Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Video: CJNG 60 vehicle convoy enters Valparaiso Zacatecas

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat   TY Follower for sending in

CJNG continues their fight for Zacatecas, last night they sent a large convoy of vehicles into the state.  Reports of 60 to 70 vehicles are being reported. 

This BB follower estimates 30 vehicles, and he appears to have seen the convoy:

“Last night in Valparaiso Zacatecas there were approximately 30 trucks of CJNG with people heavily armed. They parked in front of the presidencia (mayor) or town hall they were there for a good while.”

Valparaiso is approximately 1 ½ hrs away from Fresnillo.    CDS, CDN, Los Talibanes and CJNG,  are vying for control of the logistically central state, surrounded by 7 states.  Video Below

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  1. Looks like mexico could use a U.S. drone base about now. You wouldnt see anymore gay pride parades from the CJNG

    1. Real Talk. The Game would change overnight

    2. how about doing it to the drug users in USA, fo no users, no growers, better yet, drones over all the backward conservative ignorant conservatives, the real enemies of the law and order,

    3. Oh mane! looks like that title or video hurt you bro. 3:58

    4. Gay pride parades? Haha this guys. Why you hating?

    5. Did you guys finish the Taliban in Afghanistan? What about Al-Qaeda ? I’m sure ISIS still exist.

    6. 1:48 these cartels are nothing like isis, these are just your typical paisas with guns, no heart or skills they would get killed quick

    7. @nonicosio
      You can bring back an addict from drugs but you can't bring back an innocent person killed by a sicario

  2. Just more pigs to get slaugther like in Guanajuato , CJNG can keep sending snitchoacanos to die, i'm sure The others are happy to slaugther them

    1. It's SNITCHALOAS not snitchoacanos PENDEJO.
      Get it right!! 😆
      don't flip the scripts

    2. 6:37 no te enojes charrascuaro,
      se te van a quemar tus alitas de mariposona.

    3. 5:39 estuviera enojado si pusiera el emoji del dedo parado, eso nomas lo hasen los snitchloas

  3. Why are people suprised The Z try to do this and got half or more at one point 80% of mexico this is nothing new , The federation Sinaloa at one point try to do these an got like 60% of mexico , CJNG has not even 10% under comtrol

    1. Not even 10% huh ok..
      I bet you FLUNKED your MATH classes
      Not so good with fractions and percentages 😆

    2. 4:13 lol clown.

    3. Haha you are 100% right @4:13 its just a circus show enjoy these buffoons who are always high on there own gear that makes them feel fearless these monkeys are just here for the EL CIRCO

  4. Pure bums these dudes would get wiped out by real sicarios

    1. Well I heard cds is there.. Oh wait.. your right! there are no real sicarios there 😆

  5. Add onother plaza to Cjng

    1. 4:57 hey nutthugger that plaza isn't taken they just had a convoy let into the state by CDG that's not fighting for no plaza nor taking it..what happened is that the GOLFAS pulled down their panties to mencha but no big deal looks like cdn is waiting for them in fresnillo

    2. 457. They are not adding plazas. Mencho is getting desperate and they are getting destroyed by opposing alliance's everywhere they go. Those jalizscos send 15 year olds in first and get destroyed. A lot of times CU and co actually capture them methed out tweakers and let them choose a side. Get in line or die. There is a tremendous propaganda wave against Mencho and its crushing him all over the place. Real talk 323.22.100

    3. 4:57 I second that.

    4. Lol. No just cus they enter the plaza and leave some mantas dont mean they control zacatecas. Cdg,talibanes, old school zetas and cdn are in zacatecas. Lets wait and see after a few shootouts whos left standing before you award the plaza to jalisco. Even buying stupid politicians jalisco cant get guanajuato so theyre not all powerful.

    5. By the way noticed how you can see the driver in the trucks thats how you know the truck is not heavily bulletproofed. Look at the teucks used by the ciclones and grupo escorpion and see they at least bulletproof theyre vehicles. They even build steel panels for the 50 cal they use in their trucks.

    6. @6:57 MM, you say you're so we'll connected to CDS but said El Nini was killed when Ovidio was detained and later released after kidnapping and threatening to kill family members of the military, you're just another internet wanksta with the the skirt and pompoms

    7. 6:29 I was not aware CJNG men wear panties, how did you find out😳. If the government was up to it's balls, they could have easily have used the Blackhawks, to shoot up the convoy. But wait if that was the case, then bribes would come in less, therefore no action will ever be taken, no drone strikes nada.

    8. Michael miller you're a joke. Youve been saying for 2 years mencho would be done in 6 months. What happened to mayos vieja escuela plans?

  6. Real life zombies driving stolen trucks.

  7. It's official.. CJNG is in the house and it's gonna get messy

  8. lol these guys look like the lowest quality sicarios i have seen in a long time. Mencho must be getting desperate.🤣🤣

    1. I see good guns and new trucks where the fuck do you see broke ass niggas like LNFM and Marros people lmfao

    2. 6:15 hit a nerve of mencha lovers
      11:20 those broke ass niggas how u call them are giving cjng a run for their money that mencha has to beg for help from amlo,they might have the best arsenal but useless...don't cry biatch 😭😭😂🖕

  9. Eran 50 trokas en bellavista andaban PATRULLANDO por la unidad deportiva sur y el otro convoy como de 30 trokas andaba en agua fria por el cafe bar la onda ... no te prestes a mentiras @chivis luego pierden credibilidad.


  10. One mugroso gets killed and they send in 300 more that’s the power of money

  11. Let me understand this, the larger the convoy, the more power one has? Give me a grenade launcher please. . .

    1. @anonymous 805 pm... this is real life not a video game..a grenade launcher?? Are you playing a video game , they dont sell those at Walmart..anyways Mexico is a different beast, not fantasy land

    2. @8:05pm You would get lit up. As for the grenade launcher good luck finding a plug. They’re not going to let you just run up of them hero jaja

    3. “They don’t sell those at Walmart”

    4. 8:05 If you find a grenade launcher,
      It will be because they are going to fry your ass, you will be hunted as a branded terrorista and stuck in a prison somewhere por pendejo.
      Stick to stink bombs and rotten tomatoes, no lanza papas.

    5. 8:05 there is a True saying that says"There is power in numbers!So maybe.

    6. 5:47 lmao 😂

  12. Can’t these Sicario’s line up the house window to the store and get whoever is filming them?

  13. Z is Z turf they can try but everyone always fails

    1. This particular part of Z has been chapillos territory for a while now.

    2. Z belongs to the people

    3. 8:52 Z WAS zeta turf, but El Taliban resigned for lack of pay, El Judas zeta chorrienta chose to buy ranches, horses and horse shit on the US for himself that the governnent of the US confiscated

    4. That’s why I said Z Is Z turf the people state

  14. All Cartels Are ScumApril 22, 2020 at 10:05 PM

    International forces should just go into Mexico and wipe out these scum. Mexico lost the right to there country by allowing this crap to happen.

    1. International forces? Este wey

  15. creo que entre mas pasa el tiempo. mas se reprodcen los "4 letras".. I think that the more time passes, the more these cockroaches reproduce.. ..
    El miedo no anda en burro.

  16. They have been going at it lately around Milpillas. They, CJNG, are trying to expand. They will get slaughtered.

  17. Under Amlo, the Cartel r more Bravo, and growing

  18. Well that looks fun.

  19. Look at how salty these comments are. One day you are winning the next you can be losing. Snitchalaos cry some more. They don't control the state maybe maybe not but that they are further in then they were last year.

  20. For you marro lovers Marro is so desperate he is going into Querretaro and kidnapping he has been pushed that far back.

    New Article about it I don't know who broke the news first but Grillonauatas has a history of taking articles from websites giving them no credit.


    1. Jajaja no mames como que that far!! Corregidora esta a solo 10 mnts from.los apaseos. El mugroso marro entta y sale de qro como pedro por su casa. Soy de el pueblito se que pedo esta pasando

    2. 4:19 Y porque llano se pasea por guanajuato? En celaya y santa rosa? Que eran sus meros territorios?

    3. 8:40 gotten!! 😂😂

  21. U.S.A drones should take out convoys every time they roll out like in Afghanistan But I guess the C.I.A doesn't want business disruptived along the president's cut : Mexico will never go back to business as usual with high publicity and atrocities unless USA intervenes.Lopez Obrador is a wimp why doesn't he extradite all the guys wanted in USA??

    1. 8:21 Mijo
      Obrador does not want that type of help. Part of the gold bars and bribes would stop coming in.
      Therefore that's why the curupted officials look the other way and help the cartels

    2. Nunca falta el pendejo con su " USA DRONES CAN FIX THIS" bla bla bla
      Your country always starts wars they cant finish
      Why dont you use your USA DRONES on your own people (Americans) who are criminals and dealing drugs on American soil?????
      Oh yeah thats right you people have DUE PROCESS and how dare i come up with that idea of suggesting you Americans drone your own people right??
      You Americans deserve your Judge and Jury but everyone else can be blown to bits WITHOUT a fair trial

  22. Zacatecas is already CJNG turf. CDG & CDN don't stand a chance. Next is Durango & then CDS will be boxed in from all sides. CJNG is already siding with La Linea which is slowly regaining lost territory in Chihuahua. Let's face it, after Mayo Zambada ceases to exist CJNG will be the dominant force.

    1. Not even in their wildest dreams will Jalisco take control of Durango. Jaliscos are only entering plazas because they align with who ever runs the plaza and then turn on them, they won't last just like zetas in their prime.

    2. 10:14 knows nothing n badly informed... Didn't u read that CDG allied with cjng which points at CDG losing the war against CDN reason why they needed a boost but people like u think cjng took over just cause another cartel LET them in... keyword is "LET"...

    3. Cjng plan is to get into Zac to be able to enter DGO and other surrounding states but it isn't going to happen. They’ve tried once before and they failed badly.
      Dgo has state police and mafia at every entry to the city. What will happen is that CDG and CJNG will eventually fight over something stupid and CJNG will run back to Jalisco.
      CJNG can’t even get rid of el Marro lmao

    4. @11:26 Who cares about DGO. Attack from three directions and DGO will align itself like always: A La Orden mi Señor

    5. Cdg is not allied with jalisco. A cdg faction might be. But the real cdg. The matamoros faction is not allied with jalisco. Not is cdn nor is the zetas old school.

    6. 3:52 n who the hell said something about CDG Matamoros??? CDG (most likely metros) in Zac pulled down the tantaras to mencho just like metros in Reynosa n allied which is the ONLY reason cjng entered Zac...I guess CDG couldn't handle CDN nor talibanes..

    7. Just like Z tried from Nayarit, Coahuila and Zacatecas. CJNG will face the same faith in Durango. Who ran Guadalajara until his death Nacho Coronel. Durango es de los Duranguenses y jaliscas a chingar su madre.

    8. 6:05 veo que estás en tus días chorrientos. Cómo te lo dije, a quien le importa DGO. AVC mandaba antes que el huaraches de oro en Jalisco y está gente es la que lo hacían fuerte. Te recuerdo el que se agüita pierde

    9. Mr Dgo you are going to eat are you’re words sooner than later. Before you know it even you are going to be saying CJNG/CDNG

  23. Valparaiso, Zac. is not central to anything, it is a lost town by the mountains but has cattle and agriculture, it is almost still Rancho, its churches have been abandoned and are crumbling down, and sure, zetas used it for a hideout, all the way from Fresnillo, may have been recommended by some emigres now living on the US, back in the 70s RCQ and co. used to drive around the state seducing farmers to work for them, stealing by breaking the bars like cheap ass bikers and financing more modern joints and red light districts all the way to Aguascalientes, the BS was rolling hard, grifa, pinguas and psychedelia already

  24. Where were the Blackhawk gunships just when you neeed em. Coulda made that 60 vehicle convoy look like the Highway of Death in Kuwait...But of course hugs first... Then bring in the front end loaders to push the bullet riddled hulks off the road... buzzards woulda cleaned the rest up. Time to grow a pair AMLO..

  25. Mencho needs a strategist wtf is this nonsense going into Michoacan, Veracruz, GTO, now Zac. What is the blueprint for victory in any of these cases?

    1. The blue print is money and no snitching

    2. That fucker is everywhere trying to take over at least half of mexico by now

    3. Mencho is by no means a military strategist he’s just a tweaker with feria leading his men to certain death like lambs to the slaughter.


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