Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, January 31, 2020

Uruapan Michoacan: The arrest of 3 bosses in Michoacán causes burning of vehicles, blockages, fighting

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  Material from Proceso, Mi Morelia, Twitter

A series of clashes and burning of vehicles are reported in the streets of Uruapan, Michoacán, allegedly derived from the arrest of three members of a criminal group, among which Luis Felipe Barragán, alias 'El Vocho", identified as a leader of the Viagras.

The subject is alleged to be the main author of the multi-homicide on August 8th when 19 people were hanged on various bridges.

After the arrest of these subjects by the authorities was reported, social network users have shared photos and videos in which several vehicles in flames stopped in the middle of the 21st Century highway can be observed.  Through his Twitter account, the Michoacán Public Security Secretariat reported on the detention of the three subjects, however, it did not give details as to whether they are part of a criminal group.

The operation that led to the arrest of the accused was implemented in coordination with elements of the National Guard and the State Prosecutor's Office.

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  1. Interesting how the same tactics used by criminals are not applied by government agencies when apprehensions are being tested.
    Controlling the environment is key for operations. Moreover, for safety concerns.


    1. The USA is the biggest crime organization in the world!

    2. No it’s the United Nations and the Lucis Trust!

    3. Doubt any government is crime free. Nevertheless, a patriot.

    4. 305
      Do you want any cheese with that whine

    5. Why dont you leave?

    6. 3:05 Stfu moron, if it wasn't for countries like the USA, there would be no medicine, no hospitals, no vehicles, no airplanes, all the technology you use now it's because of countries like the good USA they make it happen. You are a hater hating because your country is garbage all full of murderers who are good only at creating destruction!

    7. @ 3:05 Nah, Mexico's bigger

    8. 1:38 Do you mean The Mexican government should be creating smoke screens with tires and hijacked vehicles?
      You are going from worse to worser with your comments, mister...
      I am very offended that you, with all your name recognition have not learned anything in all these past years.

    9. How does the US have anything to do with this? Clearly the apprehension was carried out by Mexico's government officials. Moreover, with the disobedience of those citizens who support their cartels than its authorities.

    10. The US has nothing to do with this but now that you bring them up as completely innocent. The US has killed millions of people in the middle East with their bombs. Many more than the people killed in Mexico.

    11. Technology advances are made by many. People of all origins, color are evident globally. Mankind has always evolved forward. Never regressing or halting.

      To assume humanity owes any debt for the advancement of civilization to a single nation is comic. Along with the disappointment of your upbringing.

    12. Like this crap happens in good ol usa when a high profile prisoner is arrested. Dream on goof balls. Law and order in USA

  2. Replies
    1. Good point to what?
      The post does not object nor illustrate opinions to the matter at hand. Much less an opinionated perspective for future approchement.

    2. 6:48 good point,
      you know some people just can't resist the compulsion to comment,
      no matter how uninformed, insipid, aimless or ignorant they sound.

  3. I guess everyone is a criminal cause sure are desperate to come to US.

    1. 4:36 mexicans and other nationalities sure want to come to the US, because the US has made life in their own countries impossible with their all American Intrigue and Conspiracy and School of the Assassins franchises and graduates, their corrupt politicians and special forces gorilla and narcos unleashed all over LatinAmerica since before Operation Condor started in earnest by a vice president Nixxon that got thrown eggs and rotten tomatoes in Guatemala back in the late 50s...
      Remember that for some reason Colombia still exports their cocaine in spite of 7+ US military bases in their midst, something also observed in Afghanistan, where the Taliban had almost killed the production of opium and its derivates... why kill drug trafficking, the toast's butter?

  4. Whatever. why don't they have cameras on bridges in Mexico?

    1. It's a bit complicated: buying the cameras have been approved, ordered and paid for, but the supplier paid 10% to the government official in charge of signing off that the cameras were delivered and installed.

      Later inspections and audits will conclude that the cameras have been stolen.

      U see? Its easy as ABC really.

  5. Pinche sonrisa de tacuache! Viagras are getting hit hard and marro is sick in need of medication the gov intercepted a call were marro asked her wife recently caught for the medicines but marro never made it to the location, man im telling you stress can fuck you up specially if you dont take care of your self, cjng is paying the gov really well so they can catch their competition

  6. Viagras doing what they do best prey for the people who's vehicles they burned this is what these rats do. It amazes me that the Sedena, PF, PM, Semar and the GN all collaborate and accept bribes from teh worst scum that has existed in Michocan.

  7. I thought the hamburger stand incident was done by cjng.... man how time flies

    1. I was thinking the same thing.was that the "be a patriot kill a viagra" manta???

  8. Limpiando el Camino a mencho

  9. These are guys are Cjng that got capture

  10. I though cjng did that.. Viagra basicly killing innocent people and blaming cjng?

  11. Hey, it's hamburger guy again!

  12. Is this a tantrum when members of their gang gets caught
    What purpose does this do but hurt outsiders and innocents ?
    Or am I not understanding this right

  13. Wait a minute when criminal cartel bosses get arrested, the criminals start fires, criminals can't have it made easily, as they are embedded with extortion, drug sales, kidnapping and killing,they should be happy they did not get killed.
    Luna Apagtha

    1. Where have you been the Viagras have been doing this since 2018 maybe even 2017.

  14. After watching the video of the 8 year old having his heart removed alive atter being forced to watch his father killed I would be incapable of bringing any Viagras boss in alive.

    I've seen some terrible shit on this site but that is the one my mind keeps going back to. I can't comprehend it. Every member of that organization should suffer an even worse fate were such a thing possible. And if given the opportunity I would gladly affect it.

    1. 9:25 he was not 8 years old BTW did u forget when cjng strapped some dinamite to those guys including a lil youngster?

    2. Definitely didnt forget it. But that one hailed in comparison

    3. 11:55 what about the LeBaron family that got sprayed in Sonora by CDS?


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