircraft are sensitive mechanisms that could fail for anything and everything that goes wrong with them

  4. This is my theory. Jenni was murdered because she had ties with Edgar Valdez Villarreal La Barbie. She would sing at his private parties and his compania at his ranch all the time it was known.
    If you know who la barbie is you know that him and the z’s did not like one another.
    La barbie was the z’s grim reaper in going after them. Anyway I think they warned her not to sing in z territory because that was a disrespect to them knowing who she had ties with being la barbie. They associated her with him. I feel like the z’s tampered with the plane.


    1. So you mean to tell me that CDS nuthuggers like El Commander,Larry Hernandez and Calibre 50 don't do shows in Eastern states like Tamaulipas and Coahuila?

    2. 143 your theory is off, walk out the door quitely... don't cuss.
      Jenni died in a defective airplane that crashed into the hills, lol was murdered.
      Luna Apagtha

    3. The zetas threatened her. They don’t make empty threats. The plane just happened to crash hours after the show she was told not to play at? Singers are targeted all the time in Mexico It’s possible. Just a theory.


    4. @6:02 those dudes aren’t tied to anyone physically. She sang for big capos at there houses that rival the zetas. Anyone can make a cds corrido but to actually know them and hang with them is another. Those don’t get hurt because they don’t know capos or hang with them.

    5. SD your theory dumb, Google at how she died. And read the heading ofthis article, ahh dios mio.

  5. Didn’t they say la Barbie had something to do with her death or is that false info?

  6. The plane was a flying carcass

  7. Typical Mexican singer saying they weren’t involved meanwhile she performed at La Barbie’s parties in Acapulco several times.

  8. Cartels are a disgrace

  9. These articles amaze me. Just like the post last week about the American kid selling fronted meth from the CJNG, then went missing. Jenni Rivera sung corridos and was wined and dined by known cartel leaders. Even photographed with them. Where are the articles of family members whose children were killed by cartel violence? The children that mencho had dynamite strapped to their chest. Or the children who watched their parents heart carved out. U play with fire, usually u get burnt.

  10. Jenny was a great singer. I first heard her music through this married woman that I use to date. She actually paid for me to accompany her to one of Jennys concerts a few hours away. And the thing about her predominantly female attended shows is that the majority of women in attendance were all women who’ve been abused at one time or another by a man. That’s the one common denominator that her music has with women. Her music is the rebellious inspiration that has given many abused women the fortitude to stand up against their abusive men. To this day if you see a group of women drinking together more than likely you’ll hear her music being played amongst them. Her music is still being used by many women para desahogarse (to blow off steam). And that in turn has played out well for men like me and many others who are willing to comfort them when they get abused by their husbands or live in boyfriends. I remember at one of her concerts some women were craving blow and looking to get their revenge sex with whoever was suitable for them. Women go nutty with her music.

    1. Don't know if what you say is true, but if so, then certainly a motive for the machismo to whack her.

    2. Wow can somebody block sol prendida comments she says the stupidest things.

    3. 🧐🤨 well shit I like her music but never saw it this way!

    4. What made Jenny famous were her songs about being abused and her finally striking back. Ahora Que Tuviste Lejos is one of those songs. When abused women would hear this song in her concerts or whenever it’s being played nowadays by women pay attention to how they pour their hearts into it. Jenny became famous for being a bad girl. And if your girl listens to her music it’s more than likely she’s just one step away from cheating on you if she hasn’t already. There’s a reason why so many women identify with her music.

    5. LMFAO!!! I swear sol your such a clown!! Your the old Drunk Tio at all the family parties with the SAME old story...G.C.

    6. U guys are silly!! LMAO!!

  11. If zetas would have wanted to kill Jenny they would've ala Valentin Elizalde, not by tapering with a plane. That's a ludicrous theory.

    1. The theory is not that the zetas killed her. Its that el chapo ordered her death for doing a show in monterrey zetas territory. And el chapo for some stupid conclusion in his fucked up head thought to do the same with any singer that was friends of cds and wanted to do shows in their enemies territories. All this according to la barbie from the time when he was present at meetings of the cds bosses. Look it up.

    2. Barbie never ever mentioned such things.

    3. 7:14 yes he did. He said el chapo called him personally and there was a meeting. Look it up in valor por tamaulipas. Thats were i read the articke originally. Its in spanish hope you know how to read in spanish.

    4. 523 is there a video of Barbie saying that with his own words? Cuz if not it’s as valid as a supermarket tabloid mcfly ya numbskull

  12. Just like a lot of other singers that ther music was special to ther fans they die thers a lot to mention but I think it was just a accident that’s it just bad luck and a coincidence that it happened in that state cause in reality she wasn’t that important to go threw all that trouble of blowing up a plane and knowing that that would bring a lot of unwanted attention plus that’s not Mexican cartel style they would have just rolled up and start shooting last time I heard of anyone blowing up a plane to kill someone was Pablo Escobar and she did sing corridors but that was back when she was just starting and everyone was singing corridors in LA cause of chalino the 50k was money from a show nothing to do with cartels that chump change she just was trying not to declare cause it was cash payed in MX so tax free if she didn’t get caught besides no need to bring money into the United States they need to get it out .And the cartels have been contracting All kinds of entertainment for parties from movie stars,musicians,and god knows what else they pay them a lot of money and besides that they don’t want to say no to them anyway but at the end of the day who really knows what happened

  13. You have to declare the cash.if u carry 2000 cash. You have to have a receipt from the bank.

  14. Reading comprehension 101, mostly all that commented on here, think Jenni was killed by the cartel, 1 or 2 comments said it. Jenni died in a plane crash, her id got all crumbled up, once again she died in a plane crash.

  15. Someone sold her to Illuminati from the family or it was a drug debt from her husband

  16. I honestly don’t think any narco killed Jenny
    Either they flew in a shitty plane or she sold her soul, which she regretted !

    1. bruh i thought she sold her soul too... the narco world and the entertainment business go hand in hand with witchcraft and satanism

  17. I’ve heard she turned la barbie in because he slapped her around a bunch of people at a party. That’s why she was killed. She was also threatened by the zetas so who really knows why it happened.

  18. Didn't Esteban Loaiza get convicted of trafficking cocaine...

  19. the mafia forces singers to transport drugs in tour buses or planes. they simply tell you this guy is going to meet you to load up your plane or bus with drugs you dont touch it or look at it someone will take it at your destination. i think she refused to continue doing it and after refusing a couple of times the sheer amount of money they lose from her stopping is an insult and they make an example out of her. she apparently was i think forced by la barbie. and la barbie was forced into killing her

    1. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Cartels have a big network of mules and ways to cross drugs they’re not doing any telenovela bs you spewed get a grip mcfly


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