Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, February 13, 2020

BB Page Deleted by Facebook

Just wanted provide feedback on the questions we have been getting about the Borderland Beat Facebook page, it has been deleted by Facebook. This page (that had the Borderland Beat title) was started a long time ago and had a huge following, I believe we had over 100,000 followers at the time it was removed by FB. We used this page to share posts from this blog. We also used to publish a lot of raw content that was sent to us directly from members on the page itself, using the messenger on the page. We would, many times, publish pictures and video of carnage of the result of cartel violence, FB would just cover it with a splash page. They did not like any actual videos of executions as they suspended my account on numerous occasions, so we would avoid posting any execution videos that were sent to us.

Recently someone reported the page and it was suspended, we were never notified what content was the problem. I immediately appealed. The staff on Facebook reviewed the page and they felt the whole page violated the community standards and chose to just delete the whole page permanently. I find this move might have an ulterior motive.

Twitter and Instagram are some alternate options (they allow almost any content), the only issue of concern is that both platforms restrict the amount of text that might be required in some of our entries.

So at this point the Facebook page is totally gone, until we decide what other options we have, if we are to use the Facebook platform to provide content information. A lot of valuable members contacts that would report on events in Mexico almost on a daily basis is lost. I was able to download all the data content before it was deleted, so I may upload it somewhere on HTML format to have access for reference basis. My ability to post any content on Facebook has been suspended for 30 days

Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused to any of our loyal members.

~ Buggs ~

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  1. The only option is to start another page ASAP, to leave Facebook would be like throwing in the towel & handing over the victory to either the criminal groups in Mexico or the corrupt government system.

    1. The criminal groups got the page shut down lol

    2. This site doesn’t belong on Facebook anyway good Lord with some of the things just any random post here why not just use one of the many other social media options. Nobody is lost if they can access FB they can access any other site come on now.

    3. Agreed with 2:54

      Why do you want to support a platform that profiles and censors you to begin with?

    4. @ 2:54
      Our comments are profiled and censored all the time here. Ruined what use to be a good sight.

    5. Reddit. Anything goes.

  2. Sorry to hear that, Buggs! I don't understand what's wrong with FB and Twitter lately. A lot of pages that I was following were deleted...

  3. Speaking of the Twitter page i'm blocked by it! No sure why tho.

    1. I just checked and we only have 6 people blocked and you are one! I have no clue why, I am so sorry you have always been a straight up guy who never caused problems. :(

    2. Thanks Chivis. I share BB Tweets with my Aussie followers and they get shocked by what is happening in Mexico due to mainstream media not report it.

    3. what’s the twitter @ for BB

    4. @Borderland_Beat
      I don't cultivate followers, that said we have some great ones, journalists, think tankers, etc. I would like to work it better but no time. we do have some great discussions from around the globe.

  4. Replies
    1. Facebook is lame in so many ways.... Saludos desde Chicago.

    2. What's the conspiracy chivis?

  5. Fuck FB and fuck Zuckerberg.

    1. But you use IG that’s owned by FB

    2. BB stories and it’s following, has cast a light into the darkness, corruption and inept Mexican government.

      Don’t be surprised if a Mexican official at the highest levels, bitched and complained, and influenced US officials to to reach out to FB to take the page down.


  6. Mamba mentality kicking in chivis! Don't let this discourage you

  7. Do more podcast on Youtube!!

  8. All the stupid shit they let on facebook .... And this is real stuff happening across the border. FB is a bunch of pansy brats that can't handle real stories

    1. @1:45p.m yesss! They let all those 13 yr old basement dwelling trolls through on fb but block this site? The trolls are the offensive ones not bb!😠

  9. Sorry, living in a overly PC world of tech giants, and they don’t want soccer moms in southern Cali spitting out there latte if they see the real uncultivated news. Sad, sorry again and sorry for the message you all try and bring for Mexico.


    1. 100% right on them(and way too many other l!b3ral types) being insanely over the top PC. However I doubt it’s for sake of soccer moms.. my guess is el gobierno de Mexico had a hand in it being shut down. Or maybe they don’t like some of the conservative comments Chivis has made. Seriously you’d be amazed what Facebook will do and have done regarding pushing left wing content and censoring right wing stuff. It’s disgusting! You’d think more of the IT world would be farther right, or more specifically libertarian..

  10. I never found you guys on Facebook thou. I searched about a year a ago. Nothing but old information

  11. You can put that deleted content on FREE, thats what we did when we got shutdown.

    1. Can you upload files and do the main page in html?

  12. That's real shitty of them to do that , the one who reports is a rat in my book , sincerely la guera paisa

  13. Replies
    1. Read that book in 12th grade... 1984 was to woke for a public highschool

    2. Jajajajajajaja yeeees one of my summer reading assignments at the high

    3. I was talking about that the other day. Everything people were so against 30 years ago.. government watching/ knowing everything watching citizens.. is now common practice. That small little gizmo you're likely reading this on allowed them to blind us and do exactly what everyone feared.

  14. I rarely use facebook, even though alot of people do, i don't follow the crowd.
    Enemies complain about your page and as the complainers are only known by facebook, there is no way to respond to the complaint. Facebook is a private company, not a public utility, so they can do whatever they want. Too bad, BB is good stuff.

  15. the cartels have silenced the media again

  16. Make a closed facebook group where its not openly viewed

    1. Yes, that's certainly one way to do it. That way the moderators control the content, but also those that see the content. Helps keep out people who want to ruin the page, or get it shut down.

  17. Disappointing to hear an informative website whose contributing news updates on the "war on drugs: has been dismissed.
    A miscarriage of justice. Especially for those who truly believe in finding solutions with advantagous ideals.

    Light hasn't stopped from reading though.
    "Proof", we are still here.

  18. Narcos Mexico 2 blows!

    1. Yeah worst narcos ever 3 will be good though

  19. Very sorry to learn of this, Buggs and Chivis. I don't use FB or Twitter or any of life is better because of it IMO.

    1. You should at least check out Twitter. When things blew up in culiacan the #culican hashtag was the fastest place to get information. You don't have to have an account to watch the hashtags on Twitter.

    2. Just open your window and you can hear the shoots fired, you know the direction and the distance, the type of weapon. No need for Twitter.

  20. I´ve heard zetas hired hackers or engenieers to work for them, maybe they made lots and lots of accounts to "report" the page. last but not least. It has been said over and over again that you should use htpps on a site, because you can be targeted by some hacker gangs ( I remember the gang who empied many ATMS all over the country, the boss was from GTO and he had some lambos and ferraris) so yeah there are professional criminals, and who knows maybe they are part of a cartel. @Buggs

    1. 7:09 the Mexican military have expertly trained communications teams, they go on to work as civilians in their field, some have gone to cartels, but not as expert combat commamders of cuartel death squads, they just get your name and address.

  21. A lot of Facebook people are pissed
    I'm still sharing

  22. Facebook and most of social media is controlled by leftists. Exposing the truth about Mexico undercuts the leftist agenda.

    1. I agree.
      I commented this but in a dumbed down way and they didnt accept my comment,

    2. This isn't a left or right issue. The false "War on Drugs" has continued regardless of who is in charge. People like you who make EVERYTHING partisan are the problem.

  23. How bout snap chat?

  24. Facebook wants everyone to live in a sheltered world, protected from reality. All of the big social media outlets are trying to destroy the reality part of people's minds, and they are succeeding, unfortunately.

  25. Dump facebook because it is irrelevant.

  26. Wow, I followed you guys on Facebook also and thought the content was very acceptable. Facebook is doing some dumb shit, smh
    BB, you guys rock and keep doing what you all have been doing☺️

    1. you think twitter is better for us than IG?

    2. IG is owned by Facebook anyways. Eventually BB will be restricted there as well. My advice is use twitter to link to content on this site.

      Long time reader - never commented - BB loyalist


    3. Facebook is out, Twitter, You Tube and IG are in.

      Twitter is way more news oriented.

    4. I've only used this blog to consume the information B.B puts out . I'm anti social media , so I'm in no position to offer any advise . But l thought Face book and Twitter were all about putting a stop to to " FAKE NEWS" . Here we have real news about the ongoing cartel crimes. Which affects so many innocent lives . People need to be aware that the drugs they use , comes with blood on their hands . Just like when " BLOOD DIAMONDS " became international news .Some treaties were established to try and put a stop of that illegal trade . I believe the same awareness needs to be made with the drug trade. So BOOOO to face-book for CENSORING TRUTH . Thank you B.B for keeping me aware .

  27. An idea Is to possibly make another facebook page and continue to publish the stories but for the actual content such as pics etc. Post the outside link, so that when readers click on it you are directed outside to BB website instead , you don't even have to publish anymore information just strictly a link to the content that Facebook would deem against community standards

  28. I as well followed BB on Facebook
    IMO the pod cast on YouTube is good as well. Maybe more people can follow on YouTube
    -the guy who knows nothing.

  29. Can us the followers try to do something about it???

  30. You can use my facebook acct if you want
    Ill give you my password etc i havent signed into it for years
    Direct traffic there I will just stay out of it
    Facebook dosent want you to expose the truth about Drugs Gangs etc
    Drug money goes far Calif does not want others to know what cartels are doing cartels have alot of clout in tec companys And not just Mexican Cartels China ISIS russia etc

  31. Since about 2016, I have not touched the business and personal FB pages I have, or logged on to them at all...too many issues, security concerns, breach of information, not to mention getting caught up in the drama of it all with inappropriate and it being a completely different online community than our community here, and on the newer forms of social media.
    No need for FB in my opinion, but I would try to get your information back from them. I have known of this to have happened and they were able to salvage their data, stories, pictures, etc. A lot has changed with privacy on FB, so not sure if that is possible anymore, but worth it is definitely worth a shot.
    I am not that active personally on any social media forum for various personal reasons, but I get utilize a few daily for the information I need and most people I know, know of, and same goes for companies today, they all mainly keep things current and updated on Twitter AND Instagram, BOTH have been, and are HUGE!
    In many circles they are both almost looked at as one, every time I see advertising or mention of one, the other is also right there. They are both heavily utilized for many reasons while old school FB might have more users, but not for a while as I don't trust the content, the numbers, the users, or anything on it really, so I ignore it. A lot of the younger crowd social media is utilizing proven platforms like Snapchat, which is small, but has taken off and expected to be huge, and the big ones in other social media are definitely YouTube and Reddit with most YouTube and Reddit accounts referencing back to and are interactive with their linked Insta and Twitter accounts.
    To make it easier, I believe there are websites that are designed to update the information you want as you enter it, to all of your other "linked" social media accounts/platforms at the same time, and as you choose to, which would save a lot of time and energy, but cover most important platforms and different forms of social media.


  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I'm sorry. I'm a regular reader here and had no idea you had a Facebook page. I will complain to Facebook about its removal.

  34. from a follower, I had to remove some content. We chose not to post the video in question:

    I’m disgusted at their move. Just last week I reported a video because it didn’t have the disclose or approve button before watching the video. And it was of a pitbull eating a mans balls. It was disgusting! I would have liked to not see it as I was scrolling and would have preferred to opt in to see it. Anyway I reported it and FB replied that they saw nothing wrong with it. I’ll post the link here. They’re idiots at best________________________________________ Their page posts allllll kinda shenanigans. And allll of a sudden it now has a proceed to watch button

    1. That person must be from a "civilized country", but if you want to see the reality of what's happening in other places around the world you have to be willing to deal with that type of content. I don't sympathize with these type of people at all. You either want the truth or not

  35. I don't think blb belongs on fb, fb nowadays is the same as in China..heavily censored and restricted..that's how it starts with the liberals Democ-Rats censoring everything they feel makes them look bad..

    1. As if your political party were any different.
      Censorship comes from those elite who want its people to be blind. Blind to the facts and evidence of the circumstances thereof.
      The BAD blame falls upon everyone for not coming to a resolution. Regardless of political parties.

  36. Don't trust Democracy to the Tech-Heads.

  37. Can you just send your followers/ friends on FB your storys and have them spread them ? Instead of your own page use theirs to spread the word or storys
    It would be up to them to share etc
    But you can use my FB I have not signed in for years just a bunch of Horse People if you posted as a friend on my site wouldnt that spread to others ?
    Why bother having your own page Use all your friends to help you ??
    What can FB do then
    If you send a friend on FB a story / news that gets shared right !
    Get your word out that way
    Less work for you Let your followers help you for once
    Let me know if you want mine be happy to help

  38. Can you just send your followers/ friends on FB your storys and have them spread them ? Instead of your own page use theirs to spread the word or storys
    It would be up to them to share etc
    But you can use my FB I have not signed in for years just a bunch of Horse People if you posted as a friend on my site wouldnt that spread to others ?
    Why bother having your own page Use all your friends to help you ??
    What can FB do then
    If you send a friend on FB a story / news that gets shared right !
    Get your word out that way
    Less work for you Let your followers help you for once
    Let me know if you want mine be happy to help

  39. Only 100% freedom of speech solution is getting your own server + go to the dark web.

  40. THE ONLY 100% FREEDOM OF SPEECH SOLUTION is getting your own server + go onto the dark web.

  41. Facebook in general needs to be removed off the earth...that’s why I always come here to read what you guys what you guys do!

  42. facebook is evil, as much as cartels and as much as US antidrug policy

  43. What if you posted to a private group on fb instead?

  44. How about we start a BB group on Facebook and make it private


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