Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, December 13, 2019

VIDEO Villigrán, Gto: CJNG Kidnaps Judge and 4 Cops, 3 More Shot Dead Plus 2 Wounded

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Infobae /Excelsior/Tribuna
          Flames, death and horror: CJNG "Elite" claimed the attack on the Villagrán police station:

The incident left three agents dead and the kidnapping of four elements, among which are a qualifying judge. According to the first reports, the armed men arrived at the facilities aboard at least three vans.

Guanajuato is still on fire. On Wednesday night, at least 15 alleged hitmen of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) entered the police headquarters of the municipality of Villagrán and shot at the agents, leaving a balance of three dead and two wounded. VIDEO UP Next:

Despite the fact that the police requested support from the State Security Forces and corporations from neighboring municipalities, such as Celaya, the hitmen managed to take four elements, including a qualifying judge.

In the count of the damages, the authorities of Guanajuato announced that an armed group arrived at the property and indiscriminately fired high-caliber weapons, killing three elements of the Villagrán Police, two men and one woman, as well as injuring a fourth element, who is receiving medical attention and is reported stable.

The State Prosecutor appointed a cell of the Unit specialized in Homicide Investigation of the Regional Prosecutor's Office C to lead the multidisciplinary work.

In this place, criminal experts located multiple long-armed percussive caps, a military-type explosive grenade and two rustic-made, integral, as well as other indications that will be submitted to the corresponding evidence and will help clarify the fact.
When fleeing, the hitmen set a torton truck on fire on the highway bridge, at the height of the community of Sarabia, to block the access road to the facilities of the 16th Military Zone. In addition, the access road to the municipality was full of "ponchallantas" , ie tire puncturing strips,  and at least five vehicles could be seen with the tires damaged.
Kilometers later, in the community of Valtierrilla, Salamanca, a narco blanket was discovered, allegedly signed by the "Elite Group" of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel.

After the attack, the facilities of the Municipal Police of Villagrán, were shielded by security elements of the three levels of security.
Just a few hours ago, four bags with human remains inside bags were found, just outside the municipality of Villagrán, Guanajuato near Sanabría. The dismembered bodies outside Villagrán are thought be the 4 kidnapped from the Police headquarters by CJNG , although no Official Authorities has confirmed this fact yet.
It is feared that the finding is that of four police officers and the Control Judge will be deprived of their freedom on Wednesday, after the armed attack against the Police Command Center of that municipality. 

The Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel CJNG Elite has claimed responsibility for the armed aggression through a narcomanta and videos published on social networks . 

The bleak discovery of the remains was recorded on the side of the Pan-American Highway , where there was also a card and a blanket with a threatening message to a criminal group.

Just Tuesday, the municipal president of Villagrán, Juan Lara Mendoza, said his municipality was the safest in Guanajuato.

Note: I just read he has "fled" Villagrán in search of the Governor.

Last March, state authorities arrested two nephews of Mayor Mendoza, during an operation to capture José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, “El Marro”, leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel. On that occasion, the mayor acknowledged that the detainees were his nephews.

The Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, a criminal organization that is mainly engaged in fuel theft, known as “huachicoleo” and extortion, is in control of this area and wars with the Jalisco Cartel Nueva Generación, which has led the entity to live in an unprecedented span of violence.

Villagrán is one of the 19 municipalities of Guanajuato that form the industrial corridor of the state, through which the Mexican Petroleum pipelines connected to the Salamanca Refinery cross.

Guanajuato is one of the most important industrial centers in Mexico as it concentrates large global manufacturers of cars, airplanes and other heavy manufactures.

These activities, as well as the presence of important energy infrastructure, attract criminal organizations that, in addition to drug trafficking, engage in activities such as extortion, kidnapping and fuel theft.

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  1. Cjng is more organized and deadlier then Cds

    1. Lol are you serious thia is cjng elite group? 😆

    2. 3:52; a yeah ok. CDS is exporting metric tones to every continent on a daily basis and CJNG is kidnapping the lowest paid cops in Mexico and fighting over narcotiendas. Do the math dip shit! Jaja

    3. The only thing cds is exporting is snitches

    4. You people taking sides is what's wrong with this whole culture. They wouldn't think twice about chopping you up and dropping you off on a side of the road in a cheap black plastic bag.

      Yay CDS!
      No! We root for CJNG!
      My favorite cartel is CDN!
      My cartel can beat up your cartel!
      Grow the fuck up! Innocent people are being killed!

    5. @ 3:02 best comment ever betcha they wouldnt be rooting for any scum if there family was found like this

  2. There is an interrogation video going around showing the 4 kidnapped officers. Apparently the judge was left alive at the scene where the bags were dumped

  3. Snr Mencho taking out the trash 😎

  4. Marro is fooling every one his the one doing the attacks since the police and judges flip on him and want to blame Cartel jalisco nueva generacion we all know cjng ain't no elite since they can't take over no state let's face it marro is the new mencho more ruthless more intelligent

    1. Sleep deprivation has you FU in the "brain" you have when you write your opinion. The HATE is strong on your behalf!! Are you from GTO, related to Marro or did some Michoacano stomp you out?

  5. these insurgent tactics will lead nowhere but to US penitentiaries for the Capos fighting over territory and killing innocents and judges whether they’re corrupt or not.

  6. Meanwhile Menchito is writing AMLO letters saying his Father instilled good values in him. Cya in ADX Menchito!

    1. He’s facing 5-15 max if extradited no way he will end up in adx odds are he will end up in a lower level institution

    2. THATS what I’m talkin about. matching cells beneath the jail. In the sewage system

  7. Ciro is right. That’s a declaration of war. The president should be ashamed! They say that when the police called for back up from the military, they were told to greet them with hugs and everything would be okay. Haha

  8. Guess military air support isn't available for protection against those poor citizens in Mexico. Only for show and personal use.


    Se confirma la identidad de los cuerpos localizados en la carretera panamericana Salamanca-Celaya, justo en el entronque a la salida a Irapuato, restos en bolsas cortados en trozos pertenecian a los elementos levantados por Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generación en las propias instalaciones de Villagran Guanajuato el 11 de diciembre pasado, un Juez de control que tambien fue levantado fue liberado y se encuentra bajo protección del ejército en las instalaciones de Sarabia mientras rinde su declaración testimonial que pueda aportar mas pistas para esclarecer los hechos

    Aunque los cuerpos fueron localizados desde las 08 horas de este viernes, las autoridades temían que no regresarian con vida ya que a las instalaciones de Villagran hicieron llegar un video donde los elementos son interrogados pero no se observa que les hagan daño, el video mas tarde comenzo a circular en grupos de redes sociales poco antes de que se confirmara el hallazgo.

    Otros videos del ataque a las instalaciones también fueron publicados, en estos se observa a los presuntos integrantes del grupo de elite CJNG circulando por lo que seria el centro de Villagran previo al ataque.

    Los restos humanos fueron identificados como María Guadalupe López Patiño, José Juan de la Fuente Villalpando, Pedro Meril Morales y Roberto López Lozano los cuales en el video del interrogatorio aportan sus datos declarando que apoyaban al cartel del marro como halcones.

    Son ya 61 elementos policiacos asesinados en el presente año tan solo en esta entidad federativa, llegando al top ten de los 409 policias ultimados a nivel nacional en 2019, le sigue el estado de Michoacán con 39, Chihuahua con 34, Jalisco 29, Guerrero 25, Sonora 23, Estado de México 23, Ciudad De México 19, Veracruz 15 y Morelos con 15.

    Actualización Diciembre 13 del 2019.

  10. "El señor mencho en todo guanajuato SE respeta" last words of the captors.

  11. Chivis, Why doesnt the baby killer cartel go to Culiacan and fight the brave lads of the Sinaloa Mafia? Cheers, Nicky.

    1. I think gente nueva does have people in culiacan

    2. Why did the brave lads from sinaloa go running back to sinaloa after cjng took their plazas? should be the real question lol
      Cds is protected by government but cjng still manages to kill high ranking cds capos in CULIACAN.. Like the capos that escaped from sinaloa prison and cjng sicarios killed them in the capital of snitchaloa.. Yet cds groupies like you still think they are UNTOUCHABLE

    3. The baby killer cartel is already in culiacan they actually control culiacan, they are called cartel de sinaloa they killed 9 people in sonora 7 of them were under age one was a 7 month old

  12. AMLO sends his hugs

  13. Imagen Radio is an organization that seeks government funds, chayoteros de hueso colorado full of wishes for chayote, from AMLO.

    1. They just happened to have the best video at the time.

  14. What's a qualifying judge? Also why do Mexican journalist have to say a gun for exclusive use of the military? When talking about guns and stuff

    1. "Guns for the Exclusive Use of the Army", no brainer.
      they are not old beater 22s which is about all rancheros usually have lying around, often dad's or grandad's.

      I really cannot answer your judge question.
      My instinct but NOT knowledge would say a paper pusher who reads cases or prepares them , or "qualifies" them for instance, to move them forward in the judiciary process or possibly dismiss them.

    2. Thank you for taking the time!!

  15. Hugs all around. Good job amlo.

  16. It's ok more killings, while AlMO offers daily conferences, and no help to people that are in the hands of CJNG aka baby killer cartel.

    1. Cds are the real baby killer cartel remember the lebarons family? It was cds who did it

  17. Wait until the u.s. sends in soldiers. They’ll mop the floor with these call of duty wannabe soldiers aka cjng scumbags


  18. Grupo Elite CJNG avanzando
    Saludos pal comandante jaguar limpiando guanajuato jajaha

  19. These cops weren't innocent. Did anybody miss the part were villalpando says he handed over atleast 10 people to marro(to be killed I assume)? you reap what you sow, unfortunately for these 4 marros "power" wasn't enough for their lifes to be spared.

    Dont wanna end up butchered maybe choose a different path, one that doesnt provide protection to narcos who have enemies 10x more powerful then them.

  20. Mencho couldn't be anyone if Z3 was alive

  21. Chivis, great work like usual. Merry Christmas mija.

  22. It really hurts man . My heart is broken . The future looks very scary in my homeland Mexico , I’m divorced and my ex wife won’t let me even take my kids to visit, when I first came up north many years ago, my dream was to become a snowbird and have the kids learn the culture and the language.
    Now look at the mess ! It’s just heartbreak

  23. Limpien ok ! Pero no aterroricen a la población dejando descuartizados , para que salgan asta an la tele . Eso está mal porque daña mucho la imagen
    Luego el turismo se daña también .
    Ya por favor dejen de mostrar horrores .

  24. Mexico. The country is eating itself to death.

    *It’s evident the government has lost control.

    Mexico. Swallow your pride and allow American forces open season on the low, middle and senior leadership of all Cartels, as well as extradition of all corrupt Narco-Polititians at the middle and senior levels of government.

    *Things are only going to get worse if the US is not permitted to intervine.



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