Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 25, 2020

Important Change When Participating in Comments!

Effective immediately...

Recently it has become an issue with deleting a lot of comments from the main page from people (seems to be a handful posting shit over and over) who harass collaborators and just troll the comments section without providing any constructive discussion to the topic. For this reason and others, users will need to comment using an email. We can then ban emails if they are abusive toward collaborators or are trolling the messages that take too much time for us to filter them out. You can still remain anonymous by ensuring your email does not have any personal information and make your profile private, so no one can know who you are, but gives us the ability to ban emails without knowing who they are.

I would hope our members are understanding and supportive in  this effort, we have learned that the commenters play a crucial role in learning about the cartels but there are those who muddy the water with unnecessary BS.

Thank you for being here as part of the BB community.

Buggs and Chivis


  1. I had been wondering what subversive level a post had to reach in order to be banned. This is a necessary evil when hosting a chat room. Good lookin.

  2. Good...I'm all for a good debate, and don't get offended by others not sharing my opinions. However the keyboard tough guys get a bit tiresome.

    1. Good to see that you are still around my friend.
      Best wishes.

  3. Opinions, rumours or lies. Hard to tell what is right. Saying something and passing off as fact is garbage. The smart reader can see the bias or exaggeration. This is a good site. Writing or posting articles is the priority not deleting garbage.

    1. Amen brother...or sister. I told Buggs it is so frustrating to have to moderate garbage a complete waste of time. And you don't see the real vile stuff we delete.

      What we can see is the trolls were few maybe only 2 but posted repeatedly. they didn't realize we could tell.

      My only fear is people sending in constructive comments, information from on the ground or links to breaking news will stop participating.

      Journalist have told me they read all comments to glean those gems. I want those serious commentors to know if you make your account private you will remain anonymous. Please stay with us, it is because of you I did not do this long ago.


    2. @Chivis I'm just curious, what kind of stuff were people posting? Was it just ripping on other comments, or hating on the moderators or something?

    3. All of the above and more, a complete waste of time. I can say this is SO MUCH easier, I told Buggs he would have to dock my pay.. jaja ;)

    4. I'm curious too. If it was only a couple people, what did their motive seem to be? Was it just to cause chaos, or did they have some particular agenda?

  4. Private accounts will show up as "Unknown" instead of "anonymous", there really isn't much of difference. The cheerleading is whag bother me... It's probably from people who don't even live in Mexico.

    Those comments are part of the reason I come here. It's real feedback from people close to the situation. IMO they are a big part of this website. I do occasionally make a smart ass comment but never hateful.

    Now my only comment, I wasn't sure I'd come up as unknown. I created my forum account with a different email... When I switched phones, I decided to go with my old Gmail email... It automatically recognizes that one and in order to log out, I have to sign out of my Gmail account and can't use my forum account on the main board. Does creating an account in the forum automatically create on for the main page?

    Thanks for the hard work...

    1. I agree. That is why I am a it worried. But I think people will come around. Private is completely so. Even on our end.

      RE: forum account. I am not sure if it does. Probably. of course on forum you can use any account does not have to be google. but if it is I would think it would work both places.

  5. Claro muy de acuerdo con chivis que esto ya se estaba convirtiendo en una página comun y corriente con tanta bobada que escriben aquí

  6. Thats ok. I hope you ban sicario 066 or somethin like that for apologia del delito. by the way, when are you gonin to use htpps.?? or the Us Gvmnn isnt penetrable?

    1. What rule does he/she break? apologia del delito? really? I think perhaps people should not stop and read the comments if annoyed.

      htpps? I have asked Buggs about this he feels it isn't needed.

    2. Our content is held in a Google server, we use the Blogger platform (for security reasons). Our data consists of posts and comments, period, data that is already public. We do not hold any personal information or emails in our database. So what exactly are we supposed to be protecting??????

  7. anyone here about attempt on el chapo sons life ???

  8. I feel like the last 2 years its gotten very bad with the anon posters using tons of emojis and just generally worthless comments. You can always tell when someone is mad cause they'll start using emojis and attacking someone personally rather then trying to attack their idea. Keep up with the good work guys and hopefully this will help a bit with this.

    1. Tons of emojis? I think you mixing us up....
      rarely are they used and I have used them now and then.

    2. @Chivis
      Is your display pic from an interrogation video?

    3. Yes. it's Juan Miguel Vizcarra when he spots the gun closing in on his head, in the infamous 4 Zetas executed video 2006.

    4. correction may 2005 I should create a post about it

  9. Fuxk this shit. I'm out.

    Just kidding. I love BB.

  10. Comment testing testing 1 2


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