Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Borderland Beat Vlog with narrative translation: Episode 6 Buggs interviews "Lalo" Agent 913

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat   from BB Vlog Podcasts  YouTube

Vlog Translation by "Cruz A."

Buggs conducts an interview with “Lalo”.  Lalo was once a federal highway police agent in Mexico City.  After he was laid off, he was “invited” to Juarez around the time of the death of Juárez Cartel capo, Amado Carrillo Fuentes, in 1997.  A time when Juárez was a war zone with the Arellanos fighting for the territory which  they assumed Juárez Cartel would be vulnerable and unstable after Amado’s death.

The entire interview transcript follows this extract 
Buggs: At one point in time you were a member of the Juarez Cartel? 
Lalo: Yes, I infiltrated the Juarez Cartel. 
Buggs: But you were also working with ICE right? 
Lalo: Initially I... 
Buggs: You worked for them.  
Lalo: You could say I Infiltrated the Cartel on ICE's request.
WARNING!!! In video intro below...VERY graphic images are depicted 

Click on hyperlink below to access full size view

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  1. What a great read! Thank you!,,

  2. Real cool interview. It’s also sad to know that some agents don’t really care about other people’s lives.
    I read a lot about the house of death back in 2006. It was crazy. And yes, many people said Luis Padilla was innocent. Crazy stuff.

  3. This article is good and is related to Lalo.

  4. i still can’t remember this guy waking into our office, but I sure do remember Bencomo and another federal agent for Texas registrations

  5. You guys know if La Linea is fighting in Sonora still especially up north? Couple guys from El Charco Like Tolteca and G3 switched to La Linea and you Also got the brothers from Yecora El 500 and El Aguila working with La Linea aswell

    1. Wow really tell us more I know about how la linea has basically taken back la manzana and steps away from taking madera back as well. Who do you think killed the Lebarons?

  6. Right on Buggs!! 🙌🏼

  7. This guy is BSing you. A bullet proof suburban has thick glass windows that cannot be rolled down. They are always closed.

  8. Wow. Stunning info regarding the Juárez conflict as a smokescreen for deeper vastly profitable activities to occur while the 3 ring circus of violence raged in the city. Cooperation between cds and cdj at the highest levels as street gangs battled in the streets. Of course, this info I take with many grains of salt, along with all of the statements from this man Lalo. however Lalo was credible enough for the interview with Buggs, whom I would like to extend my gratitude for his work on this and for creating the blog where I have learned so much.

    The level of corruption between governemts is dome seriously scary shit. Again this man allegedly a double operative, working for cartel faction and simultaneously US customs... mind blowing stuff even though this sort of thing we have read about before, it never ceases to amaze me. How much truth are in Lalo’s words, I obviously don’t know

    Chivis, is this guy Lalo on the level, in your opinion, do you care to weigh in?

    I did not watch the vid only read transcript

  9. It is great listening to what Lalo has to say, but unfortunately Buggs seems more interested in hearing his own voice than listening to his guest. I wish Buggs would stop interrupting and instead let he who has the story tell it.

    1. 4:04 B7ggs has the duty of steering the conversation,
      it is his blog anyway, why won't you start your own?
      BB will sell you space to advertise for free!!!

  10. I work in the maquiladoras business I am finding most of my customers and new prospects standing on the sidelines not willing to invest in Mexico. My issue is security, and Amlo, what his plan is for the business community. Security my first Priority, I know a lot of businesses read this site, What's your opinion?????

    1. If my Mexican wife refuses to go back, there is no way I will invest there. :-)

    2. You are right about that. I heard about someone who was kidnapped on his way to a maquila and his company decided to pay the ransom demand to get him released. I also heard about someone getting shot. The company employees told me about this happening.

  11. BTW A BIG thank you to our BB translator "Cruz".....👊

    1. Whats up with some part time gigs involving translating? @chivis @cruz @sol @buggs.

  12. THANKYOU Buggs Chivis and Cruz that was so interesting great stuff.

  13. I agree. He's one of them and he was in prison for a while. Hope he chokes on a chicken wing!

  14. I really enjoyed the conversation. Can’t wait for more.


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