Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Tlaquepaque, Jalisco: 2 Federal Agents Lose Their Lives While Protecting a Kindergarten School

Although insecurity is still present in Jalisco, there is a strategy to reduce the rate of violence, a clear example was the operation where two agents from the Jalisco Prosecutor's Office risked their lives to protect citizens, said Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez.

In the last year alone, crimes decreased by 17 percent, the perception of citizens is not the same, but the problem is trying to be reversed, said the Governor.

"There is a problem of violence in Jalisco, yes, yes it has been like this for many years and we are trying to reverse it, but that isn’t why we are living a moment of terror as some want to say, that people don’t go out onto the streets, no, I see restaurants full of people in Guadalajara every day, the streets are full, I see intense economic activity, our state is growing four times faster in its economy than the average of all the states in the country, ”he explained.

He admitted that there are events that cause a perception of insecurity in society such as the one that occurred in Las Huertas in Tlaquepaque, however, it was an event to combat crime, the civilians who died in the confrontation had a criminal record, while the Agents risked their lives to prevent the streets where there was a kindergarten from being affected by gunfire.

Organized crime seeks to cause terror in society, but the Government undertakes actions to combat it, he assured that there is a strategy to reverse insecurity in Jalisco, therefore, institutional, legal, work dynamics changes were made, a new patrol model, doing more solid investigations, a Security Cabinet was designed, which translates into the reduction of violence.

Regarding the levels of violence, he said that there is still insecurity but it’s gradually decreasing, only the crimes of theft of vehicle are down by 33.5 percent compared to 2018 and 30 percent compared to 2019, while the index of recovery is at 50 percent.

"There continues to be violence, we are not even satisfied with the progress we have, but we are clear that the path is the right one because the results demonstrate this. We are experiencing times when levels of insecurity have been lower for a long time," he specified.

The crime reduction is at 17 percent in all crimes for Jalisco from February of last year to this year.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat   Source

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  1. NOTE: "Kinders" in Mexico are not a kindergarten, they are preschools, separate than elementary schools, much like preschools in the U.S. Small schools both private and public.

    1. Sadness and applause for this horrific episode. Un exemplo de dignidad y respeto para los des mas policias.

      Their sacrifice will not be in vain.
      May god bless their souls. Also with the warm welcome deserved.

    2. Oh its in vain alright... nothing will change til you elect a real governmemt dedicated to ending this crap.

    3. 1139
      We should feel the same lets laud these police who lost their lives trying to do the right thing.These are the people we should applaud and cheer for not cartel capos and fuckin criminality..
      RIP QED to these officers and sympathy for their families who lost decent men

  2. Yes one question , why does Mexico put the word kinder on some of their chocolate snacks or donuts ? Even the milk Nido used to say kinder on it , they just love that word

    1. 8:58 Kinder is "for babies",
      and I hope your cultural feelings stop being hurt some day.
      "El Kinder" is the mexican version on Pre-School, and many babies love it, some not at all and cry for their mommies when they get "abandoned there",
      Grammar school is 6 years, followed by 3 years high school ("secundaria") and 3 or 4 years college (preparatoria, tecnologico or a short career)
      And University or Technological for the wise and resourced that want to become professionals.
      On the US a high school graduate certificate costs more than a degreed Mexican doctor or engineer with Sunma Cum Lauda and top honors and if you keep digging it costs about the same as a fully degreed US doctor, lawyer or engineer and too often they need remedial education before starting college, high schools in mexico or the US are the killing grounds where people get into drugs or gangs or pregnant and out of the pomposity of being a "college degreed snob like Obama" in the words of "senator" Rick Santorum who studied divinity and anti-abortion I guess...

    2. Originally from Europe, look closer at the manufacturer

    3. I know the chocolate/candy you're talking about. It's actually an Italian company. Kinder means children in German.

    4. Kinder Surprise, also known as a Kinder Egg or, in the original Italian, Kinder Sorpresa, is a confection manufactured by Italian company Ferrero. Originally intended for children, it has the form of a chocolate egg containing a small toy, often requiring assembly. "Kinder" is the German word for "children".

    5. 'Cus it's meant for little kids.

    6. Kinder = German Mexico always was heavly influenced by The Germans Even Mexican Music
      uamm pa pa beat
      also german jews are present in mexico many sided with mexico during the wars This I only know my Mom german I did history Also the Dictatorship deep down hasnt changed much its not a
      s transparent now but still exists

    7. Fuck the inane kinder chocolate shit,what about the officers who lost their lives ?

  3. If it wasn't because sinaloa controls my state jalisco it would be another Tamaulipas o michoacan,i can truly say Jalisco is not that bad comparing other states its really safe

    1. Lol what? I'm from Jalisco and Sinaloa does not control Jalisco or have any influence at all. Daddy mencho kicked them all out the day he kidnapped the chapitos. But yes Jalisco overall is pretty safe.

    2. Jalisco is fucked up cus of CJNG indeed but you sound like a CDS fanboy hahahaha.

      It's not safe at all.

    3. 9:10 governor Alfaro was supported by CJNG all his motherfacking career, even as he started running for mayor of tlajomulco de zuñiga, small city next to guadalajara, with support and help of CJNG Sergio Kurt Schmidt who may or may not be friends with the Judas of Jalisco anymore.

    4. @ 9:25 I'm not even from Jalisco and I know that you're full of shit. Remember the video where Mencho was saying that "El Aquila" the nephew of "Nacho" Coronel was doing the killings in Guadalajara and has the support of the governor Alfaro? Well, that was made after the "Chapitos" kidnapping...You're not from Jalisco as I'm not from Mexico or if you are, you have no idea what's going on there. Guadalajara safe? Dude, I'm reading news which are saying the contrary. A week ago there were 12 killings in a single day, that means safe for you? I could start a topic on forum with the killings that are taking place daily in Guadalajara and trust me, there are at least 3-4 every day. "Daddy Mencho" doesn't control shit in Guadalajara. There's a war there in case that you didn't noticed.

  4. Todo jalisco es del cholo nueva plaza es quien resguarda Guadalajara de parte del mayo Zambada he takes care of the sinaloa laundry money business

    1. Is it true 85 is with NP?

    2. You write fast, took you one minute to do 2 COMMENTS.. 9:10 9:11 but they are both full of §h!Г.. Cholo does NOT owns ALL jalisco tonto

  5. Cholo has elite sinaloa Sicarios thats why mencho hasn't been able to kill him everyone would think that by now he would be dead going against one of the biggest cartels but thanks to sinaloa his still alive

    1. 9:10,9:11,9:13 what's up Dale! Damn homie, you travel alot. Did you win the lottery because you be in Jalisco, Sonora, TJ, Juarez, the triángulo del Norte, DF, Russia, Colombia, Africa and you even escaped out of Italy when they've quarantined themselves. Dale a word of advice, when you go to Sinaloa, specifically Culiacán, be very careful if you're going to buy mood and behavior altering substances. These people of CDS/Culiacán are known to be SNITCHES, they'll rat you out to the government of the USA! Do not under any circumstances let these people know your business as they will betray you to take away your livelihood! You've been warned

    2. If that’s true then how did the sons get kidnapped so easily in Puerto Vallarta?

    3. 9:13 You are completely stupid or something is wrong with you. The reason CJNG can't get their hands on Cholo is because the State of Jalisco and the Feds betrayed CJNG. If Cholo ends up surrounded or on the verge of getting killed helicopters and convoys of State, Federal personal show up to save his ass.

      The Other reason CJNG can't seem to clean house is simple El 3 and Mencho are incompetent the Cunis were the one's who won the war against El Milenio, Sinaloas. They were the one's who created the game plan. The unit commanders that Mencho has are incompetent they have no idea how to take anything. Who sends people down a road thinking bullets can't kill them.

      The people who are in Guanajuato smashing CDSRL are not Mencho's people they are people that work for the another part of CJNG even then they are running into problems but Marro is losing in Guanajuato. He only has Celaya, Villagran, Juventino Rosas, Apaseo el Alto, Salva Tierra, confornt and Salamanca.

      Marro has lost Leon, Silao, Guanajuato, he even lost Santa Rosa de Lima he can't go there anymore, San Felipe, Dolores Hidalgo, San Luis de la Paz, San Miguel de Allende, Irapuato, Valle de Santiago, Moroleon, Acambaro, Jerecuaro. Marro is on his last legs he is losing the war. Give it another year at most. CJNG is already going into La Costa de Michocan just on the outskirts. Tetos Cemei's cousin kidnapped his Mom and Sister. Cemei is either going to have to wait for the government to take care of his problem or he is going to go and ask CJNG to help him. He has no other option.

    4. 9:13 good joke "elite SINALOA SICARIOS"
      If that were the case they would not have lost so many plazas to cjng 😆

  6. Off topic but Chivis are you going to do another update on Corona virus? I live in Long Beach,CA and the paranoia has reached our city...all the supermarkets are busy with lines going out the doors.

    1. Not planned as of now...but keeping my eye on cdc website and NIH website also.

      yes paranoia is across the supermarket, and big box retail outlets. even online is bad.

      I think it is greedy, self-absorbed for people to go "prepper".

      There has not been an advisory to hoard and stock anything. except medication.

      My niece I spoke to this AM. She is a accounting controller for Smith Foods which is ralphs, kroger, food for less. She works out of the distribution center in Las Vegas.

      they are out of food!

      she ays retailers who normally do 200K per day are bringing in over one million a day.

      and now they have the bright idea to limit purchases. I have told her for weeks, limit to 250. they haven't.

      Trader joes, completely out of food.
      so is the smith distribution lines.
      Here is the thing. Although it is a bit sketchy now, but i bought everything on amazon fresh and amazon whole foods online. they brought it inside my house friday in a couple of hours.

      One thing....very important. Medicines will have a shortage! most ingredients are from india and china. like 90 percent. and factories have been closed in china. so this will created shortages for critical medications.

      Trump announced after his meeting with insurance companies that they will allow emergency stockpile of up to 3 months supply and will over ride the usual schedule. medicare also. and medical.

      I ordered my 3 months of med i take for BP and autoimmune disorder and it was approved on friday, even though I have a month supply remaining.

      The CDC says to create an emergency supply of 2 to 3 months.

      what the hell is up with the toilet paper hoarding? Next they will be buying up all the newspapers...jaja that is a throwback to my father's tales of "you children are so fortunate, because when I was a kid..." and one of the stories...they lived on a farm, with a outhouse. and toilet paper was a luxury. "I had to use old newspaper, I used so much my ass knew how to read.."


    2. PS...PLEASE don't hoard, there are millions of people, retires, single moms, hard working men and women that can't afford to go and pay 1000 or more to hoard. Get what you need. don't be a pig.

      I asked my niece what their data says when supplies will be back as normal...she says 2 weeks. if so that is not so bad. Be tough people YOU have the ability to create an unnecessary crisis and have done so with your greed.

    3. Saw a guy at Kroger the other day with TONS of toilet paper. The jerk was openly bragging about how much he was selling it for online. You definitely see people's true colors when things like this happen, both good and bad.

    4. email me or send comment i won't post and tell me the store. I will have my niece call....that son of a bitch. no way the store should allow huge purchases

      BTW Amazon still has plenty of TP and paper products and free delivery

    5. I just ordered TP for my daughters neighbor....BTW she is a sweet little senior, check with people in your lives who live alone and can't run out and hoard. Buy or share.

      anyway...I was still able to purchase amazon toilet paper but there are very few offers now, almost all gone.

      PLEASE! My daughter has a life threatening autoimmune disorder, she rec monthly infusions. It is important she surface wipe to disinfect but she is unable to locate the disinfectant wipes. these are not the ones for hands...for surface.

      if you know where we can get them...... :(

    6. You should see the UK.Believe it or not major retailers are having a bonanza because people are panic buying,panic buying toilet rolls till they sell out.I KID YOU NOT.
      If ever you doubted the herd mentality of people here is the proof,THERE IS NO REASON TO BE PANIC BUYING ANYTHING.
      It is very disolutioning to see this happening

  7. Cjng once again killing kids cause cholo, marro and el abuelo all killing his guys in 3 different states.

  8. This is cholo/MAYO PLAZA but mencho keeps sneaking in and getting his kills since the I war started
    Mayo/cholo/Los gueros and la corona teamed up to go against MENCHO but yet cjng is still advancing.. They got tired of getting bullied by mencho including MAYO.. FACTS son

  9. Que dios los tenga en su gloria se lo tenien merecido.

  10. Well I hear the governors words... But every day we have at least 10 bodys found. Cause of death shooting, knife, beatings. this is spread over the whole of guadalajara, could be people cleaning up or a taake over who knows.

  11. Crime is down 17% in Jalisco they say and the economic activity 4x faster then other states (ok let me translate that the people being killed are being thrown in graves and the cartels have many investments in Guadalajara they laundered ther money since the 80’s why don’t they talk about the pueblos in Jalisco that border other states those are the front lines all the small towns in the mountains

  12. So there is still violence in Jalisco, but they are trying to reduce it?

  13. He [the governor] admitted that there are events that cause a perception of insecurity in society. Duh. Then he continues with the buts, but it is not so bad, he suggests. Duh. How dumb must one be to become governor, I wonder.

  14. What the fack are "federal agents" doing protecting kindergardens?
    That is a job for local mujicipal police and crossing guards.
    Oooh, I see, that was the municipal idea of a trap for federales...

  15. Theres nothing in the story that describes what happened

  16. So where's the story about the two agents ?


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