Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Nueva Familia Michoacana Train Their Sicarios at the Range

A video was broadcast on social networks which allegedly shows how the Nueva Familia Michoacana trains young men according to information circulating on the internet. The criminal group is said to have its own training camp in the Sierra of Guerrero. This 17 seconds long broadcast clearly shows for us a highly motivated group of young and fit men shooting and reloading their rifles at an undisclosed firing range.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat   Source


  1. Looks like recruiting season for them.

  2. Fucking stop going full Rambo, training my ass

  3. Scary af to see that. Reminds me of Al quada. All of them having AKs. The good ol Ak is great. Where ever there's war to be made. You're sure you'll find the ak there. Here in merica you can buy one. All though it's semi auto. Too bad MexiCANs can't get them. Law abiding MexiCANs that is. Even twelve gauges would be fine. But your president can't have that. You might do something like save your life. Like that Don Ramon did just recently. Then you might not have to pay the ransom. And the officials letting kidnappers operate. Might not get their cut of the pay off. Cause if they try to kidnap you whilst armed. You could do something like defend yourself.
    El Smarto

    1. Not the president ... That law has been in effect for a while but yes you right to a degree

  4. RIP their eardrums

  5. Amlo u want to hug these guys, under ur administration they are growing. I do not know ur plan, but if u r not part of the Cartel, u better join them. It's going take years to kill all these Asses.

  6. This isn't training. They're just spraying & wasting ammo for an internet video. They aren't even doing reloading drills after wasting the ammo.

    Everyday American citizens train harder on the weekends than these cartel "soldiers"... not even mentioning militia groups, tactical sport shooters, and preparedness minded citizens.

    Likely, the vast majority of guys in this video will end up as cannon fodder.

  7. Alright guys just shoot! Dont aim just shoot. Good day of training!

  8. Then when they are in a actual firefight they run out of ammo for training like idiots.

  9. What the hell were they shooting at?

    1. Hey there little tiger! So, there’s this place that you call a firing range. And so like people sometimes go there and dry fire their weapons and what not. Which just means that eventually once they’re good and ready they go into the live fire exercises. Yeah that’s what you’re seeing there.

    2. Why do you do that sol? Some days you comment and sound intelligent and respectful. Other days your comments are petty and juvenile. Maybe it depends on what time of day you post. 馃嵑?

    3. That doesn't look like no firing range I've ever seen before. 馃槙

    4. The filmer was dumb as to not show what they were shooting at, I believe just plain dirt. No target, just at plain dirt.

    5. @2:34 My words have always been open for interpretation. I’ve said this before numerous times. And of course we all see the world differently for our own reasons. So how you interpret anything is totally up you. I can’t say it means one thing or the other. That choice is yours and yours alone. Remember, we are all different. There’s really no one alike. Much like a fingerprint.

    6. 234 pardon him, it's his drinking of tiqulla causes writing impairment, good thing he does not drive when drinking.

    7. 609 Sol that ain't no firing range, that's somebody's backyard.

    8. People like sol making this site idk how to say it with out affending him or chivis but in reality i dont think chivita needs a dude like him posting for her with his lil childish comments merry xmas chivita

    9. Stop fuckin whining about Sol,i dont love the guy but at least he does something for this site unlike you crying little girls

  10. LFM Nueva no tiene conexi贸n con LFM original. El original no hizo v铆ctimas de la gente. El LFM original ten铆a drogas pero no secuestros ni piso, excepto una peque帽a cantidad para tomar mis mangos. El original resolvi贸 disputas civiles en lugares remotos que no ten铆an polic铆a. Los nuevos LFM son matones como CJNG o Beltr谩n Leyva.

  11. Useless waste of ammunituon, I guess el Capo has lots of money to buy new magazines to execute own operations

    1. They don't care about wasting ammo, it comes from the money made on piso, drug sales, kidnappings.


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