Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, December 29, 2019

US Wants Top 10 of the Sinaloa Cartel

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Vanguardia /
              Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada tops the list, for whom they offer $5 million dollars

The United States government is targeting 10 members of the Sinaloa cartel who have arrest warrants for various crimes, some of whom entered US territory to kidnap and kill citizens of the US, whose bodies of the victims were located in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.

The information shared with the Attorney General's Office (FGR) places these people in the state of Chihuahua as members of the criminal group Gente Nueva, armed arm of the cartel, which for 12 years has maintained a bloody war with the group of La Linea, from the Juarez cartel, to whom the control of the entity disputes.

According to documents of the Federal Court of the Western District of Texas, 14 of the 24 characters indicated by the Texas prosecutor have been arrested by federal forces or killed in clashes, while others were killed by their rivals.

For the Americans it is a priority to capture the rest of the members that are known to have settled in Chihuahuan territory and are behind the killings in Ciudad Juárez for several years.

Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) pose the greatest crime threat to the United States
and have “the greatest drug trafficking influence,” according to the annual U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA’s) National Drug Threat Assessment. These organizations work across the Western Hemisphere and globally. They are involved in extensive money laundering, bribery, gun trafficking, and corruption, and they cause Mexico’s homicide rates to spike.

They produce and traffic illicit drugs into the United States, including heroin, methamphetamine, marijuana, and powerful synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and they traffic South American cocaine. Over the past decade, Congress has held numerous hearings addressing violence in Mexico, U.S. counternarcotics assistance, and border security issues. Mexican DTO activities significantly affect the security of both the United States and Mexico. As Mexico’s DTOs expanded their control of the opioids market, U.S. overdoses rose sharply to a record level in 2017, with more than half of the 72,000 overdose deaths (47,000) involving opioids.

Although preliminary 2018 data indicate a slight decline in overdose deaths, many analysts believe trafficking continues to evolve toward opioids. The major Mexican DTOs, also referred to as transnational criminal organizations (TCOs), have continued to diversify into such crimes as human smuggling and oil theft while increasing their lucrative business in opioid supply. According to the Mexican government’s latest estimates, illegally siphoned oil from Mexico’s state-owned oil company costs the government about $3 billion annually. Mexico’s DTOs have been in constant flux.

By some accounts, a direct effect of this fragmentation has been escalated levels of violence.
Mexico’s intentional homicide rate reached new records in 2017 and 2018. In 2019, Mexico’s
national public security system reported more than 17,000 homicides between January and June,
setting a new record. By some accounts, a direct effect of this fragmentation has been escalated levels of violence. Mexico’s intentional homicide rate reached new records in 2017 and 2018. In 2019, Mexico’s national public security system reported more than 17,000 homicides between January and June, setting a new record.

In the last months of 2019, several fragments of formerly cohesive cartels conducted flagrant acts of violence. For some Members of Congress, this situation has increased concern about a policy of returning Central American migrants to cities across the border in Mexico to await their U.S. asylum hearings in areas with some of Mexico’s highest homicide rates.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, elected in a landslide in July 2018, campaigned on fighting corruption and finding new ways to combat crime, including the drug trade. According to some analysts, challenges for López Obrador since his inauguration include a persistently ad hoc approach to security; the absence of strategic and tactical intelligence concerning an increasingly fragmented, multipolar, and opaque criminal market; and endemic corruption of Mexico’s judicial and law enforcement systems.

In December 2019, Genero Garcia Luna, a former top security minister under the Felipe Calderón Administration (2006-2012), was arrested in the United States on charges he had taken enormous bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel,  the last months of 2019, several fragments of formerly cohesive cartels conducted flagrant acts of violence. For some Members of Congress, this situation has increased concern about a policy of returning Central American migrants to cities across the border in
Mexico to await their U.S. asylum hearings in areas with some of Mexico’s highest homicide rates.

USE LINK at TOP for entire Report

Some characters identified are Germán Olivares, "El Paisa", operator of the leader of the Sinaloa cartel, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada.

According to the United States government, "El Paisa", is linked to the killings in Ciudad Juarez since 2007, due to the dispute over land control. The Mexican authorities designate him as responsible for the transfer of cocaine to the United States and providing firearms to the armed arms of the Sinaloa cartel fighting the La Línea.

They are also looking for Amado Núnez, "El M-11" or "El Flaco", who is known to hide in Juárez and orders the gangs of Los killer artists and Mexicles to carry out attacks against the Juárez cartel. It is also responsible for drug transfer, collection of floor and extortion.

Sergio Garduño Escobedo, "El Coma", is another character. Last year, the Attorney General of Chihuahua issued an alert, because they had reports that it was seen in that entity, where the group of Gente Nueva has been established.

One more is Iván Sánchez Hernández, accused by the Texas Attorney's Office of being part of a cell of traffickers, kidnappers and homicides.

In addition, the whereabouts of Mario Iglesias Villegas, "El Dos", are being investigated, who is said to have participated in the kidnapping of a person in Horizon City, Texas, and in the kidnapping and murder of an American and two members of his family.

It is presumed that under the orders of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada García and Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, hitmen of the organization, including "El Dos", conspired to kidnap and assassinate a resident of Horizon City, in Texas, for the loss of a shipment of marijuana seized by the Border Patrol at the Sierra Blanca checkpoint in August 2009.

They also conspired to kidnap and kill an American and two members of his family in 2010, whose bodies were found in an abandoned van in Ciudad Juarez.

On their list, Americans also include "El Mayo" Zambada, for whom a few years ago they offered a reward of $ 5 million.

Ismael Zambada is identified by the United States and Mexican authorities as the most important kingpin of the Sinaloa cartel, above "El Chapo" , who has been characterized by driving with a low profile to avoid giving clues to his whereabouts.

For more than two decades he has directed the most powerful cartel in Mexico, which has links with various criminal organizations in different regions of the world and that today has been threatened by the growing power of the Jalisco New Generation cartel, ie CJNG, today the most bloodthirsty group.

The Americans seek to judge "El Mayo" for the crimes of criminal association, for conspiracy to possess narcotics, for money laundering, conspiracy to possess weapons and murder, among other crimes.

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  1. Mayo wanted by US and MX governments? Really, they still wants us to believe that they are not the ones hiding him. El Traidor by Anabel Hernandez blows the lid on everything people knew of CDS. Mayo has been dealing heroin in the millions since the 70s with the help of the 3 letras (DEA, CIA, FBI) to raise money for anti communist movements in Central America. Mayo’s family is originally Cuban refuges and Mayo’s Cuban brother in law Nico was the top narcotics person on the West Coast in the 70’s. Don Nico was at the same level as Nicky Barnes, Frank Lucas and Carlos Gambino. Mayo was already a made man in the mob when Amado, Benjamin, Felix Gallardo, RCQ and Don Neto were introduced to the world of drug trafficking. Mayo is El Padrino the glue that holds the MX underworld together. That is the reason he has never been caught. Everyone else has done time in the joint. So, stop the BS filtered to the American people. The most corrupt government in the world is the US. Just look at its president for confirmation.

    1. It is a good book


    2. Tell us how u really feel.

    3. Now theres and interesting comment finally! Big facts! Like the kids nowadays say!

    4. No doubt about it

    5. Yup, MAYO kids just go visit the prisons and now almost freed... They snitch on the other lower CDS to survive and act like the government is actually going after them but NOT!
      While Mexicans keep getting killed by the millions but articles still say "THOUSANDS" since war on drugs started 😆 WHAT A JOKE.. But nobody is laughing

    6. Mayo is Cuban?! 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣...🙄 Okay.

    7. Interesting comment, are those facts or just speculations?

    8. USA is just looking for someone to blame. America are the best, at corruption.

    9. True the US commissioned sinaloan farmers to plant opium to help bridge the gap of lack of pain relievers during WW2 they couldn't go east or west so they went South

    10. No doubt about what?

    11. Thers one thing for sure is that no organized crime group (cartel,mob,gang,mafia etc)what ever you want to call it can not get to be so strong and powerful without the help of government from we’re your from and the other the United States I’m not saying that these countries are crooked but they look the other way and don’t really know what’s going on just like most major companies the people on top don’t know what really goes on in the bottom of the company and don’t care as long as the money is coming in

    12. Anabel is a proven fabricator. her "factual" book about el chapo and her access to secret documents' were proven bullshit in the el chapo trial. beginning with his escaping in the laundry cart. something she said was a lie.

      then there is the time she wrote, in English how she feared narcos were going to kill her and she walks every ay in the fear. the problem with that lie was she was living in the united stated of America not the united states of mexico.

    13. 12:57 Anabel Hernandez has been right and wrong about too many things too many times,
      but in the cases of Genarco Garcia Luna, la "Señora" de Wallace, presidentes FECAL and FOX, subdirector of polesia federal luis cardenas palomino and a few others, she was nothing but exactly right.
      She also has some wonderful legs which are the envy of many grown women...

  2. Hes cuban now huh? Thats a new one. I live in culiacan and never heard this nonsense. I aint a fan of crime like most people here but this is too funny.

  3. It’s interesting that Mayo gets the majority of the heat these days and his reward for capture is 5 million. While on the other hand RCQ doesn’t seem to be hounded as much as him and his reward for capture is 20 million dollars.

    1. I think it's safe to say that RCQ's status is due to his involvement in the death of Kiki Camarena than because of his current importance. Most wanted lists tend to be based on the notoriety of crimes rather than the scope of crimes.

    2. A valid point made. Why should the US government place a bounty on a known trafficker for decades with such a small price on his head?
      Smoke and mirrors everyone.


    3. 5:24 Appearances matter, a lot...
      A bigger bounty for RCQ's head seems to be all for show, until some poor misguided mercenary profiteer gets blindsided by his own greed and tries to capture and collect.
      El Mayate was wrong when he said nothing will change if he is killed or captured, the real owners of the drug trafficking business lording from above will always have new puppets to run the plantations for them...even Fidel and Raul Castro got their plaza, but after delivering el Che Guevara in Bolivia to the US in the late 60s until they got caught in the late 90s...

  4. Hahahaha. Aftet more than ten years that Sinaloa began all these wars across Mwxico and now the U.S. says it wants the top ten in that cartel???
    B.S. the U.S. government is in cahoots with Sinaloa but more specifically DEA and CIA. Chapo was the only gift given to the U.S. by these two agencies as well as the Mexican government so that the rest of the cartel could keep running smoothly. Chino Antrax and the Zambada clan will be out of prison soon as proof that this is all a farse!

  5. Mencho and Mayo need to go. Hell even Chapitos need to go

    1. El mayo dont need to go nowhere. If al mayo falls the cds will brake up in factions. Mencho and the chapitos are garbage. They shld fall

  6. There was a time the Sinaloa Cartel was untouchable, they would bribe the government for protection and look the other way, now they are wanted badly. But hey at the same time, get some CJNG members, they are killing to many Innocents.

    1. Can it be due to Sinaloa's reaching tentacles within government? A practice of US policies to put a stop or dent of Sinaloa cartel influences.
      Can only imagine what was said by informants and who are complicit by those Mexican officials.
      Things are starting to shake the tree of impunity.
      Who will fall and who will remain untouched.

    2. The Sinaloans problems are that the governments that supported, enabled and instituted them are gone, including a former governor of florida that spent 100 million dollars trying to get nominated for the US presidency and still lost to the new order: russian puppets, all american russian puppets that are selling the US down the river these days.

    3. It's all fake news.

  7. El Mencho is very pleased. I hope RCQ is reunited with chapo before he dies.

    1. Waiting for a novela ending I see.
      What a bunch of cheerleaders here with no brain function.

  8. Mayo was already a made man in the mob ? Which mob ? doubtful without details, not Italian anyway. Your story has holes.

    1. Google: Washington Post Nov. 7,1978. Cruz Vazquez Niko Modesta Zambada.

      Here is my proof big mouth!

    2. He’s watched a few too many gangsters flicks lmao

    3. Mayo's family was the Cuban and Italian Mafia's main source of chiva heroin in Mexico under the tutulage of his Cuban brother in law. No one gave this man orders in Mexico.

    4. Mayo in the Italy hmmmmm

    5. his story is bullshit sir mayo is wanted just like the rest of them there is no cooperation , u have to be high to still believe CIA DEA are working with these druglords lol

    6. Dude this guy "esta bien pendejo esta wey" like badly...
      Mayo is like 3rd gen mafia in the chapo bundle.

    7. @9:53 FFS he means Mayo was already a made man in "the life". Not in LCN pendejo.

    8. Right, cuz in the whole world only 1 mob exists 😄

  9. This is what I can’t understand if the government both MX and USA say that the most dangerous and the biggest cartel is cjng then why don’t they go after them and get mencho and his upper guys .you see how Mexico got worse when chapo got arrested and if they arrest Don Mayo things are going to get even worse they need to really think about who is going to put order to the younger ones they going to cause havoc

  10. Mayo's criminal career started in the early 70s in Los Angeles, CA transporting drugs to Chicago for Don Nico. That is why he is quoted as saying, "Any idiot can move dose in MX but in the US requires a disciplinary person". No secret he had a man crush on the Flores brothers from Chicago.

  11. El señor de los tres rostros nunca va ver la cárcel. Arriba la gente del sombrero.

  12. Oh boy that's too many thugs on the loose.

  13. High violence is the driving force behind these rewards, if everyone conducted business without much killing attention would not be as heavy.

    1. Too much money plenty of greed thats enough attention

  14. Plenty of oil theft going on about $3 billion annually.

  15. 2:41 yeah, pinches mexicanos robbing PEMEX con sus gallon milk jugs they can't use to float to the US anymore or to parachute across the walls and become TPS after every storm...

  16. The Zambada clan is a multi generational family of opium growers that hit gold when Mayo's sister's marriage opened the US market to their product. Mayo was the Michael Corleone of the family basically understood Wall St. requirements for doing business. Mayo emphasize professionalism, efficiency and effectiveness in the dangerous world of drug trafficking.

    1. Oookkkkuuuurrrrr, cool story bro


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