Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Huetamo, Michoacán: CJNG Discover An Abandoned La Familia Michoacána Blockade

The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación has produced a video online of their incursions into enemy territory within the state of Michoacán. On this film sicarios belonging to CJNG are openly mocking the inferior hardware found at a supposed La Familia Michoacána narco blockade. This broadcast is deemed safe for all to see.

Video translation is as follows:
Sicario #1: And so here we find ourselves inside our enemies blockade. This is our spoils of war. These sons of bitches like to run away like hares. I’m tired of chasing after these dumb asses. 

The only thing these pitiful worthless fucks eat are bullshit sardines. Damn look at this. And yet these guys think that they’re so tough. Just take a look at how they’re being fed. Poor dumb asses. As a consequence we have seized their belongings. And this here are their crappy bombs. 

These fucking dumb asses don’t have, supposedly their boss has money. Look, tell your boss to buy you guys a fucking grenade launcher like the one I have motherfuckers. Tell your boss to buy you guys weapons such as ours you dumb assess. Cochos don’t bother carrying crudely made pirated bullshit. I’m actually ashamed to have to find shit like this here. 

Sicario #2: Hey, tell them about the commando...

Sicario #1: The only group in charge here are the absolute mob of the boss Chito Cano, the absolute mob of Chito Cano. Listen to what our Comando Paniquedo (Soldier Panicky) has to say. Comando Paniqueado show everyone that little steel toy that you’re sporting. 

Comando Paniqueado: And so here I am with this .308. 

Sicario#1: Holy fuck! 

Sicario #2: Look at this bullshit food that they have. 

Sicario #3: Look at what I’m carrying, look at what I’m carrying. 

Sicario #1: What about you, don’t you have another 2 homemade bombs? 

Sicario #2: Yes dude. 

Sicario #1: Ok let’s place them over here. 

Sicario #2: Fucking cheap ass homemade bombs. 

Sicario #1: These cheap motherfuckers think they’re going to scare us with their crudely made explosives. Cochos take a look at this here. We only carry grenade launchers. And they’re all actual firearms. Not that bullshit that you guys are carrying. 

Sicario #2: You poor fucks. 

Sicario #1: You pitiful hungry fuck jerkoffs. 

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat

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  1. Too bad one of those cheap ass motherfucking homemade bombs didn't explode in their faces, then they can continue their review of them. What a pathetic life.

  2. How sad did they forget in costa grande they took down a lot of mencho as blindadas lol come on now even with better fire power anyone with any weapon can beat you remeber that. God made them different but weapons made them equal

    1. 7:11 AM The ones that got stuck in the mud or the ones the 34 Battalion from Altamirano took out of action before the FM de Guerrero made their little videos?

    2. Have you herd of sangre nueva nothing to with you cochos from tierra caliente. It was sangre nueva ruso runs like puta so do the cuernudos and mayatan

  3. Imagine LNFM showed up and took them
    As hostages they would of been kneeled down n put to sleep viva 🇲🇽

  4. While these guys search trou left over lfm is killing cjng members....

  5. Today USDOJ unsealed an indictment against Maduro and other top Venezuelan officials, along with ex-FARC militias for drug trafficking, arms trafficking, and terrorism. Huge news. My guess is that the indictment is related to the 20-ton Philadelphia bust last year.

  6. Sicaro #1 tell sicario #2 to show off his granade launchers

  7. That paisa doesn’t even sound like he’s from michoacan .. back in 2010 when I went to michoacan the zetas controlled it, everyone was scared and the Pueblo was uneasy, same w the caballeros templarios... but in areas where LA FAMILIA controlled it all Was good.. not picking sides just stating the facts.. I’ll be going there in august, we’ll see what it’s like now.. peace and love and puro padelante to ALL my Mexican peeps.. even those crybabies ssnitchaloas...hahah

    1. @10:38 in 2010(typo?) when you went to Michoacán what area did the Zetas control? That year was when LFM split, only Chango stayed LF and the other leaders changed to CT. I know in the early 2000's Tisico had Zetas in the state when he started beefing with Valencias.

    2. He has the Michoacan accent, when was the last time you went to Huetamo lol

    3. He's from guerrero 10:38
      la familia is in guerrero and other places around michoacan FYI not just michoacan

    4. Zetas never controlled Michoacán they just tried but failed immediately.

    5. Yes he does G.... big time MICHOACANOS.... probably TIERRA CALIENTE area.... border with GUERRERO....... they are standing in HUETAMO..... I’m just wondering why they claiming CDJNG...... they sound like they belong in FAM MICHOACANA.....

    6. This is in Guerrero

    7. That's what happened when Mexicans become americanized

    8. Heres another bitch whining about "americanized mexicans"
      Dont you ever feel like a bitch blaming the US for everything?
      Funny shit man,serious cryers

    9. 10:48 you much hurt poussey would not like if anybody said the US now owns 99% of heaven, I would believe they obtained it with recently printed dollars with no real value, the day is coming when you will need a whole wheelbarrow to carry your money for a gallon of milk, seen that in the 1920's US and in germany, this time it quickly escalated from 1 trillion to 2 trillion dollars, to have some coin left over for the rich to steal.

    10. @ 1:25 it was indeed in 2010, when I go to michoacan I go to a town called ZACAPU, it’s right in the middle of Zamora and Morelia, off of hwy 15 (Libre) 40 minutes from quiroga.. really close to the Guanajuato border. In 2010 the zetas were there, with word that THE CT were around as well , I was told by uncle “ke no sabia como Corre la agua” and to be cool and lie low, this was in December a lot of people from USA there visiting... needless to say , you watch out who u hang out with and stay w your family and don’t act a fool

  8. These websites / social media platforms shouldn't be allowing such. I truly believe most of these videos are contributing factors to the escalation of violence & hate globally.
    The TIT 4 TAT shows created by criminal organizations are appalling & further escalating and never reducing the horrors.

    Laws should be applied to forbid of such in Mexico. Rather, globally to safeguard its citizens.

  9. So yea like I was telling you guys some months back. Canned food is what everyone eats in these camps. Most of the time what you come across is tuna. Vegetables are there but not as much. If you know well you know.

  10. Balls baby,they got balls,their rollin round looking for contras and its on as soon as they see each other,maybe authorities they run into,either way its bang bang someone's gettin killed,sometimes horribly and on video..

  11. Those sicarios have no education. There’s a good chance history will repeat itself. Remember the British came in with all the firepower and how did it turn out?

  12. I wouldn’t be making too much fun of them, they’ve stood toe to toe with you and various times have humiliated CJNG.
    It’s all propaganda, todos los sicarios viven como perros.

  13. 40 trucks full of cjng sicarios enter el aguaje in aguililla on wednesday had a gun fight against los viagras, cjng won and proceded to pinzandaro, cjng really going hard at viagras

    1. Those were Chocomiles/Viagras and the 65 Battalion based in Coalcoman.

  14. He shows some crappy grenade launcher as he sticks his muzzle into the dirt and the other guy is dropping bombs on the these guys are complete morons that have no business carrying firearms.

  15. The guy speaking is from Guerrero

    They use the term cocho consistently

  16. Its heating up in aguililla cjng enter and killed a lot of viagras aka lnfm and in response lnfm sent more sicarios in monstros to counter attack, shit is gonna get bad

  17. I'm guessing chito Cano is the tierra caliente of Guerrero plaza boss?

  18. To everybody that says only guerrero says cocho is wrong michoacan says it also and they both say guache and chulo and vale so shut up.i know my parents are both from those places.Edo de mexico does too.Now even the nopaleros from slp and tamaulipas say it too and the cholos from texas.Quit being a stereotype.

  19. 7:25 Orale, Güey, ya vas...


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