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Monday, March 9, 2020

Car Bomb in Celaya, Guanajuato Explodes Next to National Guard Base

"redlogarythm" and "Morogris" for Borderland Beat

On March 8, a car bomb placed in a parking lot next to the Guardia Nacional (National Guard; GN) base in Celaya, Guanajuato, exploded at around 6:30 pm. Nobody was killed and only two federal officers were wounded (although not severely). They were treated inside their headquarters and a transfer to a hospital was not necessary.

The GN reported that a man left the vehicle at the lot minutes before the explosion. They said that the man abandoned the vehicle claiming he had a mechanical failure. They confirmed to reporters that the vehicle was reported as stolen. Federal investigators stated that the suspect may have detonated the bomb from a mobile device.

Witnesses reported that the man parked then left in another vehicle. In the video posted above, a GN member questioned a witness who saw the man driving the vehicle. The witness claimed that the driver parked at the lot and told her good afternoon. She asked the driver if he was coming in to the base, but the man said no and left. She described the suspect as being of slim complexion.

Celaya firefighters putting out the flames

Aftermath of the explosion

The explosion was loud and was heard in neighboring communities such as Michinelas, Los Mancera, Romeral, Rancho Seco, which are found at least 2 km (1.2 mi) or 3 km (1.9 mi) away. Members of Civil Protection and Firefighters of Celaya went to the facilities to put out the flames of the car. The Celaya Municipal Police helped cordoned the area.

Security operations are being carried out to find the whereabouts the driver. The GN is working with state and municipal authorities on the case, but they have been wary to provide more details to the press. The attack occurs days after the capture of José Antonio Yépez Ortiz's ("El Marro") father, as reported by Borderland Beat.

Previous bomb incidents
Just two weeks ago, authorities discovered two explosive devices in Guanajuato. The first one inside a bank, and second one inside a waiting room of the Celaya Bus Station.

The Guanajuato Prosecutor's Office arrested Carlos "N", a suspected member of a local criminal cell, for placing the bomb inside the waiting room. He was hiding a bomb inside a black suitcase and had a written message for a rival gang. He was charged with terrorism and illegal possession of explosives.

Source(s): Periodico Correo; El Heraldo de Mexico; La Jornada; Televisa; AM; Sol del Bajio; El Financiero; Informativo Agora


  1. El Marro getting desperate.. sooner or later he'll be driving the car jihad style

    1. Or maybe mencho is desperate n did bombing himself to heat up the plaza it's a way of begging for help to the government

    2. Nah 11:04 CJNG owns Guanajuato

    3. Cjng dosent own guanajuato bro nice try

  2. It's just a matter of time before, they start killing innocent people with their bombs.

  3. For background and context see;

  4. Could it be because to he capture of Marros dad?

    1. If u read the article it says that it may be revenge for the arrest of his father

  5. Terrorism. Mexico man up!

  6. CJNG cowards to blame marro just like with the narco manta cause they counldnt beat marro toe to toe so they got The goverment

  7. Here we go on the slippery slope.They already crossed the bounds of killing women and children who are not involved,once it starts to happen it becomes more acceptable.C,mon millie is this the fault of the US and everything is fine and dandy in ole mexico ?
    Never mind already know your gibber,dont need to hear it again,but,you say it anyway.Is it Marro or CJNG calentar la plaza,seems more likely to be Marro,but ?

  8. It’s a shame when your so desperate to get your enemies that you send your best people spend money on corrupt government to help and still can’t get it done and then a car bomb to get attention from everyone else really is Marro laughing at mencho and cjng cause he making them look stupid cause cjng is behind the car bomb they ain’t fooling anyone

    1. You put your tin foil hats on! What a brilliant idea, the whole reverse thinking helped you solve who put the car bomb. Shit, I wish AMLO had security experts like you! Wait, all he needs is you, you can singlehandedly detect, arrest and punish all the criminals especially those Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación@11:39

  9. Well it seems like mencho rat face looking ass finally getting what he been struggling to do and finally get Marro cjng sent groups of the so called elite,delta , panteras plus payed gobernó to help and still couldn’t tell know with the car bomb to much heat and unwanted attention from everyone i guess it was going to happen but who knows maybe it wasn’t Marro in Guanajuato they tried arresting

  10. Do any of you actually live here ? Yo sí.


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