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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Violence in Sonora Continues Unabated

By Buggs for Borderland Beat
Many sources to include some anonymous

An intense shootout happened in Cibuta, south of the city of Nogales.

As a result of the firefight, two men were killed, 4 vehicles were riddled with gunfire while another was set on fire. One of the vehicles was an armored black Jeep Cherokee that sustained more than 100 impacts from long guns.

This confrontation is just one more act of violence that has increased in Sonora. Three days ago four men were killed and one injured by an armed commando in Caborca.

These attacks were attributed to a criminal group operating in Sonora, who are believed to have beef with drug trafficker Rafael Caro Quintero who has an active warrant from the U.S.

Under the command of Caro Quintero are members identified as Nacho Paez, Tavo Paez, Rodrigo Paez Quintero el "Lito o "R," Oscar Pascual de la Rocha "Chapon" and Jesus Darío Murrieta Navarro "Cara de Cochi."

This criminal group was also recently pointed out by the federal government as playing a part in some of the violent robberies of mines that have occurred in Sonora, along with extorting immigrants by demanding large sums of money from their family members in the United States in exchange for their released.

This comes during a period of calm in Sonora that previously saw a low crime rate.

The plazas in Sonora are starting to heat up, there are new fragmentations in Nogales. It appears that there people of La Gente Nueva del 5 loyal to Los Chapitos fighting against the people of Gigio who are loyal to Mayo Zambada. A while back a large command of sicarios, people of El Cazador de Caborca, started to support the Gente Nueva del 5, because they had killed the compadre of El 5, a man that goes by JJ. They were blaming Gigio for the execution. There were videos posted in social media of a large convoy of sicarios in Magdalena, Sonora.

 The plaza of Magdalena has been heating up when the plaza boss El 7 of the Gente Nueva from Jabalí, Sonora who is also known as El Placas.

With this increase in violence continues the fight for control of plazas in Sonora, that includes the plazas of of Agua Prieta, Santa Ana, Magdalena, Nogales, Caborca, San Luis Rio Colorado, Puerto Peñasco, Yecora, Hermosillo, CD Obregón, Guaymas and Empalme.

There are some point we need to understand:

1.) The Paez were always plaza bosses in caborca; Ignacio Paez El Padre, Nachillo Paez, Luis Paez El L7, Giovanny Paez etc. . . From this group came People loyal to the Paez, Los Paleteros, their boss Felix Jauregui El Paletero, Chapo de la Rocha, Negro Sabori and Nini Beltran. 

When they arrested Nachillo Paez El 011, this left Negro Savori as boss but later he was also arrested. After the arrest of Negro Savori, Felix Jauregui El Paletero became plaza boss of Caborca ​​and Altar. They killed El Paletero leaving his compadre El KB as the boss but he was then also killed in Guadalajara when the CJNG was in full swing in Guadalajara. After El KB, remained El Cazador o El Noveno who is the current plaza boss in Altar and Caborca. They are La Gente Nueva del Casador loyal to Los Chapitos.

Los Chapitos

2.) El Chapo de Rocha became people of the Beltran Leyva and loyal to Los Paez while Nini Beltran stayed with the people of Mayo Zambada. Los Paez worked for El Chapo Guzman, except that in the 80s and 90 Ignacio Paez El Padre worked with Rafael Caro Quintero.

3.) There is talk of a possible confrontation between Los Paez who are supported by Rafa Caro Quintero against the people of El Cazador of Caborca  and El 5 of Nogales, who are people of Los Chapitos. At first glance this would seem surprising because to be able to sustain two fronts of war, one must possess a lot of sources in money, weapons and men. If this is the case of Los Paez, then they are surging and gaining strength once again.

4.) The leader of Los Paez is the son or brother of Nachillo Paez El 011, his name is Rodrigo Paez. There is talk of a possible breakup. Not sure at what time this happened but El Cazador did not accept the Paez family taking control again. Los Paez then sought financing and an alliance with a very important cartel and important drug trafficker figure, Rafa Caro Quintero.

5.) El Cazador gave his support to El 5 because Gigio of Nogales, who is loyal to Mayo Zambada killed JJ, who was compadre of El 5. That is when there were large convoys of sicarios in Magdalena belonging to El Cazador o El Noveno that were seen on videos uploaded to social networks (Snapchat).

6.) Today's attack in Cibuta was against El 5 of Nogales in his own turf. This points to two possible scenarios; It's the fight that continues against El Gigio, who are people of Zambada or is it against the people of Rafa Caro Quintero. If it's with Los Paez, we are witnessing the resurgence of a large group of drug traffickers in Sonora.

7.) There is talk of possible alliances  forged by Rafa Caro Quintero to fight against the people of the Sinaloa Cartel in Sonora. Examples: In Ciudad Obregon, Guaymas and Empalme there is talk of the Telcel group loyal to the cadet and nephew of Rafa Caro Quintero who is fighting with El Pirata who is loyal to La Gente Nueva de Salazar and who are people of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Another possibility is said that the group who is operating independently of the Bournes brothers who have an alliance with La Linea, are now in an alliance with Rafael Caro Quintero to fight La Gente Nueva of El M100 of Marcos Paredes El Junior and Martin Siqueiros El Tin Tin of the Sinaloa cartel. They are possibly fighting in Yecora, Maycoba and Rosario Tesopaco. They are supporting their other alliance with Freddy Calles El Tolteca and Gildardo Nieblas El G3 in order to fight the high sierra range of Sonora and the border of Agua Prieta.

At this moment Rafa Caro Quintero apparently wants to regain his base in Caborca ​​Sonora with the support given to him by Los Paez and confronting La Gente Nueva del Cazador loyal to Los Chapitos.

8.) Then it may be possible that Rafa Caro Quintero wants to take away the most valuable state of Sonora from the Sinaloa Cartel, the gateway to trafficking of drugs to the United States.

9.) If true we can say that Rafa Caro Quintero wants to take Los Chapitos out of the game and what is interesting,  there have been no confrontations with the people of Mayo Zambada. Perhaps, something big is brewing, perhaps!


  1. Kinda overdoing, mr. Chapo

    1. Dont let speculation lead you in GREAT DECEPTION!!!!SONORA ES NUESTRO!!PURA GENTE NUEVA We are not going anywhere...wait & see...

  2. Caro Quintero is going to get dealt with CDS are nkt playing around

  3. Pura Gente de La MV CDS

  4. Damn that’s a bad ass str8 what a shame

  5. As I mentioned before, maybe the problem in CLN has made somebody switch sides and seek the protection of Old School Capos that will back up the group that was left to fend for themselves by their Padrino. Western Sonora, Mexicali and surrounding areas are in play.

    StrataSwell IPA

    1. What the fk is the CLN?

    2. CLN = Culiacan

    3. 9:53 thanks for a moment I was pooping my pants.

    4. Thanks 953, I thought it was some new cell, in Sonora the plebes there don't like the Sinaloa Cartel they are loyal to gente de Caro Quinteros, Paez and Caro payan. A different breed of trafficker. The reason being is cause they don't want to conglomerate the business. They allow their people to prosper along with their independence.

  6. If CDS get their stuff together they should take out RCQ because if he is back in the game then he won't be content with just a peice of the pie he will want the whole thing


  7. Animo Sicarios
    Los hijos del Señor ,El Señor del Quinto Mes ,El Señor Blue y El Señor R1 will be having a meeting to discuss the problems in the state of Sonora.
    My team is on 24 hour call alert my highly encrypted 6G tactical smartphone is awaiting for the orders from Los patrones.
    Who ever is not following the chain of command in Sonora will be expired .

    #701 #dinastiaguzman #qepdr5 #m100
    La plaza tiene dueño

    1. Obligatory #ElChapoLivesMatter

    2. No mames wey eres bien alucin , apoco si hay pelea interna o rompimiento en el cds?

    3. Ni siquiera tu sabes que esta pasando sicario 006.
      Echando porras con minifalda y echando maromas no va a ayudar a tu cartel.
      Mas y mas se estan dando en la madre entre ustedes mismos.
      Eso les pasa por prepotentes y habladores. Jajaja

  8. What the fuck !!!i dont get it caro quintero is part of cds right ?? So what thr hell is going on ? And what about chapo isidro what side he is on?? and what about cjng are they there too or not please someone explain

    1. Cjng are not in the mix yet but as we recall rafa is friends with mencho so it wont take long for rafa to ask for support and boom! Tijuana all over again!

    2. Rafa isn’t backed by CJNg cause of being friends witn Mencho.
      His First-Cousin, El Pelo Chino is a top leader in CJNg he’s from Badiraguato.

    3. 7:03 Imagine that so pretty much rafa is more likely to forme an alliance with cjng than chaputillos

    4. @ 7:03 The same old comment about Pelo Chino being CJNG. I think that I've read it at least 10 times. If Pelo Chino is really CJNG he's not living in Sinaloa, I'm telling you that cause he would be a dead Pelo Chino. And Rafa is not working with CJNG. What you see in Sonora these days are cells of CDS fighting each other.

    5. @8:38 does it matter if EPC is in Sinaloa? The product doesn't just materialize out of thin air, who has it in abundance? Where was he imprisoned and how did he manage to safely leave that place? Ask questions and think critically and vice versa

    6. Guys...This is so obvious but Ive been getting laughed at for it for 6 months...

      RCQ is independent but closely alligned with Mayo and Mencho. He works with both. He doesn't care if the product comes from Colombia, Sinaloa, Jalisco, or Neptune. If its profitable he moves it through Sonora whether Chapitos like it or not.

      He moves RCQ, CDS, and CJNG product. This gives him a unique position and one in which he's valuable to everyone.

    7. 8:38 pelo chino does live in Sinaloa and is cool with CDS and is a big fish well respected by both cartels

    8. 5:56 though it’s between CDS It’s only a part of the cartel that’s beefing against each other not the hole cartel and who ever wants to back the click could but have to have a reason help them and $$$ and Who ever wins wins

    9. 11:28 hasta los huevos se pelean en la mesma canasta.
      No por eso se van a divorciar.

    10. Lmao the pelo chino comment guy is back. I swear you’re like a parrot bro ya cayate wey

    11. El pelo chino no es del cjng, es independientes y esta en sociedad con el mayo y albino quintero, y al 100 con su primo rafa caro

  9. CDS Infighting AGAIN... Not GOOD, I can see cjng taking their plaza soon just watch and see..

  10. I am glad someone was able to unmask thier faces to see what the criminals look like, you never know if there hiding in your own neighborhood.

  11. None of this happens had 1 Mexican judge not been bribed to let RCQ out of prison where he belongs.

  12. Thank you, Buggs and BB. The stuff going on down here just amazes me. I’m just waiting to hear the names of people I know who are deeply involved, but they remain under the radar. So many players that it boggles the mind.

    1. Amlo has chosen his side probably and all this is beginning.

    2. 714 any stories you can share without risking yourself?

  13. El 7 de Magdalena es el Gil de Santa Ana Sonora. Es de la familia Villagrana. Ya lo balacearon y lo sacaron de ahi. Los que lo balacearon son primos, gente del placas. El placas y el jabali traen pedo desde hace anios. Al parecer el placas se junto con el cazador de altar. El anio pasado el cazador es el que habia sacado al placas Y dejo al jabali al mando. Parece ke el jabali salio mal con el cazador y sacaron al Gil y fue cuando la gente del placas balaceo al Gil hace poco.

  14. What are today's stats for MEXICO?
    Hope it's lowering as I have relatives in Michoacan.

    1. Sorry to break the news to you but Michoacan will not be getting better anytime in this decade. Only worse, and worse, and worse. No sense in letting one fool himself.

    2. It’s actually starting to look good but the problem now is that the mugrosos de Los viagras and carteles unidos is that they need more money to fun their war and the only way they know how to get it is extortion and kidnapping.

  15. Son puro fanfarrones los de sonora cuando entraron los Z con el 2000 los traiban al puro pedo jajaja


  16. 7:13 de acuerdo RCQ should be in jail along with his brother Miguel. They both claim they are no longer involved in the game NOT!!! Didn't RCQ just file to get his extradition request to USA dropped?? Yet now his people are having shoot-outs with other narco groups. Remember en mexico con dinero baile el perro and the dog sure has been dancing a lot lately.

    1. Guey lo quieren extraditar por el asesinato de kike camarena no por vender mota, por eso el amparo de rafa porque el no mato a kike, ahora si lo kieren extraditar que sea por vender drogas no una muerte en la que el no tuvo nada que ver, pero ahora para para ponerle otros cargos de venta de droga y todo ese pedo le va a costar mas feria a los gringos

    2. 12:04 they appear to, but it is only to cover their arses.
      If push comes to shove, the CIA will not let anybody confirm what everybody knows, that RCQ did their job for them and that they have been covering up their dirty rogue agents dirty deeds since the end of WWII.
      it is like the FBI covering up their dirty deeds with Whitey Bolger or with Felix Sater and former Director Willian Sessions...

  17. rodrigo paez quintero is a cousin of caro quintero, his uncle octavio was a compadre of zambada and esparragoza, cousins of lamberto quintero paez

  18. CDS fragmenting, I guess the pressure from rival groups and chapo getting caught is finally catching up to them, makes sense, when Osiel was arrested around 2003? Zetas stayed with Cdg until around 2010. Around 7 years. After that it was an all in war. Chapo got arrested around late 2016.. it’s 2020 were at the 4-5 year mark.

    1. They started having problems and slowly started becoming an independent cartel in 07.. the all out war started in 2010.

    2. 10:19 just like is happening right now with cds they started having problems slowly and pretty soon is gonna be an all out war, the bad thing for them is cjng might take advantage and spand even more than they already have

    3. It's all about to be realligned. See 007's post above. He's about to take out all warring parties and reconsolidate the chain of command using his elite Call of Duty buddies.

  19. Can’t believe I thought Rafa was serious when he said he was done with drug trafficking. He should be in the cell next to El Chapo in ADX Florence rn. I wonder how El Mayo is involved in all this....

    1. This will just add more seasons to the narcos Netflix show the return of caro. The reason rcq was let out was because Netflix asked for a favor

  20. Mencho is manipulating them into fighting with each other.

    1. Im telling you mencho mastered the art of war, devide and conquer

    2. 12:10 with his kids in prison and losing his banking investments,
      La Mencha no rifa, puro pinchi pájaro nalgón.
      What is going on is 27 000 mexican soldiers on the border to make tromp happy and his allies using them to steal the whole business from errybody.

  21. I’m not familiar with the area or its players,
    But this could be an offshoot from the problems in CLN. We know Ruso & Omega & Charly, have Mexicali and Peñasco. The rest of the plazas seem to be folks loyal to Chapo or to Mayo. (Things have always been this way. But with them both out and in charge, disputes were quickly resolved.) now that Chapo is gone, GN responds to Chapitos? Which leaves mayos people, chapitos people, Rusos ppl, and La Linea. Now throw in Los Paez, with supposed support from RCQ, and it’s a shit show. Alliances will be formed and broken, leading to more confusion. At the end of the day, Mayo might give Sonora to RCQ to calm things or La Linea will continue to make advances into Sonora (if they want). Cazador and GN (but mostly Chapitos) need to check in with Mayo to make sure they won’t be wiped out.

    1. Peñasco will become a blood bath and all those pinche gringo turists will shit in their pants carnal.

    2. PP/RP is close to Sonoita pero ahí manda otro viejo de la escuela de antes y SL era del otro viejo orejón que puede ser primo/pariente del canoso

  22. The division between cds was gonna happened sooner or later their biggest problem is that there is a lot of chiefs and not enough indians, to many egos flying around cds, one thing that kept the things calm inside cds was that they had enough plazas but since cjng, la linea, z's and beltranes took a lot of cds plazas they are fighting each other for what little plazas they have now just look at whats happening in culiacan and surrounding ranchos and now look at sonora

  23. Young dogs bark and unite while old dogs watch from the porch. Chapitos are well-aligned but do not have the connections and experiences the Old Schoolers have. RCQ is in full need of movement to power, and has many allies, to include those rivals to CDS. Most of the old schoolers have personal relationships and agreements that go all the way back to the 70s, when the big push happened. RCQ will one day own Santa Ana, Magdalena, Caborca, Altar, and Nogales. People actually want this to happen to get rid of all the lacras the new pups created.

    1. Muy bien dicho por el amigo

    2. Yeah before you could actually prosper as a trafficker by putting in your own work, now you are nobody in a power structure that works totally against you.

    3. But how bout rocky point, holmes?

    4. Rocky Point will go to the Victor, all the mota and coca come from railroad or boat so who ever owns the major plazas will continue to use Penasco as a shipping hub.

  24. The Paez Familia son Paez Soto familia de Lamberto Quintero Paez. So familia de Caro Quintero. El MZ tiene compadres Paez. So ya llego la hora de moverse pa otro estado. Y donde mas que en Sonora adios otra ves Mi Sinaloa

  25. From nogales to alamos sonora everybody wants quintero back, because chapo and mayo don't have what it takes to be the big boss they are not Raza. under Quintero's leadership everyone starts making feria again

    1. haha what a joke. Sinaloa was at its peak with Chapo at the helm, hes in ADX now remember? Everyone was making alot of money in those days, why do you think so many sicarios are still loyal to Chapos family? The Guzmans are untouchable..

    2. @4:52 Chapo/Mayo were at the top when they were backed by the ABC's and PAN invading others plaza and killing all over México. If they owed you or you were getting powerful, turned in to authorities or killed was your fate with those two.

    3. Very well put. CDS and their sinalocos (new crews) don’t respect the hard working people and bring a lot of heat to the plaza. RCQ and his crews, along with old school ways of handling business are welcomed in Nogales, especially since the plaza is divided by the railroad tracks. But, for this change to take effect a lot of blood will be shed by those not welcome. Even with this, people want the change to happen ASAP.

    4. @ 4:52

      You said Guzman’s are untouchable? Not at all, and CJNG proved it when they kidnapped the Jrs in Baja. RCQ and M1 madre thing happen as “old favors” paid in full and some routes going to Mencho. And what do Jrs do... they don’t listen and continue to screw everyone over. They don’t get it but money is good at that level so why would they care? It’s not about long-term power anymore, likely due to everyone stabbing in the back for that quick dollar.

    5. 3:12 chapitos weren't picked up by cjng do a little research out of the box....there was only one person dumb and ballsy enough 'ex fiscal del estado' disappeared one of chapos compadres aswell

  26. what's up with RCQ? he went from living in a sleeping bag in the woods to running a cartel (again)


  28. The question is who does AMLO support, Chapitos or RCQ?
    That will determine who wins the struggle

    1. RCQ doesn’t align himself with Presidents... it’s the Generals in power, they stay in power longer.

  29. In my opinion, no one from CLN can’t honestly think of going against Cds? Well if anyone does, They’ll will have to move out of town. But eventually lose. That’s what happen with the Beltran brothers.

    1. CLN es importante solo si eres de ese equipo. No todo el perico llega ahí y el resto del material se planta o cocina en muchos estados. Teniendo material del fino puedes trabajar con mucha gente en la frontera, ni ocupas papeles verdes, así de fácil es cuando se tiene palabra

    2. Juares cartel and BELTRANES still operate in culoacan contrary to what the cheerleaders say here

  30. El mismo Cristobal 5 fue el que mató al joto del JJ porque el JJ ya no seguía órdenes y no dejaba entrar ala gente de arriba

  31. 011 and his brother L7 used to work for los salazar what happened there?

  32. What about Miguel Caro Quintero?? I haven't heard a peep from anybody regarding the brother of RCQ.

    1. Caborca and the entire vicinity is his still. Backed up by M grande

  33. I'm curious, if everything that's being shown here, is exactly how it is. Sonora CDs territory. So are lost chupitos going to give up their own people, to let those old men knock them out of business. Somehow I don't think this is going to go down that way. Senora may become a war zone, but I seriously doubt they're going to knock the guzmans out of business. This is my own opinion, but I always wondered when the younger generation was going to start taking over. Knock those old men out of the game.

    1. That's what I'm saying... There's a guy saying everyone in Sonora wants chapitos out but Rafa is old how much longer does he have in this game. I don't see the young guys letting the old guys take over

    2. Shit there going to be high tailing out of Dodge is how!

    3. Like everything in life including life itself experience matters. Some of these young kids don't have it yet. The only reason Chapitos are where they are is because of their father. Otherwise they'd probably have already been killed, like when they got kidnapped. Which was probably a rookie mistake to begin with.

  34. You’re wrong gigio didn’t kill JJ

  35. There is a whole lot of this article that I would come test in a heartbeat. And I would break it apart piece by piece, fact by fact. But I promise you, there is no need for me to do that. Because what you are about to see, will speak for itself. I am sure, that from a law enforcement standpoint, but it's been said here oh, and it looks good on the screen. From a narco standpoint, there's a whole lot of this thing, that is a whole bunch of mierta. I know for a fact, that no one is knocking the guzmans out of the game. That is the kind of war that no one can afford. There are powers in Northern Sonora, that can hold their own very well. We will just have to see how all this works out. Does anyone else want Juan Torres or people from Chihuahua running Sonora? It really doesn't make any difference. Because there are people that will fight right not to be like that. And that is the truth no matter what you want to push. Only because I know the people in this area, do I say that there is a lot more going on behind the scenes, then what it said in this article.

    1. So tell us something that wasn’t covered in this thread. You’re standing for Sonora and likely a CDS/Chapitos fan, but if you know this much, you know that “la palabra es la que cuenta” (your word is what counts) with RCQ (mainly) not there ARE many other big fish in Sonora who had remained VERY low key for a long period of time and are back in business, even if they are in their 60s. They mentored and developed many to become a “new old school version” of them, such is the case of el Gigio in Nogi. Los que se alinean la libran, los que no pues... no, y hay quedan

    2. I think that whoever is still making money or has money Is going to stay in the game. Why? Because not everyone has money and if the click ain’t creating revenue then people who dont have $$$$ cant eat and they die painfully while attacking and destroying all around themselves(some w/love some w/out, but either way the same end result). Chapitos have daddy money and didnt have to sweat for it and I’m sure will hand it out to their supporters but they still have to make money for group morale unless they are a terrorist group. So all the large players are immortal, but their hands are only so big and can only grasp so much. There arms are only so long and can reach so far and no matter what they are all going to have to deal with each other wether they like it or not to be able to move forward. What subgroups are going to rise??? The hungry… the content… who will not??? The desperate… the greedy… and the ones who dont realize this is war and possible genocide. The size of the groups and how well they are armed dont really matter because the mexican army is bigger and badder…


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