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Monday, May 18, 2020

The Fracture of CDS in Sonora

Buggs for Borderland Beat

A recording of an alleged member of a cell that was supposedly running in a convoy was sent to me. He talks about operations in Sonora.

The sicario is talking about which side the authority is on, he says: the municipal and state are with the Noveno and the national guard are on the side of the the people of El 20, the brother of the Gigio. He says that 92 trucks will go down from the ejidos of Mascareñas and San Lazaro, these ejidos are near Nogales, Sonora.

Felipe De Jesús Sosa Canizales "El Gigio" and Leonardo López "El 20" or "Nayo" they are the Lieutenants in Sonora of El Mayo Zambada.

There has been so much activity, it feels like it's ready to explode. I been getting a lot of information and constantly trying to get confirmation is hard to do, there is a lot of fake news. There are people with ulterior motives try to sway public opinion to one side or the other. We even see it playing out on the comments of Borderland Beat. This pace of information, some not vetted or sometimes easily known to be fake information can be problematic.

One example of this is a video in Twitter making it's rounds claiming it's the CJNG, but if you listen to the people they are from Sonora. They say that they are people of El Chaparrito, a reference to Chapo Guzman. There is also a corrido playing in the background talking about El 20, the one who fought in Agua Prieta against Los Paredes. The musical group Los Traviezos are the ones performing the corrido, It would seem that this people are from Nogales and this convoy may very well belong to El 20 Layo, brother of El Gigio.

I believe that the wrong information only causes undue fear and confusion, for example some sources say that the national guard is on the side of El Gigio but in Caborca ​​they say that the National Guard is on the side of El Cazador. And now they say that Rodrigo Paez, Jesus Darío Murrieta Navarro "Cara de Cochi" are bosses of El Cazador and that they are working together, while others say that they are at war. There is a lot of confusion for the way they are operating. There is a lot of false information circulating on social media, for example a page that is in favor of and is not partial is the Facebook page Sonora Violento, they only report on people who are against La Gente Nueva de los Salazar or of Los Paredes.

The war for the plaza is going to continue, it is normal for police authorities to "show face" only when making an appearance for the camera but really do not get involved, just making minor arrests to justify their existence.

These occurrences are coming from high above the structure of the cartels, they are allowing this to happen. The extreme daylight violence is evidence that someone gave the green light for this to happen. As for me, I believe the order was given by the salazar and was supported by the chapitos.

Understand that this is one more proof that the Sinaloa Cartel is fractured in a war between Chapitos vs Mayo Zambada. Magdalena, Santa Ana, Imuris are only large drug warehouses and places of significant strategy. The objective of all this is to take the city of Nogales. To understand what I'm trying to say, let's look at the map of Sonora.

El Cazador is trying to make inroads into Magdalena and Santa Ana. In all appearances, it looks like he already took control of them. In the meantime, El Gigio has his home base in Cucurpe, neighbor of Santa Ana and Magdalena. If you examine the recent activities, these are strategic operations meant to eventually get to Nogales, that will close all the doors and contain El Gigio in Nogales. The great advantage for El Cazador is valuable territory that he controls ins Caborca, Altar, pitiquito, Ele Saric, Tubutama and Trincheras. El Gigio controls Nogales, Santa Cruz, Imuris and Cucurpe. Santa Ana and Magdalena are right in the middle.

It would seem that the next step for El Cazador will be to take over Imuris and Cucurpe to contain El Gigio even more and he would be forced to withdraw to Nogales. If the war reaches Nogales it is a lost case for everyone, because to heat up a large plaza like Nogales, it would certainly bring in the federal government in full force force that it will most likely result in high-impact arrests or the death of high-ranking drug trafficking bosses.

I think that the recent violent incidents are just the beginning as El Gigio is a narco of experience, the US Treasury Department has already designated him as the main operator of the cartel but has managed to remained in force for many years and has a lot of people on his side.

I think El Cazador comes from the school of his previous bosses, the great inheritance he received when he stayed with the people of the group Los Paleteros and he also seems to have a lot of people on his side for he is able to maintain two battle fronts, fighting the coast of Caborca ​​and the plaza of Magdalena, Santa Ana, he certainly has a lot of resources.

If we look at the strategy of the cartel, Los Chapitos are just one step away from taking over the entire border of Sonora. Los Chapitos already have Agua Prieta, Naco, Saric, Altar, Caborca ​​and San Luis Rio Colorado, as for Mayo Zambada he has Santa Cruz, Nogales and Puerto Peñasco.


  1. What a cluster fuck. They’re going to kill each other off. Y en otros 5 años otra bola de pendejos van hacer lo mismo.

  2. Los chapitos are very strategic and intelligent and people are still underestimating them, chapitos are growing powerful each and every day while mayo grows old and less powerful watch the chapitos take over the whole of CDS and expand the cartel

    1. Agreed. It shows how big Chapo really was to be honest.

    2. All this is making me believe that Mayo is dead, or completely retired. All the heat in Sonora, the Ruso vs Ninis, and the Chino drama, mantas with his name...just doesn't seem to follow his style. Could be wrong, but I've suspected this for awhile. If he died up in the mountains, they could keep that secret, and it would behoove all in CDS that everyone thinks he's still alive. JMO

    3. @5:20 enough with the copypasta!!!!

    4. @ 520 I don't think anyone is underestimating them anymore.

    5. @El Grande — interesting theory, if he’s not dead then it definitely seems like he stepped down from supreme position. Then again there was that whole Culiacanazo situation where supposedly he held back his men, of course a rumor but that’s all we have these days.

      Perhaps Chapitos are now at the helm, either way, and are solidifying their new position as supreme commanders of all CDS.

      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Who really knows tho, not me!

    6. if Chapitos were strategic & intelligent they would not of got kidnapped by Menchos men.

      They should of been dead already if not for Mexican goverment steping in threatening Mencho son in jail.

  3. Who controls Sonoyta, yes ago was controlled by the AFO!


    2. Who controls Puerto Peñasco?

    3. who controls guaymas?

    4. who has guaymas?

  4. al cazador lo sacaron de caborca, cuanto mataron al paletero, el gigio, nayo, chapon de la rocha y rodrigo paez estan juntos,el cara de cochi es un simple sicario, son gente de zambada y caro, el noveno es gente de los chapitos apoyados por los salazar,paredes, los tin tin, aqui no tiene nada que ver el cjng

    1. what gonna happen to rocky poin homeboy? i need to go down i mean ho down to party, for reals. a lityle bud. don wanna get caught in the crossfire like lastimes. El Chicano de Arizona.

    2. 6 58 Thanks for you’re interesting view of things.

    3. @8:09 don’t help enable his behavior... partying and “hoes” during this pandemic?

      I just had a family member travel to MX, in which they contracted COVID-19 and died, along with infecting other family members as well...

    4. “Chicano of Arizona” is a clown. Go to school. Get a good job. You’ll be dead or homeless within 5 years if you don’t shape up. “Don’t wanna get caught in the crossfire like last time.” Child please.

    5. 9.05. I will take your advice and go back to Calgary, Alberta, eh!

  5. al cazador es al que quieren sacar de magdalena y santa ana

  6. por mi que se partan la madre y aki (usa) ni queremos ke falte la droguita y el precio no inporta billetes sobran aqui.

  7. Well somebody left a narcomanta & dismembered bodies in Caborca today


    2. That was the rumas.who dismembered those bodies. They control puerto lobos and desemboque and nearby “ejidos” (la Y)

  8. The reporting on BB is excellent, five stars. The comments on BB are awful, one star. Way too many cheerleaders and unreliable info. A lot of unnecessary chismosos y pendejos saying whatever, especially the "Viva mi estado" type remarks. Also the tweakers who can't seem to use punctuation such as commas or periods and just blah-blah-blah for a few hundred words.

    1. 6:03 go back to ur cocoon VIVA MI ESTADO MICHOACACA

    2. @6:33 relax plebita, I know you want this longaniza in your Snatchaloa but don't get rude when I don't have time for you

    3. You sound like a smug prick that thinks he’s all that, well dont read that comments pendejo creído, ive seen alot of dumb comments but just skip over them, this is not english class btw. People like you are more annoying, snobby beta.

  9. Any idea if this is legit Buggs?

    1. “ The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.”

      What was it?

  10. So Has The Shooting Started Already
    or was this just a warning that they are coming ?

    I always thought it wasnt smart to warn tbe other side your motives or moves before hand .
    but what the hell do I know!(nothing)
    please keep us posted
    Thanks for the map it helps alot to understand better


  11. Buggs, I think that Chapitos are fighting Caro Quintero in Sonora. I doubt that the war is against Zambadas.

    1. I don’t think RCQ is warring with anyone these days... How often do you see anyone (mantas) claiming RCQ or calling him out?

    2. How often? How about the messages left in Caborca on Monday claiming Caro Quintero?? Seems recent enough eh

  12. I believe either Mayo is probably dead or pretty much retired. Or these people may move weight and work for Chapitos and Mayo but they are also autonomous in thier state and are left to sort their shit out...

    1. I have a hunch, you may be right. 6:37, I wouldn't be surprised if you're right. RCQ and Chapo were not cool, as I've read. RCQ was beefing with Salazars'. Ivan and Alfredo are Salazars' correct?

    2. He's taken more and more of a backseat for these past years, its more Mayito Flaco the one being used as a intermediary to Mayo .

    3. Yes Salazar are gente nueva. Gente Nueva always been chapos and now chapitos.

    4. I believe they are different Salazar. Not related to los menores @elgranderojo

    5. Two different salazares

  13. No wonder mencho is scare to step in The shark tank he would get eaten alive with all his cowards

    1. Why do ppl always bring up mencho? He hasnt step in there maybe because he’s busy with his other 3/4 of Mexico he has taken over. But relax he’ll get there in due time. Chaputos cant even take over their own state and knock out 2 old ass men named Mayo and Quintero!

    2. Mencho already got spit on when he pick up chapitos that dude doesnt want none from sinaloa, no more , mayo zambada would stop spit on him but this time on his dead body if he trys anything

    3. 8:14 ☝️😊 💯% real talk bro

    4. 7:18 and 9:07 is the same CDS nutthugger, this fool will bring up Mencho in articles that have nothing to do with him and will always write about Sinaloas that it's lions against lions, warriors, special forces, ex military, vikings, blah, blah, blah.
      Tell me mr tough guy,
      did anything ever happen to Menchito in Sonora while he was waiting to be extradited? Was he rag dolled, kicked in the ribs and picked up by his calzones cagados like some youngsters in PV?

    5. 7:18 and 9:07CJNG already took more than 50% OF CDS PLAZAS so what you barking loud about? 😆
      and please don't be STUPID and say what the usual CDS GROUPIES SAY "what PLAZAS"? 😆
      I'm sure you have internet and Google to find information lol
      SNITCHALOAS are a thing of the PAST but the SNITCHING they did will NEVER RECOVER


    7. How is it that Chapo's daughters are running around Guadalajara dishing out COVID-19 "help packages" and announcing it to the media and nothing happens to them???? You think menchita would do the same in Culiacan???? Not a fucking chance!

    8. 8:22 CDS is still operating in every plaza they’ve ever had. They’re still in Jalisco, still nayarit, still in michoacan, still in sonora, still in Baja, still in TJ, still in durango, still in zacatecas, still in chihuahua, still in coahuila, still in Mexico City. What plazas has cjng taken again?? Exactly menso.

    9. 5:14 I expected this 😆
      You CDS GROUPIES are so in denial that you are BLIND to new INFORMATION
      Like I said, use Google PENDEJO 😆

    10. 9:07 So what you're saying is he could catch/kill him if he wants to? They just dont want to do it right now?...Does that even make any sense?

  14. Whose side is Rafael Caro-Quintero on?

    1. The side of Rafael Caro-Quintero.

    2. He is his own side. People will click up to him. Not the other way around.

  15. How are Gigio and “El 20” brothers if they both have completely different surnames?

  16. Chapo did not raise his kids to be choir boys. My question is where is Guano in all of this??

    1. Probably in bat shit of his own making. Uncles don't run well with nephews in business most of the time.

    2. Guano got some pretty powerful sons in CDS.

    3. His kids don’t move weight. I’m sure he oversees poppy mj and other shit like that you can grow in the sierras. But to say his sons are powerful is a joke.

  17. Chapo did not raise his kids to be choir boys. My question is where is Guano in all of this??

  18. Hey Buggs. What do you know about the dead count on the last shootout? Media said that only two lost their lives but some friends from Magdalena told me it was 39 including the man in charge of Magdalena for el Noveno

    1. My cousin’s in-laws live there, and they also said 20+ was the real count. They probably load the dead in the back of the pickup before they take off.

  19. I’ve been following since 2011 or 2012 I don’t recall. I’m get to my point the comment section has been toxic. To many people cheerleading a cartel. You guys should filter some of them. It’s not cool how some guys are calling others “michocacas snitchaloas jaliscas “.

    Mexicans are each other’s own worst enemies is what I have learned from the war in Mexico.

    1. I blame Michael Miller, this website was only legit insider info for years. Until Michael came here as sinaloa cheer captain with his fake bullshit. He made this site a clown show for kids.

      And now we have OG Shadow another fake clown on youtube just reading back online articles, not really a problem but hes making money of peoples work. And take Borderland Beat reporters all these years working for little to no money.

    2. Thanks 8:31, de mucho acuerdo!

      I have observed that the families in Mexico, so tight with each other, hate other families, even/especially their neighbors. People from San J hate the neighboring village of San P. People from state M hate people from state J. And everyone in Mexico hates chilangos. Chilangos don't like anyone either hahajaja.

    3. Lol, tranquilo 831

    4. What do you expect, back in 2011 social media was just taking off. now it's here in full

    5. Hey 8:59, you got a problem, always you calling me out, you a fed. I just write down as I hear. Where you at, some mansion in Beverly hill living off daddy's money. Og shadow is behind on news bc editing takes time so articles are already out by the time he can report. Also the landscape in Mexico is difficult to navigate unless you have a pipe to the top brass, he has knowledge and connects but is out of the game. Cool off son. And drop some knowledge and please tell me if you can answer this question? Where is Alfredo Guzman currently????? Bc I know, but I would not disclose that information. Donde esta Alfredo? If anyone on this thread can answer this question, you have knowledge. If do know, then you know how to answer 100

    6. Michael Miller chilll out son. You and SHADOW aka yourself, don’t know shit. You read online articles and claim to be in the know. “I post as I hear” that’s why you are a clown. Validate your information with multiple sources. Use CRITICAL THINKING. Stop getting high and feeling like a mafioso. These guys will kill you without hesitation. Go make an honest living and you won’t have to focus on other’s lives as much. Maybe one day you’ll grow.

    7. Was Chicago but then ran to rocky point and now south from there Guaymas

    8. Chicago rocky point Guaymas

    9. Alfred's is at his house right now. Quarantined, like the rest of the world... What do I win?

    10. Alfredo is in Costa Rica right now.

    11. OG shadow is a scammer. Monetizing his videos and asking for donations. He never reveals anything unknown. And neither do you Michael.

  20. Ireally douth los chapitos are fighting el mayo if that was the case we will know for sure .

  21. if this is true the chaputos will slowly fall 1 by 1 the power reach and influence of el mayo are legendary at this point is just a matter of time now

  22. if you have ever been to nogales then you would know that its half and half chapos and mayos train tracks used to divide them a few years back that changed when cinco was sent to obregon and jj was left in charge. at the end of the day nogales has a solid structure and who ever controls it at the end will have a gold mine to work with. like all good things they come to and end and a new season comes in. but first you must take over imuris, cibuta, mascareñas to name a few before you make it to to la drogalera. keep your guard up with los metros, aguilas and city cameras. big brother sits in nuebo nogales watching the eye in the sky. the city is on lock.

    1. It’s about to be a huge mess Like when the BL split with them
      CDS nutthugger

  23. if you have ever been to nogales then you would know that its half and half chapos and mayos train tracks used to divide them a few years back that changed when cinco was sent to obregon and jj was left in charge. at the end of the day nogales has a solid structure and who ever controls it at the end will have a gold mine to work with. like all good things they come to and end and a new season comes in. but first you must take over imuris, cibuta, mascareñas to name a few before you make it to to la drogalera. keep your guard up with los metros, aguilas and city cameras. big brother sits in nuebo nogales watching the eye in the sky. the city is on lock.

  24. In the end Ivan will control it all, watch. I am not nut hugger. But from what I'm hearing, Chapitos are picking up steam. They have grown strong with AMLO.. I knew it would be awfully strong to take out the power structure in Sonora. Mayo is old School. And he has made it through every thing over the years. But his sons, and that rat Chino Anthrax, mouths were too big. Watch and see, the shit is gonna hit the fan, but Ivan and his bros are still be in control when the smoke clears.

    However, despicable is still despicable. And what's coming it's going to smell more Despicable than ever. These people are murdering each other, and making a mess of Mexico, with no conscience at all. I believe in the end run there's a huge price for that.


  25. this shows that the whole chapo defense"Mayo was the real boss" was just a defense tactic...ever since chapo got arrested the whole cartel has started to fracture..not only was chapo the true boss of his faction he was also sinaloa's muscle for the whole of the cartel..even mayos faction...with chapo gone Los Chapitos have all that for themselves and dont feel the need to help old man mayo out in anyway...but the whole thing with not helping ovidio and ivan out back in oct 17 really cemented the break between mayo and los chapitos...mayo will always have his connections which make him golden, but he is losing followers everyday who are switching sides and working with los chapitos...culiacan is 100% los cant touch a hair on anyones head over there without los chapitos knowing about it...i would say they have 98% of sinaloa locked up as well..Los Chapitos are on the road to ultimate power and its only a matter of time if they allow mayo to go off into retirement or if they decide to kill him...the whole chino antrax thing was ivan ordering the hit..mayo was 100% against it and almost had people rescue chino and his sister and her husband..but again los chapitos has the whole of sinaloa in their hands...mayo couldnt even get his guys in there to help out chino...but yeah the War is in full swing...chino antrax was gonna be a big player in the zambada faction and mayo needed chino which is why ivan killed him...also this sets the bar for snitching in Vicente Niebla can never come back no matter what...mayo got the message..i just dont think he has the man power like he used to in order to fend off los chapitos..

    1. Nobody has more man power than mayo the whole country will flip on the guzman family specially if caro is involved

    2. Sounds like a bunch of BS to me. If it wasn't for Mayo, Chapitos would be dead. He got them released when they were kidnapped. They may not be close but I dont think Chapitos would want to kill him it would start a huge war and that's exactly what CJNG would want.

      Also, Mayo isn't dumb, if he truly wanted Chino alive he would have had him protected when he came back to Mexico. Los Chapitos wouldn't have been able to get him.

    3. I doubt that SINALOA will regain their power like years back.. It's going to take more than chapitos.. All sinaloa has now is 3 STATES for plaza and sharing Tijuana and baja California.. But CJNG took more than half their PLAZAS..
      How and when will they get them back?..
      CDS is a mess NOT a groupie of no cartel but I've been following THIS war on drugs since 2006 when CDS was at IT'S prime and we'll managed and structured. NOW with this DUMB chapitos running around getting kidnapped and partying too MUCH does not look good for them.. They have the attention of dumb kids that want that lifesty but no REAL OLD-SCHOOL CAPO would want to be PART of that structure.. THAT'S THE REASON FOR CDS BREAKING UP IN EACH STATE

    4. i think both of you guys are right, you know Mayo has had the govt in his pocket for many years

    5. Mayo has something that Chapitos don't have & that's respect, he's built so many connections with so many people over the years, he was moving dope when Chapitos were still wearing diapers nobody can touch Mayo his legacy is cemented in Mexico


    7. 3:37 Estas PENDEJO
      Gran diferencia es que CDS en JUAREZ no tienen contactos no gente..
      Tener PLAZA es tener contactos y gente como lo tiene CJNG.. Se nota que eres un necio para que esplicar mas jaja

  26. I have a few questions after reading this. First, why would Mayo go to war with Chapos kids? Mayo is as low key as you can get, what benefit is it to him to fight the kids? Mayo has to know that at the end of the day he knows the most people in politics, etc. Chapos kids are not Chapo, they can't open the doors Mayo can. This brings way too much heat, and attention.

  27. You are lying you are just another cjng groupie trying to hide jajaja, cjng hasnt taken half of CDS plazas, cds is still the most powerful cartel in mexico you cjng cheerleader and chapitos are lowkey nowadays they dont party and walk around they are getting more powerful each and every day its time for the new generation to take over

  28. A lot of people here are hating because Chapitos are just starting to make a name for themselves in the game and the old school generation is on its way out, whether you like it or not Chapitos are the next big capos of mexico narcos they are the future and their story is just beginning

    1. And Mencho already kidnapped one of them in PV, Jalisco?

    2. Your right on the money with this one

  29. El segundo video es de los reyes michoacan. El chaparrito o r5 es el jefe es de guerrero el vato y es primo de él yupo ex templario que está en la cárcel

  30. Hey Buggs, much admiration and respect for all ya'll do.

    great article on the Tarahumaras being exploited by drug cartels here, for your research archives

  31. Quién controla plaza en peñasco?

    1. Sabe pero fui ase poco y in tirador dijo que esta bien pioja la Mafia ayi 😂😂😂 se miraba muy apagado todo

    2. Leonel Leon Ochoa, alias "El Leo".

  32. It's HILARIOUSLY HILARIOUS reading these SINALOA GROUPIES.. They get 😠 because chapitos are a joke.. I bet they don't even get that mad if you talked sH!T about their mom but are here defending those kids like they know them 😆.. Stay off the corridos KIDS


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