Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) displaced the Sinaloa cartel in Chicago

Le Chef Borderland Beat  From Milenio and DEA

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) displaced the Sinaloa cartel after the fall of Joaquín, El Chapo Guzmán and Los Guerreros Unidos in control of the third largest city in the United States: Chicago, which due to its population and commercial importance in the Northeast American, today has become the logistics center of the criminal organization directed by Nemesio Oseguera, El Mencho.

According to the report prepared by the Field Division of the Drug Control Administration (DEA) in Chicago, Mexican drug cartels represent "the greatest threat" to this government agency and the CJNG is the group with the highest increase in his power and influence has had in the last two years.
The report details that Mexican criminal groups mainly traffic heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine, as well as fentanyl with a purity of less than 10 percent.

In addition, Mexican cartels such as Jalisco Nueva Generación, Guerreros Unidos, del Golfo, Sinaloa and Beltrán Leyva brothers use a series of intermediaries to supervise the shipment of drugs across the southern border of the country and thus facilitate sales to wholesale and middle-level customers in the main distribution centers located throughout the North American territory.

CJNG surpassed Sinaloa Cartel after the fall of Chapo

Key intermediaries are generally established in the United States but maintain close relationships with relatives or criminal partners in Mexico.

According to the DEA, these people are critical in cartel operations, both for their ability to negotiate drug deals, to coordinate smuggling operations and to help isolate members of the high-level cartel in Mexico assuming great part of the risk, thus preventing the authority from achieving its containment.

The report details that the fentanyl that comes from China is often purchased online and sent by mail, while the one produced by Mexican cartels is smuggled from the border.

It recognizes that the availability and abuse of these drugs is high and opioids are consumed mainly in cities, while in rural areas methamphetamines are used.

The DEA noted that the large volume of legitimate commerce and the vast infrastructure of the Chicago area, including an extensive highway, as well as train and air transport networks, along with hundreds of warehouses and facilities, make that city one of the centers of the most important drug trafficking in the country.

Drugs are transferred from Mexico to the United States through a wide range of means of transportation, especially tractors, commercial buses, and personal vehicles.

The city of Chicago also serves as an important collection point, which is generally smuggled back to the southern border to Mexico in bulk, or, sometimes, washed by the same criminal organizations.

Until 2015, when Guerreros Unidos and Los Rojos were designated as responsible for the disappearance of the 43 normalists of Ayotzinapa , Guerreros was at the center of the distribution of narcotics in Chicago, through different transport routes from Mexico to that nerve center.

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  1. excellent job cjng kudos to all the men that made it happen.

    1. Why do they let these idiots post these type of comments?

    2. Are you trying to make us laugh?

    3. They mess in my town, I have the firepower, along with neighbors. We rightfully own weapons for protection and not afraid to use them. Anyone see suspicious cartel related activities, report it to DEA and FBI, they have tip lines should you want to remain anonymous.

    4. @7:18 it’s better to just mind your business, snitches get stitches... if they’re lucky.

    5. 3:19 pendejos get clipped

    6. 7:18 You as north american are already being threatened by mexican criminals inside the united states of america. Wonder what the FBI, NSA has to say about this?

    7. 319 are you an active imposter in USA? Out town's won't be taken over by ruthless cartels, which if in the US would remain low profile, sooner or later they get arrested. I encourage to like the person in here says, see suspicious activity call the tip line that what keeps the detectives busy gathering Intel. And aresting these fools, we don't need craziness like in Mexico.

    8. 6:30AM
      Too late, your cities have long ago been taken over by drug cartels. There's YT videos of retired police and dea agents explaining in detail how it was done long ago, it's kinda swept under the rug and only openly talked about when LEOs retire. I used to be a drug counselor and white boys in rehab would tell how entire towns east of the Mississippi River were in control of home grown drug dealers who paid the local police for protection. I remember those that came from Oklahoma boasted how they, white folks, collaborated with the Sinaloa cartel crew in charge of that area. In the news they would catch a few drug pushers and pretend they were making headway while the very next day the local Sinaloa guy in charge would call and say the arrested were already replaced by new workers and the local police officers on the pay role looked good on the news.

    9. 6:49 Are you serious? What are the YT links to the videos?

    10. Sheriff Arpaio "the Apache" was formerly a DEA agent, disgusted by all the Mexican'ts in the agency he went rogue and into drug and slave labor trafficking through Arizona, where Joe Bananas had established drug trafficking big time, he was all over Canada And New York too, where Rudi Giuliani cleaned the Italians out for the russian Red Mafiya that have owned his ass for Tokyo long already...not for nothing krokodyl appeared in Arizona and Chicago first.

  2. DEA will have more arrested, sooner or later.

  3. They surpassed CDS long time ago. Before they made it onto anyones radar! Once CJNG was on radar the cancer that they are was too far spread to do anything about it!

    1. Jaja. En serio? Yes keep believing this along with DEA who know that CJNG bring only fraction of drogas to EU. Los Golfos and even groups you never will hear of bring more to Chicago and EU than CJNG. CJNG are in business to terror and extort simple people because the federal gob does not help simple vendors, bus drivers, and trabajadores like this.

    2. You always talk like you know what’s going on but fact of the matter is CDS ain’t what it once was and CJNG isn’t a group that the DEA picked out of a hat. There is research and evidence behind them crowning CJNG as having replaced CDS. Do you REALLY think that other groups you speak of aren’t known be DEA Interpol? Are they that smart and low key? They have better technology and intelligent people? @9:15

  4. Sinaloa has prences in 70% of the world so I doubt they not operating in Chicago.

    1. CDS might have presence in 70% of the world yet only supply 40% of the product. CJNG Has 70% also n supplies 45% of product now!

    2. 9:39 You understand exactly and if DEA really believe this they will reverse this soon because this is simply a lie that maybe they believe from AMLO políticos.

    3. You meant to write that they’re snitching wherever they have presence

  5. Indiana wants their rightful share of illinois... a tollway or two, made with Public funding and privatized through political power...
    No way josé.

    1. Yah.... Make Indiana great again!!!

  6. Orale now I see why all this groupies are but hurt.

  7. Whether they catch him dead or alive everybody knows it's not going to change anything, next person in line in this same criminal group or another will be ready to replace him, drugs keep flowing up north while the currency keeps going back down south

    -el mexicano sur califas

    1. 10:16 Mike Tyson's millions disappeared, like Elvis' and Cassius Clay, alias Muhammad Ali, same way drug trafficking profits disappear, from US money managing enterprises, but banksters have been found laundering money and have been fined billions of dollars, no mexican bankster or drug trafficker has paid one billion dollars ever, but the Donal' was once fined about 250 million dollars for money laundering at the Taj-Mahal which he then bankrupted out of business after stealing everything out of it...

  8. Something seems strange about how rapid CJNG has done this. Either some key people flipped on CDS, or a agreement was made during Chapitos kidnapping to give up routes in return for Chapitos or perhaps Mayo doesn't want to be labeled public enemy no. 1 after what happened to Chapo and let them take major slice.

    1. A LOT OF KEY PEOPLE FLIPPED ON CDS! You must be new to this page or you would know...

    2. This heat is great for the other side, Mayo and the rest of CDS bosses. I agree that giving up part or all of Chiraq might very well have been part of the ransom demands. Intelligent analytical posts are rare, good job

  9. This is in accurate I’m from Chicago and the Sinaloa is still very dominant in the city

    1. I regret to inform you that, CJNG aka baby killer cartel, is being the dominant in Chicago. Sinaloa Cartel seems to be crumbling down.

    2. Word on the streets of Chicago is that Sinalia cartel is no longer the strong one in the statem

    3. Sinaloa burned them selfs with all the snitching so yea i believe people in chicago now would rather work with cjng, its a no brainer

    4. sinaloan rats making fake propaganda.

  10. Wow

    Remember when Mayo told everyone to align or BE aligned...LOL

  11. Deberian de mandar a Sicario 006 a hacer una limpia en Chicago...perdon de queda en Mexico porke solo con Mexicanos indefensos puede este como todos los narcos culitos.

    1. Andale Sic 006 do your thing in Chi Town...I want to see CJNG post videos in Chi so they know what real law enforcement looks like...

    2. still convinced Sicario 006 and Sol Prendio is the same person...G.C.

  12. Mayo is weak as a boss. Now we can see who had the balls in Sinaloa. Chapo was the one who kept the Sinaloa Cartel powerful and united. He was 100 times more respected than Mayo.

    1. Chapo was on the frontlines coordinating new incursions & fighting off other people, Mayo was more behind the scenes working on logistics & routes.

    2. Mayo is wealthy and old to even care.

    3. "Mayo and el Rey Zambada used to be drivers for their brother in law in Las Vegas before that pinche cubano got them into drug trafficking" says Anabel Hernandez...
      I would expect anabel has checked her shit better this time, she has been misleading us with her blaming the Guerreros Unidos and Los Rojos and their fight for "los de queso con rajas" for the disappearances of the 43 Ayotzinapos and also blamed Dr Mireles for drug trafficking (grifa)...
      I wonder if anabel Hernandez is getting chayote from Priistas left and right.
      Talking about la Burra's grey hairs is not the same as having her by her grey haired tail in your hand and wrapped around your waist to see if you have enough for a belt.

  13. Thats a new Cartel Map!!. Never been released to the public. The last one is from 2015, where can I find this updated version?

  14. Do the Z still operate strong in Chicago?

  15. Learn to read it says cjng grew the most but it doesnt say they are the most powerful. That notoriety goes to Sinaloa...sorry cjng groupies lol

    1. 6:44 Sinaloa has been the US and the CIA's favorite baby since the 1920s, before WWI
      the CIA did not exist back then, but United Fruit did, they got tired of paying themselves for the security of their enterprises in the lands of the most corrupt of the Banana Republics in Latin America and found a way to put it in the US government payroll through government agencies, FOREIGN RELATIONS, INTELLIGENCE, CIA, DEA, STATE DEPARTMENT whatever, Sinaloa is but a small part of all the shit cake, CJNG is a tool of newcomers and late come Johnnies, needed to keep supplying the market orphaned by the opioid crisis, even the Argentinians and the Brazilians got in in it.
      But let's remember who created amphetamine, Bayer, from Germany.
      50 years later I still feel the effects (positive) of 40 cents of a peso AKTEDRON in Mexico, about 3 cents of a dollar.

  16. Sicario 006 should recruit the Flores twins and take back Chicago. I’m sure together they can snitch everyone out and eliminate the competition. Piece of cake for Sicario, he’s infiltrated bigger cities. After 006 shares his Krav Maga skills they will be unstoppable. 2020 is Sicarios006 year!

  17. Propaganda, Sinaloa still dominate, live in Chitown. This is what they did to take down Chapo and now doing it to Mencho. It's called get the public to believe CJNG is most powerful and take them out why CDP keeps growing worldwide. Senor Mayo is smart. Reasons he hasn't been arrested are because of this. Too much political power within Sinaloa for decades.

    1. The KingRat® has been cooperating with the ABC's for decades, that's the only reason he hasn't been captured. His brother and oldest son confirmed it in federal court!

    2. There's families from michoacan and jalisco that have been moving big 🏋 for decades also wtf u talking about likes its only mayo that's old school? I know ur a cds nut hugger but facts r facts

    3. Hahaha! Like Sinaloa cartel never throws out propaganda???

    4. If I were a trafficker I’d stay away from working with CDS, look what the flores twins did to THEIR superiors AND buyers. They’re all behind a cell. Al fin son puras ratas!

    5. 10:02 both flores twins married the latino daughters of latino Chicago police officers and are getting released this year to enjoy their lard asses, if they have not been released yet...

  18. Jesus Christ. More arrest means damn taxes will go the arrested Mexican criminals. And more crack heads being feed by my hard earned tax money. Damnit just give them all the lethal injection.

    1. Senor money and property siezed from the criminals also goes to the fund to incarcerate them. Not to worry you don't pay much tax anyway.

  19. Cds don't pay well.

  20. Who rly cares?? Most people on here choosing sides dont benefit nor do they detriment from whom is capitalizing in the drug trade in Chicago. These are probably due to statistics they get from informanta who get aprehended in Chicago spilling their guts talking out their neck.

  21. The DEA seems content to continue playing whack-a-mole with this drug business. Take one out, another pops up. Or two... or three. Drug dealing is not a sustainable business practice. They will ALL fall. And it will hurt. Marros’s Sister, that must have stung... mencho’s son, the Zambada boys, lic and mini lic.... the list is endless. The worst part, living that life affects the dealers family more than them. The families of their victims even worse.

    I wouldn’t give up my peace of mind and the safety of my people for all the plata in the federal reserve.

    @1:30 give it time. Nothing changes overnight. Not that I give a fuck about him or the other guys, I do think mayo and azul and RCQ might pull something together. Oh yeah... azul is dead. Ahem. Anyways time will tell. nobody except those sanctioned with a license to kill and deal for the biggest mob of all will prevail. Those who are above ‘the Donald duck’

    1. After CIA had to kidnap, torture/interrogate murder, disappear, and deliver DEA AGENT Kiki Camarena's body to his country, the US government has carefully put the DEA under tight control of CIA puppets, allegations about "rogue agents" doing what they wanted under cover and behind the backs of the US government got white washed by claims of following orders from superiors on behalf of their ungrateful country, never specified that drug trafficking to the US produced billions and billions of dollars unaccounted for, and more than 100 associates presidential pardoned.
      and that is when Chapo and Mayo were still wearing rabial tire huaraches...

  22. Instead of fighting with each other like schoolgirls cartels in Mexico could easily dominate the market if they worked together but ya'll go ahead & try explaining this concept to these uneducated Mexican clowns.

    1. 7:49 not every mexican can study in Harvard, like law and business "dual degreed" money laundering US jobs offshorer Mitt Romney, but some who can do not escape corruption, like Carlos salinas de gortari and ernesto zedillo or some mexican ministers who have dedicated their lives to selling Mexico and the Mexicans down the river, just like some "well studied and degreed" US politicians sell the US to Russians mobsters and politicians alike...

  23. That’s Fake News! CJNG are in Chicago but didn’t take over. They have become the heat of the city with all their noise. After the Flores bro’s Nobody wanted that title. CDS and BLO invested heavily in commercial Real estate. Where You think Obama got most of the funding from? That’s why Chicago and it’s surrounding city’s got a major makeover. Chicago isn’t the hub anymore. You got Denver, Atlanta, Detroit, Memphis,

    1. Hubs are houston dallas phoenix and L.A.

  24. Sinaloa has ROOTS that run very deep- and have been running their operation out of chicago for over 40 years. Id believe some other cartel had pulled this off, before cjng..
    And obviously, sinaloa arent the only players here. Imo, this is just more bs from dea- like usual. So stupid. Theyve accomplished nothing since the war on drugs started. Unless you wanna count the ever growing prison industrial complex. Theres more drugs now, that are cheaper, on the streets then ive ever seen in my life. Good job dea!!

    1. Drug trafficking in US does not work like Mexico. Buyers switch wholesalers at an instant depending on who has a better price/product quality or consistency. CDS does not have Chicago sorry.

    2. Durango son and drug trafficker LUIS ALEMAN was the father of Chicago's Italian Outfit beloved HARRY "THE HOOK" ALEMAN, the total monster died in prison but he put the government through some painful DACKING, SNUGGING, PANTSINGS and WEDGIES like wipping the republic's ass with the law regarding Double Jeopardy.
      Founding member of the Chicago Outfit Al Capone was a sick criminal...
      but he did not sell out to the russians or to anybody...


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