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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sonora: Video of National Guard elements demanding money from a narco, pay for play

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat   TY Follower material La Silla Rota and Facebook

Security footage from April 30th reveals two elements of the Marina, commissioned to the National Guard, demanding money of a narco in Sonora.

In said recording shared by La Silla Rota, two of its elements are observed when they arrive at the home that is presumed to be in the Centro de Ciudad Obregón neighborhood and knock on the door asking for "a coffee" in exchange for not disturbing them.

Having no response from the alleged criminal and realizing the existence of the security camera, one of the uniformed men takes an object from the floor, crashes it, and they start shouting threats against the criminal so that he can come out and pay them an amount of  1 thousand pesos.

"¿Qué onda, para el café o no?"

"What's up, coffee or not?" Is the colloquial language used by two elements of the National Guard to extort money from a narco identified as "El Cholo" in the municipality of Ciudad Obregón, Sonora.

Both elements were caught by a security camera, on April 30, which was located outside the home where El Cholo was hiding from them as they attempted to demand money.

In the 04:35 minute video, captured on April 30, by a camera placed on the side of the house. 

Element 1: Cholo ... we are not going to bother you anymore, what's up ?, what's up, coffee or not ? just throw the money and we stop bothering, what's up ?  We stop bothering you so that you can enjoy yourself, man........ throw it under the door, there is no problem if  you don't start one ... . 

El Cholo challenges them and doesn’t open the door

Element 1: "Look, you bastard, you are surrounded stop fucking around, or we will knock down the fucking door. Open the fucking door we want to talk. Right now I am going to take you out with pepper gas, you are going to see what happens if you don’t come out".

One of the elements then kicks at the door.

The narco pleads “don’t shoot!!”

Element 2 assures him “we are not going to shoot you”

Element 1: "Cholo, hold on, you know what we came for. Throw out what you have and everything is good, neither you know who I am, nor I who you are.  You know what everything is.  If not, we are going to go in anyway and it will be worse for you."

One of the elements questions "El Cholo" when he hears that he is talking to someone:

Who are you talking to? Look, I'm going to destroy you... I'm going to blow you up with everything.

Video ends without revealing if  the money was given, or if they broke into the residence….or otherwise


  1. License to steal....

  2. Cholo stood his ground.

    1. "Cholo stood his ground" ...

      Yeah, right! Now he is probably under ground... Pushing up marigolds.


  3. Pues si, que les quiten el dinero, se lo merecen por arriesgar sus vidas por el pais.

    1. Son empleados salariados con nomina del Gobierno de Mexico por parte de la Secretaria de Seguridad Publica y le estan demandando, unos diran amenazando, a un criminal de la ley $1000 en cambio por su libertad. Eso amigo se le llama abuso de poder y lo unico que lo distingue de los "narcos" es su uniforme. No mms pariente no se otro buey mas.

    2. 5:25 demanding or collecting kickbacks is AGAINST THE LAW,
      --extorting or accepting gifts, or emoluments or things of value, is wrong and even thinking about it must be reported to the FBI...

    3. Seria hipocrita...que arriesga? El GN es un sin verguenza. Ahorita Es con Cholo mañana con otro, luego otro. Eso no es ser paria del pais. No tiene honor.

    4. Ratas con placas----

  4. The "Guardia nacional" accents sound extremely local

    1. what do you mean

    2. The guardia is infiltrated with drug cartel mobsters

    3. 5:35 of course, CDN has invaded Sonora through local cholos.
      Cartel del noreste nueva generacion.
      Did they get the identities of these "national guard marinas"? All the members of NG are supposed to be former members of "whatever", even the generals or trained recruits except for the secretary of public security.

  5. The things they say, like "one thousand pesos only??? i'm not a fucking cop" make it seem very suspicious... looks like an attempt to discredit the forces, i'm not saying they are not corrupt but these individuals in particular have a very heavy norther accent, if they are not from Sonora they are from the region, hmmmmmmmmm

    1. Definitely some kind of propaganda going on there

    2. When you join the Mexican military you don’t get stationed to your home state. He could very well be from Sonora it’s not big news.

    3. @538 Good take!

    4. At 3:20-3:30 the accent for that individual does not sound local, more like southern maybe Guerrero? The way he says “ a quien le llamas, mira te vamos a desbaratar loco” not a northern or Sonoran accent at all. Also the GN confirmed these are their soldiers.

    5. 11:07 Sounds like thats the protocol, but from real life experience I can tell you its not.

  6. Cholo lives matter

    1. 5:39 truth matters more than lives, get to it.

  7. They are all under el chapos pay roll no doubt about if they asking money from a street drug vendor they sure getting pay by mr guzman

  8. what happened next??!!!

  9. Right after he breaks the camera and it comes back to focus. One of them has a lil white baggy of the devil's sugar

  10. 11,000 pesos is $456 dollars. These Marines must be hurting to do all this BS for $450 dollars.

    1. If it’s all they do, and they do it all day, that can add up to real money real quick.

    2. Lol. $450 rapidly becomes much more when you are extorting every criminal you come across. It is about quantity, you can't extort someone for every last penny or else they cannot continue to generate the money you are attempting to extort from them.

    3. That’s a lot of money in Mexico

    4. The ones in the US don’t make a livable wage either but at least they get many benefits

    5. El que no tranza no avanza carnal! jurra!

    6. 456 USD can be a seven month salary

    7. 7:15 1 000 peiso is about 40 dollars at under $20.00 peiso per dollar.
      (You need to understand that people charge tax and tariffs to exchange dollars and it makes more expensive the trade.)
      Mexican street dealers are no millionaires, even on the US, they barely cover their personal use until they overdose or kill mom to end in prison for good...the suppliers and middle men are much more sought after on the US because they are the ones who will sing like canaries.

  11. Poor little narco , getting shook down. And on camera to boot. The shit just keeps getting funnier and funnier !

    1. It's really not funny at all.that man's life was on the line over a 1000 pesos.not even 100$ telling if they were criminals dressed up or real marina extorting him.either way they would kill him without hesitation I'm sure

  12. Given the opportunity to sell drugs and the cds rat coward still plays victim and exposes the military

    1. You're th type of guy who keeps it 100% and gives him the $1000 pesos. We need more people like you with on the evildoers side.

    2. Nobody likes rats the reason why cds is losing plazas

    3. 12:41 they're all rats as long as they are paisas from Mexico, they all sing like birdies. Sorry to burst your bubble but these thugs grew up in Mexican towns and ranchos, few come from big cities. They dont have any "street codes", not here, in the states maybe but even then you have the right to remain silent!

  13. Narcomanta en Tlajomulco Jalisco hablan de una pugna interna - -

  14. Actually if you notice the video footage is from different dates april and may

  15. He says, "the ones that came yesterday wasn't me..."
    Means that they already shook him down yesterday... They go tell their buddies and then the buddies hit him up again... Probably why he reused to pay, again.
    The military and law enforcement are México's biggest cartel and biggest problem. If they enforced the laws from the bottom all the way to the top with stiff penalties, the civilian criminals would think twice about committing a crime.

  16. It is somewhat funny,the badass narco with a shooter who extorts and fronts on people,getting shook by trained badasses

  17. He set them up,wonder how many times they bitch made him,their in shape as well no fat arses,yeah man bully the motherfucker,surely hes bailed from there after sending the recording to wherever?

  18. Mantas allegedly from cds in zacatecas. And they threatened their enemies families. If its indeed cds they have sinked to a new low.

    1. i could not find any...i do have a post in draft about MZ mantas and will post later but not threat against you have a link?

    2. They were always low lifes, don't fall for the hype propaganda there's no honor in this

  19. Do I see GN on the arm?

  20. But it's just the flu! But even some of the country's most populous and economically important states are seeing hospitals being hopelessly overrun. Rio state has so many coronavirus patients that the waiting list for an ICU bed or a respirator is 360 patients long, according to the state's health secretary Edmar Santos.

    "We are on the verge of collapse,” he said. “We will quickly see chaos, not just in Rio de Janeiro, but in all of Brazil."


    The narcos pay 'derecho de piso' to the military/police/politicians/government officials for the right to operate.

    This is where the bulk of the narco's cash goes: to pay bribes for the right to operate.

    A narco who does not pay bribes is gone the next day and replaced by one who does pay bribes.

    Even if this specific video is a fake it shows what reality is like.

  22. Damnnnn they are pathetic. Standing in front of door like beggars waiting for mercy from dirty narco living in a dump of a neighborhood

  23. We gotta stand up for these narcos. Military can't be treating them like this. They have rights.


  24. MX scumbugs. Like Tony Montana said, "Who ever said you are a real cop you lying POS!" Than, all you heard is a fake cop yelling papa dont hit me no more.

  25. Dona Chivis no wonder Corona virus is not posted, today in Mexico, it has reached to 2,783 dead. That's de crazy.

    1. Hope the hospitals don't get overwhelmed, like it happened in Italy and more ended up dying. What's this people beating up nurses and doctors, when they are out in public, so messed up..the nurses are up against 3 enimies..
      1.Getting the CV at work.
      2.Getting hurt or killed by people.
      3.Criminal cartels.

  26. The whole scene tells me tells me this is a "routine" shakedown ... no anxiety, guns not at ready, dialog nasty but calm.
    Mexico's guardians of the public safety are soiled from top to bottom.
    These soldiers are the tip of the "shit smeared" spear against crime? Hopeless!
    AMLO are you watching?

    P.S. I want to know what happened after the video went viral.

  27. Who is the dude in white uniform towards end of video ? Thanks

  28. It’s just the principles. Allegedly the Guardia Nacional were not gonna be able to be bribed. So it was said when they first began. Municipal, Estatal y Federal all sold out, but GN was suppose to be different. Not that I expected any different, I’m just pointing out their motive behind instating GN.

    1. guardia nacional IS comprised of former Federales, Estatales etc. it's the same rats but on a different ship

  29. 7:59

    Who do u think...?

    ..Despite the sonoran accents, this video is more than likely real... How does this conclude? Yal kno damn well how this concludes...yikes

    "...and ur gonna give me and javi over here an extra 10 for havin to come down here or u arnt gonna have legs in a little while...who the hell u gonna call the cops?..."

    "Immortal Technique - Peruvian Cocaine" I encourage all BB readers to check out this song by Immortal Technique At the very least check out the lyrics ill post them if i cant find.. I havent found a song more on point that lays down whats going on... Yal wanna see a different world or continue with sado voyeurism that is the war on drugs? I used to say legalize and regulate and even tho thats probably better than what we have now with penalize and degenerate, power would still be reorganized to a few players at the top with the means to control the triangle; prodo,logo,distro... production, logistics and distribution...heres a radical idea likely to happen in our life times, "breaking news..humans discover new found sense of empathy and reason decide to scrap draconian drug laws and prison inferiority complex in favor of treating drugs like any other vegetable no more regulated or criminalized than brocolli or what a concept...heres Tom with the weather."

    1. This clown 🤡 with the rap lyrics no mames!

  30. La mayoria de los que miran estas noticias no viven en Mexico estan en estados unidos. Ustedes no saben el infierno que es Mexico.

  31. Demanding money from a Narco is fine, but regular citizens is not feasible. Let's see how the narcos like being harrased for money.

  32. Pinchi bullies!! This looks fake! Soldiers know there place in Sonora and would never shake down pinchi plebes.


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