Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, January 13, 2020

CJNG: The Kill-List That Has Yet To Be Completed

On January 3, 2020 the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación left a dismembered man along with a manta in Yuriria, Guanajuato. Said manta mentioned an individual by the name of Jesus Avila. CJNG threatened Jesus that they were coming after him.

On a video post for January 11, 2020 Juan Antonio Lemus aka Juanito from Jacales also acknowledged Jesus Avila when he was being interrogated. The name of El Gus came out as well in that broadcast.

On January 8, 2020 the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación came through with their threat of catching Jesus Avila. As with the halcón that was dismembered a few days earlier. Jesus was just as well cut into pieces. As is standard by now a manta was left with a warning for the next individual on their hit-list.

That targets name is one Gustavo Serrato aka El Gus. The same Gus that Juan Antonio Lemus aka Juanito from Jacales spoke about in his interrogation for CJNG.

Therefore, according to the timeline of events this means that Juan Antonio Lemus aka Juanito from Jacales was actually killed right before Jesus Avila was offed. But his video interrogation surfaced after the fact.

The manta that surfaced on January 8, 2020 reads as follows: Here lies Jesus. He was in charge of stealing, extorting, kidnapping, and murdering innocent people. For his boss Gustavo Serrato aka El Gus from Cerano, Guanajuato. Pancho Avila you’re the only one left. Sincerely, CJNG

In conclusion based on these facts the CJNG has Gustavo Serrato aka El Gus and Pancho Avila as future targets on their hit-list.

Warning!! Image of dismemberment below no further text

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat   Source   Source   Source


  1. Why do they always give people the heads up before hunting them down?Gives them a chance to go into hiding or leave the country.Is it a method of terror or is it just that the hunted guy already knows he will be hunted down so no surprise.I just think its a poor strategy and something someone who's brainless would use.In other words why let your enemy know what you are up to?Just strike without warning and have that element of surpise.

    1. Judging by the photo of, what appears to have once been a human, divided up into 70 different parts next to the warning poster I am guessing it may be for the sake of terror.

      And I'm gonna take it a step further and predict that it is having the intended effect on those warned and EVERY SINGLE PERSON THEY KNOW.

    2. Perhaps it makes the DTO's life easier if the victim just gives up and leaves on their own without a fight?

      I remember reading about how the Zetas would take over new territory back in their Lazca days. I think there is a lot of similarity in the tactics of CJNG under Mencho, and Zetas under Lazca. Zetas would roll into a city and set up safe houses, then go out seeking drugs from street dealers. When they found them, they would kidnap and torture them, finding out where their source of drugs was. They would go and kidnap that person, torture them and find out where they got their drugs, force them to give up 60% of profit and so on so forth up the chain til they get to the boss. Make him an offer he can't refuse. In this manor they would take over crime in new territory.

      CJNG tactics for taking new territory include circulating in a plaza to draw fire. Circulating is probably the worst job in the narco world. They are literally canaries in a coal mine to draw out fire and locate enemies. This is where CJNG uses children and it's heartbreaking.

      They just torture and kill their way up the local crime chain when they take now territory. Consolidate it and move on to the next territory.

      It's a scare tactic, small cells or cartels like cds kmpw that when cjng enter their plaza there will be MANY dead.. Most run gor the hills, many join cjng and FEW fight cjng for that PLAZA

    4. It's propaganda. It's established protocol in this world.

  2. Wonder if they had the both of them when the video was made of juanito?If not they didnt take long to collar jesus and chop him up,this war with marro seems extra personal,the CJNG crew that is operating in Guanajuato (grupo elite)i think are all heavily armed and look in shape young dudes,it always makes you wonder how many of these guys are serving police,military,marina etc,sometimes they look too professional and behave as though they are used to doing it?

    1. Does anyone else catch themselves staring at these photos for several minutes just trying to understand what must be going through someone's mind as they're doing this?

      Seriously. We see these so much that it's easy to get numb to it but these people are seriously depraved.

    2. There are several CJNG enforcer grupos in GTO. Grupo Elite seems to cover the western half of the state to Celaya (i.e., CJNG’s path of advance into GTO). Grupo Pantera covers the eastern half of the state, as well as the border municipalities in Queretaro. Grupo Pantera was created in late 2019 to shut down Marro’s supply lines into the conflict zones. Marro has a big presence in western Queretaro and was taking resources of men, weapons, and trucks from there to the main battle in Celaya and Los Aspaseos. Grupo Pantera was created to shut down this supply line and harass Marro’s reserve forces. Grupo Pantera has been dropping Marro operatives all throughout the border municipalities in Queretaro and Guanajuato. Meanwhile, Grupo Elite continues the battle in Celaya (killing Marro’s hermana last week) and the western part of GTO (clearing out the CSRL cell in Cerano, Yuriria).

    3. Guero if you are staring away then more than likely you’re pondering your own mortality there. These individuals on drugs lose their inhibitions. So it makes it easier for them to do their jobs without giving it too much thought.

    4. 9:54 u mean the government has being hitting marro hard? Cause for some reason it seems that csrl is the one getting busted with members arrested logistics confiscated while cjng is the one killing,dismembering people leaving them in the streets but yet no arrest no nothing...marro was standing his ground against cjng until "golpe de Timon" crap Courtesy of amlo so yeah he is doing what cjng couldn't

    5. 8:01 Marro was getting beat easily until he teamed up with CNP, La Corona and support from CDS. How much revenue can he get from huachicol to keep fighting? What happened after his accounts were frozen? He had municipal support in the ranchos, towns and cities close to SRDL but slowly CJNG has decimated his structure. Does he have the biggest sack in GTO to think he can fight off the enemy or is he just not thinking clearly? In time and the unfolding events will show the outcome.

  3. Hs anyone seen news about El Marros sister being killed by CJNG Or was it a while ago that this happened ?

  4. Cjng really are doing what they say in their narco mantas, marros people are getting slaughter, no se pongan a las patadas con sanson

  5. I mean I actually think it’s brilliant. What is the purpose of overt threats in a force environment? To enforce your will. By going into hiding, they disrupt portions and nodes of the organization... and since CJNG is all about displacing the void, this is a particularly successful strategy.

    Also- think about the intimidation factor when you announce “hey this nominal head of cell/org- were gonna kill him” and then sooner or later he winds up dead!

    Seems like a very sound policy to me, just saying...

    -The Australiano

  6. Wasnt the Chapitos on the kill list, how's that going???

    1. He let them go cuz CDS grabbed Menchito in prison and held him hostage. Eye for an eye. So he let them go.

    2. They're only alive because canas saved them when they got snatched up in PV. They asked for permission to party in Jalisco, what does that prove to you? For some odd reason you hate on CJNG but they just keep on pushing!

    3. You mad bro? 😆

    4. Hahaha its Michael Miller

    5. They were caught once haven’t heard of them being back in Jalisco since so he got his point across


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