Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, May 16, 2020

LNFM announces cleaning in Zamora (Michoacan) confirms release of “Señor del Sombrero” arrested in March

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY Gus 90 Grados

"We will cut the hand off of meth addicts...."

Zamora, Mich., May 14, 2020.- With the exchange of threats and messages from organized crime that fights for the control of Michoacán, “La Nueva Familia Michoacana” (LNFM), also known as “Los Viagras”, announced a “clean” of rival groups in the municipality of Zamora, claiming to be supported by “El Señor del Sombrero”, nickname of Salvador Oliveros Reséndiz, operator of Los Viagras in Gabriel Zamora, arrested last March.

Through a video that circulates on social networks, LNFM announced a presence  in Zamora.
“We come to clean up, we have support from 'Del Sombrero', and we come to do good things to support the people."

In the recording, you can see at least twenty heavily armed men, dressed in military clothing and with their faces covered.

After charging that their rivals commit robberies and kill women, they also threaten methamphetamine addicts, who they say will cut their hands.

In the message they confirm  the release of Salvador Oliveros Reséndiz, alias “El Señor del Sombrero”, “Don Chavita” and / or “Don Chava del Sombrero”, arrested by police elements in the Pátzcuaro - Zirahuén section on  the free highway to Uruapan, last March 29.

Designated as head of plaza de Los Viagras in the municipality of Gabriel Zamora, Salvador Oliveros was captured in the possession of an AR-15 rifle with a magazine and a fragmentation grenade.

It was revealed that he was first captured by agents of the Attorney General of the Republic and released by them, and recaptured by the State Attorney, who was looking for whistleblowers to subject him to trial.

Meanwhile, he would have been released, unknown why he was not linked to possession of the weapon, ammunition, and grenade, and with this video confirms that he is operating again on the streets.

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  1. No apoyo a nadie pero los viagras son pura cochinada. Eh ido varias veces para michoacan y nadie los quiere donde abusan de todo a todo. En sus ranchos muy apenas los quieren y es casi de ahuevo. No por nada cada vez que hay un grupo “Fuerte” en la region ay devolada se acoplan y luego traicionan.

    El Pariente

  2. Se uviera quedado en la carcel orita como estan las cosas el cjng se lo va a bajar en un mes a lo mas va a durar

  3. what video is the thumbnail from?

    1. I could not find it :( but the screenshot is from the source click on hyperlink

    2. Maybe Mexico should implement Nancy Reagan's War on Drugs mantra " Just Say No" ...

    3. Heyy chivis guess what aperrently el abuelo from michoacan rejointed with cjng again but mencho asked him to give him el guicho from los reyes michoacan cause he was the one that caused all of the trouble between el abuelo and cjng as i rifht now el abuelo asked guicho boss from los reyes to hand him el guicho but poncho does not really want to do that since guicho is marraied to one of his systers something like in other words they are family related in a way so el abuelo has around 40 trucks of armed men around los reyes waiting for ponchos decisition , he was given 24 hours to do so if not most likely they will face each other pretty soon .

    4. I actually heard that earlier today!

    5. There are reports that el abuelo's people is fighting el poncho , el guicho' people in periban right now i guess el poncho decided not to hand in el guicho

  4. Top picture is old, it's from a video that members of a CJNG cell made in response to AMLO last year

  5. Who’s winning between CJNG and LNFM? Seems like LNFM has won most of Michoacán but I could be wrong.

    1. 2:08 depends who u ask...

    2. One thing is for sure.. IT'S going to get REALLY violent in michoacan
      At the end cjng will win but it will be tough

    3. In costa grande Guerrero cjng just lost there regional boss el rengo. Fakes death twice and even the marinas weren’t looking for him no more lnfm gunned him down in a firefight in the mountains

    4. The only way CJNG wins in Michoacan is if Lfm/Viagras start flipping which they will. bunch of grasshoppers in Michoacan. won't be long before they all start turning on each other

    5. 9:56 funny cause cjng is made of nothing but grasshoppers...

    6. LNFM is destroying cjng in the videos i have seen on koatic

  6. Hey chivis rengo from cuernudos got killed he was a regional boss from cjng in costa grande lnfm killed him they lost costa grande

    1. Lmaoooooooooo. 10 years of work huh? 😂

      Dios mio.

    2. What do you mean 10 years of work only reason he wasnot killed sooner because cuernudos run and hide. Tiburón had them mfer on the run even bitch ass morza was scared of them. He’s gone man everyone dies one day

  7. There is a Gabriel Zamora in Tierra Caliente and Zamora in the NW of the state. It looks like they're talking about Gabriel Zamora, not Zamora. 90 Grados should have made that clear.

  8. @Chivis CJNG Chito Cano's people killing /burning FM members -


  9. Que desmadrosos son los chilangos con botas, pero bueno es muy pedo de ellos .

  10. With all this cleansing going on, Mexico should be sterile by now.

    1. Maybe that's the AGENDA...

    2. Thats been the agenda these past 10+ years first it was tijuana, then juarez had high number of murders it still does but they installed the death sacrifices their, they then moved to another region till they eventually covered most of mexico. Empiezan con una ciudad llevando los sicarios como los culpables y lo asen un estilo de vida para seguir las muertes, Imagine the population of north & central mexico in ten years, it would be ten times more.

  11. Stop saying lnfm n los viagras the same I have a couple amigos that can’t stand a viagra He said they talk too much

  12. Yeah right they have to go thru los Guerrero's first


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