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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ousted Bolivian President Evo Morales leaves Cuba after two days

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  The Guardian and Reuters

Below; Morales landed in Argentina today where he applied for refugee status

A photograph provided by the Argentine Workers’ Centre shows Evo Morales signing a document to formally request refugee status in Argentina on Thursday.

Bolivian ex-president Evo Morales arrived on Thursday in Argentina, where he will be granted refugee status, Argentine Foreign Minister Felipe Sola said.

Mr. Morales was granted asylum to travel to Argentina and had made the request for refugee status to stay, Mr. Sola said on the news channel TN. Four other people had also requested asylum, Mr. Sola said.

Mr. Morales had previously been in Mexico, where he was granted asylum after his resignation in the wake of a disputed election which the Organization of American States said was rigged in his favor.

Mr. Morales, a socialist who had been in power for nearly 14 years, thanked Argentina and Mexico for their “support and solidarity” in a tweet after arriving in Argentina.

Sola says they will ask him to refrain from interfering in Bolivian politics from his new home.
“We want Evo to commit to not making political statements in Argentina,” Solá was quoted as saying by the newspaper La Nación. “This is a condition we have requested.”

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  1. Why leave Mexico and seek asylum in Argentina? What happened in Mexico, with AMLO's warm greeting. Is something else brewing?

  2. Took orders and left 🤣🤣🤣 que médico ni que nada! Que no se haga el pendejo

  3. I guess not being a president anymore gives him a lot of time to travel.

  4. Not fond of the idea of giving a corrupt politician asylum status. Like inviting a fox into the hen house. Corruption should be met with retribution to disincentivise others.

    1. The US gave former president Fox a warm welcome. So what's the problem with others doing so?

  5. Hell no one wants to put out the welcome mat, Morales you are exiled, you served too many terms, let someone else have a shot at it, don't be a sore loser.

  6. why did mexico & cuba kick him out?

  7. Why they kick Evo from Cuba?

    1. They didn't Mexico in essence kicked him out and he went to cuba not intended to stay but to apply for Argentine asylum

  8. Meanwhile, pro-coup death squads are killing people. Where is the outrage from the US?

    1. Meh. Killing off the leftists.

    2. 8:54 the successful coup only need now to get the lithium and the cocaine profit for themselves instead of for social welfare of the lazy bolivians who do not want to work and make themselves millionaires through stealing from the people and the public trough

  9. There was a time, that Evo thought he was untouchable, that he has the US Embassy expelled from Bolivia, that was when he was good buddies with Castro of Cuba and Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. To bad his buddies are deceased.

  10. The us is supposed to be at fault for that too?

  11. "La Penguina" will welcome him to her crime syndicate in Argentina

  12. All the socialist countries in Latin America and this pendejo can't fine one to live. Fuck him and the Mao he road in.


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