Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Chino Antrax Dead

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

I was sent a confirmation that José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa aka Chino Antrax is dead and posted it is comments.  My source has never let me down.  Chino was identified via fotos and final confirmation is pending subsequent to another identification process.

I have received a second confirmation.

He was killed along with his sister, Ada Jimena Aréchiga Gamboa and brother-in-law, Juan Garcia.  The three were abducted while at the sisters house on Friday night in a fierce gunfire attack.

The bodies were discovered inside the sister's BMW SUV wrapped and bounded.

The bodies were taken to SEMEFO for autopsies.  SEMEFO is heavily guarded by elements of the Mexican Navy and National guard.

Chino skipped out on supervised release last week only two weeks after being released from prison. At his residence he was gone, his personal belongings gone, only his cell phone was left behind. Below is an image of  the home where the three were abducted, reportedly owned by Chino’s sister.

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  1. LOL good riddance....I mentioned the fact on his sisters murder they were looking for the rat. he took the cheese. He should have known he was a walking dead man when he was released from prison. But who cares the piece of shit is finally dead. May he rot in hell with his brother Satan.

    1. @9:26 That guy was a “sicario” for Chapo.... which means he MURDERED for a living. Why was It ok for Chino Ántrax to kill???? Ojete de mierda

    2. He. Wasnt a sicario for el chapo , he was mayos people , im sure he did some work for him here and there

  2. Replies
    1. Azul is actually dead dude

    2. @7:35 No digas mamadas.

    3. He didnt have the money nor the power to pull that.

    4. Smh mf’s say anything. Chino was no where near a third of Azul level

  3. CDS internal fighting? Los salazares? Chapitos?

    1. Fue el Mayo. Yo set an example that no one can rat. Except for him and his sons and compadres of course

    2. @9:11 chapitos no pueden sin luz verde del Mayo. Esta fue orden del Mayo

    3. this some high level shit, quick clean execution single shot, no torture, get the job done and adios amigo, thank you, next.

    4. Chapós y mayos andan en guerra por el culiacanaso mayo no quiso ayudar a Ovidio cuando lo detuvieron . Ivan y chino tenían problemas desde antes cuando sucedió lo del antro pocos saven que el chino le sacó pistola a Iván

  4. I'm not surprised to say the least. He probably got lured back with false promises given by his "friends" and then they killed him off because let's face it The Antrax is a dead name at this point and holds no weight like it used to. Once you go to jail you can't really return back and not face're a marked rat the minute you go to jail. There's no trust or loyalty in the criminal world.

    1. Just a settling of accounts. Had it coming. RiP. He wasnt coming back and taking over Anthrax which is still strong btw, just more into financials now. Somewhere between Mexico and the Emirates let's just say.
      All you fools saying "Michael Miller" this and that... if you know Mexico, landscapes and alliances change day to day. One thing is for sure. Sinaloa still #1 and will always be #1. 100. I'm getting used to Michael Miller, love this name.

  5. Esta cabron la situación...

    1. El Tito Torbellino Jr tiene algo que ver con esto, ve a sus pagina de Instagram, a la photo mas reciente, y sabras lo que estoy diciendo.

  6. Chino very likely killed by Sinaloa cartel due to fears of Chino having a chip that can be trackable by the DEA. The high ranking members of the CDS were not willing to take any risks and putting him down was the only option.

    1. And kill his sister and brother-in-law ???
      Not likely ... this was a revenge execution

    2. Garcia is Zambadas Last Name...the chinos brother in Law was Garcia...pendejos...

  7. Damn it man.. he should have stayed in jail...

    1. He had a second chance at life damm

    2. God gave him another chance and he rejected his offer

  8. Holy shit, this might be the end if CDS as we know it.

    1. How when chino was just a hit man not the plaza boss

    2. He was bigger then a plaza boss he used to party with mayo and son

  9. Si si es el Chino Antrax lo mato el mismo cartel de este por soplon o la idea que soplo mientras estab en custodia Americana.
    Despues de tanto servicio que le dio a el cartel de Sinaloa y haci se lo echaron.
    Esto le paso por andar de vivito y ser un pendejo!

  10. Well there it is. Cut! The end.

  11. This guy must've known returning to sinaloa was a sure death sentence, he probably thought he would've have had better luck.

    RIP chino-antrax.
    El del anillo de calavera.☣💀

  12. Damn chino wasn't shit then

    1. Neither are you pendejo

    2. No one is when money is involved

    3. All aint shit apart from the real bosses and their families. The rest are all disposable when no longer trusted or needed they are done thats the life they live. Most cartels probably kill their own more then they kill their enemies.

    4. I don't want to be a pos like these narcos just a normal person

    5. Cartel policies. If you ever get busted your a walking target

    6. Jaja then be a normal person
      don’t judge others peoples lives.

  13. So chino and his cuñado fought off the attackers? Or why was the shootout? Seems like he went head on and maybe died during the shootout?

    Seems like the chapitos dont want anyone of mayos people in Cln.

  14. Who wanted him dead?

    1. Ivan wanted him dead not because snitching or nothing to do with jail he just didn’t like him because he was just a sicario and was more famous than Ivan. This was personal. But the excuse is the hole snitches get stitches

  15. Well that didn’t take long

    1. Chapitos
      Maybe even Zambadas for highly suspicious snithcing on mayos sons. Chino should have never gone back.

  16. Como fue a morir el chino. este cabron era el jefe de la plaza en culiacan y tenía dinero a lo pendejo. No puedo creer como murió sin gente y sin dinero

    1. pusieron el queso y se encontraron la rata, pinche vato pendejo se viera quedado en custodia

    2. Le paso por pendejo. Se hubiera salido de el pais mejor. Ya nomas piso suelo y carcel Americana y no valia madre para su cartel. Por soplon o la idea que el soplo.

  17. He knew what he was doing. He preferred dying in his homeland than being a prisoner in the USA. He had way too many enemies and very few friends. RIP chino. You died like the dog you were.

  18. Congratulations on breaking the story Chivis! 🥳

  19. Find a better body in your next incarnation Chino..

  20. CHIVIS this is the house they were staying in before they were kidnapped - -

  21. WoW. The picture does look like him. The nose and the chin. That’s crazy and I wonder who’s behind this. Hopefully we get more information soon.

    1. What about the mole he had almost inside his nose is not their that's not chino

    2. "that's not chino"
      Here we go again,these morons see dudes like Lazcano and now Chino lying on a slab and still cant believe its true?
      That is some serious love,dude is your heart breaking?

    3. I thought he had removed it having surgery

    4. The mole is visible on some pictures and not visible on others. But the sketch of his court appearance looks like the dead man.

  22. Something is not right. Why would you go back to Mexico, yet alone Culiacán if you snitched on that local cartel?.... this is a weird one.

  23. Live by the sword, die by the sword

  24. no pos waow la mafia no perdona senores.

  25. Is quiet here at BB 🤔

    1. jajaja very effin funny... I am about dead.

  26. Its definitely him,look at the bent nose.I wonder if he was lured back to Culiacan,well he was a top grade snitch for a minute like the rest of them,and they sorted him out quick style.5.7 Bond couldnt defend the perimeter ey

  27. Se tenía que sacar la espina el Iván se la tenía sentenciada y como ya el Chino no traía poder lo quito del camino

    1. That’s exactly what happened Chino didn’t have that power Anymore And before Chapo wouldn’t Off allowed Ivan to go after him but since Chapo ain’t around Ivan took advantage.

    2. Por que se hiso el pedo del ivan con el chino compa

  28. Se le acabo el Corrido ,he lived a good 10 years

  29. Good scoop Chivis. What hell the sister may have endured whilst Chino likely witnessed.

    Canadian girl

    1. I think his sister was raising his kid. My issue: Good successful family, all of his sibs and parents have a masters or greater, I can find no reason/excuse to go into the life. I wonder obscure things, like did his parents tell him to stay in the US. I would have. I am feeling badly for his mother compassion. My bro was murdered. I have written about it. My mother never got over it. who she was died with him.

  30. U guys are still womdering if he snitched,of course he did! They dont release mexican nationals or people with green card on parole,they deport them! Obviously he was a rat!

    1. These mostly dudes here dont wanna believe he was spilling his guts all over the yard,banged up for 7 and he pleads guilty to conspiracy importing tons coke,ordering hits,member criminal org,man he sang more than Elvis

    2. 8:05 he didn't get deported but he didn't go into witness protection program so tell us what happened there cause once u go into that program they give a whole new life they don't just put u in house arrest

    3. Exactly 8:46. Why wasn’t he in WP? Chivis u specialist person u. Do you have an answer for that? Because I’m really wondering what went wrong. Or right ...

  31. Chino you cant go out like this?You gonna break a lot of DUDES hearts
    As said before heres your hero,soaked up with his sister

  32. He should of stayed in the u.s

  33. Hope that flashy lifestyle with all that money and women was worth it. He died the way he should have. After being responsible for killing so many his turn finally came. It’s a circle with all these narcos. Sooner or later the bills comes due

  34. @Chivis Apparently this was the house they were staying in, a group of people came by and shot up the house yesterday - Videos -

    1. thank you I posted a screenshot above. I heard the video ... i am surprised no one died just in the shooting for abduction

  35. I was reading an article in Spanish and it said one of the male subjects is Chino Antrax and the other one is José Miguel Aramo Montoya, “El Monki”. Crazy stuff.

    1. 8:11 Damn, El Changuito?


    2. No compa. El monki era primo del changuito. Porcierto ese mentado changuito ya tiene tiempo que lo mataron como una semana después de que mataron a pancho chimal

    3. Monki and chango are two different characters

    4. No is not Changuito

    5. Changuito is Rafa the only anttax left i believe

    6. They are almost all extinct. Forced extinction.

    7. The name I am hearing is Juan Garcia. I don't know who that is, anyone? he is the son or brother of a morena politician

  36. So my question is this , since he “ratted” , and ended up like this , will they go after el mayos kids too ?

    1. You cant go after the bosses son until the boss says so

    2. You cant go after the bosses son until the boss says so

    3. @8:26 & 8:34 parrrrrfaaaavarrrrrrr hazme el favor. There are no rules en la mafia. Ya no es como antes

    4. Maybe after Mayo dies the Sons might feel emboldened to make those kinds of moves right now not likely

    5. Not till Mayo dies. He has had narcos killed from different families. They’ll one day go after his kids

    6. Mayo's kids have all been pulled out of Mexican been put in Witness Protection within the U.S.

  37. Que paso con apoyo? Fast life =

  38. Fucking dumbass

  39. What was he thinking? Snitching and going back to sinaloa?

  40. Well that was quick.... kinda wish we could of just had true justice with law enforcement apprehending them and then him being extradited...but we can't have too high of expectations from Mexico

    1. He was arrested n extradited. Our good 'ol US of A justice system let him out after 7 yrs for "good behavior".

    2. There is a good article saying if Roger Stone was a narco he would be out

  41. Rip hopfully we find out who set you up.

    1. 😆 No mames. Pendejo set himself up. He skipped parole and made international headlines💀 only to go back to Sinaloa and post videos on social media of a welcoming party with the banda. You reap what you sow. Can't feel sorry for him. His kids and his sisters kids, whole nother story. Now thats fucked up.

    2. You will never find out, it was the chapitos of course but unless they get arrested and it comes out in trial you will never know. Example of this is Julio Beltrans death. During chapos trial it was known that chapo killed him because he wouldn’t listen to him

    3. 9:11 pm do you have a link for the video you are talking about? Can you share with us ?

  42. Damn he was a good guy too, i met him in SD prison!

    1. Mi cuñado también lo conocio en prision. Dice que era muy buena gente y tenía muchas historias. El fue a culiacan nomas a visitar a su mama ya no quería regresar a lo que andaba antes nomas que su cuñado le dijo a unos que antes eran de su gente y así es como que se enteraron que estaba con su hermana. Lo bueno que alcanzo a ver a su mama un día antes lo que el más queria. Dep compa chinola como le decían en la prision

    2. LOL. GOOD GUY. RIIIIGHT. I remember seeing a picture of a guy that he supposedly killed. Dude looked like a pin cushion... good guys take on careers that make the world a better place. This guy was far from that.

    3. I’m really fascinated by your statement that he was a “good guy” that you met in prison.
      I’m going to assume that he really was a Sinaloa cartel enforcer who killed people as part of his business model for living, how did he impress upon you that he was a good guy.
      What did he do, or say that made you think that he was an okay guy.
      I’m not judging anyone, but I’m curious as hell as to how he made a good impression on you.

    4. 8:33 thanks for that seemingly informative comment. If what you're saying is his mother/ family the reason he ran?

    5. Bola de pendejos he had contact with NO INMATES while in prison. His only contact was the guards because he was in isolation

    6. 9:26 not the same person that posted about Chino, but I’ve actually met several people in my life that worked for the cartel as hit men. You meet them and there’s just as funny and ready to stand up for you if their your family or friend. But if you are the enemy then business is business. Many don’t consider themselves killers, instead as people protecting the plaza from intruders thieves etc. Other than that the ones I’ve met, you’d might never suspect they participated in murders.

    7. for three years he was in solitary not the entire time

  43. that didn't take long. Snitch debt paid in full.

  44. He gambled with his life and lost.

  45. Could it be chapos sons who did thos

  46. Who do you think it could of been Chivis?? Any rumors floating around??

  47. I was watching the informants video's and he said something interesting Chino Anthrax was most likely picked up and taken to Mexico against his own will. Their is also another possibility his family was taken captive it came down to you or them. He went down there and they just killed all of them. Once you enter the witness protection program you are given a phone or a beacon when pressed alerts law enforcement about your location and the danger you are in. Contrary to popular belief the majority of people under the witness protection program are found in medium to large cities the bigger the law enforcement presence available to go and rescue your ass.

    1. And those that forced him, they managed to pack his clothes and belongings for him? and he was not in witness protection.

      he did exactly what he said in court he would do, go back to mexico

    2. 9:37 PM Chivis we both know where their is a will their is a way. I gave you the informants opinion and my own. It is well known that CDS like's to target families when things don't go their way. His family was the target so he went back.

  48. This was all work of MZ, Chino was to must of a risk to come back and work. MZ is going to see his death bed soon. Chino is one last worry to keep his fraction of CDS going before he dies.

  49. @Chivis CJNG handing out despensas in Veracruz -

  50. Congratulations on another great article. You have been on fire this week

  51. Only question is did Mayo gave the green light

  52. Sinaloa are about to be the new tamaulipaz... thats for sure
    Chino looks like he was punched before was killed...
    Maybe ivan was the responsable

    1. He was probably tortured before execution. Not just punched.

    2. He was shot in the face, the little star shaped wound is actually an entry wound from a projectile.. the bruising is internal bleeding... doesn’t meant he wasn’t tortured but don’t make assumptions based on the face pic

  53. Most likely Ivan Archivaldo Was behind this ...they didn’t really like each other

  54. Animo Sicarios
    QEPD el Comandante 5.7 El Scarface Renacido ,El Quinto Elemento ,El Chino Antrax.
    CDS Lives Matter !

    1. El virus no se muera y no se cura, saludos Viejon Sicario006. QEDP EL CAMANDANTE 5.7

    2. You are next Sicario. Just keep on talking y veras cabron.

  55. Wow, sounds like he was ambushed..

    If the rumors are true that they threaten his family, he took off to Mexico and they set him up.. killed the dude as he tried to protect his family

  56. Chivis,what do you reckon on comments,how many on Chino Antrax?
    You know the dudes here got goofy love for him,they want a pair of his snide loafers

  57. Chino and his FAKE CORRIDOS, I DOUBT they will make a corrido of tnhis.. 😥

  58. I wonder if Sicario 006 will give us more information?

  59. Did he testify against Chapo Guzman?

  60. Who thinks here mayo called the hit?

    1. obviously involved. chino trusts no one but mayo. i think he asked for protection from mayo and was given it.

      Then...... it is conceivable that mayo gave him up to chapitos. they all know chino had to do some big talkin to get that sentence.

    2. BTW he was in solitary for 3 years

    3. First off thank you so much for all you do! You mentioned in another comment he didn't testify against anyone. If he informed and got such a sentence why wouldn't they have made him testify if he was giving big info?

    4. He didn't testify. He paid for that deal. Get your facts right.

  61. It is him. I can tell just by the nose. Also they have a sketch of him in court and it look just like his dead body.

    1. Where's the mole? The ears that stick out?

    2. Cosmetic surgery it's been around for a while

    3. Anon 9:36 pm. Surgery. As you can see his nose in not crooked no more also. But the shape of his nose his chin and eye brows are undeniable.

  62. He knew he had a lot of enemies when he was in his prime when he was arrested he was not in the best terms with people in culiacan why would he go back did he really think he could live life with his family or did somebody lure him over there for a nice pay I heard people had seen him in culiacan so he was at hiding which ever the reason was he should have stayed in the u.s maybe could have made a man out of himself

  63. José Miguel Aramo Montoya El Monki the other dead guy was arrested couple of years back with Changuito,they were escorts of Chino.
    Looks like Chinos sister was in the wrong place and got killed for bein with Chino,you would think he would know better than that?

  64. I wonder if vicentillo will get smoked too he snitched on a whole lot of ppl during his trial snitched on chapo his dad a lot of of his mayos operators and political and military connections

  65. Can't feel sorry for this dude. Looks like Karma finally caught up with him.

    1. Someday, the bills will come due.

  66. El que se disfraza de payaso se lo lleva el payaso, pensó que Culiacán era más seguro que San Diego y se llevó a la hermana con el.

  67. Hey BB who thinks he even had a chance to talk to mayo while he was in Culiacán?

    1. I didn’t personally believe he had a direct conversation with mayo. Maybe through intermediaries.

  68. great staying on the story chivis. I saw your tweet before the posts, perfect intel. I could tell you were a little apprehensive saying he was dead, right? where is all your helpers? Never mind you are doing more than fine all by yourself.

  69. I called it on the original thread, stupid idiot. I wonder if it was the CAF?? But I doubt it, it had to be chaputos

    1. Y el ondeado a un lado a fillando el cuchillo

  70. M1 macho Prieto chino will be waiting for mayo in hell.

  71. First day dead chino

  72. Chapo’s sons or His own Mayo’s people. What do you guys think?

  73. Not saying this is what happen but is there a chance he wanted fake his death so he can take some heat of since he was back in the run?

    1. There’s no faking this. That’s hit crooked nose. He has no power or money that’s why he was hiding at his sisters.

  74. Funny how they didn’t do this to Serafina zambada and he tatted as well. Mayos a punk

  75. I have so many questions right now. One is how he looks almost exactly as the known pictures of him floating around the Internet. I say this because when he was arrested back in 2013 and extradited to the States, there was an article that claimed that he was "horribly disfigured" from plastic surgery that he underwent in order to evade capture. Obviously he is dead in the picture above but even then, his face doesn't look anywhere near like a Picasso as that article stated. Second, did he really just get fed up with being a prisoner in the U.S. after 7 years and made a break for it back to Mexico the first chance he got or, was he set up and lured back to Mexico? I'm no organized crime expert or drug trafficker but if I had been in his shoes, forfeited $1 million USD to the U.S. government along with intel on one of the world's most powerful cartels, I sure as hell would never want to show my face in Mexico ever again. So I wonder why he did.

    P.S. Sicario007, you had one job. Where were you on this one?

    1. I followed the case pretty closely and nowhere was it mentioned he was disfigured. It was noted he had plastic surgery done to his face and attempted to remove finger prints but the pictures of him with Yuriana that where floating around where accurate as to how he looked when he got arrested as they were about a year or two before that.

  76. Bein chingon se la tiraba en los corridos y mira como termino... por andar de sapo por cooperando con los gringos, todos sabemos qe era un acuerdo con la dea y ellos lo dejaron libre... ay para que sigan dandosela de chingones. Y luego caundo los agarran andand cantando contra su misma gente. El Mayo yo entrego y lo mato...

    Ate: NoSoyNadaSoyTourista

  77. In the picture of the bodies in the back of the SUV it looks like Chino is the only one encobijado, the material looks alot like the reddish one he has while layed out on the stainless table at the morgue

  78. Ok so what are the chances he couldve faked his own death somehow?

    1. No chance. He doesnt have that level of power.

  79. Damn pinche Chino set a couple years of narco flashiness unlike any other mofo out there. Hate him or love him he had his style. R.I.P Chino como dijistes en el infierno estan tus amigos. Pinche Ivan te pasas nico

  80. Well, the end is near for many, especially those who live a fast life and that dirt money is NOT easy money for sure. Many want to follow these clowns and they forget who the big dogs are. Chino was only big when Chapo was around, his sons don’t need him and it was the eldest who always hated on him, yup, I said it... Chapo’s oldest son got his ass for being a second son to his dad. Typical cartel story.

    1. No dude selling carryin is far from easy money,the stress fuckin twists you,always clockin always paranoid you gonna get tugged off police and depending on charges you lookin at years in jug,not good,for those that do it

  81. Had to go home to say goodbye and square accounts.guess it was better to get it over with than wait for it.Respect to his sister for standing by her brother.they had to know it was coming.Prime example of how getting in the game affects all in the family.smh

  82. Great work Chivis! Thank you.

  83. For reals, why would he go back to Sinaloa? Only thing I can think of is to pick up some money then bounce. But then again, why go to your sister's house or a popular family member?

  84. Man everyone and their mom are hurting bcuz the corrido About the fuga never made it on time.

  85. Think about you really think he would have went to his sister's house if he didn't have a pass? The law,enemies, people wouldn't have been staking all of his people's locations,waiting for him to show up

  86. Can anyone confirmed he snitched ? Chivis any article on that ? He was not abducted dude left on his own will..i think if he would of snitched he wouldn’t of gone back to Culiacan...I really believe it was Ivan Archivaldo behind this cause these 2 guys didn’t like each other back then just like I believed Ivan had Chino’s wife murdered a few years ago. Why didn’t Mayo intervened? Just look at what’s going on right now with el Ruso and Nini going at it with nor El Mayo or Chapitos putting a stop to it . Ivan got Chino at his weakest time while Ivan has the power for the moment.

  87. The idiot got his sister killed too, if he wanted to see his family he should have met them else where not in culichitown.... His big huevos got him far, but in the end his big huevos got him killed

  88. El video del chino como el de Montana nunca van a ver la Luz. Rolen los videos no Sean culeros.

  89. He look like he was beat up

  90. Should've stayed in protective custody

  91. Era normal que iba pasar esto era un problema mantener a un prófugo de la dea, calentando el terreno en Sinaloa. Si su escape no fue una orden de la cúpula de sinaloa y solo un impulso del chino antrax, era normal que iba ser su futuro.

    En Sinaloa es normal tomar esas decisiones a Carlos Jesús salmón higuera el macaco lo mató su propio grupo, el de chapo Isidro y los Beltrán Leyva. Cómo lo cuenta el corrido del zoológico de Alfredo olivas.

    La cúpula ordena cuando quiere afuera a alguien, con la fuga del azulito, changuito antrax, el 20 peña y el chimali. Ese fue un ejemplo de como el cartel manda.

    Al chino antrax se lo comió su propia gente más claro está, prefirio mil veces más el cartel matarlo que lidiar con la dea en Sinaloa.

  92. I wonder what cheyo antrax is thinking about this?

    1. Didn't Cheyo get arrested awhile back and then escape? I thought I remember something like that...

  93. My sources tell me he was killed because he violated the Chapitos orders to quarantine after 10pm. All 3 were also not social distancing and the Chapitos said; "Enough is enough."


  94. about 40 min ago riodoce published an article that he was dead.

    1. At the end, you live by the gun you die by the gun. His source of income was killing human beings

  95. I knew that wouldn't take long. Los Guzmans are strong as fuck. Exactly what I've been saying. Those guys aren't giving up shit.


  96. Dude was a informant. Why would he ever go back there?

  97. Never mind him. His poor family got dragged into this. He made his choices but my most accounts he came from a normal family who did not deserve this

  98. This was a example from the chapitos


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