Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Video: CJNG Monster Trucks

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
The military of Sedena Secretaria seized several vehicles in a body shop belonging to members of the Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación. These 'Monster Trucks' are steel plated armored trucks were part of the arsenal that CJNG uses to confront rival enemies.

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  1. CJNG cant penetrate michoacan, various intents of invading that land and they all get ranned out.

    1. To many chapulines in that state plus CJNG is to busy fighting in Guanajuato and their internal war against La Nueva Plaza and los coroneles supported by the Governor of Jalisco. Mencho spread out to fast without making sure his own house was spotless.

  2. *Pistolero Sinaloense*
    no sirven muy despacios y difíciles de maniobrar con un 50 calibre effectivo con eso tiene

    1. Dr que CARTEL eres? O nadamas eres un alucin sinaloa como Los de mas?

    2. Solo es un alucinado como como los de mas 2:30

  3. So most guns are against the law but the Mexicans build tanks to terrorize their own country....
    And then make a video of it...

    1. Newbie I see lol 9:49

    2. Those tanks are illegal too tho .. what's your point?

    3. That was the military making the video. Read the article 9.49am u probably one of those people who just look at the pictures or videos then ask or make false statements and questions

    4. i dont mean to be insulting but your ignorance is laughable

    5. This is not the middle east, our Cartels r not terrorists. Mexican soldiers aregetting no support from amlo
      He says do not shoot the bad guys. Give them a hug. Some Mexican special forces are going out on their own and killing bad guys. Hope overthrow Amlo. Military Rule would be great, wipe out Cartels.

    6. History says military rule leads to political prisoners mass disappearances.

    7. Welcome a rookie in here, read more and you will understand why the cartel uses them. Video was made when they were reposed.

    8. @9:49am - pleaemse forgive him for being naiive and very stupid. He just got our of his mom's wounb.

    9. Think his point is the ridiculous impunity of Mexico,how they can even consider rollin round in these things is unbelievable.The collusion and criminality is never ending?

    10. Keyboard warriors at there worst. Thx 820.
      They can’t buy guns so they build tanks to prevent being shot by guns that the country of Mexico will not let them buy. Dumbasses

    11. 9:49 You got some reading to do if you want to be truly informed, my friend. This blog and are my go to’s for info


    we have been following this story for days. It began as a Whats App post---no mainstream outlets have picked it up. Only Formula Grupo but they refer to it as rumor and quote a less reliable source---for now we are not running the story

    1. i have heard that rumor en several news outlets but honestly i doubt it the reason because from what i have heard he does not drink or smoke he has healthy habits plus he is still not that old barely in his 50's , this is sometimes a strategy used by his enemies or even the government to cause caos and confusion from within the cartel from lower level cells

    2. Its a strong rumor...kidney or liver failure...heard this first hand from people at ground zero
      - Guanatos

    3. Right! and it sounds like he might die soon too lmao 😉

    4. Who knows it’s probably just a rumor the Chang started and he will die just like el azul. Not a bad idea sense Mexico keeps extraditing narcos now

  5. When did Menso get a contract with Universal Studios to make props for the next Mad Max movie? A total dog and pony show cause you aint outflanking anyone in battle.

  6. Well damnn what's the mileage on a full tank? Lol.. this is some impressive shit the zetas laid down the blueprints and these dudes perfected it.
    On another note why doesn't the military use the helicopters against the narcos more often like they did with el H2?

    1. @10:50

      Not really, the Zeta's "Monstros" evolved into their gun trucks you see now. Those monstros are easily spotted, won't outrun military or police vehicles during a chase so they end up getting confiscated or lost after every battle. CJNG is barely taking cues from the Zeta's first generation blueprints. The current CDN trucks have plates on the sides of the bed, and will fold down into it so as to blend in like a regular ranch truck when moving through the brechas.

    2. Some info:

    3. Amlo cancelled black hawk helicopters from the USA. Claims they don’t need them.

    4. Two tanks per mile, you are lucky the huachicol is free.
      They are lucky, tromp's wall costs about 35 million dollars a mile, el chapo is running outta money fast, those commissions are 34 million dollars per mile to be donated right back to tromp campaign to hack and steal the election again

  7. Not to sound like a cheerleader cause I always make comments against those kind of people but these are nice and well made. I've always wondered why they didn't make their own cause they used to be stolen from bank people. Good they got confiscated before they got used.

    1. U may have given them idea , I never hear of them robbing banks. Ah,Ah they got money in the bank.

    2. Or an armored ambulance like the ones they have in Israel... I believe they were 250k a pop when I was little

  8. O drive trucks 4 a living. There old beat up trucks. Your telling me they cant afford new fitted trucks!?

  9. I would totally shoot the designer of these trucks

  10. soon to be drone targets regardless

  11. Mexican ingenuity. That is really quite impressive. Use those abilities on something else. But war is the great innovator. Imagine where they'll be when war is done. Put all that creativity elsewhere. In projects that build rather than destroy.
    El Smarto

    1. 1:15 cases are being built against genarco garcia luna and his associates since he was with "La Chachalaca" fox and fecal and epn and all the associates, murders like that of enrique salinas de gortari, edgar eusebio millan, Juan Camilo Mourinho, and all his murdered commanders, Luis cardenas Palomino of the federal police and Garcia Luna money manager is being investigated and his (their) bank accounts have been frozen...
      --And that is only AMLO's government ingenuity.

    2. whats impresive by welding some metal plates around a car?
      I dont think they adjusted engine, brakes and suspension.
      Just a trap on wheels.

    3. I'm pretty sure that's the first thing they do smart guy

  12. CJNG is going broke. These trucks look like junk.

    1. They aren’t supposed to look nice they are meant to go through a lot of shit

  13. I think the point is there disposable.. If there siezed or destroyed its no huge loss.

  14. They still don’t learn I don’t understand why they don’t have run flats tires or at least some kind of protection for the tires cause once they get hit ther shit out of luck in those cattle haulers

  15. Damn amateurs.
    Gente Nueva Specials Forces have blacked out Bently BENTAYGA RANGE and Lamborghini Urus SUVs with the highest rating level B7 Ballistic protection which stops various armor-piercing rounds fired from super high-velocity rifles, even sniper rifles.

    Tambien traemos Ford Raptors y Jeep Rubicon .along with Ducati all terrain modified motorcycle also bullet proof .
    Our vehichles are fast and with all the amenities such as leather interior Panaromic sunroof and the best sound systems.

  16. One already broke down and is being towed! 😂

  17. Looks like a rolling coffin to me. Cjng are lame. Mencho can suck it.

  18. Zetas made them better.

  19. Those tweakers think it's 1942. Meth, homemade tanks and some propaganda flyers and they can take over Italy. They're literally dying to revert Mexico back into the 20th century (the bad part).

    1. 7:56 WWII amphetamine does not compare with present day meth or fentanyl, or any other variety of shit, wh it t is worse, 31 governors have attended meeting with the president who lost no time crapping poop on their heads for their corruption and impotent wars on crime in their states, many governors left unhappy and without chayote or moches.

  20. LOL Mexican ice cream trucks welded together by some cat that doesn't know how to measure plate.

  21. Their armament is impressive up to a certain degree. They’ve still got quite a ways before they can perfect it. But the truth is it can easily be rendered useless in a chemical attack. It doesn’t really take that many households items to knock them out. I’m actually surprised they haven’t gone the way of chemical warfare yet.

    1. It's Mexico not Syria.

    2. Uhhh maybe because Mexico is a signatory of the chemical warfare convention and it’s an indiscriminate tactic. Jesus can’t believe you’re advocating for chemical warfare... just look at the Skirpal assassination- 2 innocent people died months later by handling the discarded perfume bottle...

    3. Just use gasoline and glas bottle, no need for chem WF

    4. That's when the US and the rest of the world would get involved! In a heartbeat!

  22. I wonder why they dont install these steel plates on a 50 degree angle for example. This would increase the protection by 50% and also would make harder for the bullets to “bite” into the plate by makeing the bullets slide off...just saying. Its so simple yet they all make them at 90 degrees smh

  23. Looks like the bimbo delivery truck in need of a paint job. What a joke. Mexico is one dumb country. It’s leaders really don’t care about its citizens most who want to wake up go to work and enjoy their families. This nonsense would be ended right quick in most normally run nations amlo is an enabler

  24. Damn Sol, don’t be givin em ideas! Jesus. Could you imagine? if they haven’t considered all angles of warfare. They know that implementing certain war tactics and war crime weaponry would likely get them sent to a frigate in the North Atlantic wearing a black hood and their crime org levelled. But you know, there is always that one special psycho with low IQ wiling do go that extra mile....

  25. One grenade thrown or launched through one of those holes could create a little carnage.

    1. Yes but would you want to be the one to get close and throw it in, before they put 300 bullet holes in to your body.

    2. 1039 Swiss cheese

  26. Marksmen can still shoot through those holes.

  27. This happened in the outskirts of Tuxpan Friday morning

  28. Its funny how this outlet doesn’t Allow you to post your opinion post they pick and chose the ones they better fit their agenda smh

    1. I can't get to all of them, we are little busy. another possibility is your comment is garbage and breaks the rules

    2. Definitely happens. Especially if you slam AMLO. He's still a chump, posted or not.

  29. It's strange they do not put a armor plate to protect the tires. Or is it unfinished?

  30. The state government help finance those and gave their expertise


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