Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, April 27, 2020

CJNG massacred 18 sleeping Viagras/LFM in La Huerta, Aguililla

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat   TY Follower via comments  Source 

The attack on an organized crime camp, (narcocamp) in the community of La Huerta, municipality of Aguililla, perpetrated by the  Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, left 18 rivals from that group dead, and an arsenal and two "monster" vehicles seized, residents of the region confirmed, as there is no official version of the state authorities.

On Sunday morning, Army personnel who traveled to La Huerta, after the report of heavy shootings, found an organized crime camp and in it, 12 dead men, who would be members of "Los Viagras" - "Carteles Unidos".  The victims were executed, apparently being caught while they slept, by the CJNG.

At the bottom of a nearby ravine, six other bodies were found, which were sprayed with gasoline and set on fire. Due to the difficult terrain, until the afternoon the rescue work of those bodies continued.

In addition, 16 heavy-caliber weapons were seized at the site, including a 50-millimeter Barret rifle, as well as magazines labeled with the legends "FM" (from Familia Michoacana, members of Carteles Unidos) and "Viagras".  Likewise, two trucks with artisan armor, called "monster", were seized.

According to inhabitants of the region, a couple of days ago, after holding shootings in El Aguaje and El Limoncito, Aguililla, members of Los Viagras - Carteles Unidos displaced the Jalisco Cartel.  After taking control of those places, Los Viagras - Carteles Unidos looted homes and businesses and then went to La Huerta to rest, where they were ambushed.

Read backstory of Viagras/CJNGwar here  --GRAPHIC IMAGES BELOW

Comment From BB follower:
On the 23 and 24 of April the Sedena based in Apatzingan and the one based in Coalcoman made an incursion in el Aguaje with a convoy of Viagras/ Chocomiles they managed to go all the way into el Aguaje the CJNG allies left the town they didn't want to fight the military. The Viagras/Chocomiles proceeded to loot what they could get. The Military left and the people from el Aguaje came back down a group of 20 or so Viagras/Chocomiles decided to make camp in a place called la huerta land where El Zeta 43 aka El Charly, José María Guizar Valencia, used to have people who worked for him. (captured in 2018) 
They massacred them, they managed to capture some and piled them up and set them on fire. At first the viagras on their social media pages attempted to deny the dead.

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  1. Someone in lfm/viagras is probably snitching to rivals cjng or some cjng sympathizers infiltrated lfm/viagras.

  2. There should be no sympathy for murdered police & military in Mexico.

  3. This is unreal.. In a country with the GDP at over ONE TRILLION dollars, this still happens, every day and every second.

    I also can’t believe the current situation. First CJNG helps Viagras fight LFM and CT. Then once the CT are over with, Viagras and LFM team up to fight CJNG....

    Who’s the real “betrayer” in this bunch?

    1. The government is ALWAYS!

    2. Pretty much everyone has flipped to another cartel at one point but the viagras are the worse even tuta said they would betray cjng like they betrayed him, and at one point im pretty sure they will betray lnfm and carteles unidos

    3. The thing is Los Santana brothers didn't think there would be a CARTEL crazy enough to go into michoacan to take their plaza.. Viagras are some tough calculating SICARIOS but they underestimated cjng SICARIOS and MENCHO.. It's taking more than 3 years since CJNG decided to go into michoacan but CJNG is too persistent.. I remember at first there would be many cjng SICARIOS killed in the border of michoacan, especially in jalusco and colima border..

  4. Yay more dead viagras!

  5. Looks like the lookout fell asleep

  6. It went in to 21 lacras

  7. El M2 of CJNG cleaning aguililla initially Viagras had the upper hand, catching CJNG off guard in el limoncito, CJNG regrouped and attacked in la Huerta, 22 dead Viagras so far.

    1. Que no el M2 se avia cambiado a los viagras y lla lo detuvieron y esta en el bote?

    2. El que volteó bandera fue el nanis.
      M2 sigue al frente de las 4 letras.

    3. Nunca se voltio el m2 se voltio unos pistoleros pero el m2 sigue con el cjngles trae coraje alos viagras carteles unidos a el no lo an detenido

    4. Gracias por la aclaracion pense que avia volteado bandera el vato, pero si no pues es por eso que los federales le estan asiendo el paro a los viagras, porque el m2 les mato varios en aquella enboscada, eso les pasa por putos y meterse entre la guerra de carteles, de todos modos sigue la nieva pa delante

    5. @650 👍🏾

      Pura gente del seńor mencho.

  8. CJNG taking out the trash

  9. Hahaha this is hilarious. Fair game......Obviously, these fools were drone-spotted by either the Army, the Feds or state/ municipal police and an inside mole leaked the info (for a price) to the CJNG.


    1. What I heard the feds who work for lnfm raided the place and lnfm took advantage and and started stealing from houses and stores and when the feds left Cjng came back

    2. 1:10 is right on point thats what happened

  10. 6 died burned alive when the brecha that they were hiding at got lit up by CJNG

    I’m sure mencho is proud.
    Buen trabajo chavalones.

    1. El Mencho runs real sicarios with guerilla tactics. CDS sicarios always asleep, got chapo caught , got ovidio caugh then they kidnap innocent family of the military to free him. Few days later they killed the police commander that caught ovido that was just doing his job. Bunch of coward sinaloenses killers of innocents.

    2. Michoacanos are warriors.

    3. Guerilla tactics este wey jaja

    4. You are a total fool 1:58. Mencho killed 35 innocents and said they were Zs when he was a matazeta. The dude kills innocence every single day shut your mouth you sound dumb as hell.

    5. @1:58 what sinaloense stole your chic bro you sound bitter

    6. @ 10:37
      A los Chinolas les gustan mucho los hombres borque las viejas de sinaloa ya son de puro plastico!

    7. @1:58 yh right cjng this cjng that ovido showed us who is the boss of mexico the government had to bend the knee and release him

    8. 1:58 true but the head sicarios that was sleeping was from guerrero not SINALOA.. Sinaloas are only tough in corridos remember? 😆

    9. @554
      All those 35 weren’t innocent. Stfu.

    10. 1:58 Mencho is worse stfu

    11. Guerrilla Tactics? más bien parecen gorilas 🦍

    12. 6:03 Ovidio no metió las manos más que a las esposas cuando contratistas privados iban por la recompensa y metieron las patas en la cagada...
      i mean Ovidio only got his hands in the cuffs when the private bounty hunters stepped in the shit...
      --"You can't always get what you want" say old druggies Rolling Stones.

    13. 5:54 veracruz governor javier "La Marrana" duarte and his secretario de seguridad publica estatal arturo bermudez zurita killed those innocents and claimed they were zetas to collect from CJNG.
      --REAL ZETAS could not stoop that low, they disappeared their victims or cooked them, not just throw them on the street, see?

    14. Menso keeps up his tweeker cartel with meth galore. They’ll turn on him like tweekers usually do to each other

    15. @ 11:12 True but CDS isn't much better.

    16. @10:55 also chapo mother is the boss did u see the video of amlo greeting her she sat in car and greeted him a president for crying out loud where they are greeted with other powerful leaders with salutes and gunfire n such she sat in car n greeted him it just shows guzmans control mexico

  11. 18 cockroach POS’s down —tens of thousands more to go. Hopefully they just keep killing each other.

  12. 😂🍺 damn it man.. ill drink to this.. kill all viagras 🍺🤟

  13. I read somewhere else that cjng got there in small airplanes and took out the viagras, thats really shows who has the money and power, they are not gonna let viagras take la huerta most likely some families of mencho live there

    1. Reminds me of the old adage “don’t believe everything you read”

    2. No man! Half of them parachuted using the HALO system and the other half swam 5 miles with full equipment. All that was done Navy SEALs style. This is the truth.

    3. I heard they also had invisible man with them 😂

    4. Ah Man you forgot the million dollars chips they secertly inplanted putting it into soda pop these dudes drink And the tress that arent really tress that are cameras and the monster trucks that have low jack The Iranians new satilite
      are the ones that spotted them
      look at guy with beard (Dead Guy) he was Not Mexican but an Iranian top spy
      if your gonna tell storys tell ALL of the story ok

      Peace dudettes

  14. With out the help from the sedena viagras cant handle their own, its well known that the gov transfers randomly the militaries from state to state when they transfer the guys who are with the viagras to another state and the next sedena desides to side with cjng its over for viagras

    1. 2:47 bruh it's more obvious that cjng can't do nothing without amlo help..

    2. Tell us how AMLO helped them. AMLO is fighting the real criminals inside the gob.

    3. "amlo is fighting the real criminals" hahahahahahahahaha SUUUUURRRREEEEEEEE, Napo, Bartlett are LOLing at this. AMLO has some of the worst PRI scum in MORENA and you say he is fighting criminals? The guy is as corrupt as the PRI and PAN gangs only difference is he has an army of zombies who believe anything he says.

    4. 3:11 the governor of Muychuekón is losing his grip on the state,
      and thass is all, remember the miagras came with him and EPN delegate asshole alfredo castillo Posing as PRD? Courtesy of PRI.

  15. Asi se hace chavalos. Pinches viagras hijos de su puta madre

    1. Seguramente te están escuchando

  16. Viagras are literally in menchos back yard...

    1. yeah thats what the commentators are failing to realize lol..Mencho probably got spooked and sent in hundreds of his goons.

  17. Less coward snitchoacanos in this world thats a good thing let them kill each other i say

    1. The only spineless coward around here is you who has no life. Keep commenting online coward bc you can't in person LOL.

    2. @ 9;53 neither can you !

    3. 3:49 that way they can give SNITCHALOAS a break because michoacanos are way tougher and it shows.. That's why snitchaloas 🏃 back to SINALOA when cjng invaded their PLAZAS.. I can see WHY you would HATE 😆

    4. 7:20 tougher? Jaja michoacanos are bums not one Sinaloan hates on Michoacacas it's you bums always feeling less

    5. Woooow woooow wow, slow your roll guys, before the good ol CJNG boys kidnap los menores again. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

  18. Viagras/FM/Lfm are no better than CJNG. in fact, they have committed worse atrocities in Michoacan than any other group

  19. The only reason viagras are holding on their turd is because state as well as federal government are on their payroll also chocomiles from el abuelos and wuichos cartel flipped sides and are with them if it was not the case cjng had already taken over michoacan. I dont support any criminal group but i can tell that cjng are better at the art of war than viagras.

    1. Not if you can surround yourself with allies. But once the reason for the alliance disappears, the alliance disappears. The art and skill is staying one step ahead of the betrayal. Seems like a life of paranoia.

    2. wait wait So you say if a group is Not good at war fare surrounds himself with allies your ok ??

      Not Because the group thats better HAS AN EGO instant Hate
      when you put these two groups together No Way No Way to mix or ask two completely groups to get along When one is clearly better And smarter better guns better food Egos jealously
      no way These are " Males "
      No way Thats just makes no sense

  20. Is it just me or does the one guy with his eyes open and brains coming out look like he is smiling?

    1. He's laughing on the way out from living hell on earth.

    2. 651
      Yeah i can dig what ye sayin

    3. Cannoeing, the signature shot on the head of the seals,
      done for the hell of it.
      Too many in Mexico are experiencing it.

  21. Classic counter-offensive maneuver catches the those less vigilant with their pants down.

  22. This is fake news no real verified sources news claims. It’s just base on a made up story and rumors. Theirs no pictures for the 18 bodies at first their where saying it was 12 bodies than 20 and 17 and 18 its all bs theirs no real proof or evidence of this masacre but only few pictures of the same 3 bodies. Plus they say the military supposedly found theses body with all their táctical gear and all their weapons still on the crime scene . this proof this false news because cartel rivals are known for taking their oops weapons as sign of Victory trophy

    1. Who needs cartridges with “fm” written on them when u just spanked your enemy?

    2. 6:55 PM Everything that happened there is true the Viagras lost 2 monsters and at least 20 guys the one's you see on there pages showing them off. They went into el aguaje with the sedena in the front then pushed further up going to la huerta where a guy that is with CU has a rancho. Their are many reasons why they didn't take the weapons it was to hot they hit them in the dark and needed to push back before the people from Aguillila came down ect. Or they did take the weapons and the information is wrong. There are a few more images of the burned bodies all wearing the same type of uniform.

      The number one reason you should know this took place is simple the viagras have been totally quiet for the past 3 days. Right after the pictures went up CJNG posted them on a page where the viagras denied the dead saying the dead belonged to CJNG. That whole post was then deleted. Just now I read a comment where the viagras ignore the comments about there dead in general.

    3. There you go;
      Next time, tell these guys to get pics of Tats and fingerprints note of scars age blood type. Then and only then
      will we know if its real.
      or Make them think that Sleep is their worst enemy .. Do more Meth, do not fall asleep Ever.

    4. 3:51 just because your write all these nice fancy word and paragraph doesn’t make you knowledgeable to situation and the dynamics to what really going on in Michoacán . you out here buying into all the bs the el Jose Lara be spreading which a lot of the stuff/ material he be publishing is lies and some truth but polluted by extended lies:/exaggeration. Their is no official report from fiscalía or government and their no name of the deceased their no real concrete evidence that this actually happened how reports but just made up story he came with he said the military found this .. think about it don’t you think of the military found this crime scene the way he is publish all the. Big media outlets and even government would be all over specially with all the finds of weaponry and tactical equipment. It’s big deal. And trust me you can’t hide something like this massacre/ event no matter how bad it is or what state it happened in. Just remember the massacre in the state of Mexico done and executed my military personal. That could not even hide that and that was A government order by Garcia Luna


    6. 12:32 PM Jose Lara Gracian is a DEA informant that is openly selling them information and instead of hiding is openly challenging the cartels in Michocan by way of social media. Former Autodefensa, ex military ect that stuff is true. What he is doing has never been done before and it is actually working some what.

      Informants weakened the American Mafia but it didn't destroy them what did destroy them was people losing the fear they had of them and openly cooperating with the police.

      The information he gets is found on social media but not all of it those pictures you see were either sent by the soldiers that found the bodies or by the people in El Aguaje. He also has people sending him information and when caught have died in the most brutal fashion you can imagine stuff they won't even post.

      The stuff you mentioned happened in populated area's not in the middle of nowhere.

    7. 12:32 do a little more research, i saw a vid of a cjng sicario taunting lnf he even said the date it wad the 25 of april 2020 were he showed were viagras were and weapons he even said it was the towns name and that viagras came backed up with the militaries but once the militaries left cjng took over, he taunted lnfm saying lnfm made a video a week ago calling out cjng cause they had militaries with them but once the militaries left cjng went into the town and lnfm left running cjng is way better at what they do witch is war and sell drugs just admit it, the biggest, richest and dangerous drug cartel is cjng, dont worry dought at one point they will fall like every empire will, just like usa cant be on top all the time its chinas turn to be the most powerful country in the world or maybe russia


      This facebook page is run by the Chocomiles de Tepeque and look at the article hmmm.

      What a coincidence?

      One of the first sources for this information as you can see it is Jose Lara Gracian the DEA informant.

    9. You dumb lol listen what your saying ever to your staying here is exactly what he brainwashing his followers

    10. He don’t got No real pulled with no government and the ones he did they already died because of him

    11. 2:01 that chimuelo of Jose Lara is only giving info about the viagras to authorities n obviously siding with cjng so when he gets caught they will pull out the few teeth he has left... he's also challenging cartels from very far away where he is protected by rat mencho

    12. Authorities in Michoacán only claimed 3 dead, off course they’re not gonna own up to the 22 murdered cause they work for the viagras. Don’t you know? All authorities in Michoacán are colluded with Viagras/Carteles Unidos.

    13. Les estoy diciendo que son los mismos! Estamos en 2020 ya nada es lo que parece con estos carteles. Asi como estan ustedes alegando asi es como los quieren.

  23. Kind of amazing that they could be slept sleeping like that, literally.

    1. Oh Man dont ya know Fentanyl
      is the trick

  24. Baby Killer Cartel, did something that will heavily infuriate cartels that sleep and get killed in cold blood. War has been let out, I am sure big time revenge will be coming, baby killer cartel, can't win all the time.

    1. 658
      Dude,are you serious? "killed in cold blood" Fuck them they got caught like clowns with their AKs,there is no cold blood till your dead,just killin and gettin away.You must be taking the piss out of us,cold blood,what the fuck is that?
      Its in our nature,theres nothing mysterious or uncivilized,its always gonna be like that

  25. That's the reason other CARTELS rather work with CJNG or run out of that PLAZA
    They get their name and product and extra sicarios in their team, also more PLAZAS

    1. What plazas??? They assume they have plazas on lock but really u see cjng getting killed

    2. 7:33" You would hire another sicario from a different group ??

      ps you lose

    3. Again lets get this shit straight cds did the same when he invated other plazas, difference is other cartel respect cjng and never did they respected chapo cause everybody knew he was a snitch, you just cant trust a snitch

    4. 8 :24 it's working for cjng and don't lie because your favorite cartel is CDS 😆 you lose

  26. El chakal an important regional boss from LNFM got killed by some feds on friday, the tide is turning to cjng side, lets just wait a little longer, now that menchos elite took guanajuato from el marrano they are gonna surround viagras from every bordering state and its gonna be a real massacre bad choice going against el señor de los cocks

    1. cjng ain’t shit his times up. Oh wow they got revenge on some viagra members while sleeping. It goes on and on. Never ends

    2. 12:47 you must be new

  27. To chivis and bb staff. Someone told breibart about an independent criminal organization in the state of nuevo leon that does mostly local drug sales called los billys. Theyre part of the war in n.l. against cdn and other cartels fighting for monterrey.

    1. "Cartel Independiente de Billi" CDB

      It’s not really a cartel but a MTY retail drug sales gang. The “leader” Saul Salinas Gonzalez and his GF were arrested this past February.

      I am sure CDN is more annoyed than feeling threatened.

      BTW saul is from Tamps and gf Ana Luisa Garcia Duque is from Santa Catarina, Mty. NL.

      I took a l👀k at the Breitbart post, the fotos are misidentified. Not them. Google their names and you will see their arrest fotos. Much different. Very young looking although they are in their 30s------C

    2. Chiva theres a few recent vids of cjng member recording and telling really what happened, try to look them up and upload them so we can get a better picture of what happened

    3. if you run into one please send the link

  28. 18 neutralized while they slept!

    Looks like a well coordinated, and executed plan. CJNG appears to have strategic and tactical talent on its payroll.

    1. The number went up its now 21 and some claim there are more to be found.

    2. Not really, more like fm and viagras are just tweaked out farmers that fell asleep after a week long binge.

    3. Not really Mr.Queso
      It happened since the fire watchman ended up falling asleep, otherwise a full out battle would have transpired.

  29. Some dude ‘Brazilian zeta’ posted about this yesterday in the bin laden dispensary post.


  30. Los viagras r buncha dirtbags

    1. Im guessing the other fine gentlemen are outstanding members of their community. Thanks for clearing that up, good day to you sir.

    2. Yeah pretty much what’s your point?

    3. @1:24 only cheers for the ones that have a banging corrido he can bump while he gets drunk and cos plays he a big time drug pusher or sicario only on the weekend because during the week he goes to his 9-5 day job but on the weekend party time.

  31. Entonces los esperaron a que se durmieran? Es tanta la ventaja del terreno que solo "madrugandolos" pueden avanzar? Me recuerdo a lo que paso en Uruapan cuando encontraron a varios muertos despues de una emboscada. Solo espero que la ciudadania no caiga victima en un violento contra ataque y gracias al autor de este articulo que claramente vio mi comentario de "que es long-weapons?". Cheers!

  32. They seized a 50 millimeter Barret rifle? That is some serious firepower. Sicario 006 do you anything about such rifle that us common folk don't know?

    1. The caliber is usually in inches.
      A 22 caliber is around .22 inches
      A 45 caliber is around .45 inches
      A 50 caliber is around .50 inches

  33. Most of u fail to remember or even realize the fact that cjng got pushed back out of menchos own hometown by viagras...

    1. When ??? You are a pendejo you mean la empresa with the help of los zetas when they together kicked out el milenio out of michoacan.

  34. The people will soon invite and welcome los Zetas.

  35. So they're saying that cjng had the time to execute n burn all these guys but yet they didn't have time to collect all those weapons specially that .50 cal...something not matching here makes no sense...

    1. Bra cjng are not scavengers like the rest of the cartel, they got money to the ceiling, they are actually giving covid19 despensas all over their plazas unlike cdsnitchloas nomas en su culoacan

    2. 9:34 we can tell ur a mencha fan-girl 🖕...good they are giving back what they took so they can come back later on n get it back... haven't heard of cds giving out in culiacan cause they too busy giving them out in Guadalajara 😂😄🖕

  36. I guess ambush or caught sleeping is the only chance cjng has to kill rivals

  37. Viagras totally kicked some cjng ass in their own turf,they made them run is what some people are saying n mencho had come back with an ambush...nos pos wow very brave cjng members

  38. No que bien vergas los michoacanos? No que michoacan controla todo? Asen su desmadre y se hechan a dormir. Y les partieron la madre. Crees que eso le pasaria al cdg o las zetas vieja escuela o hasta los pinche cdn que no valen verga?


    Hey Chivis read this look at the information warfare the Chocomiles del Abuelo Farias pull off. They pay the media to publish these types of articles. This is one of many they claim CJNG attacked innocent families when in reality something else took place.

    1. And thats why mx media is so upset about AMLO, he doesn’t pay them for good PR like all former Mexican presidents before him did.
      And the easy minded belive what’s in the news and on social media.

  40. There is foreign military personal among the dead, Colombian Honduran and salvadorean.

    Pura raza del CJNG

    1. Yes, those foreign military personnel were training Viagras.

  41. Sounds like typical Michoacán some one flipping sides and alliances for the hundred time

  42. The name of this corrido is going to be named Los fantasmas de mencho. Ya saben
    Los Tucanes are already working on it.

  43. I agree why not take a perfectly good tax free Barrett 50 cal sniper. Then again who knows. The dead can’t talk and the sicarios who did this won’t either.

  44. The latest count went up to 23 dead men

  45. Michoacán state authorities are doing everything to cover up the massacre. Así oh mas aliados @ Michocan authorities and Viagras———

    1. 8:58 buddy then it should be the other way around,they would put this massacre n some out there to bring heat to cjng.. IMO if they not bringing it to public is for 3 reasons:
      1-it never happened
      2-authorities are with cjng
      3- authorities carried out the massacre for cjng....
      Because of the way it happened it's most likely authorities did themselves n just left or even planted the weapons on the spot cause any cartel rich or poor would take those guns no matter what, another funny thing is that even the viagras look out fell asleep... really..??most of these guys are doped out so no way they would even think of Knocking out specially not in that area...

    2. It isn’t so complex don’t over analyze the situation, it’s more of a pride thing with viagras and allies.

  46. Viagras have been mass kidnapping in coalcomal, 14 missing in the last 48hrs.

  47. This is probably one of my favorite articles this year I love it when FM- Viagras get spanked by 4 letras. Viagras se creen la mera verga pero ocupan puro campesino dogadicto


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