Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

AMLO: In my government there are no pacts with crime:

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat   TY Neal en Nevada  Proceso

The socialist president of Mexico blames conservativism for corruption and rise of criminal organizations.  He did not address his administration ending 2019 with the deadliest toll in history

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that in his government there is no protection or agreements with criminal organizations as in the case of the security secretary in the administration of Felipe Calderón, Genaro García Luna.

"It is no longer as they did before, it is not the case as of Mr. García Luna, this is different, that (complicities such as those of the former official arrested in the United States) has to do with conservatism because, with all due respect, they are very corrupt”.

The issue was thus addressed by the president in his morning press conference, when a foreign correspondent asked him why he always spoke badly about his adversaries, but never about the cartels, a word he has avoided in his expressions using “criminal organizations instead."

“They are […] organizations that do a lot of harm to the country, to society and that, unlike before, […] now the one that pays it. It's not like before they ruled Mexico, now it's different.

“What happens […] is that we are giving almost the same weight to white-collar crime, as organized crime, because I have maintained for a long time - and this is perhaps unprecedented - that Mexico's main problem it's corruption, political corruption, ”he said.

López Obrador went further by saying that publications such as Forbes, had measured the wealth of Joaquín Guzmán Loera as one of the richest people in Mexico and the world, questioning the veracity of that information and, finally, exposing that the money from corruption in Mexico it can be superior.
Finally, he stressed that in his government he fights all criminal organizations, without protecting one and persecuting others.

"No longer, are there any preferences."

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  1. What Prime Minister Chamberlain was the Hitler, AMLO is to the cartels. The Master of Appeasement.

  2. Biggest liar, blaming the last president of the cartels, in was in office a year, and did little effort, to get his command to quell the 33,000 that died in 2019.

  3. It's hard to argue that your government is against corruption when you hire advisers with a lot of baggage. Further, white collar crime and DTO's go together--any white collar crimes AMLO wants to prosecute will almost certainly be tied to organized crime. He still needs to explain what happened in Culiacan.

    1. Needs to explain? He did explain. You must've missed it.

      The preservation of life was more important than the capture of a few criminals. The Cartel was holding military families hostages. AMLO said it himself, the risk was not worth the reward pendejo. LIVES WERE SAVED. But of course, everything is easier said than done when you're sitting behind the screen and doing nothing yourself to curb the homicide rates... let me ask you, what qualifies you to be president of Mexico. What degrees do you hold, what political experience do you have? What would be your strategy for combating criminal organizations, the high murder rate and social economic problems?

    2. Needs to explain? He did explain. You must've missed it.

      The preservation of life was more important than the capture of a few criminals. The Cartel was holding military families hostage. AMLO said it himself, the risk was not worth the reward pendejo. LIVES WERE SAVED. But of course, everything is easier said than done when you're sitting behind the screen and doing nothing yourself to curb the homicide rates... let me ask you, what qualifies you to be president of Mexico. What degrees do you hold, what political experience do you have? What would be your strategy for combating criminal organizations, the high murder rate and social economic problems?

    3. lol calm dow bruh

    4. @1:24, beside the fact that you belittle people for being involved ("pendejo") which tells a lot about your preferred style of leadership, you ask citizens to show their educational degrees and social position as one is in some caste system in Mexico. Your diatribe screams radical dictatorship as the style of your elite political manifesto. Some of our greatest Mexican forefathers of history had no university degrees moreover they governed well and made an independent and civil society unlike what we have just today. Costilla had a degree in philosophy and divinity, Pancho Villa and Zapata had no degrees. I have no degrees but I have a voice, call me "pendejo."

    5. Eso es vdd. los militares ya estaban abasallando a los delincuentes que recurrieron a esta estrategia para salvarse , en comentarios hechos por profesores de la UAS que estaban ceca del estadio de los dorados vieron apilados mas de 15 muertos y heridos que fueron, levantados por sus compañeros y llevados a distintos lugares,en seguida se dio la incursión al hospital civil y escuela de enfermería donde secuestraron médicos y enfermeras para atención a sus heridos

    6. cocktail explosivo: pobreza extrema en mas del 50% del territorio nacional.
      El vecino con una demanda excesiva de satisfactores artificiles y paga muy bien.
      un industria armamentista que esta dispuesta a todo con tal de vender, colocando armamento en policias y delincuentes el mejor a quien pague mas.
      los bancos facilitando el circulante para que le den sustento al negocio y políticos para facilitar las cosas con ayuda de las fuerzas de seguridad.
      ahora muevelo y resulta lo que tenemos,
      como desactivar cada uno de los actores ?

  4. Interesting. Doesn't seem to answer the question as near as I can tell. Something must be lost in the translation. Are corrupt administrators causing all the murders? If so it appears he hasn't been very effective combating that either.

  5. You have to give it to AMLO when he states that "Mexico's main problem it's corruption, political corruption". That is real truth.

    Now what is his gov doing about it is another thing.

  6. No pacts with crime only appeasement of it.

  7. And hell is full of snowmen

  8. Does this guy even read the news that is happening around him? Typical ploy of the left...ignoring facts.

  9. And the sky is green, the grass is red and pigs fly...Right AMLO...get off your asss and make MX great again you incompetent fool...

  10. So him not going after capo's (his words) isn't protecting them? ha ha cool story Amlo.

  11. Even though he let el chapos son go , talk about not favoring any “criminal organization”

  12. Gordillo, Bartlett-Diaz, Ovidio Guzman, etc,etc,etc. Sorry AMLO you do have your preferences be it white collar crime, political corruption or drug cartels.

  13. One Picture will prove El Peje is a lying pos. The Mayor of the Municipality of Churumuco Michcoan Viagra or Carteles Unidos Guardia National, Sedena and the Sicario leader who works under his brother. GN and Sedena sent by el Peje.

  14. He I will do nothing, amlo no Security, no rule of law, the homicides will continue, wake up Senor people and children r dying. Blame the Pan , Prd, Pri, but stop the killing.

  15. Great job well done, everything safe and beautiful. The people who voted for u were fooled

  16. No pacts with crime my azz.

  17. He is the worst president Mexico ever had, he lost 2 elections in the past to be president, and now that he has the title,vis doing nothing but taking in the bribe 💰 money.

  18. Just wait until AMLO tries to change the constitution so he can run for president again. Just like his buddies Chavez, Maduro and EVO. They are all birds of the same feather socialist and corrupt. I can't believe people believe his BS.

  19. Most people here talking bad about almo are here in the US. A lot of Mexican people love Almo

    1. You love him too nuthugger. He did nothing to lower the homicides in One year in office, I am sure you love his riddles and jokes, that he offers in his daily conferences.

    2. Cartels love him

    3. Only people who love him are chilangos

  20. Amlo is with the new world order organisation every powerful person wants to lower the population the devil is winning as always 🤦🏻‍♂️

  21. "No pacts with crime"; but no stopping crime either. Everyone wins

  22. Alternative universe where AMLO was under the influence of a substance that forced the Mexican President to speak the truth.

    Foreign correspondent asked AMLO why he always spoke badly about his (political) adversaries, but never about the cartels.

    AMLO - "I work for them, the cartels."

  23. There are no pacts with crime true. There are also no efforts to capture criminals however. This guy believes in live and let live for drug lords. Guess it's all for the better given every other administration has helped only CDS expand under U.S. influence.
    U.S. believes there will always be drugs and movers of such but they believe that it is better do deal with one cartel across the whole country than having to deal with many. CDS was chosen for this task to the regrets of others and at the cost of countless lives for the balance of power was broken.

    1. There are PACTS with crime.

    2. Your way off, let's blame Obradors clowning around on the US lol.

  24. Geez, the guy is in office for one year and you expect years and years of corruption, drug dealing and killings to just stop? Aot is corruption, the the law that let's these people get away with what they do. No consequences. No rule of law. Had he brought in the military like previous administrations, you'd bitch he's doing the same thing that not only didn't work, it caused more killings cause the military is corrupt too. The military caused more damage than good when they arrived in Juarez. It's going to take more than one year to curb the problem. He was herein Juarez las week and he did acknowledge that Chihuahua has a homicide problem. This generation wants every thing done now, the "I want it now" generation yet they don't get off their ass to do something about it!

  25. 858 yes one year in office and he did nothing to lower the high homicide rate of 34,000 plus the unaccounted. We are not asking for miracles, get your head out of the sand. Ask clown president
    to get off his chair and do something.
    What the hell.


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