Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Image supposedly depicts El Chapo's brother "Guano" with AMLO in Badiraguato...or not

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat   TY GUS and "MX"

As if Mexico's president hadn’t stirred up enough controversy with his shrugging off the coronavirus, then shook hands with the mother of El Chapo, while he was in Badiraguato, Sinaloa, but now…..this image is making the rounds.

It is a photo alledgedly depicting the brother of El Chapo, Aureliano Guzman Loera, known as “El Guano”. 

Making matters worse is that the former president of Mexico Felipe Calderon tweeted the following:  "Who is the person behind the president?"(google translated tweet)

Fake News update below----Calderon has not addressed the fake news allegation

FAKE NEWS reports Zeta Tijuana Magazine

After President Andrés Manuel López Obrador greeted María Consuelo Loera Pérez, mother of Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera, alias “El Chapo” -in the community of La Tuna, the municipality of Badiraguato, Sinaloa- on Sunday, March 29, the Former President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa released an image of one of the people who was in the presidential delegation on his social network account Twitter.

Because of this, various users of social networks speculated that  person - who appears in a photograph next to the head of the Federal Executive Power - was Aureliano Guzmán Loera, alias “El Guano”, brother of the former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Joaquín Archivaldo, “ El Chapo ”, now a prisoner in the United States.

ZETA requested information from the General Coordination of Social Communication and Spokesperson of the Government of the Republic, who replied that the man in the image is actually a surgeon attached to the Regional Hospital of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) of Villa Unión, in the municipality of Mazatlán.

This medium corroborated this information on the portal of the National Registry of Professionals of the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) of the Federal Government, where it is verified that Edgar Heriberto “N” has the professional ID number 5736111, year of issue 2008, for having completed the Bachelor of Medical Surgeon at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS).

The IMSS doctor attended the tour of the community of La Tuna, Badiraguato municipality, accompanying the local delegation that received the President of the Republic, with the aim of attending to any emergency situation that might have arisen during the tour by the Sierra Sinaloa

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  1. Whos really pulling AMLO strings honestly?

    1. One string goes to Sinaloa, one to Tamaulipas and of course the legs are Jalisco and Michoacán...

    2. 9:54 Chapitos are AMLOs boss #facts

    3. AMLO practically owns PEMEX, he could be getting billions of dollars on the down low, secretlyndeposited in his swiss bank accounts, or with Chase Manhattan, or any of hundreds of banks, there is also kickbacks for power generation, new airlines, mining and agriculture and livestock trades, why would AMLO need kickbacks from any cartel?
      AMLO GOT ELECTED BY THE MEXICAN PEOPLE, IT WAS A LANDSLIDE, 3 TIMES, THE LAST TIME THE PRI AND PAN could not steal it anymore because they would have been murdered by the mexican ignorant abused and exploited people.
      --The above replies stink of ignorance and BS and propaganda.

  2. CJNG is getting jealous, hope they don't bomb his palace. Humm tacos con carnitas help yourself pot luck.

    1. 10:00 AMLO could have his french cooks and waiters serving the carnitas, but why make you and FECAL happy?
      Like Javier "El perro caga-twitters" Lozano, who is now a federal senator to keep trying to steal from the mexicans, FECAL is grasping for straws in his quest to impose his wife Mararinflas de fecal on the presidency...
      The FECAL CAMPAIGN is not working.

  3. Calderon trying to put dirt on obrador but to me it backfires because why is Calderon playing a guessing game lol... it’s obvious calderon knows the man in the picture that’s why he Is point it out lmfao no one else did lol.. they are both morons


    1. FECAL HAS A TEAM, javier corral defended him like a bitch in congress from Noroña's attacks and javier Lozano the PRI chapulin who jumped to the PAN did the same, sinhue and cabeza de cagadas de vacas are in in it, trying to pull the wool over the mexicans eyes, but it is not working...

  4. Is not Chapo’s brother. There’s some differences. I seen the pictures side by side.

    1. The differences could be do to age so they might be negligible.

  5. That food looks bomb and I bet it is.

  6. Cjng wish they were having taco parties with the president

    1. Right, there missing out on that fantasy narco novela life. They will just have to stick with strategically moving into rivals territory’s and gaining part of there markets.

    2. 5:09. Damn boy you just ripped CDS a new one!!! jajajajaja

    3. Cjng will be CDS worst fear even if they outsmart-outsnitch cjng. Cjng has better hit man and it has been proven many times in cds territory.. Cds just reacts and cryies to AMLO to fix the cjng issue.. With big $$$

    4. at 9:44.....Nice comment but you do bring a point that could be strategic within these cartels. I am no way a cheerleader for either group....but if you're CDS and you know you have the money coming in from drugs...why not pay the government to go after cjng? Let the government lose people and spend their time fighting cjng while your guys stay safe and worry about the money coming back into mexico. From a business perspective, it's the smarter move.

    5. 11:47 bra cjng probably has more money than cds, but in the narco world its better to be respected or feared than have money, thats the key to stay on top and keep making money

  7. my friends told me its a doctor and not El Guanita. just felipe throwing dirt.

  8. Tell me who u hang out with, and I 'll tell u who u r. First the grandson, the mother, now the brother. Chapos r well connected

    1. 11:49 be glad AMLO hasn't got the Russians in Los Pinos or the National Palace where they found EPN planted bugs.

  9. Smart move on the President part, fill his bank account, but no corruption

  10. FAKE NEWS reports ZETA, I will post info in a few...I wonder what calderon will say now

    1. Well that's good to know.

      I initially wondered if this was supposed to be an April Fool's prank.

  11. "supposedly" and "allegedly" told me you weren't all in. I wonder how calderon will respond. The implication was clear.
    He did however greet the mother of el chapo

    1. 1:12 AMLO greeting el Chapo's mother should not anger so many motherfuckers who have hung with the likes of murdering drug trafficker extorter genarco garcia Luna and "la Señora de Wallace" and Luis cardenas Palomino and paid chayote to Carlos loret de moolah, el patas de ceballo doriga and la payasa tenebroza dresser...
      Please people, this is all FECAL NEWS!

  12. Calderon already replied, he just asked who the guy in the pic was.

  13. Are people readythis article or just commenting? It says hes a doctor and not chapos brother

  14. That coward wont show up anywhere in public unless dead or captured.

  15. How difficult would it be for the president to call up the passport office and say print up a fake passport and how difficult would it be for him to call the military and say put this on your website to make it look like this invisible Man works as doctor

    1. this is México not the United States where everything goes.

    2. 3:49 if they were giving Oscars for theory conspiracies,
      You'd get one up your ass.

  16. Wow the media is really trying to a rabbit out of it's @$$. Only seen 1 picture of "Guano" and now he's having a barbeque with AMLO and thr press, c'mon!


  18. The nose is different. But, hey why not change his appearance get fake credentials form the top govt official. Obviously, Calderon spotted him from a mile away and probably knows him personally.

  19. Has there been an interview on tv with this supposed doctor so we can see if it is a real person instead of Chapo's brother?

    1. Why don’t go over and ask him, his name is there and the hospital he is working for as well. Just go south and let us know. Ups I forgot you are a keyboard warrior.

  20. While I don’t doubt that AMLO is crooked and has secret pacts, I doubt El Guano would be just randomly milling about in a crowd like that, even in La Tuna. Any meetings would be secret. That probably is the Doctor.

  21. Ese no es mi compa Guano...
    Es el Dr. Covarrubias de Villa Union es un Hombre amable y servicial a ayudado a la raza de nuestra sierra

  22. Clearly on Cartel payroll....Revolution needed in Mexico. Current system fraud.

    1. He is not embarrassed openly involved with the Cartel

  23. Looks more like Osiel that Guano

    1. It is osiel he looks like a vato loco and eating up the carnitas

  24. This guy is the worst president currently serving any country in the world right now.
    Actively consorting/cavorting with cartel familia. Amazing but true.

    1. No, it’s not, he started changes but you can’t see it cause you can’t even read the Story properly.

  25. Queremos la cara de ovidio guzman cuando le cantaban el happy birthday

  26. Amlo smart, Cartel best bodyguards, let them sell the drugs, give a little $$$$$$ and i give u protection

  27. What their telling me is it's some guy that wants to be and act like guano

  28. I dont even think guano knows where hes at and he just postin

  29. So basically andres is running sinaloa along with el guano

  30. if anybody starts tripping they ganna send guano on your ass


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