Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Madera, Chihuahua: Armed Confrontation Between Criminal Cells

During an intervention by the District Attorney for the Western Zone, in response to a report of an alleged confrontation between armed civilians in the La Mesa del Huracán ejido, the bodies of two men were located at a sawmill, and another on a road.

In a statement, César Augusto Peniche Espejel, attorney general of the state of Chihuahua, said that he instructed the State Investigation Agency to initiate the investigations, to which elements of the State Security Commission and the Secretariat of National Defense adhered.

Subsequently, agents of the Public Ministry and expert services processed the scene in which the two bodies were found, one of them burned and the other with traces of violence on his face. Just as well they found 5.56X45 and 7.62X39 caliber shell casings.

Additionally, police and military agents carried out a foot patrol in the immediate surroundings. This due to the gunfire that was continued to be heard, reaching a site known as Las Carboneras, where they located a camp of armed civilians.

In said camp, conditioned to house approximately 80 people, magazines of heavy-caliber weapons were found. The military and police personnel dismantled the camp.

A third body of a man in a state of decomposition and eaten by wildlife was also found on the way to the La Mesa del Huracán ejido, when the military and police returned to the base of operations.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat

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  1. Military and police desmamtled the camp of 80 persons. What did the do with the 80 persons??????

    1. A camp that probably HOUSED 80 people...Read the article again for fucks sake

    2. 318 easy does it, don't get a heart attack, there are people in here that do thier best to read and write, some ESL. 947 disregard this fool.

    3. 9:45 if the army and poolice did not fabricate this camp,
      They prolly let the 80 disappeared members skip town after hugging them.
      --Amazing Narco Lab, could have been made by the Boy Scoutz.

  2. they live like homeless or primitive tribal people. I wonder if they are really that desperate for money or if some of them just like that outdoors lifestyle. Reminds me of the Templarios booklet saying "The forest is the home of the templar"

    1. Thats funny And no ne shot at the police I wonder why ???
      took 80 armed men with heavy long guns etc Really no gun battles or none tried to escape
      wow Easist arrests ever in the history of Mexico

    2. Chòn- Quihubo Chano
      Chano- quihubo Chon... ya vites Chón? Ese gûey at 12:19 "quiere saber"
      Chón- pos como va a saber si es una operacion "top sicret" Chano.
      solo que le demos a saber por atrás, pa' que le agarre sabor por adelante

  3. Where's the pics or video of the 80 man camp? Sounds suspect to me

  4. Camposinos, likely very poor people with no other options. Probably workers at the local factory mentioned in the article. Sad.
    Not every murder in Mexico is cartel related.

  5. More fallout from the imprisoned “guachiculero?”

    1. Na that's in south chiwas both to do with this

  6. Jaguares ain't trying to let their only plaza go

  7. They never said they found 80 gun men or arrested them the camp site area they found looked like it had housed 80 people

  8. There's some info missing here, more specifically images of the burnt out cars that were left at the scene

  9. your right Said Looked like it housed 80 people Me bad still how the hell do they know 80 as the number
    i laugh sometimes at some statements the LE make They know some details that dont jive with the Rest of story
    plus It is very confusing when they say a Armed Patrol when they are not LE only cartel bad guys
    armed militery I think as Good Law Enforcement not the Cartels
    but yep your right i read wrong

    border Patrol stopped to mexican
    woman with loads of bullets same as seen and used here the other day
    so its not just Americans selling this crap to Mexico
    also Mexicans are allowed to own fire arms but with lots of restrictions
    finding ammo is tougher
    but Yes they can defend their own HOME buts again its who you know and how much you pay for that prevledge
    thats a shame because if all could defend and own a gun. Things would change (maybe)
    went hunting yesrs ago in Mexico with permits legally Stopped ay a small house on the way to pick up guns to hunt with This ole man had plenty and they were stored in his house not a Legal Gun outlet with supervision
    any way Maybe we should send guns to the GOOD HARDING WORKING Innocents in Mexico ( not drug business, hard working) Help them out Then again ( maybe not )

    1. 10:17 maybe "that woman" bought her ammo from a mexican chiricahua pumpkin seed vendor at the plaza, cheap, because the chiricahua needed to sell to pay his plasa fee...or maybe you need to shut you yap yap...
      --arming more Mexicans with their own bazookas and machine guns will be great against incoming missiles from North Korea or against COVID 19 or against bounty hunters looking for a dollar per kill.

  10. your right Said Looked like it housed 80 people Me bad still how the hell do they know 80 as the number
    i laugh sometimes at some statements the LE make They know some details that dont jive with the Rest of story
    plus It is very confusing when they say a Armed Patrol when they are not LE only cartel bad guys
    armed militery I think as Good Law Enforcement not the Cartels
    but yep your right i read wrong

    border Patrol stopped to mexican
    woman with loads of bullets same as seen and used here the other day
    so its not just Americans selling this crap to Mexico
    also Mexicans are allowed to own fire arms but with lots of restrictions
    finding ammo is tougher
    but Yes they can defend their own HOME buts again its who you know and how much you pay for that prevledge
    thats a shame because if all could defend and own a gun. Things would change (maybe)
    went hunting yesrs ago in Mexico with permits legally Stopped ay a small house on the way to pick up guns to hunt with This ole man had plenty and they were stored in his house not a Legal Gun outlet with supervision
    any way Maybe we should send guns to the GOOD HARDING WORKING Innocents in Mexico ( not drug business, hard working) Help them out Then again ( maybe not )

  11. Linea did the killing they use 5.56 scar-h rifles. Only other I've seen use those is em M2 of cjng


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