Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, December 27, 2019

Son of 'El Chapo' gives away automobiles in Sinaloa Christmas Celebration

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Chapo's twin daughters visit him at ADX Florence

“May this Christmas season be filled with happiness. May the light of Faith and Love shine in your home. Ivan Archivaldo wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ”

Such was the greeting printed on bags of sweets from Iván Archivaldo Guzmán given at a posada. 

Posadas begin on December 16,  for  nine days of religious observation and celebration,  Mexicans celebrate with food, gifts and piñatas.

Sinaloa Cartel members distributed food packages, and toys to the villagers.

"Thank you, Don Iván!" The children shouted in unison while receiving the gifts.

The son of El Chapo also gave parties some with lavish gifts such as automobiles.

This was a ritual of his father El Chapo Guzman when he ruled the cartel.  El Chapo is now serving a life sentence without parole in ADX Florence, Colorado Maximum prison.

Emalí Guadalupe and María Joaquina visited their father, Joaquin Gujzman Loera aka El Chapo at the maximum prison ADX Florence in Colorado.

The attorney of the twins mother Emma, says that although the twins were allowed the visit, it was through a glass partition so no physical contact.  Emma was not allowed to visit.
The twins turned 8 on their last birthday in August.

They, as their mother, are U.S. citizens born in California.

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  1. What a kind and generous person this Ivan character is...Until you cross him than your behind is being hung upside down on a bridge...

  2. I don't see a guy with a grenade launcher overseeing this posada, this has to be fake!

    1. What a stupid observation

    2. How lame must your life be without a sense of humor...?

      It's not funny when you have to explain a joke but here it goes you stick in the mud!

      There was another post that was a "JNGC posada" which consisted of a video of a guy guarding the posada with a grenade launcher. Lighten up dude! Life is easier when you have a laugh.

    3. Dumbest this winter thus far.

  3. These guys don't extort people so this is all money from drug sales, which if people have problems with they should just not do them. These guys aren’t saints but they don’t go around picking up random innocents.

    1. @7:36 oye nomas a este SUPER pendejo...typica respuesta de Los sinaloas alucinantes .. what an ignoramus..

    2. Oh no!! These guys are saints! CDS has the Longest tenure in killing innocent people than all new cartels put together! Just stop! They rape and kill entire families. Then they give away 2 or 3 Nissan Sentras and its ok!

    3. Tell that to the wifes and children from the soldiers that got kidnaped so that one chaputo would get rescued, plus these these cars are for the sicarios not for the normal people

    4. Ive heard that many times they force workers into slave labor under penalty of execution, especially up in the highlands for "agricultural workers". What its the validity to this?

    5. Stupid way to view theses scum cartel operatives

    6. Right so everything that took place few months back was just a lie along with culiacan being on the most dangerous cities in the world list

    7. Right so everything that took place few months back was just a lie along with culiacan being on the most dangerous cities in the world list

    8. Yet they were gonna kill the families of the soldados back in October 🤔 smh

    9. BS. Ofcourse CDS does extort businesses and rackeet people. They just not make it public

    10. What about when he's was captured and his goons took 2 gas trucks and threatened to burn soldiers families children and women.

  4. Seems like the best mob boss ill rather work for him than any other cartel

    1. @8:06 You will get paid as much as any other cartel

    2. Go risk your life and take your own people (innocents) hostage for a chance to win a Prius in a raffle then I’m sure they’d sign you up 😂

    3. Go risk your life for a Prius then, who’s stopping you from claiming these great prizes from “el señor ivan” 😂😂😂

  5. Pura gente del Sr Archivaldo 💯💪🏻🦁

    1. Que chinge a su madre Sr Archivaldo y todo los mafiosos! Mexico ya basta!

  6. No se agan pendejos gente. En Mexico ya ay ayuda para familias con hijos. No es la misma ayuda que dan en E.U. obvio pero es ayuda de todas maneras. Me refiero a ayuda economica y medicinales en forma alguna para gente de bajos recurso.
    Esto quiere decir que con esfuerso y deseos de superarse ya en Mexico no necesita andar de pinche limosneros con los narcos.

    1. @9:20

      Ayuda? No seas pendejo. Los mismos que reparten “ayuda” se la roban.

      Mexico es un país jodido y corrupto.


    2. No seas tan pan de hay muchas partes en Mexico donde no te dan mas que puro chile.

    3. El trabajo es a lo que le tienen miedo estos gueyes

    4. Asi es, exactamente, AMÉN.

    5. Tu mismo lo dises no es la misma ayuda pendejo tal es lo q dan no es lo suficiente estupido se ve q nunca as batallado saludó a mi gente de la sierra!

    6. 11:42 2:34 conosco gente en Ahumada Chi con 4 hijos y sin educacion secundaria y ayuda de nadie menos narcos esta creciendo familia. Mejor ponganse a trabajar bola de huevones. O tapmpoco para eso sirven?

  7. Sinaloa is where it all started
    Pedro Avilés el leon de la sierra

  8. This guys are in 70% of the world they probably have billions and trillones of green paper ain't nobody messing with them

  9. Thats why cjng is to scared to take over sinaloa because they a different type of dog breed been in this business since day number one and mencho even clean sinaloa asses a worker for them. Plus menchito is in Sonora sinaloa strong hold getting spit and beaten up by the sinaloas and mencho can't do nada

  10. This are CAPOS no chingaderas

  11. Winning the hearts and minds. Straight out of the playbook from the United States

  12. All I want to know what kind of car did Mexican president receive for releasing Chapito. Cheap cars for cheap members. Trump send in Special forces, label cartel terrorist so they can finally be wiped out. Since coward Mexican people can't do it.

    1. You sir are a funny guy. So now tell me this who will take care of the DEA that’s also involved in all this shit ? Also if the cartels get wiped out all the gringos will be going crazy without the drugs. Plus trump ain’t sending shit because he damn well knows the US is in on it SMOKE CURTAIN A-HOLE

    2. 5:20 cheap cars?? Bet u can't even afford one of those

    3. 8:21 must be broke, if you cant afford a Nissan Sentra, or a Toyota Yaris, you must be a CDS fan boy hardcore!

    4. They were jeeps rams and dodge so yeah pretty much trash to make themselves look good

    5. 5:20 coward and Mexican don't go together. Bigass Brock Lesnar was made a coward by Cain Velásquez, Greg Haugen was made a coward by JC Chavez. In hand to hand combat Mexicanos are top of the food chain, just watch as MMA demographics change. The only beneficiaries if certain firearm calibers became legal in Mexico would be the US government and their gun manufacturers so FU.

    6. Aww somebody got butt hurt...those are hondas,hyundai and fords...if you cant afford any of those then you shouln't be having a phone to blog here and should be working more and blogging less

    7. Are you the boy in a bubble??

    8. I could afford 3 on a salary of a dishwasher here in CA you must be a bum from Sinaloa

    9. @1:12 your analogy is dumb. Cain is an American who got whooped by Werdum, who speaks better Spanish than Cain! Pantera got ragged dolled by Frankie Edgar. It's going to be a long time before a Mexican is at the top of the food chain in MMA. This is coming from a Mexican but also someone who has been watching MMA for over 20 years.

  13. Animo Patrones!
    El Señor Ivan got us new tactical laptops ,new rocket launcher ,new kevlar vest and new bullet proof modified BMW M5.
    I am actually writing this on my new Tactical 6G Smartphone.

    1. Ur too funny to be a killer dawg, I’m guessing ur position in the cartel is court jester... err I mean plaza jester

    2. Es el payaso del cartel mi compa

  14. Teachers are "saints" compared to cartel members & their cheerleaders

  15. He poisons one people and gives pinyatas to another trying to buy forgiveness and absolution.

  16. Christmas was a very big day for El Senor when he was still in Sinaloa. He would make his plaza bosses hand out toys and turkeys. Not surprised Ivan is carrying on the tradition.

    1. Correct! The tradition of gaining the support of its citizens. Who knows when the chapitos will use these individuals from another attempted apprehension by government officials.

  17. Public relations stunt has a few morons on here fooled I see.

  18. What about the title to the vehicle?

    1. They are stolen, there's is no title.

    2. They give you the title when you give them your life!

    3. A title in Mexico is worthless.

    4. They’re obviously stolen so no title CDs is broke snitches

    5. You have too much time on your hands. Do you have anything else to worry about other than the title of the vehicle?

    6. The titles are of company's name for tax purposes.

    7. Anonymous: Where are the titles mayne?

      CDS: No muertitos have come to complain.

  19. Brand new stolen from california.

  20. My boss at work gave $5 donkin doughnut gift certificate.

    1. Need to change employer. Doesn't cover 2 for $5 at Dunking Donuts because of taxes.

    2. Nah son. Large coffee is good enough to keep me awake for the whole day.

  21. Did Sicario006 receive a car for his courageous acts of valor in the battle of Culiacan?

  22. bwahaha, so how could the civilians register those vehicles? OFCOURSE THE GOVERMENT will confiscate it, civilians aint gonna get them

    1. Its Mexico for christ's sake.
      A few extra pesos to a notary public official and done.

  23. fucking scumbags hopefully all the guzman bloodline will be eradicated

  24. 12:31 your blood line will be long gone by the time the Chapitos are all gone.
    Who cares about perros?


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