Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Safety of Judge Héctor Roberto Capetillo Lizama Claimed to Be Guaranteed

Mexico City - Governor Adam Augusto López said that the federal judge who will decide the legal future of the alleged criminal leader Trinidad "N", aka "El Pelón de Playas", is guaranteed his safety to practice in Tabasco.

The affirmation of the State President arose after, with a dismembered body and an alleged narco-message, the judge and his family were threatened on Saturday morning to free "El Pelón".

"I cannot give details about it, but I can tell you that of course, those who are in charge of this type of affairs are guaranteed security," he said upon his arrival in Jalpa de Méndez.

“He is a federal judge, this is not a field day of course, we must act because it’s about recovering the rule of law. They are criminals who were sheltered for years”.

The initial hearing where Trinidad or N will be linked to the process for the prohibited use of prohibited weapons exclusive to the Army will be held on January 6, at 3:00 p.m., in the Municipality of Centro (Villahermosa).

On Saturday morning, a man with his mutilated limbs was hung on a bridge on Avenida Ruiz Cortines and Periférico Carlos Pellicer, at the exit that runs from Centro to Cárdenas.

Trinidad “N” was arrested on December 31, 2019 in alleged flagrancy for the theft of a transport vehicle, however, the crime for which he is being persecuted for is the prohibited use of exclusive weapons of the Army.

It is expected that on January 6, at 3:00 p.m., he will continue his initial hearing in which he will decide if he is linked to the process or not.

Since December 31, strangers set fire to at least five vehicles in different areas of Villahermosa to demand the release of this individual.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat   Source


  1. Taking money from the cartels and later having security concerns. Chinga tu madre Hector Roberta.

  2. He will be set free before you can say Viva Chivis!

  3. Kinda puts Chapito/Culiacan on a new level. If authorities crack to this pressure, it is a sad day indeed for Mexico.

  4. Highly recommend this dog be put to sleep, only way he can save his ass will be to deliver his team members doing these crimes for him.

  5. Pinches putos trying to deligitimize the Mexican court process .

  6. Mexico has a court process, yes but it sure isn't justice.


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