Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, May 14, 2020

CJNG Boss Gerardo González Valencia Is Extradited From Uruguay to the US

"MX" for Borderland Beat
Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) leader Gerardo González Valencia, who was imprisoned in Uruguay since 2016 for money laundering, was extradited to the United States today to face his drug trafficking charges.

Under heavy security by land and air, González Valencia was transferred from Libertad prison to the Carrasco International Airport in Montevideo at 4:15 a.m. He was then put on a plane and flown to the U.S. at 6:20 a.m. The U.S. government sent an airplane owned by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to complete the transfer.

Over 50 agents participated in the transfer, including Minister of Interior Jorge Larrañaga, who was in constant communication with President Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou.

Below: New video showing Gerardo González Valencia being transferred

Gerardo González Valencia is the brother of Mexican drug lord Abigael González Valencia ("El Cuini"), who headed the CJNG and Los Cuinis. This criminal group has presence in Mexico, the U.S., Europe and Asia. González Valencia coordinated international money laundering schemes by using shell companies to purchase assets in Latin America, Europe, and Asia.

Gerardo Gonzalez Valencia (USDT, 2016)
His wife Wendy Dalaithy Amaral Arévalo was reportedly working with him on this large money laundering scheme when the couple moved from Mexico to Uruguay in 2011. He had millionaire properties and businesses in Punta del Este and Montevideo, Uruguay.

The original documents of the investigation framing González Valencia were leaked in 2015 through the Panama Papers, where it detailed real estate transactions and industrial sector investments tied to him. After a multi-year investigation by Latin American officials and the U.S. Department of the Treasury, González Valencia was arrested in Montevideo in April 2016, and imprisoned for money laundering charges.

Extradition negotiations
In February 2020, the Uruguayan government agreed to extradite González Valencia to the U.S. just as long as he did not face the death penalty or life imprisonment if found guilty. But U.S. authorities wanted the possibility to convict González Valencia of life imprisonment and refused to accept the terms. Since González Valencia had already fulfilled his money laundering sentence in Uruguay, he was close to being released.

Gonzalez Valencia while he was being escorted from the prison (source: Subrayado)
His attorney issued a motion to request his release and the final decision was left to the Uruguayan Supreme Court. However, the court rejected his release petition and amended the extradition deal. Uruguayan officials were swift in ensuring that González Valencia's extradition deal was amended because they feared that he had plans to escape prison. Investigators stated that a drone was found spying over the prison before a tunnel was discovered a few days later.

Note: Borderland Beat published this story at 5:30 a.m. local time, about an hour after Gerardo Gonzalez Valencia arrived at the airport for his extradition.

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  1. So I went to the site that BB got this article from and on May 6, 2020 a tunnel was found at La Libertad prison 5 meters from a cell at the compound. Doesnt state whether or not dude had anything to do with it. But on the article about him being extradited it mentions something about him being a flight riak due to confidential information of an escape.

    1. Uruguayan authorities feared he would escape. I've added a new link for that specific fact. The drone and the tunnel just added to the already-existing fear.

  2. Not that this will make much of a difference, but it is always nice to one of these big guys brought to some sort of justice and being made feel discomfort.

  3. Hopefully he is infected with COVID-19 and we will hear about finding him dead in his cell in the coming days.

  4. Hummmm.... Drones, tunnels, lawyers, courts, lots sure goes on behind those curtains when you have vast criminal powers. Same old, same old.

    This guy has to meet sever justice as in a life sentence in a USA max prison.
    Keep us posted.


  5. MX excelent another one headed for the slammer, he will be felt so lonely in his new room.

  6. A nice portion of top family cartel members associated with Mencho are feeling the tentacles of US government.
    Let's see how this plays out in court. Question remains? Will someone be taking the weight for others release?

  7. Of course no life sentence he'll just do 200 years in prison then set free...😂😄🖕 Cry baby cry 😭

  8. NOBODY escapes UNCLE Sam
    A lot of taxing is going to happen $$💰
    No winners in this GAME, not even MAYO who's GOVERNMENT INFORMANT
    And the rest of CDS who made a deal with GOVERNMENT agencies just to get ARRESTED by onother U.S agency 😆
    Stay in school KIDS

    1. Oh the irony...
      Stay in school indeed...

    2. 6:41 there are hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) who stayed in school. And have no job or money or security, they were defrauded by their schools and career advisers and now that they awe the rest of their lives worth of student loans n9body knows them
      But the ones that made it, harbor many that just sold out to criminals and to criminal wannabes and they all live in richly paid collusion covering up for each others' shitty ass, ask8ng that we all understand, give the benefit of the doubt 100%, and cooperate with the other side...

    3. 10:01 they didn't go to school for anything worth going for.. Not because you go to school makes you bright but if you choose a good career you will be well off

  9. Nice! Hand him over to the Califarmeros so they can sentence him to house arrest then he can take off right away nobody will notice until several days later..

    1. You should at least post what your home state is you lame!

  10. Cjng is taking over but over the US prisons,looks like family reunion haha

    1. with their own private rooms designed like a bomb shelter jajaja

  11. Borderland Beat spot on again. First by being the first to report about Chino's escape... then by getting to this story so early. The golden era of BB is now, live it, enjoy it.

    1. You mean first to repost it and translate?

    2. Chivis got word of Chinos story before it was even reported in the media. His info was up before any outlet. This extradition story was up at 5AM Uruguay time and was the second site worldwide to cover it (after one from Uruguay). All this is in the forum threads.

      BB is living it’s golden era!

    3. What are you twelve years old 3:35? "I'm first!"
      First is fine but never what we aspire to, accuracy and depth surpasses first anytime. I know MX is meticulous in his research, best I have ever seen. and BTW he wrote this and posted it and yes pretty damn early.

      Not to say there is anything wrong with translation and posting, that is our wheelhouse, and we proudly have done so since 2009.

      Time for you to go to another playpen

      And Thank you 7:43, your kind words are unneeded but very welcomed... Paz, Chivis

    4. Thank you, everyone. The reason why I got to the story so quickly (3:20AM my time, to be exact) was because I coincidentally ate a lot of cantaloupe for dinner (not a joke) and couldn't sleep so I stayed up reading.

      When the 30-day count for his extradition started, I was checking for Gerardo in Uruguayan outlets every day. I knew it was a matter of time but honestly I was extremely fortunate to get to this story so early. Borderland Beat was second in the world behind Subrayado newspaper.

      I've studied Gerardo's case for years and have been updating his Wikipedia article (which I created) since 2017. It has close to 100 sources. I guess it was meant to be for me to finally get to cover his extradition. I look forward to what's next!

    5. I’ve been reading Borderland beat since 2015 almost daily, one of my favorite sites.

    6. 335
      "You mean first to repost it and translate"
      Dude why be a hater?You obviously come to BB.
      These people at BB do this FOR NOTHING you dig?
      VOLUNTARY WORK,so be cool,show support,in other words,dont be a prick

  12. Its crazy how drug dealing and laundering can get you life in the feds while the fucking child molesters and rapists get a possibility of being free smh...

    1. No. You can get life or a light sentence for either. You're just butt hurt because the team you cheer for is taking a hit.

    2. 846
      Tellin ye

  13. I was hopeing this News release was about this Guy accidently opened a door on plane 2000 ft in air dropped to his death All assets of his split between LE and victims of innocents that were murdered. This is still good news
    Thanks BB

  14. Hahaha welcome to the US you miserable idiot, your life is over!! Mencha ordering murders from his cave is on notice. All of his pathetic family is in US custody. Hahhaahhahah

  15. Si me agarran o me matan, nada cambia. -Mayo Zambada. Aint nothing gonna change.

  16. Chema.....thought this wasn't gonna happen???? His brother will be joining him shortly.

    1. Which brother? Abigael or Jose (the one in Brazil)?

    2. Chema is going to cry bro he’s the biggest cjng fan on bb

    3. 11:28 he was wrong just LIKE YOU have been MANY TIMES here in BB about how CDS was going to take out CJNG and other nonsense about CDS and MAYO. Just like Michelle Miller lol

    4. Both....US need money, they'll get both. Abigael is the most important to the US ,but Jose is a money man, so they'll get them both.

    5. Nonsense??'s happening right now.

  17. These nutthuggers' hate is obviously because this guy being an enemy of their snitchoaloa group. Los Cuinis weren't bad at all. They are very low profile guys who keep to themselves.

    1. You mean the thousands of life’s they have taken they are innocent but their henchmen mencho killing thousands

    2. Stfu foo if you truly believe they were good people that kept to themselves you’re either very ignorant or very stupid either way tie your shoes and wipe your ass when you’re around adults

  18. Great work MX again

  19. Great work by DEA bringing the real leader of the Cuinis (Lalin) back to the US. About time they approved this. Hopefully AMLO can approve Abi next.

    1. People can say what they want about AMLO, but he's been pretty good about extraditing guys to the U.S. A lot of high-ranking cartel members have been extradited to the U.S. since he joined office. Past Presidents did it too but don't think it was this often (maybe I'm wrong).

      Abigael has a lot of pull in Mexico and the CJNG has a excellent team of attorneys. AMLO can only do so much. Abigael's case has to beat lots of levels in various courts before it reaches the President's hands. Gerardo got lucky he's the first real Cuini to be sent. He will likely be asked to cooperate and just do short time in prison. Abigael or Jose will come next.

  20. Let's see if the CUINIS GO OUT like CDS or BELTRANES.. Snitch or OMERTA?.. Going to be interesting.. One of the siblings has to FOLD in my opinion
    Maybe they talked and came up with a plan to either snitch or take their sentence like a _______..

    1. So its 5 CJNG top members in jail. Menchito and menchita and 3 uncles. I don't see CJNG having the same government pull as CDS. They're too violent and violence brings more attention than being flashy. So someone is definitely going to fold. Depending on who gets the first sentence will determine what plea deal the rest will get. If anything I can see menchita folding after the first one gets the book thrown at them. She's the one who's spent less time in jail, probably seen Menchote more often and has had the most contact in recent times and one of the younger ones and can still live out the rest of her life under witness protection.

    2. 12:42 in what world would "Menchote" hurt his own daughter "Menchita" or his son "Menchito" even if they incriminated him and said he was the supreme boss and he obligated them to assist him in his criminal endeavors? He knows the life he has chosen and must stay ahead.
      Some big bank�� to atone for their behavior, CUINIS, and obviously they'll get hundreds of months of incarceration but they're in their 40's if I'm not mistaken.

    3. @8:11 who said anything about Menchote hurting his kids? We all know who the media has portrayed as the Supreme boss. I'm talking about, who's going to give up the most information to reduce their sentence. Someone is going to be a sacrificial lamb and whoever can supply the most info will have to be judas. Which one of these five will be the weak link? I'm putting my 💰 on menchita.

  21. I would rather be poor and free than rich and behind bars. I just don't get it. These guys could have made enough money to travel the world and retire with hundreds of millions and get out before the feds even know who they are. They get addicted to the worst drug ever, power and it all goes to crap!!!

    1. Yep, I think that is the nature of the beast. These are generally, not normal people. They tend to be sociopathic or psychopathic individuals so ordinary thought processes are usually not attributable to them. It would be extremely rare for one of them to stop while ahead.

  22. Sarah DeVries in Xalapa, Veracruz has been pretty outspoken in the news about the cartels. I thought the cartels were pretty good at keeping reporters in check.


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