Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 8, 2020

What Popeye Said Before He Passed Away

Video translation is as follows:

Popeye: The C.I.A. the D.E.A. and the Mexican Marina don’t need to waste one minute before you find yourself doing life in a prison inside the United States. What’s the biggest mistake of the Mexican mafia? 

The Mexican mob kills and kills Mexican brothers and sisters in droves. This is why the Mexican townspeople don’t respect the mafia. If the Mexican mob wants to be respected it must shoot at the corrupt government, shoot at the senators. 

Because they are the ones who have Mexico submerged within these problems. So then what happens, what does the Mexican mafia want? They want dead people. They don’t want money. They want money to have dead people.  And what does the Colombian mob want? 

They want money and more money. And so they learned how to live within society. A Colombian mobster here is no longer seen in a Mercedes, a Ferrari, or a Lamborghini. They’re not seen in private jets either. The Colombian mafia now has a very tranquil lifestyle. 

The Mexican brothers of the mob have Toyota’s from here to there. And gold plated buckles as well as golden boots. Their flashiness gets them detected right away. You came from a poor neighborhood. And from one day to the next you have vehicles that stand out everywhere. Or as you guys refer to them as trucks. And your wearing a golden belt buckle and gold boots as well as a big diamond on your wrist. 

Reporter: You get noticed right away. 

Popeye: Yes, you’re noticed right away. What’s wrong with the Mexican mafia? They haven’t learned what we’ve learned. You have to leave the violence. I’m not saying that in drug trafficking this is totally impossible. 

The only way for drug trafficking to end in Mexico is for the new president of Mexico, who is destined to be a fucking communist fiasco, because the one that’s leaving is also an embarrassment, is for the Mexican President to unite and just legalize cocaine and marijuana once the U.S. erects that damn wall. 

And once cocaine is legal in Mexico, in Columbia this is going to be a problem that cocaine became legal in Mexico. And this will also be a problem in the United States. Mexico is a sovereign nation, and a country full of pride. If Donald Trump erects that wall then just go ahead and legalize cocaine. So that you can see how quickly Donald Trump starts to shake away in fear. 

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat   Source

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  1. what of the violence committed by the government secretly yet blamed on “cartels” publicly

    1. Popeye has no idea what he's talking about, he's completely out of touch with reality.

    2. There’s a right and wrong way to organized crime. The Mexicans score an F because of their inability to wise up.

    3. The mafia in Medellin has lived by what popeye said for quite some time. You could be at a restuarant in Medellin and the guy at the table beside you could be moving multi ton loads to Europe

  2. Words of wisdom from a broke ass Escobar Hit- Man.
    The US can care less about how Mexico implements its own drug policy. While many US citizens are left clueless how to stem drug consumption.
    Walls will not hamper nor deter anyone from using or otherwise.

  3. Fuck this clown 😂 hopefully he suffered alot before he died . Pinche mierda

  4. The world is full of idiots,what is this clown banging on about?

  5. It seems like mexicans(and anyone else)think they have a divine right to cross into the US any time they feel like,they dont,borders deliniate a countries territory that is sovereign to that country and its people,it is the US not Mexico

  6. Who cares what he has to say,who the fuck is he,some clown who is lucky to have lived this long,no doubt some morons will admire this prick

  7. You have to respect what he’s saying. It is very true. Jeez the amount of killing going on in Mexico is ridiculous.


    1. Offer jobs with better wages to combat criminality. Something long overdue in Mexico. Same applies to the US where technology is killing the American people for decent wages.

  8. At the end of the day, Popye with his ink, muerete t-shirts, etc. is just a nothing trying to be a something. God rest his body but not his soul.

  9. Because legalizing cocaine would make a significant difference? This guy has no education and understanding of politics. Just stupid opinions

    1. Why shouldn't cocaine be legalized in Mexico? Along with other drugs?
      Consumption will never cease to exist.
      Question remains? Who will benefit from the sales? A question that has Illinois residents fuming. The racial inequality of marijuana dispensary owners who operate & benefitting.
      I truly believe that employment opportunities and wages are the reason for much of this violence. Like many countries where poverty and displacement is culprits.


    2. Kind if weird how well iq is a predictor of income. But yeah, blame white people for everything. It's certainly easier than working hard and making it.

    3. Legalization will only create more addicts and make the problem worse. You think cartels won’t underbid legal coke prices?

  10. The reason why the Mexican government will never legalize is that the illicit drug trade is what is making the corrupt officias rich.

    By legalising it would be like saying: I don't want to fill my pockets with bribes anymore.

    Sure legalisation would be the best for 99% of the people, but why should the 1% suddenly start caring for them?

  11. I will give him credit for saying the Mexican government is the problem, even though I didn't like the guy...

  12. Moron! He has the golden ticket and has a solution for drug traffiking thats been around 100 yrs

  13. Jhon was one stupid ass, he is lucky he is gone, all he knew was killing
    and murdering by treason craft he learned in the colombian military, not at Pablo's shade...
    --Trump's wall? One more lie and pipe dream...LOL 15 000 lies in three years, and counting...

  14. That is very true the government auctions itself to the biggest bidder and then turns their back on one cartel to the next that is what thrives the murders and crime. If things will go back like the old school mafia now I do not think so ever. Like Vegas when the mob controlled it was clean and classy now well if you been there you know.

  15. I agree that with most of Popeye's views. As long as Mexico is an oligarchy and highly corrupted sham Democracy it will continue to wallow in depraved violence and poverty.

    For some time, the Superpowers of the USA and China have been advancing by leaps and bounds into "surveillance" technology and just about everything else you can think of. Crime and social control algorithms for profilings, monitoring, and even controlling or "neutralizing" criminal entities are already or under development.

    Currently, certain legal and other constraints prevent the widespread application of this surveillance technology to "identify, catch, and neutralize" crooks, terrorists, aND other "undesirables." If you are paying attention, you sometimes see obvious clues that the technology is being applied effectively when certain things happen. In the old days law enforcement depended a lot on snitches ( confidential informants, or CIs). Not as much now...because today we snitch on ourselves constantly.

    Bottom line, to the digital surveillance (AI, artificial intelligence) industry virtually everyone is subject to being identified, profiled, monitored, and ellininated if desired.
    Already, this AI Surveillance technology knows more about given individuals (or groups) than they do themselves.

    Popeye, mentions ostentatious displays as stupid giveaways by narco-criminals to law enforcement. Well, this won't matter one drunk cucaracha in the near future! Popeye is correct, but actually far behind the times!

    If I was counseling children everywhere today, I would warn them to stay miles away from doing deviant or criminal things because Big Brother technology is already here.... just not being openly applied universally.

    1. Big Brother always watching. Despite privacy advocates objectives and watchdogs. Governments always prevail in the end.

  16. popeye thought he was so smart he spent half his life in prison the other half under Pablos thumb. Pablo didnt care about Popeye not one bit.

  17. Learn to edit your work!
    ITS SPELLED C-O-L-O-M-B-I-A !!!!!

    1. What an IDIOT. 👆🏿Fucken internet dictionary

  18. TOYOTA dominates world wide and way better than that European crap and the American big three Bailed-out junk!

    1. WTF...where did this stupid comment come from😂😂😂

    2. They should put this on Biden's teleprompter and see what he would actually say.

    3. Read the entire article and you will see why this comment was posted imbecile!

  19. Well looks like he didnt repent much, have fun in hell popeye.

  20. You know how you eradicate Mexican cartels?! You legalize cocaine, marijuana, heroin in the US.

    1. Supplied by whom? Fck those mexican terrorists rats.


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