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Monday, March 9, 2020

AMLO Poll: Mexican president’s popularity slips 20 %; in concerns over organized crime violence

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s known as AMLO, approval rating has fallen 20% entering his second year in office.  Polls highlight Mexicans concerned about insecurity, a poll from this week reflects.

In March 2019 a whopping 78% of Mexicans approved of AMLO’s handling of the country. 
However in February 2020 his approval numbers slipped 59%, Reforma reported.  Still a respectable number, but a sharp decline indicates most Mexicans are not embracing his focus on social issues while treading light on problems with insecurity.  This is what he campaigned on, and citizens voted for.

The poll shows that 70% of Mexicans see insecurity  as the most serious concern in the country. 

63% say the president’s public security agencies aren’t  efficient in combating  organized crime.

Mexico recorded a record number of homicides in 2019.

Respondents said that the most favorable issue the president has accomplished, is providing the elderly with a pension and fighting corruption.

When asked about the biggest failure of the AMLO administration, most poll takers pointed to the fight against insecurity.

Grupo Reforma polled between Feb. 25-29.


  1. Security, rule of law, the only way we can live and go to work. Without that Amlo, we have nothing. Listen to the polls. People want Security

  2. Cartel taken control of our state that I do not believe the government cannot root them out. Now 2 years no security Amlo u have created a mess

  3. For sure the Narcos have to love Amlo.

  4. Amlo is 1 of the worst presidents Mexico has ever had.

    1. Believe your comment is a bit too critical. He has extradited many individuals to the US. Along with the forfeitures of those government officials who abused their country for financial purposes. AMLO has in my opinion done more than what previous presidents have.
      Change and neglect have become visible.
      Everything takes time. A process not overnight from all the years of corruption.
      American cities have yet to stem its epidemic of violence!
      Just political rhetoric from those who have a different perspective for political reasons.

    2. 744 we are not asking to get on the ball overnight, actually a year that he has had in office, a 5 percent he puts in to fight crime, what about those 35,000 that died for 2019. His administration is doing nada for the people, an extridition here and there don't change homicide rates.
      Give me a break!

    3. Great news when will be safe in Mexico?

  5. Of course his ratings are rock rock bottom, does nothing to lower the homicides that keep happening everyday.

    1. Has Chicago yet to see a decline in homicides or shootings? It's fair to say the same applies to the American president for his inability!
      Suggest analyzing your comments or statements before posting.

    2. Your comparing Mexico to USA lol your way of course, Mexico is the murder capital of the world, in 2019 it reached 35,500. Thanks to Obrador and his administration, and don't say he can't fix nothing overnight, he has had more than a year.

    3. Maybe the legalization of drugs in that country with government control can solve problems. After all its these cartels that are killing rivals for sales & distribution routes. Drug consumption or eradication hasn't worked since the beginning of the war on drugs.

  6. Mexico should allow the Americans designate cartels as terrorists organisations and set up a highly trained group of incorruptible marines on good wages to scour all of Mexico and take out whoever they can whilst at the same time provide jobs, wages, social activities etc and cartels will become a lesser force

    1. at got a better chance at finding a Bigfoot riding a unicorn.

    2. Not happening Amlo with Cartels 🥰🥰🥰🥰

    3. at have a better chance of finding bigfoot or unicorn before Mexico designates cartels as terrorists.

  7. I'm shocked that it's even that high to begin with. He's done nothing for the economy, has scared away foreign investment to some extent, crime has gone up not down and on top of that continues to say stupid things.

    1. la mejor encuesta es la que uno hace y de mas de 500 gentes todas apoyan a andres manuel. pero bueno asi decian las encuestas cuando el voto. jaja qje hiba en ultimo lugar. y ni juntando los votos de los demas lo hubieran superado. creo que estas en wl mexico equivocado con tu comentario.

    2. I'd agree with you if you actually lived there but you base your opinions on outside information. Foreign investments are scared because they can no longer evade taxes while charging the same price for their goods. If the U.S doesn't allow that than why should mexico? Aqui y en China, everyone pays taxes. Crime has not gone up but rather stayed stagnant, not to mention that under his term 70+ criminals have been extradited for prosecution to the U.S. AMLO has done things for the economy. He cancelled the construction of the multibillion airport project in Mexico city which was a total waste of money considering that Mexico city already has an airport. Thanks to him construction is underway for a new oil refinery and hopefully a total of 3 by the end of his term and he's turned confiscated narco properties into learning institutions. Keep in mind this is a year and a half into his term. I'd like to see what you have done to improve Mexico's situation.

    3. Employed half dozen Mexicans at superior salaries and spent a substantial amount of money in Mexico. I didn’t know I was responsible for Mexico’s well being. Frankly I don’t care but I from my view and the view of locals that live there poor and rich they are not too happy. As for crime isn’t really up. That’s laughable I guess the criminals are “thinking about their mothers” on amlos advice

    4. 3:46- bb is a website that translates news from Mexico Spanish to English. It's real news coming out of Mexico! Murder, insecurity, femicides, fuel theft, collusion with criminals and govt, etc continues unabated. Extraditions of criminals happen with every administration. No big change there. While canceling a wasteful airport project is good, it does nothing to for the people having to live through bullets flying through their homes. Now I agree that its early in his term as president. Change doesn't happen overnight. But from what i've seen so far, its going to take a lot more than selling a few narco homes to think hes doing a good job.

    5. Wow, that's a positive Spin

    6. Not only foreign investors, foreign tourists

    7. Would you invest in Mexico?????

    8. @4:25 Man, it seems like I cant win with you. You discredited almost every positive achievement attributed to the president.
      With that being said I'm well aware of what BB does but maybe you failed to realize that this website is simply a NARCO blog that mainly focuses on NARCO news. What BB does is put one subject under a microscope which unintentionally places blinders on most of its uninformed readers. Nothing against BB but it's just stating the truth.

      Now to say that all the crimes you mentioned go unabated completely undermines the effort put forth by the Mexican government, and places all the blame on the current president. That couldn't be more wrong, false and misleading. Remember local and state governments are the on the frontlines, if some states have more violence than others than maybe you should be focusing on who isn't doing their job for that state. AMLO held a meeting and invited all of Mexico's governors and called out all those that failed to attend. State officials have a bigger responsibility to do what's right for the people they are representing.

      Again, 70+ extraditions in LESS than a YEAR AND A HALF but you want to undermine that? I dont get you, how does that not help fight crime? These people are being sent to the U.S to face justice because AMLO knows that in order for justice to be served it must be done outside of his country. It's no secret, he's said it himself, hence the reason why his campaign has been focused in large part on ridding mexico of corruption.

      AMLO is taxing foreign companies like any other country does to foreign investors, building a new oil refinery to help stimulate it's stagnant economy by using its natural resources and yet you want to say he's not doing anything for the economy? Quit being a dick and give the guy some credit.

  8. Just write the cartels some poems. Reason with them some more! Don't veer course AMLO.

    Mexico needs their own Trump. Lol. The cartels would be under his iron grip within 18 months.

  9. Don't worry. A bit of protest, maybe incidents of slight and contained cathartic insurrection, break stuff, some structure fires, and if it get too far out of hand, the government will crush those in the way. Color within the lines.

    1. That's good news everything is good in Mexico

    2. Yes I believe in the Tooth Fairy

  10. ALMO is all talk. Como Obama with his hope and change bulls@it.

    Mexico needs a Trump type that will not lay down to the cartels.

  11. I was for him until the toll roads started charging again.

  12. This may be a little off topic but here goes. Back before the Soviet Union broke up it was a grim scary police state. After, it became Russia, things changed dramatically for the better.
    My neighbor just went to Russia and visited many cities. They said everything is very clean, safe and friendly to tourists.
    Museums, parks, schools, children, seniors and others extremely hospitable.
    Obviously, Russians understand that "outside" tourist money is important to the nation. And that exuding pride and friendliness is their cultural makes sense to have a safe, clean, and friendly disposition towards tourists...Not mention "Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching".

    My point is that Mexico is considered, even by Mexicans themselve, to be dangerous. It was already going sour in the 1980s when it started destroying it's tourist industry.
    It is my view that a few years of hardball, sincere efforts to rid Mexico of crime, corruption, and many other related negatives, that it "might" revive it's tourist industry. If Mexico keeps "piddling" with insipid cosmetic efforts... it is doomed to keep wallowing in the same old same old.
    I could be wrong...

    1. Great read, I think Mexico is way behind, Mexico is really dangerous, more so than ever, I talk to Mexican citizens who have not been back in 13 years, and will not go back. Their kids more American than Mexican

    2. Same here . I have family with many kin in Mexico. They have stopped going down there for some years now because of angerous hostile experiences involving their (then) teenager sons. Grandma (abuelita) died after long illness and they did NOT go to see her ill or to her funeral because it was too risky dangerous.
      You make a good point... Not only has Mexico's violence destroyed tourism it also has and is destroying family bonds in both Mexico and the USA.

  13. Newspaper pollsters to whom AMLO cut payments if their surveys are very reliable, jajajaj REFORMA, EL UNIVERSAL, UNIVISION, CNN, etc, yes of course very reliable. the same ones that gave the PAN a winner in 2018

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