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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Cuernavaca, Morelos: Adrián Fernández Guerra the General Director of Perfil Político Magazine Kidnapped

An armed group on Wednesday night broke into the Mexico Lindo bar, located in the heart of Cuernavaca, killed a valet parking lot employee and kidnapped a man who was celebrating his birthday.

The state government confirmed the attack, which left a balance of one dead and a kidnapped male by the group of gunmen who first shot at the business and then stormed the establishment to take the man.

The Morelos government statement hasn’t officially identified the kidnapped victim, but eyewitnesses say that the person they removed from the establishment is Adrián Fernández Guerra, director of the monthly magazine "Perfil Politico", he is also involved in the real estate market and years ago was in the nightclub business.

Official reports rule out the discovery of the businessman’s corpse as reported by the local press in social networks and some internet portals, and on the contrary ensures that military and police forces keep operating to try to locate him.

On the facts, the Coordination Table for the Construction of Peace registered that at 20:34 hours he received a report through C5 that in the restaurant bar, located on Boulevard Juarez, gunfire had been recorded, which generated an operational deployment of elements of the State Security Commission.

The government states that, according to witness statements collected at the crime scene, the attackers fled towards an unknown direction, which generated a deployment consisting of elements of the Morelos Police in coordination with the National Guard.

Meanwhile, elements of Expert Services of the State Attorney General's Office secured evidence for the strengthening of investigations, as well as the legal removal of those who died.

“The authorities have established themselves in session to carry out intelligence and operability actions, which will clarify the facts of violence, exchange information, analyze video surveillance cameras and provide the necessary elements to strengthen the investigations that will be headed by the Public Ministry ”.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat   Source   Source


  1. Either ransom or murdered?
    Most likely something to do with the nightclub business. Always shakedowns & shady individuals in that line of work.

    1. 5:55 That’s an ignorant generalization.

    2. By the looks of that magazine and the report on the wife of that priista Yunes Landa who ran for PRI governor of Veracruz in 2016 after La Marrana Duarte escaped against his cousin miguel angel Yunes linares PAN, this journalist is nothing but a chayotero who must have forgot to stop his trick or threats one too many times.

  2. Any info on menchitos extradition heard he was turned in already to the usa

  3. Is it true menchito got extradited??

  4. Pienso que esto de secuestrar a periodistas es la manera que muchos estupidos en los carteles quieren obtener inteligencia de los contras, o de el gobierno o estan desesperados porke estos cuates reportan la verdad de ciertas personas en el crimen organizado.
    Ahora si es para obtener informacion demuestra lo amateo que son los carteles que usan esta tactitca para este proposito.
    Si es para callar a los periodistas demuestra lo mierda que son estos carteles que cometen esto.

    1. 10:47 demuestra tu ignorancia, some periodistas are nothing but low class chayoteros who live loo luxurious lives making up publicitary reports or propaganda for whoever's pays them the better money, not all of them make circo Gomez leyva, "el pata de caballo" lopez doriga, or loret de Moolah megabucks, but they do collect chayote from politician wannabes...
      I bet your mama's chones he never badmouthed gone governor graco ramirez or his assassin Carlos alberto capella ibarra (sec of public security).

  5. Off topic,who got busted in Tj? I guess someone big

  6. El menchito is on his way to the good ol USA

  7. Homicides of women is horrible

  8. 1st time look pic of the website. These cartels show no mercy, cut off heads, they bad people. I think national guard of Mexico, scare of these guys, at least I am.

  9. What do you guys use, Google translate? That is a painful read. Thanks for posting the links to the original sources so we can at least see what was actually reported.

    1. Some of us can actually speak more than one language ;) *wink*

  10. Anything and everything goes in Mexico, a lawless country.

  11. In perris California they dumped 3 bodies at a cemetery and they say it was cartel related. They dumped them next to a grave next to a guy that was killed in Mexico, their saying it was revenge.

    1. You got the story 75 percent correct, they were brought to the cemetery alive, by the known suspect and shot next to the grave, of the person that was killed in Mexico, furthermore this happened a few days ago, and they have pics and name of suspect, which they suspect is eluding capture and went to Mexico to hide. They have not yet mentioned the Cartel he maybe with.
      Steve of Los Angeles

  12. Rescued alive!


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