Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, April 10, 2020

Los Paredes, Protected by the Government in Sonora where Impunity Prevails

By Buggs for Bordeland Beat, 
derived from source Sonora Informativo.

The last name Paredes is one of the most influential names in the state of Sonora. This Mexican American family (Paredes Cartel) has controlled drug trafficking in the northwest of the country since the 1990s. Leonel Paredes-Peru was the founder of this Mexican criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking, money laundering and arms trafficking. It is responsible for the trafficking of hundreds of kilos of cocaine and marijuana to the United States through Arizona. This has allowed the organization to profit in millions of dollars from the US to Mexico.

On May 4, 2004, three gunmen shot and killed Leonel Paredes-Peru, as well as Leobardo and María del Refugio Paredes-Machado in a restaurant in Agua Prieta. From that day on, Marco Antonio Paredes-Machado, one of the brothers would assume command of the Paredes criminal organization.

Paredes-Machado, supposedly in command of the central base of the region and controlling the plaza on the northern border of Sonora in Agua Prieta, he managed to form a stronger and more sophisticated network of drug trafficking, weapons smuggling and money laundering.  This structure was dedicated to maintaining the traffic of hundreds of kilos of marijuana and cocaine to the United States through the border crossings in Agua Prieta, Naco, Nogales, Sonoyita and San Luis Río Colorado using tunnels, which exponentially increased his power. The organization increased the trafficking of arms from the United States to Mexico, through the same border crossings, to dominate their influence with total violence in the territory and confront rival cells.

From the border city of Agua Prieta, Los Paredes monitor and coordinate the passage of drugs through Arizona. "They move it in trucks, through undocumented immigrants, with pack animals (horses and mules) and sporadically in ultralight aircraft," indicated a Mexican agent that was interviewed and did not want to be identified for security reasons. Along the 388 miles of border that Arizona shares with this arid land of the Mexican territory, almost all the marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine that enters here are moved by the Paredes cartel.

Marco Antonio Paredes-Machado was detained on January 11, 2011 by elements of the Federal Police, after leaving a hospital in Huixquilucan, State of Mexico. He was identified by the anti-drug agencies (including the DEA) as the main operator of the narco-tunnels in Sonora.

Despite the arrest, the Paredes family still own the plaza where the son of Marco Antonio,  Marco Antonio Jr. Paredes-Ponce "Junior" was the successor of his father, remaining in control of one of the most coveted plazas by drug traffickers.

Marco Antonio Paredes-Ponce "Junior", originally from the United States and residing in Phoenix, Arizona, is the current leader of the Los Paredes Cartel. Despite being accused of being a criminal/trafficker, the United States government has not named him as a "public enemy." Things move fast in the Mexican cartel business and sometime the US law enforcement have a hard time keeping up.

“Junior” in the organization that made his father powerful from May 2004 to January 2011, created a tight circle among people he trusted, where he assigned plazas to bosses in different towns in the state of Sonora and Chihuahua.

Martin Alonso Siqueiros, also known as “Tin Tin” and “9-12”, originally from Hermosillo, Sonora, lives in Agua Prieta and is the main face of the Los Paredes cartel. He receives direct orders from “Junior” for the trafficking of hundreds of kilos of cocaine, heroin, marijuana, amphetamines and methamphetamines to the United States through the state of Arizona.

Siqueiros is also accused of drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, money laundering and giving orders to kidnap, make people disappear, and execute people inside and outside the state of Sonora. He has a large number of sicarios under his command, members loyal to the Paredes Organization who obey all the orders given to them by “Tin Tin” and "Junior." The current activities of the organization that generates profits are the theft of mines, dispossession of property, kidnapping and collection of land.

Güero Cano, also known as “9-11”, originally from Hermosillo, Sonora and residing in Cananea, Sonora is responsible for looking after the plazas of Cananea, San Pedro, Santa Cruz and Naco. Places where he distributes drugs, charges "pago de piso" to street vendors and even to the Cananea mine, thus maintaining his operations for the protection of the territory.

Leonel Toscano-Cuevas, also known as “Tigre”, originally from Huachinera, is in charge of human trafficking on the border of Agua Prieta, Naco and Puerto San Luis. He also traffics in cocaine, heroin and marijuana across the border.

Jorge Alberto Lamadrid-Carranza, also known as "Delta" and "Gordo", is the second in command of "Tin Tin", he is the head of the sicarios in Agua Prieta who carry out the orders of Tin Tin by abducting, executing and making disappear both their enemies and businessmen who have resisted paying the fees demanded by "Junior" to operate their businesses in Sonora.

Jose Martin Luy-Sierra, also known as “Pepe” and “Chino”, originally from Hermosillo, Sonora resident of Agua Prieta who pretends to be an entrepreneur, is dedicated to drug trafficking and is plaza boss in the municipalities of Huasabas, Granados, Bacadéhuachi and Tecoriname. He has multiple companies dedicated to money laundering, one of them is AgroLuy Veterinary Supplies located on the Agua Prieta-Janos highway between 6 and 10 avenues. He has an armed wing of sicarios in the Nácori Chico, El Sauz, Buena Vista and Huepaverachi region.

David Guillen-Rodriguez, also known as “Pato”, originally from Casas Grandes, Chihuahua and residing in Huachinera, Sonora, is the head of sicarios in the municipalities of Colonia Morelos, Bavispe, La Galerita, Bacerac, Huachinera and Aribabi. Carrying out direct orders from “Tin Tin,” he is responsible for distributing drugs, managing cattle theft and murders in the area that he controls. He is also responsible for giving the order for the terrible massacre of the LeBarón family, although the collusive authorities in the region have protected these criminals from any accusation against them.

Gabriel Meza, also known as "21", residing in Agua Prieta, he is part of the armed wing named "Delta" and are in charge of the municipalities of Fronteras, Esqueda and Nacozari. Carrying out the same orders of the other people in charge of the plaza that includes drug distribution, executions and disappearances of people. This criminal is also in charge of the security of "Junior" when he is in Mexico.

Elmer Guadalupe Córdova-Torres, also known as “Pluma”, originally from Chihuahua, with residence in Agua Prieta, Sonora. He oversees Cumpas, Sahuaripa, Mulatos, Arivechi and Yécora. He is responsible for drug transport to the border and has co-responsibility for executions in the state of Sonora and Chihuahua by his armed group. He was a member of Los Salazar and joined Los Paredes at the time of Alfredo Salazar Ramírez's arrest.

Josea Crispin S.Z. "El Tio," leader of Los Salazar, appointed Francisco Javier Arvizo-Márquez, "El Jaguar" to take over the Plaza in Madera, Largo Maderal and Ignacio Zaragoza for the trafficking of drugs to the United States, which has generated confrontations against the armed wing (La Linea) of the Juarez Cartel since 2017.

While El Jaguar has financial, operational and strategic support from a group of nominees Los Paredes or Los Pesados ​​de Apson cartel who are also related to Los Salazar group and who reside in the state of Sonora but when agents go looking for El Jaguar, he hides in the neighboring state of Chihuahua.

When Arturo Q.Q. "El 80" took the plaza away from "El Jaguar" some time before 2017, this prompted "El Jaguar" to ask for help from Los Paredes, who provided support in every way and he was able to confront La Linea in the area. Later in 2018 El 80 was captured by federal agents.

Francisco Javier has four brothers as bosses of plazas such as Marco Antonio, Oscar, Oscar and Jose Luis (assassinated), who are responsible for the plazas of Madera, Ignacio Zaragoza and Gomez Farias for the transportation of drug.

El Jaguar, originally from Zaragoza, Chihuahua, with residence in Agua Prieta, is responsible for the war that exists on the border of Sonora and Chihuahua in the region of Madera, El Largo Maderal and The Norteña. He also steals from residents of the property and belongings such as houses, cars, ranches, livestock and any other valuable resource. He also collects fees from entrepreneurs in the region.

Ramón Cano, also known as "Monchi", a resident of Agua Prieta and Cananea, is one of the main leaders in the plaza of Cananea with his brother "El Güero Cano".

Luis Ernesto Fimbres-Fuentes, also known as “Chito”, in charge of the plaza of the municipalities of Moctezuma, Nácori Chico, Mesa Tres Rios, Arco and Lobos. His main activities are the planting of marijuana and poppy, as well as the transporting of cocaine, marijuana, and heroin to the border.

Pedro Paredes-Peru, also known as “Peter”, originally from Agua Prieta, is plaza boss of Villa Hidalgo, Divisaderos and Tepache, distributing drugs in the region and contributing to the protection of the territory.

They have colluded with each of the authorities of every municipality to facilitate their operations, as well as the Aguapretenses media that publishes information in their favor, include Periódico Certeza, Diario Digital Aguapretense, La Bartolina. They also collude with the Agua Prieta Mayor Jesús Alfonso “Tuchy” Montaño Durazo and the commander of the municipal police in Agua Prieta, that provides protection to Los Paredes in agreement with the violence that is experienced in the city of Agua Prieta.

Los Paredes are recognized for the great ease with which they create companies by extending their money laundering networks both in Mexico and in the United States, in Sonora they own multiple self-service companies, money exchange outlets, cattle farms, ranches, among others businesses.

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  1. Hundreds of kilos....lmao.....try thousand even hundreds of thousands of kilos..

  2. What happened to the chivis coronavirus page?

  3. Great Article! Keep up the awesome work!

    1. But, but, they were blaming la linia, los Salazares, los linces, los Jaguares y la gata morisgata...

  4. I don’t see los paredes going anywhere anytime soon. Especially with junior pretty much safe in the u.s. he’s a ghost just giving orders and filling his pockets at this point...

  5. I knew these guys. The worked the Janos, Ascención plazas. Las cruces. The moved a shit load of heroin. They went violent about 05-06.

  6. You could interchange that headline to Wall Street cartels operate with gvt impunity!

  7. Good story Thanks
    How much is the Mayor of Sonora is involoved I think shes a woman
    Wondering about the Crusie line that started in Mexico / Az Is it Cartel owned Is this the same area Sonora
    or is it only parts
    Its hard to keep up or even understand the Cartels area Since other names come up in the same areas Gets very confuseing
    so do strong smaller fractions of other cartels work together ??

    1. alledgedly...the gov of sonora Claudia Artemiza Pavlovich Arellano--is in deep

  8. Animo Sicarios!
    M100 al mando de Agua Prieta. La plaza tiene dueño. Saludos compas El Junior y Tin Tin

    RIP R5

    1. 006 you are famous!

      Your photo is on BB the rare narco pics topic 😋

    2. Anything new this year so far, 2024? With Plaza leadership. I heard a rumor today about several dead from AP as of this week.

    3. Anything new in AP this year, so far in 2024? I heard rumors of several killed regarding the AP plaza.

    4. Todo Tranquilo aquí en Agua Prieta

  9. Awesome article, Buggs. Thank you.

  10. Tin tin was the one that executed Javier Rascón aka el fox in that bloody ambush. Did he kill goyito el R5 as well?

    1. Share if it you dnt mind. There was also rumors that macho Prieto killed r5 in Hermosillo. That was another reason why they gave up macho cause he kept fucking up and thought he was untouchable. R5 used ride around naco and AP with no more than 5 trucks. He picked up a alot of ppl from naco. Ppl were terrified of R5.

    2. El 20 and chuy bravo killed R5

    3. Correct el 20 was the same one that killed mandy and supposedly Tito torbellino.

    4. There was never any word of chuy. Bravo again did he get his share of bullets as well ? Or is he around still ?

    5. Ivan took out chuy as he was chapos guy in mazatlan when chapo got caught he and 20 tried to take agua prieta and well they got r5 but were eventually taken out chuy was a bad mofo but couldnt go against the people from ap and the massacre was not ordered from ap that type of action is and has never been the m.o. here things are shifting and one can only say the bosses remain as always only changes are the guys on the ground robbing mines and amassing fortunes that may soon lead to more independent groups

    6. Is tin tin dead???

  11. N just like that chivis stopped the Corona virus reports, wonder what happened...

    1. I will share with you why if you email me....

    2. Aren't you the same guy that cryed of not wanting CV reporting and now you want it back.

    3. Me too I always looked forward to read chivis updated covid-19 info everyday because I got tired of the news talking about it 24/7. Here I can just read it once and then do something else.

    4. Still waiting for ur email address Ms chivis

    5. I'm curious as well... Whether people agreed or disagreed, no denying you put in work and were unbiased. However, it was funny when people asked where I got my info.. "get out of here, a narco blog!?"
      I'm like Lloyd Christmas, "yeaaah"

    6. I am sorry. Something happened in china and I decided it was best to lay off the ongoing post in case that was a contributing factor.

    7. sorry....

  12. What is the exact relationship between LOS PAREDES GROUP AND CDS? ard los paredes autonomous? simply buy drugs from CDS? maybe at some point explain the structure of CDS, how it all works. i thought El Memo was in charge of Sonoyta. seems strange that a guy as big as Junior could live in Phoenic, Arizona and not be arrested by US government. who is US is protecting him? one wonders whether he works for FBI, DEA. what other heavyweights livd in Phoenix?

  13. Where is the link to the original source in Spanish?

  14. Paredes killed the Lebarons!

  15. I thought Los Salazar controlled Sonora?

    1. Salazar and Paredes work together

  16. There are a whole bunch of facts in this story that ate bot correct. El leon, and Marco's, along with mandy morano, and the rascones, ran this area for a long time. Mandy dead. Javier rascon comit6ed treason. Leo"s name was Manuel paredes machado. Lionel paredes Peru, was a half brother, a fuck up. But he died at the hospital the day el 2000 gunmen killed leo. The Paredes are the Sinaloa cartel's number one franchise. They have been for a very long time. Before that, Leo work for the lord of the Skies, Amado Carrillo Fuentes. The Paredes connection to the pavlovic, is well-known. Martin Popovich, work for Marcos. But these people keep the peace in this area. This place could be a war zone. So what is not exactly fair that you make it seem as though they are causing a lot of trouble. There are a lot of people very jealous of these people. So they try to dirty them up. There is a way bigger story about these people, that has real facts to it. That doesn't make them look like they're bad. Yes they are narco-traffickers, but they have kept the peace in this region forever. And they like their anonymity. El Junior, is responsible for the financial aspect of this area. But this kid deserves his anonymity. The practice of been through a lot. They had paid a huge price. With Marco's doing 22 years, these people have had a rough go of it. The story is a little misleading, because some of the things you're trying to affiliate them with, are very loose affiliations. And it does it mean the Paredes themselves are behind some of the things you have indicated. I like to look at this site, to see what's going on down there. A lot of the time, it's a good read. This story, however, is not factually correct.

    1. You should contact Buggs he would welcome good information...

    2. 12:35 sometimes the contras feed the story to end up looking good or better, using crap for propaganda first, makes sure the truth has an uphill job, like they say he who hits first gets to hit twice.

    3. How did Javier Rascón commit treason? What happened to Leo paredes?

    4. I agree to an extent, this part of Sonora has been safe. My personal expierence from my father being from Bacerac to his life long friends being from Agra Prieta, Cananea, and Naco we’ve traveled back and forth there from California. So for being a real borderland with major drug and human trafficking occurring, it’s been relatively safe. Last year, the Lebanon massacre and plus the bloodshed of war brought a spotlight that may eventually bring the downfall of this long tenured regime.

    5. Oh come on. Who do you think heated up all Chihuahua. Your Paredes héroes. All Sonora and Chihuahua border was a war zone. They thought Chihuahua was an easy take. Now that they pushed all them asses back your crying wolf. That’s a lame story. Juarez is a cluster also because of your Paredes. Also supporting and helps CDS to make it a mess. What did you expect for Sonora to stay as Disneyland forever!!

    6. Because the g3 foxes are traicinieros and wanted the whole pie the paredes are here to stay for ever and they been handling there bizz with out la gente de Culiacán

    7. @7:39 hate to burst your bubble pendejo but chihuas has always been un desmadre.. I’m from Juarez I know how it was in the 90s and the 80s ... it was never safe and has always been a violent place .. problem now is that you have more media reporting the bloodshed .. when I was 9 years old in 1990 I recall vividly how soldiers rescued the corpses of 30 men that were executed in Madera and were tossed in a well... the recent ambush of gente Nueva that produced 19 dead in Madera .. the majority of the dead were people fromChihuahua .. not Sinaloa or Sonora like everyone claims .. the majority of Gente Nueva are from chihuahua including its founder El Flako Salgueiro .. so please grow up and inform yourself

    8. How do you rescue corpses???

    9. 7:14 GN being from Chihuahua or not they are financed and trained by CDS. This goes to show CDS is only tough in corridos and more so in numbers.

    10. 7:14 and that makes you proud dumb ass. How is that a good thing. With peoples mentality like yours it’s always going to be a mess. If you have balls do something about it and start changing your ways but in a better way not blaming everyone else but your self

  17. Pura gente Arellano Felix. Gente original de la frontera

    1. 6:47 the Arellano Felix went to jalisco from sinaloa, and then to Tijuas after uncle miguel angel felix Gallardo established the tijuana cartel for himself with help of don Chuyito Avilés, husband of the sister of the AFOS mother (don Chuyito went to Tijuas from Aguascalientes) while on the run for the murder of kiki camarena, supported by the hank rohn that later betrayed him when they got ready to take over Las Vegas from Tijuana.
      Sinaloa has always produced the biggest table scraps fans and they then fight over the scraps all over the borders...
      The hank rohn's went to Tijuana after their Texas National Bank got cogido laundering their drug trafficking money, the azcarragas of Televisa were US citizens dedicated to drug trafficking too, their own drug trafficking Carlos Azcarraga who escaped from a tejas prison at gun point was never re-arrested, or found, then salinas took over his daddy's Gulf Cartel.

  18. I thought La Línea killed the Lebaron fam?

  19. You guys remember some guy named rabbit or conejo that used to write about being in the Juarez paredes circle back in the day I think on a site with this other dude Michael or Michel Marisco or something like that. This was over 12 years ago on a different site. They used to argue about who was bigger chapo Arturo or mayo.

  20. 12:35 and 4:06 I could not agree more, especially with what 12:35 said about the region. Also what 4:06 said about the contras. There is a lot of conflicting information all over social media. For example, "Sonora Violento" blames the heist mentioned above on the contras...which sounds more like their style, assuming previous reports are correct, as they were blamed for a similar act in Cananea sometime ago.

  21. Who's plaza is Nogales ? Quinteros? Who's el del sombrero ? ( not mayo)

  22. Every powerful cartel organization is protected by government but the government claims they are having a war on drugs.. The IRONY.. The DRUGS will never stop flowing unless the MONEY stops flowing 💰$$$$ FACT


    Corrido de Don Gilberto Paredes

  24. Who owns the Nogales plaza ?

    1. Gigio, pura gente del mayo

    2. El Gigio fue capturado por las autoridades y ya esta en el bote.

    3. Haha estas loco el señor del sombrero sigue al cien

    4. Puro Tucson mi compas tiene gente de quiere trabajar vamos la neta

    5. Puro gente de Miguel Caro y Ignacio Nacho Peaz caborca Sonora

    6. 12:46 alos que se miran urgidos para trabajar no les van a dar chamba loco. Pilas

    7. El Gigio es el señor del sombrero right ? Or is he el camello

    8. Al camello lo mataron hace rato

  25. I guess u got brainwashed by CNN,NBC n the administration of the US since u stopped covering the virus situation n didn't wanna provide email for u to share with me as u suggested,I know half of the virus thing is a lie that's why I don't go to those lies-full TV news n I guess u got the MIB visit at ur house...

    1. Relax dude... If you've been here long enough you'd know she had shared it or it's not to gard to find.

      Appreciate what she's done she doesn't owe you anything.

    2. Chivis? she is a great person and is doing all this work for free. i for one thank her very much and God Bless her.

  26. Just wonderful. Than come back and collect, nothing free

  27. Puro gente de Tucson

  28. Dile compa Junior de tiene gente en Tucson de quiere trabajar

  29. 2024 Updates please. It may have been 2022, but I heard Martin Siquieros is dead. I heard this week that several have been killed fron AP, but in Hermosillo. Any updates or news from Hermosillo on this. Imparcial?


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