Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Suspects arrested in Le Baron massacre are not from La Linea insists family

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  from Milenio  TYGus

They are scapegoats say family, we have never been told why they are arrested, we learned that from the press.
"For the LeBaron a disgrace-For us an injustice"
Suspect with family
The relatives of the detainees for allegedly having participated in the massacre of the LeBarón family say they are being judged without foundation.

Although both subjects have a criminal record, their relatives indicate that at no time have they been told that they had anything to do with the multi - homicide of six children and three women from a Mormon community.

This is the phrase with which the Hernández, family of the arrested men, defended those allegedly involved with this crime .

Relatives say the suspects are ranchers and have taken care of their dying father for a year.

In addition, they indicated that they were not informed of the charges and it was through the press that they learned it was I connection of LeBaron massacre.

Sister Becky Hernandez [at left] says what happened to the Le Baron’s was a disgrace, and we all want justice, but not just for the LeBarons, justice for all.

“They had nothing to do with the case, the government just needed a scape- goat to close the case.”

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  1. The politics of "ya te agarre, ya te chingastes" still work...
    in spanglish, "I caught you, you are facked up".
    I wonder if the accusing witness got water boarded to get the Express results wanted by some "americans" that demand mexico be classified a terrorist state sponsoring impunity for terrorists, all aimed at invasion and conquest of more mexican territory and natural resources being sponsored by some US born Mexican Narco and Huachicol pseudo-politicians seeking funds from AMLO for their moches, kickbacks and privatization in a swiss, British, american or Spanish bank.
    I pretty much doubt local gangsters would piss in their own soup unless they were being provoked, and the mormons were killed by mistake when confused with enemy cartel members.
    Pero que chingados hacian ahi?

    1. It's clear what cartel nuts you be hugging. The same nuts that AMLO be hugging. Nobody wants to invade mexico. Instead of looking at the issues. You automatically defend your crooks. Deflecting using words like invasion. No matter what you delude yourself with. All that terrible stuff still took place. And it still took place in Mexico. Your country still don't handle the issue. That only crooks have firearms. And law abiding citizens do not. Which means they cannot defend themselves. And your cops will not defend them either. Seeing as AMLO is finding scapegoats. Exactly like everyone expected. Rather than trying to find who did it. It's inhumane to find who did this. If it's the people paying his bill. It isn't just a lebaron issue. But look at how brazen some are now. And by the way if you look at it. Cartel profits enrich the one percent. And the ninety percent don't get paid. That ninety percent outnumbers them. The peasants the farmers the workers. The people like Mireles and others. They toppled the cartel they were against. AMLO shan't let his cartel be toppled. Either by his greed or submission. How is it cool he's met that guy's mom? Giving his jefe's mom that warm embrace.
      El Smarto

    2. Beautifully said @ 11:47

    3. Thank u sir bless you

    4. BINGO nailed it.

    5. The crooks have weapons, trafficked by US crooks that love to have a piece of drug trafficking AND money to enhance their profitable business.
      While governors corral played golf, and corichi took kickbacks, their police ran out of gas on the way to the crime scene, nice excuses, they could have tried that to fuel their death squads on time for better results, not for nothing they are PAN and PRI narco-governors, and the LeBarons do not fall far behind since they own all the waters in chihuahua since their family member was a federal congressman in charge of CONAGUA and a Cesar "el Capulina" Duarte associate, something they carefully erase from their family tree along with their own drug trafficking and MXIVM associations from Canada to Emiliano Salinas in Mexico...
      AMLO, is too busy eradicating corruption too far away in Mexico City, also trying to get El Capulina duarte back to mexico while governor corral seems to have given up the fight because he has been a good friend to his protectors...

    6. Smarto. Your country don't handle their issues either. What happend with the American reporter killed at the US Embassy in Saudi Arabia and nothing was done and Today a Saudi kills americans at the naval air base in pensacola florida and nothing will be done either

    7. I don't agree. AMLO seems to want the best for the Mexican people. He's exactly what the US considered the biggest threat to NAFTA: a democratically elected populist who might start making deals for the benefit of the Mexican people, not US corporations. I think he sees cartels and their capos as instruments of the truly powerful, not the actual drivers of the drug problem.

    8. The brainwashed have a say, namely 11:47 and co.

    9. trotting out the same shit for years

    10. 4:42 you are an immense source, of smarto...
      Whattam I supposto do???
      Wear longer, thicker, blacker, gloves?

  2. I am astounded, but not surprised. I had mentioned that they would grab some burachos (drunks), and frame them for the killings, but instead grabbed ranchers, that don't own guns and never fired a gun. Durazno is so afraid to name the cartel in the beginning. This is becoming a 3 ring circus, I can't wait for pony show.

    1. It is no wonder AlMO delayed, the FBI from getting involved, protecting the real culprits.

    2. Not only that but they look to who has a criminal record make it easier to mark them as carrer criminals.

    3. Thos poor accused mexican rancher seems to be a bit too well fed,
      I wonder whose hand fed him and now delivers him to the puercos to market.

  3. Yup and the government needed to blaim La Línea since they are with Gente Nueva

    1. That sob of AMLO is takin sides with the sinaloa cartel, they never learn, drug cartels don't care about no one!

  4. No surprised here. This has been happening in Mexico for years and years.

    1. Feel sorry for the poor kid if not involved.
      Anything is possible in Mexico.

  5. Keystone country, can't even arrest the correct criminals.

  6. See. I, demand Sicario 006 apologize and admit to everyone that CDS killed the Le Baron family!
    Eveybody in the know knows Sonora is controlled by CDS as well as the press and corrupt cops.

    1. That part of Sonora is ran by La Linea. You must be new to BB.

    2. No the Paderes family is from there, they run Agua Prieta for cds

    3. No part of Sonora is run by La Linea. Jackass! It is all CDS liar.

    4. No sir CDS. Last guy taken out from GN was El Jaguar from that area small town in Chihuahua state. He actually started becoming a headache for Linea. Helped take Madera few years ago. Only few entrances from Sonora to Chihuahua due to rough terrain. Lebaron community was one of them. More then likely they knew each and every time any one went through there. People backing up El Jaguar were GN de Agua Prieta. Dgo

  7. Next they will catch 006, and will blame him for the Laboron killingd

    1. Wrong. Sicario 006 will capture someone and say they are from La Linea. All this to avoid blaming CDS!

    2. No way bro. His NASA engineered drones are from the Mars Program and protect him from all threats. The signal is encrypted by the best algorithms that the CIA has failed to crack. Sicario 006 will never be caught.

    3. Lol I recommend 006 hide in the tunnels, like Mencho for a few months, government wants to pin this on him.

  8. Ay esta su CDS y gobierno corrupto de Sonora para todos los lamehuevos de Sinaloa. Sinaloa mato a los Lebaron y le echan la culpa a La Linea.
    Pinchi CDS es el mata ninos como ya les habiamos dicho varios de nosotros.

    1. Tú estabas allí ? O nomas das pataditas de ahogado por tus machorros los de la Línea?

    2. Pobre chiguauguau and sonora of Eduardo bours...
      being abused by a bunch of "cds" cartel car washers

    3. Tas tonto o que loco ? Ponte las pilas si no sabes cómo corre el agua mejor calladito 🤫

  9. Show me the full investigation with proof and facts, not some half ass he said she said 2:30 second bullshit video with no paperwork backing it. And to think you guys are convinced it wasn't them! Smh. I swear, some of you are so gullible.

    1. Do you know these people arrested that they belong to La Linea? Or do you just want to blame someone other than CDS becausse you are a nutthugger?

  10. Todos los pinchis carteles matan niños y jente inicente.. codigos d la mafia se han rompido ase años

    1. 1:51 luckily, cartels can't carpet bomb their minor aged collateral casualties on their way to school, in their school or dying in a hospital, that is the exclusive turf of the turks, Saudis, Syrians, russians or the US most of all, specially now that Hanoi Jane is out of business...there would really blood then...

  11. I don't know apples from avocados. But family members are the last people I'd trust when it comes to the truth about unsavory relatives. The suspects have criminal pasts. I wonder for what?

    1. Exactly! Not enough facts to call this report legit.

  12. Mexico has become a banana republic. Failed narco state. Period end of story. There is nothing to debate on this...its completely clear as day and wide open for everyone who is willing to open their eyes to see. Anyone denying it is an ostrich with their head in the sand...either because they are afraid to admit, or because they are complicit and part of the problem.

    1. Many can say the same about their own country. Where political interests are entwined with economic reasons and not of its constituents.

  13. They should blame their own president for letting go of lil chapo.He should be setting an example. even tho they had nothing to do with the lebarons they are still part of the criminal lifestyle that plagues mexico.


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