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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Deployed Federal Police elements not paid for 5 months

Op-Ed by Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Yesterday I posted a video depicting two National Guard elements shaking down a narco named “Cholo”.  The event transpired in Sonora and the footage concluded without revealing the outcome.

I was interested in knowing what Borderland Beat reader’s opinion was about the event, cheering on the elements? Or wrong is wrong and what is right,  should not be compromised?

Above is another layer of information that may interest you.  They are alleged documents that reveal in the case of the federal police, deployed federal police, who have not been paid for 5 months.

The documents last column is “payment status” and in the column notation is “Pending”.

A mistake Mexico continues to make is the poor treatment of its federal forces.  Wages are too low making them susceptible to offers from narcos.

I recall when President Felipe Calderon was leaving office; he declared that all border drug plazas were 100 percent in narco-collusion.  

From city hall to municipal police, and every entity in-between, including the press, this is true.

I ask myself what good is the permanent bases built in border cities for military and police agencies,  if collusion goes unabated?

I have concluded that two essential components should be established.  One is quick rotation of forces.  6 weeks max.  So there is a new influx of elements to disrupt/deflect  collusion.

The second is offer high wages and bonuses.  In order to attract the best, the brightest and loyalty, this is imperative.

How it stands today, an offer from narcos to be placed on the payroll, would be almost impossible to refuse.


  1. That's Mexico's problem not enough money for its people but plenty to steal.

    1. Mexico has plenty of money. But the elite keep it all for themselves. Chivis is right. Raise the minimum wage to a liveable standard. I heard that the hotels the feds use aren't getting paid either. I stayed at one outside of Guadalajara, there was blood on the reception floor. Very quiet. Frickin war zone.

    2. Thats part of the problem, they are not elite they are crooks just like any other. Selfish crooks who need to be treated like crooks and locked up.

  2. There is no way to win a war on drugs like this, there seems to be no hope to contain corruption over there. AMLO doesn't seem like the right guy to clean it up either or have the right help to do it, nobody seems to have a good plan on what to do! pshhh un real

    1. Es un monstruo enorme de mil cabezas que estan en estados unidos los drtogadictos , colombia los productores y en mexico los traficantes, si quitamos a los viciosos, esto termina, pero los bancos ganan mucho y los traficantes y productores solo unos cuantos los jefes .. esas es la ecuacion como hacerla cero ?

    2. Eso no es cierto nadie aguanta 5 meses sin sueldo

  3. Lopez Obrador has been auctioning off, helicopters, mansions etc., and not able to pay the federales for 5 months. That is completely out of line.
    Concerned citizen

    1. Federales are paid by AMLO himself, I have serious doubts.
      From what I can see is that AMLO is doing his best but how to handle a guy like vaca. How to handle elected governor reaping the their state, how to get rid of him if most of the politicians and judges are not your friends but your enemies?

  4. Damn that’s sad

  5. Felipe did the best he could. Cartels r here to stay, in my area they grown, more trucks, and guns.

  6. Meanwhile the presidents family magically made billions overnight selling products no soul has seen being sold.

  7. This is the reason police, military go to the wrong side of the law. this has been going on for a long time. In our bordering city, I heard stories about police not being paid in 3 months. this was several years ago - so this is not a new thing.

    1. I agree that's a prime example why cartels work together with police, as the government pays less and go without paying them for months.

    2. It's simpler than that. Your a cop, you're not getting paid squat. The bad boys don't offer you a job, they say, you are now working for us, we'll pay you more but if you refuse we'll kill you and your family.

    3. Sure gives the good guys an incentive to look forward to. When a Government job & payment services are not favorable.
      Shame on the government for allowing good men & their families to starve.

  8. Chivis: why would any Mexican politician want to implement any of the necessary changes to solve this problem? They themselves are cashing in big time. Also if the system was cleaned up all those corrupt would be subject to prosecution.

    Hence all those at the levers of power are corrupt corrupt corrupt and they will do everything they can to prevent this system for going away.

    The only thing the all those who are corrupt fear is the people's grassroot movements. Hence you see organized crime, military, police and judges join forces and go after autodefensas, community polices, activists and any honest politician coming up through the grassroot movements.

    Only a popular uprising with many many dead will change Mexico.

    1. only a popular uprising in the usa can change where we are heading..... good luck....

    2. @ 6:06
      Any popular uprising against the American government will be squashed immediately. The roars of inequality, corporate bailouts and possible shifting of corporate liabilities from covid aren't going nowhere. Confirming many's assumption of corporations as spineless scum where people are human sacrifice to their wealth.

  9. not paid by government
    but definately on cartel payroll

  10. Mexico is corrupt country!!

    1. Lol is has been, where have you been? Welcome to BB, just watch out for the gory videos, that come in, every now and then.

    2. because the politicos only care about themselves. They get rich from the Cartels, than retire in the safety of the U.S

    3. @2:57
      Great! Thieves hanging out & residing amongst American thieves.
      What else is new.

  11. The Americans spend about 4 billion dollars a year on the drug war. They should use a lot to subsidize police wages. Wonder how the RCMP get such qualified officers? "When you successfully complete the Cadet Training Program and have been offered employment, you will be hired as a Constable at an annual salary of $53,144. Usually, within 36 months of service, your annual salary will have increased incrementally to $86,110."

    1. Lol subsidize in the USA police get paid well + pension no need but thank you for your interest, it is Mexico that don't pay your city Police well, Chivis has an article that federal police have not been paid in 5 months. Instead Obrador is keeping the money on the recent auction of a Mansion.

    2. Thats good pay for Canadians eh!

    3. 1:52, so that we get an accurate picture, would that be in Canadian dollars that you're quoting; if so, tell the readers here please that it is worth "generally over the years on average" 25% less than the USA dollar, and prices up here there are the same as in the USA, and often higher. Thanks. On another front, has anyone been following a long-ago announced 50% budget cut by Obrador on the National Guard, or was that fake news?

    4. 2:51 lol, divide the auction price by all the active LEO and what do each of them receive, 5 pesos?

    5. 11:08PM, we think that it is more than just money that keeps most all Canadian RCMP from becoming corrupt. You see, in Mexico there is a wide entrenched culture of societally defeating negative behaviors that are accepted as normal entitlement among much of the population where as in Canada such is normally frowned upon and where punishment is enforced. As a Mexican patriot it shames me to realize that juxtaposition: our ancestors roll in their graves. Where is true pride and true patriotism? It exists in Mexico especially among the faithful but it is being stamped down on several fronts. No, the argument that Canada is wealthy compared to Mexico just doesn't make the argument of some, poverty existed there too on a wide scale and still does among some of the population of course; and yes, there is crime and mafia, but the culture is different regarding crime, entitlement, punishment, and public service. For a time there was in Canada a very unruly population segment until the RCMP was formed. It is also a matter of professional pride not to become corrupted. Would love to see the arguments here against my hypotheses.

  12. So are they just working for the job experience? Or just to get out of a hellhole situation in their hometown? It just keeps getting worse and worse.

  13. This is what the Chinese government wants. As long as Mexico continues to drown under the burden of public safety they're not a threat to Chinese Communist hegemony around the world. AMLO is the "useful idiot" in this situation, another leftist politician that peddles a fantasy to the public but in reality drives his country into further despair & misery. It sounds like a conspiracy until you analyze the angles.

  14. @Chivis have you seen today's video?? Looks like some former GN members from Cd. Obregon turned narcos - - -

    1. I checked around mexican blogs and noticias and can't find the story behind the arrests. 8 were detained in Yécora, Sonora is about all. also, apparently the 2 GN in the extortion video were detained?

      Thank you, if you see any details please send in, looks like a breaking story.

  15. Then they wonder why mexican cops sell themselves to cartels? Here in this article is the answer.

  16. Prison escape en Zac. 11 prisoners at large - -

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. AMLO Letting hardworking cops unpayed? Being police equal death in MX

  19. The corruption is so deeply embedded that it is at a point of no return. You can pay them more and rotate them out but that also comes with pros and cons. Being rotated out so often doesnt allow law enforcement to be there long enough to get and act on intelligence. The cartel will always be able to offer more money then the MX government can pay police. Corrupted police will just use the rotations to different areas as a way to build connections across the country which will create more lines of distribution. The source of chemicals coming from china should be a priority target. The high level politicians accepting bribes, freezing bank accounts, and extradition of every criminal that has international charges should also be priorities. By taking away the protection, the money it takes to pay the bribes and their crews, sending them to prisons out of the country you might be able to disrupt enough of their infrastructure that local law enforcement might be able to make a difference. Theres so much that goes into making a difference and with little effort from the upper class nothing will change. Now would be the perfect time for MX to try and get North American companies to relocate factories in China to MX. That would create jobs and increase national Gdp for MX .That revenue could be funneled to other projects for education, medical, etc. An issue for corporations in MX though is extortion and security and you would think that MX would protect businesses from issues like those bc the economic and social rewards are far greater then dirty money bribes. In the end though the greed of dirty politicians and actions of scumbag drug gangs make life miserable for the hardworking adults and innocent children of Mexico.

  20. what the fuck. This is beyond pathetic


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