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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Project Python: 50 narcos arrested by Chicago DEA were from Chicago's Public Enemy No.1----El Mencho

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY GUS  Source

New Mencho superseding indictment at bottom of this post 

Federal authorities in Chicago have gone for the jugular of the city's consensus Public Enemy No. 1, El Mencho, arresting 50 of his operatives here.

The Justice Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration Wednesday pulled back the curtain on Project Python, a sweeping investigation of the Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG, or New Generation cartel) that controls a majority of street drugs sold in Chicago.

The 50 drug suspects arrested by agents from the DEA-Chicago Division are among more than 600 CJNG associates picked up in nationwide sweeps.

As the ABC7 I-Team first reported nearly two years ago, Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes, known as "El Mencho," is the largest target for the DEA and considered within law enforcement ranks to be Chicago's most wanted fugitive and it's Public Enemy Number One.

El Mencho was named Wednesday in a new federal racketeering indictment that cites "numerous acts of violence, including murders, assaults, kidnappings, assassinations, and acts of torture" by the New Generation cartel.

"CJNG is recognized as one of the five most dangerous transnational criminal organizations in the world," DEA Chicago Special Agent in Charge Robert J. Bell said. "In Mexico, CJNG has used extreme violence, extortion and bribes to steadily expand control of the drug trade. CJNG is one of the two most prolific transnational criminal organizations trafficking huge quantities of illegal drugs to the Chicago Division - Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. Project Python is a coherent effort to focus national efforts on the drug plague CJNG spreads. DEA will continue aggressively working with its federal, state and local partners to make Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin inhospitable places for the CJNG."

Also as the I-Team recently reported, Mencho's son Ruben Oseguera Gonzalez, also known as "Menchito," and a daughter Jessica Johanna Oseguera Gonzalez are both being held in the United States on drug cartel related charges.

"Project Python is the single largest strike by U.S. authorities against CJNG, and this is just the beginning," said Acting Administrator Uttam Dhillon. "This strategic and coordinated project exemplifies DEA's mission: to disrupt, dismantle, and destroy drug trafficking organizations around the world and bring their leaders to justice. Today, DEA has disrupted CJNG's operations, and there is more to come as DEA continues its relentless attack on this remorseless criminal organization."

"Project Python marks the most comprehensive action to date in the Department of Justice's campaign to disrupt, dismantle, and ultimately destroy CJNG," said Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Criminal Division. "When President Trump signed an Executive Order prioritizing the dismantlement of transnational criminal organizations, the Department of Justice answered the call and took direct aim at CJNG. We deemed CJNG one of the highest-priority transnational organized crime threats we face. And with Project Python, we are delivering results in the face of that threat for the American people."

Arrests Map

Authorities say they have seized 44,000 pounds of drugs during the investigation, including 33,000 pounds of meth.

CJNG is considered among the most prolific methamphetamine producers in the world. It is responsible for a significant proportion of drugs entering the U.S. according to federal drug agents, and responsible for huge spikes in Mexico violence.

While Wednesday's first official disclosure of Project Python comes as a blow to the New Generation cartel, and has undoubtedly put a dent in the cartel's American drug business, with leader El Mencho still on the loose in Mexico the organization is expected to move forward. The U.S. Department of Treasury has designated El Mencho as a "specially designated narcotics trafficker" and U.S. Department of State officials have issued one of the largest narcotics bounties ever, $10 million, for El Mencho's arrest.

A spokesman for the U.S. attorney in Chicago told the I-Team that there were no court appearances scheduled here today in the case.


  1. Why are these indictments and defendants not unsealed? Or if they are, not presented? Same thing in San Diego. Was said that at least 60 were arrested, likely over the last year or so, and a lot of product seized.

    1. Because some will cooperate, and they don't want to give hints on who could be next.

  2. Good question. Drives me cray as I hunt in vain on Pacer

    1. Chivis, ya estabas loca desde antes,
      I mean you was already crazy before this.

  3. There are billboards in Los Angeles of Mencho, big reward in the capture.
    Good thing USA does pay on rewards.

  4. These busts always bullshit every time it don’t matter what cartel you can name them all its the DEA and the US government who are the real criminals in bed with the cartels.

    1. with such a serious claim, maybe you should elaborate special investigator

    2. 421 love your fake news.

    3. Cozmic Clown and 12:14 i believe he would have to do a bit more than elaborate to make you believe him,he would probably have to wtite a book..its funny you act as if its the 1st time you ever heard of anything so mind blowing

  5. No worries. Mencho has more men to replace the fallen one. It's the nature of the game.

    1. 4:41 how is he going to replace his 2 lil bastards in US custody ah????...😂

    2. Supply and demand dumbo. Mexican will fight to the death to supply gringos meth and cocaineeee. Get it?

  6. Reminds me when supposedly they captured hundreds of CDS in California years BACK
    After doing more research i found that it was la familia michoacana and local gangs like bloods, crips and mexican/american gangs ALL totalling to hundreds so called CDS capos.. 😆 WHAT a joke

  7. Job well done, stop at the border and in the big cities

  8. Need to stop at the border and check trucks and trailers

  9. Way too many federal narcotics cases are handled secretly it seems like. No visibility to court proceedings, sentencing etc...Only rarely is information widely available. E.g. Chapo Guzman trial. Guzman trial was interesting but also served as an infomercial for the DOJ/DEA. Judicial process should be conducted in public (my opinion).

    1. In secret, pos a güeboo!
      We are not going to catch our own supply and get the whole shebangs out in public because then we can't release it back to ourselves.

  10. Mencho looks so unhappy and drained, and lifeless on that pic. I’m not a Chapo fan. But Chapo never looked like that. I know people on here have their opinion. But it has to be such a hard and stressful life to be in the place he’s in. Shit.


    1. You’ve never had a bad picture of you taken once?

  11. How is it he is chared with a firearm? Obiviously he didnt use it in the usa!

  12. Damm that’s the compton plug

  13. mencho is being chased all over mexico. it doesnt matter how much money you have if you cant even live freely. the dudes running from one rat hole to the next trying not to get killed by a rival gang or captured by the CIA

    1. And yet he's been doing this effectively today and tomorrow's to come.
      Can only imagine how or when his apprehension takes place. A dramatic event sending chills if he cooperates against those government officials.


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