Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 8, 2020

NorCal: Suspect drops nearly $1M cash on road during Merced County vehicle pursuit

Chivis Martinez  TY Borderland Beat Follower Via comments Source

Nearly $1 million in cash was dropped on the side of the road during a vehicle pursuit Friday in Merced County, according to the California Highway Patrol.

At about 6:26 p.m. an officer, who was traveling with his K-9 ‘Beny,’ observed three SUVs that appeared to be traveling together on northbound Interstate 5 near Highway 165, just south of Los Banos, according to CHP Officer Eric Zuniga.

When the officer attempted to make an enforcement stop on one of the vehicles — a black 2020 Chevrolet Suburban — the vehicle failed to yield and attempted to flee, the CHP said.

The officer pursued the vehicle southbound on I-5 to the area of Nees Avenue. The pursuit then headed northbound and ended near the John Erreca Rest Area, according to the CHP.

As the officer pursued the vehicle, one of the other SUVs, a black Ford Expedition, attempted to block the officer’s vehicle by straddling the lanes.

Authorities said the officer was able to out-maneuver the Expedition and continued the pursuit with the Suburban. The CHP said the driver of the Suburban stopped on the right shoulder of the road during the pursuit, exited the vehicle and dropped two cardboard boxes before returning to the vehicle and continuing to flee from authorities.

The driver of the Suburban then stopped the vehicle and surrendered to authorities shortly after dropping the boxes. The driver of the third SUV — a black Chevrolet Tahoe — stopped the vehicle in traffic. Both drivers were taken into custody.

Authorities identified the driver of the Suburban as Frank Capraro, 23, of Medford, New York and the driver of the Tahoe as Desmond McDay, 25, also from Medford, New York.

Authorities said the driver of the Ford changed directions during the pursuit and was not located.

The CHP said the Merced Communications Center received several calls during the incident regarding the cardboard boxes dropped on the shoulder of the road.

Officers retrieved the boxes and located about $915,000 cash. Officers also located walkie talkies in the suspect vehicles. It was later determined the three drivers were using them to communicate during the pursuit.

According to the CHP, K-9 Beny alerted officers to the odor of narcotics on the currency. It was discovered the suspects were traveling to Northern California to purchase marijuana.

The suspects were arrested and felony charges are pending.

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  1. Any word if Italian American mob is investing in cannabis cultivation or dispensary’s on the west coast ?

    1. The answer is yes with out giving details. But since its legit its a legit investment.

    2. Lmao good luck finding any connection

    3. Italian American mob is doing a lot of white collar crimes now. The kind you can make from a laptop in a hotel. Wire fraud, tax fraud, mortgage fraud etc etc. Very lucrative and the jail time is far less than drugs. Smarter way IMO

    4. They are still heavy in the unions too

    5. @5:11PM.....

      Here is the thing. The mafia would not send three buffoons in a convoy with 1 million in cash ($85,000 of which disappeared because $915,000 was found) to purchase weed in California.

      The mafia see's bigger than that. They would see the million as an investment into securing property, investing in equipment and then having 10 million worth of smoke at the end of the year.

      That is how smart the mob used to be. IDK now, tho. Maybe it was the mob.....the new millennial mob...

    6. That picture you have up for the article exposes blatant corruption. LOL! is funny that $85,000 is missing from the front plastic bag. Who else thinks there was an even $1,000,000? What mob crew would have $915,000? Hahaha!!

    7. The Mob has been involved in West Coast herb biz for years. Some heavy hitters out of Napa

  2. Damn the luck ! Why wasn't I tooling along right then.

    1. I take nees ave to go to fresno im always late smh

  3. Thanks to that guy that got kidnapped, it's now heating up there with law enforcement, at lot of criminals are now coming out of the dark.

  4. People roll big money around there too been a hot sit for a hot minute a lot of raza from Michoacan and other states been cooking and growing for a long long time

    1. Yup 209... G.C.

    2. Lots of jalisco and michoacan up there, I got a baby mom's that I visited and she's from jalisco

  5. Damn they were out there to pick up a ton of mota. Those NorCal sheriffs don’t fuck around; I knew a guy that got stopped with $250k because the deputies sit on the roads into town with radar guns that can detect the chips in $100 bills. Come to NorCal with a ton of cash in 100s and you will be pulled over.

    1. Thats ridiculous

    2. Este wey did you not read it said they were mobbing in 3 suvs close to each other convoy style.
      The pendejos brought attention to themselves.

    3. This is facts. The new blue $100 bills make a chip when put $10k together. So imagine all the chips it detected in nearly a million $.

    4. I am Iron Mike Tyson and i say thats ludicrous..

  6. Shit these guy's are italian and Irish they really screwed up.

    1. I dont know too many Italians named DESMOND...Frank Capraro im pretty sure was italian though...DESMOND was his Jamaican buddy.

  7. Sure is lots of drugs in Northern California...

  8. A black Suburban, a black Tahoe and a black Expedition.....
    The Cartels in Acapulco changed there vehicles to White ten years ago.

    1. Yeah, acting big boy style, side windows were prolly tinted too! Saying look at me!

  9. Cali getting hot 🔥

  10. Whoever kidnapped Chino lost his cut. Lol

  11. Great Now the LE dept can get better equiment more officers more dogs
    to catch more bad guys
    Gotta love it I do !
    Have you noticed the cameras on certain strecth of hwyways ?

    I wondered what those where
    every one else thought they were cell phone towers ?? sarc

  12. Let’s see who will put “heads are gona roll” comments

  13. Head's are gonna roll over this one 😎


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