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Thursday, May 7, 2020

New NorCal Sheriff Vows to Take Out Cartel Grows

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: YouTube
                       Happy Cinco de Mayo from Mendocino County Ca Sheriff Matt Kendall

Print Story to Follow, this is one of the leads that local, state, federal and Tribal law enforcement agencies are following regarding the disappearance of a San Jose, Ca man, Victor "Gallo" Medina. 
Subsequently, a $10,000 reward was requested of his family. He has not been seen since, nor his body found, although his car was found smoldering near Hollister California. See my original Post HERE.


  1. Good luck. Some little bumpkin sheriff office against people with way more funding.

    1. well, justice always prevails buddy, funding for what? to run and hide? eventually your gonna get caught.

    2. Due to the crime, FBI and DEA will be involved, they just created heat on themselves.

    3. The U.S can’t even get rid of gangs haha

    4. LMAO @ justice always prevails... Most people say I want some of what you're smoking, in this case, hell no, please stop smoking whatever it is your smoking.

    5. Drug gangs have many on there payrolls that's the sad part they won't be caught

  2. Cartels think they can do as they please in California, they have it wrong. This is not Mexico, sooner or later the persons will be caught

    1. They won't they run California

    2. cartels have power Mr. SHERRIFF

    3. How do you know is a cartel ? It is clear that many people do their own illegal growing and have no connection to cartels.

  3. I know some cartels grown on federal parks/lands but not once did he mention cartels. Plenty of people including California residents and from other states want to take advantage of California's conditions to grow

  4. Sadly I fear you are takes concentrated will to break stuff like this. State and/or federal level. and since its effect is so far only felt locally--not likely...

  5. Just keep pushing it, not even the old hippies and the bikers are immune. Right living will win the day.

  6. Cali is the one state cartels will go after law enforcement. Este sheriff ya esta muerto, nomas no le han avisado.

    1. When green lighted he will go “missing”. Sad but that’s just the way it goes unless he gets paid off and he’s willing to look the other way.

    2. You kill an American lawman and you’ll have the fbi up your ass anywhere you are in the world. Don’t be stupid this isn’t a Liam neeson movie kid this is real life McFly!

    3. You guys think that if the sheriff is greenlighted and then goes "missing", the remaining government agency's will be so frightened the will just stop busting illegal grows run by Latino gangs?


      Remember Kiki Camerena?

    4. I can’t wait until one of your precious cartels makes a move like that.
      Yeah, go after law enforcement officers in The United States.
      That will really not turn out well for you idiots.

    5. lol nobody is killing American LE and getting away with it. You are in a dream world.

    6. Cops are killed all the time in Chicago and all over city’s in the U.S it’s nothing new what’s to stop it from happening in the mountains. It’s an on going cycle. I’m not saying this sheriff might die. If he did wouldn’t surprise me but best bet is he will soon be in on it or already is. Everyone has a price. The truth hurts guys I know.

  7. As a general rule, you don’t get away with killing law enforcement officers in the US. If cartels try that stuff here they will regret it.

  8. Suprised the Cali governor hasn't step in to launch the failed policy of sanctuary status to protect them poor downtrodden farmers.

    1. Cali government loves Cartel

    2. 540 I regret to inform you that the Governor of California is currently busy with the pandemic, transpiring as we speak, your welcome to call one of his assistants. Have a great day.

  9. Not going to happen in Cali, throughout the years their dumbass politicans created favorable conditions for illegal activities to take place. The more Liberal the better for the cartels & anybody else looking to set up shop. These soft ass Liberals aint gonna do shit let's be honest here. In fact they're the ones letting these illegal grow operations proliferate guaranteed there's at least a few local LEO's/politicians on the payroll.

  10. There's way more Illegal grows in northern California controlled by rednecks than are controlled by the cartels.

  11. Overgrow the Cartels. Why dont cartels send weed to Canada??? because there enough weed grown locally that theres no demand for it. The black market in Canada is even putting the legal market out of business

  12. cartels operating in u.s. like mexico are in for a big awaking. plato o plomo doesnt work in america. they will lock your ass in solitary confinement so long youll wish to take your own life. i was i for 18 years and barely kept my sanity. el chapo is most definetly going to lose his mind in prison.

  13. California is a JOKE. They cater to criminals more than law abiding citizens

  14. Frickin Russian bad boys have a strong presence up there also !


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