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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Video from Nuevo Laredo: Driver Sees He Is About to Be Stopped in Narco Blockade and Quickly Reacts

Chivis Martinez  Borderland Beat   LaVozDelPueblo

On January 3rd at 6:09AM the Northeast Cartel (CDN) attempts to stop people in a narco blockade.  The occupants of the vehicle appear to be Americans.  The incident occurred in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas on  Colosio Blvd. (the International Bridge II).  

The driver had good awareness of where he was and immediately knew what was happening, allowing him time to react.  

A couple of the comments from those viewing the video:

This is a difficult thing. You should not take a risk travelling at night you are only putting a weapon to your head, follow the recommendations, there are no guarantees ...

The next comment says---- “you go through the same thing (several times) at 4 in the afternoon, there is no difference day or night…”

Thank you Borderland Beat Follower for sending this video in from November, where in NL an attempt to pull over a family near the bridge...


  1. They were lucky that the cartel putos didn't open fire on the vehicle! Traveling in Tamaulipas at night is crazy and very dangerous! That 13 year old who was killed recently, was in Tamaulipas near Mier, which was also crazy cause Mier is full of cartel assholes warring with each other.

    1. ur wrong, actually CDN tried to move in Cd Mier in August, but they were suprised by CDG and their blindaje monsters and ended up with high casualties and had to step back into NL
      Mier has always been under R-1 and C.D.G. Control, atleast since 2010, its CD mier where R-1 was born

    2. Gonzales is dead bro

    3. the attitude we are Americans damn it
      over common sense
      ENTER kanada with guns too..drivin to Alaska or visiting they so hate we only have 24 murders per year across peace arch

    4. Wrong, he “was” or “is” from Nueva Cd Guerrero

    5. Why u think he is dead?
      And why he is from guerrero

  2. Did he get away? I wonder what happened afterwards

  3. Luck was on their side!

  4. What’s crazy is that this is happening as soon as you cross the border not even a mile in. This is pathetic!!

  5. Too bad he couldn't run over and kill some of that filth.

  6. We read it here. Your car or money is not worth you life. How do people say this? Sometimes, like these people did, evade. You never know the other side's response. I know that split second decision is knowing where your are, where they are and the rules in Mexico. Agree, vehicle people are Americans, "Cartel", not spanish.

  7. seems like a terrible idea, most of these roadblock shootings seem to happen with people who run through

  8. Este bato tiene huevos

    1. GIANT BALLS!!!! Or plain stupid.

  9. You can hear the heavy breath of the guy filming. I would've shat my pants so bad

  10. Lucky those bastards didnt start shooting

  11. SO CDN was about to carjack him? or what? BTW why didn't they shot him after the chase

  12. I was waiting for the ak 47 to punch some holes on that SUV..lucky lucky Americans

  13. Don’t drive a raptor through Mexico

  14. And people wonder why hard working Mexican citizens risk their lives to come to the USA for low wages and long working hours. They just want to raise their families in peace like the rest of us. If I was born in Mexico, I’d take the chance 10 times out of 10 to cross illegally and hope to start a tranquil, fear free life over here. Mexico is lost and its going to take a revolution to come back. It’s too far gone to come back by politics. Too all the had working Mexican citizens, I truly hope the revolution happens soon. Enough is enough and these are Mexicans killing Mexicans!!

    1. Exactly!! To work, to make progress of ones only life. If you have children to raise them in peace without fear, to help your relatives to also start working whether as farmers, ranchers, mechanics, lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects etcetera. You need money to make money!

    2. Ive been saying a revolution is the only way. There are two criminals now. Cartels and the government.

    3. 5:58 there was one criminal at first, United Fruit co, that begat the CIA to pop ut their protection under the US government flag, and the expenses in the american public pockets...their tactics and technology created the banana republics and gorilla regimes that created modern drug trafficking and cartel infested LatinAmerica loaded with anti-insurgency training for their own gorilla military in their School of the Americas also known as the School of the Assassins...more on SOA

    4. I am relatively new to self- studying cartels/ government/police/federal, but I learned quickly they are all criminal groups, frequently groups within a criminal group which further complicated matters. Not only for a gringo novice but most sadly for the person who is just scraping to get by, praying their family or friends don't get involved or wind up as one of the missing.
      Just a mind boggling sad situation with 5,000 opinions on how to solve. THANK YOU SO, SO VERY MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME TO WRITE, WITNESS AND/OR REPORT.-MISS H

  15. Tamaulipas at night come on!! Why the hell are you driving through one of Mexico's most dangerous places? Is it ignorance or what? Somebody explain please

    1. Luis Donaldo Colosio Boulevard is one of the main streets in Nuevo Laredo. It circles the eastern part of the city but it is a route home for thousands of people. I'm not saying that was the case here, but not everyone has the luxury to only drive in daylight. This is very sad.

    2. Come on.......stop blaming the victim....

    3. The victims shouldn’t have to be worry about mugrusos trying to rob
      Them during the day or night.
      These guys need to go back to the old ways and just make money without the bullshit. They need better people to control their people weak leadership is what they have.

    4. 3:07 the old ways is gone, mexican narcos were making too much money,
      and, who needs more rich mexican drug traffickers???

  16. Narco blockade....smh. That's a shame Mexico's citizens have to put up with that. U trolls wanna compare the US to Mexico? I've never seen a mafia, bloods or crips, dtf, or any other criminals set up roadblocks in the US... Mexican Sovereignty at its finest...what a joke. It's only a matter of time before ARMED US drones fill Mexican skies. Big facts.

    1. You calling people in here that state comments trolls, how pity on you, you think you know more than the average John.

    2. Here we go again with the drone strikes

    3. 238 should nickname himself "Drone Boy".

    4. 10:52 That's how we handle our business now...u didn't know? ;)

    5. Why do people always fantasize about drones in Mexico? Its not gonna happen. Just stop saying that its really old.

    6. comparing Is a gesture
      deep down they know
      no place USA or kanada have roadblock
      but Chicago,
      too much rap where info come from

    7. 5:51 nobody fantasizing about drones. That's just how we eliminate pieces of shit around the world lately. And since Mexico is full of POS, it a logical guess that's what we'll use. Ironic how we just flew one into another "sovereign" nation to eliminate a threat 6000 miles away. If these methed out sicarios keep killing Americans, surely there'll be one flying to a narco near u.

    8. 1:35 you don't even know who the offenders are,
      I guess you do not care about collateral casualties either.
      That will bring hundreds of thousands of mexican refugees across the Rio Grande and they will never come back to Mexico.
      --I hope a drone finds its way up your ass, sincerely...

  17. Cartel wins, I stay home in Laredo texas. U bastards r not getting my car.

  18. This dude has a death wish. He slipped from deaths arms, but apparently he Still doesn't know how dangerous Mexico is.

  19. Mex is a great place to go for vacation... like donwtown Detroit but sunshine

    1. Well I am glad you say MEXICO is a great place to vacation, Viva MEXICO!

    2. 9:14 Have you ever been to downtown Detroit? Once you do you will understand 6:21's joke.

    3. Detroit has paid the price of offshoring after getting exploited by big auto makers for hundreds of years, but drug trafficking money paid for the offshoring crap IPOs, money laundering specialized on it a long time ago...then the republicans under Nixxon connected with Mao's China to christianize their captive communist slave labor and save them through low wages and long hours...

  20. Holy Mackerel! They wanted thier truck, great thinking in getting out of the blockade, I am surprised they held off in shooting at them. Ruthless country, no safeguards to tourist, citizens, forget calling the police, they take thier time to respond.

  21. Did he make it or was he taken out like Sonny Corleone?

  22. Yikes. I've crossed through there multiple times on my way to Monterrey. It does "seem" safer during the day since there are usually a lot of cars in that boulevard during daylight. A lot of stuff that happens during nightfall is coming up in the news lately in Tamaulipas. Be safe and avoid traveling at night when possible!

    1. PS this is a rather skimpy blockade.

    2. Chivis you don't know what the "average" person can do. Tell us commoners what was your talisman. We can decide for ourselves if it is doable. As Sol has said, anything can be improvised.

    3. Well, I'm curious...

    4. Chivis, what is the something or at least something close to it or like it that can be carried while traveling in a motor vehicle in Mexico? Thanks.

    5. what's the secret lil EXTRA you wont give out lifesaver

    6. Humanitarians, ngo, 501c3 whatever...if you are working in Mexico send me an email and I will share the same advice.

    7. 4:58 email me and I will share. I prob shouldn't have said anything becase I don't have advice for the general public.
      I would say running from the blockade usually is a death sentence. cooperating gives you a good chance of survival. don't hesitate to "think" react immediately---no matter--- avoid night driving.

  23. Remember. the mexican government froze the zetas assets and bank accounts with the rest of the cartels so yes they are desperate

  24. Now their reports that sedena are being deploy in nuevo laredo, cd Mier, Reynosa and Miguel Aleman. Idk what company but their coming from chiapas.

  25. Second video i would've been shitting myself, i wonder if they got away. First video those guys got away

  26. Durante muchos años he estado de acuerdo con Don Fernando en que el acto más peligroso en México no es el fer de lance o los alacranes de durango. Ni siquiera los sicarios del noreste. El acto más peligroso en México es ubicarse entre un rico y su dinero. Quizás si los gringos ponen señales de carretera que explican que cruzar a México en este momento es demasiado peligroso y se recomienda en la próxima salida, dar la vuelta y partir. Las ciudades dependientes del turismo dolares estarían en crisis. La gente perdería su trabajo, el dinero se agotaría y los ricos advertirían a la gobernación del estado que su destino podría terminar en una fosa. Es una decisión cruel para los mexicanos, pero en este momento parece ser la única forma en que se puede mover al gobierno estatal y federal. Los puentes están tomando el nombre de los puentes de la muerte.

    1. Compa, la neta eres muy inteligente. Lo que dices tiene mucho sentido.

  27. This blockade is probably made up of halcones and low level sicarios by the looks of it. I've seen some of these blockades first hand in Michaocan back in 2014 the difference was that blockade had guys armed to teeth and even had a technical with them. The plaza boss of that area was their personally and stopped me and my dad but was a chill guy all around and later Less us through since he was just looking out for cars with Jalisco plates. He even told us that if we had trouble in town that we could just contact him and it will all be worked out from there.

  28. They control a very important border dummy robbing people is just extra or just for vehicles

  29. Just passed by there 3 weeks ago, same story CDN demand 1K Dollars, we gave $200. Its either pay up or get jacked/killed. Btw they always have lookouts right after leaving the border and stop you same place on the traffic lights even if you go with other cars, i saw a line of 6/8 cars just paying the mordida and going their way.

  30. If he/she uploaded the video, I guess they got away, but maybe after a cdg chase. Maybe they saw american plates, who konws, maybe they dont want trouble with americans

  31. Driving back to the U.S this past Saturday in broad daylight in NL. There was an unmarked hoopty of a truck that had a white suv pulled over on the main road like they had cut off the suv. These men had ski mask on one guy was hanging out of the truck as if was looking out and the other was at the driver door of the suv with one arm and shoulder inside the suv and the other hand on the collar of the man in the suv. With that being said it is never safe to assume you are safe anytime

  32. If he travels there regularly this isn't over for him. They'll recognize his vehicle. He'll be featured in a story again soon.

  33. This isn't a cartel...These are obviously young punks rateros. Too bad he didn't run them over..

    1. I agree. This is attempt is not by an armed group...

  34. I just traveled to Culiacan for the holidays and I made sure I traveled during the day always back and forth

  35. the only time they ever really profited from drugs was when Beltran Leyva sided with them.

  36. Everyone in South Texas knows you dont drive ANY pickup truck or SUV into Mexico. Only idiots that think, no pasa nada, or have family that live in Mexico and are in the ruling cartel of the area do! A neighbor would take his Denali when he went to Reynosa, he would tell me my family is over there and knows “people”. Fast forward a little over a year and he has a new Jeep in the driveway and I asked him, ya trade in, and he said Nombre me la quitaron in Reynosa! Pobre Pendej@

    1. Truer words have never been spoken, but you only have to worry about the scummy criminals in the border cities, alot of mexicans that travel to states like durango, zacatecas, slp, take badass trucks and in some parts of those states the cartels still respect the paisanos and dont bother them yo

    2. Are RVs with U.S. plates targeted as well? Is the Colombia crossing better?

    3. Edwardo Calderone says rule #1, do not bring a truck, especially a 4×4 into Mexico. Period, just don't- MISS H

  37. So they crossed into mexico or were heading back to the usa? I assume it was 6am still dark and not many cars out, we never travel through nuevo laredo at night, everyone knows that. To risky i heard they use to purposely crash into people as a scam and the police were in it with the criminals. It happened to my uncle, he had to pay the police a good chunk of money. A compact mp5 would of taken care of those pricks.

  38. Here in the US, they coulda just stuck the 12 gauge out the window and blew the little sicario away...thata learned em..

  39. They sure did slam on that window hard as fuck. I would have driven out of there and hit a car or two if I had to.


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