Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The day the Beltrán Leyva kidnapped Genaro García Luna and Genaro's revenge

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  LaSillaRota

A commando intercepted him and  presented him in front of Arturo Beltrán Leyva who asked the then AFI head to comply with their demands.  This is the story of Genario Garica's abduction by Arturo Beltran Leyva.......

Genaro Garcia Luna was arrested in Dallas, Texas, accused of receiving bribes millionaires of the Sinaloa cartel. The former federal secretary of Public Security ( SSP ) during the presidential term of Felipe Calderón and the main strategist of the so-called " war on drug trafficking " has a long history of accusations against him and obscure passages with organized crime. One of them happened when García Luna was the head of the extinct and controversial Federal Investigation Agency ( AFI ), during the Vicente Fox administration.

Genaro García Luna was kidnapped by the Beltrán Leyva cartel , according to security expert Proceso journalist Ricardo Ravelo, in an interview with Carmen Aristegui on CNN in 2010.  Ravelo details that this version comes from a letter that AFI agents sent to the Public Security Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.

The events occurred when García Luna was on a road trip through Tepoztlán, Morelos, when he was intercepted by a group of heavily armed men.

A graphic image below

The subjects, says Ricardo, identify themselves as people from the Beltrán Leyva cartel, detailing that they were ordered to take him. The then AFI chief tells his bodyguards not to intervene, he gets out of the vehicle and leaves with the command. The armed men took him to a house where Arturo Beltrán Leyva , “El Barbas”, the maximum leader of the Beltrán Leyva cartel, was located.

Being face to face, "El Barbas" said to Genaro : "You see how easy it is to get to you?" Beltrán Leyva pressured García Luna so that he would comply with the agreements that both had. 

Before long, the Beltrán Leyva released Genaro and let him continue on his way. This passage, says Ravelo, was carried out with testimonies of the own escorts of the AFI that García Luna had.

At that time, the Beltrán Leyva were still allies of the Sinaloa cartel . García Luna would have been a fundamental piece in the breakup of both. In January 2008, Alfredo Beltrán Leyva aka   "Mochomo", was detained by a special Army group, accompanied by elements of the defunct AFI , in Culiacán, Sinaloa. 

"El Mochomo" --at left--was puzzled, as his organization had paid tens of millions of dollars to senior officials for protection.

Then they knew it, the arrest had been a treason the culprit: Joaquín Guzmán Loera. "El Chapo " reportedly gave information to García Luna to arrest the young of the Beltrán Leyva 

The action caused a rupture between the Beltrán Leyva and the Sinaloa cartel, as well as a raging  war between the two organizations.

The capture of " El Mochomo " was the beginning of a federal government hunt against the Beltrán Leyva, who fell one by one and in a short time for the benefit of Guzmán Loera.

What was known was in the call that Arturo made to his brother Héctor El Hache Beltrán Leyva to boast of his feat,  that El Hache (“H”) raged against El Barbas for having released him. I would have killed him, he said.  

"H" warned that  García Luna's revenge was going to be tremendous.

And it was.

In an epic hours long shootout, Arturo Beltrán Leyva was assassinated during an operation by the Secretary of the Navy (Semar) in Cuernavaca, Morelos, on December 16, 2009, almost two years after the arrest of “El Mochomo”.

A few days later, on December 30, Carlos Beltrán Leyva was arrested in Culiacán, Sinaloa. While Héctor Beltrán Leyva , “El H”, was arrested on October 1, 2014 in San Miguel Allende, Guanajuato. 

The Beltrán Leyva practically disappeared from the criminal map, seven criminal cells emanating from the organization of the brothers seized power. García Luna's hand and his influence in the federal government facilitated the fall of three of the four Beltrán Leyva.

And Alfredo aka Mochomo, the younger beloved brother of Arturo, went on to be extradited to the US after serving his Mexico sentence.  He pleaded guilty without a plea deal, and sentenced to natural life.

The Revenge, graphic


  1. So basicly the FIB was the DEA of Mexico and acted just like it too..
    DEA get away with it THOUGH now that there're was competition the shit them down 😆 no SURPRISE

    1. Mexicans kill Mexicans and somehow it’s always America’s fault.
      You, and people like you, are why Mexico is a wreck.
      A small amount of Self reflection and the taking of responsibility for your own plight might serve you well as a people, a culture, and as a country.

    2. 4:43
      "Self reflection"... Well, the #1 consumer of drugs is...

    3. USA is addicted to drugs and somehow it’s always Mexico’s fault.
      You and people like you, are why USA is a wreck.
      A small amount of Self reflection and the taking of responsibility for your own plight might serve you well as a people, a culture, and as a country.

    4. Wow. Body slam!

    5. Thank you 443.. maybe if they took responsibility for what Mexico is, they could change it.. but no, it's the gringos fault

    6. Mexicans kill mexicans with american guns...guns imported into america for americans and for drugs used by american junkies... DEA ATF all business with fast and furious they buy drugs and sell guns it is the biggest business in the world and the US is ahead of the game...meddling into other countries affairs while theres homelessness and drug use everywhere in the 50 states

    7. FIB...what you talking about Willis?

    8. Mexico has a terrible drug problem as well, yet you all bury your heads in the sand. I would wager that Mexico has more drug addicts per capita than the US. And people in the US are making even more money off drugs in the US, yet you don't see people hanging of bridges or decapitation videos coming out of the US? Gangs are bad in the US, but their a girl scout troop compared to members of the cartel. Why is that?

    9. 3:39 so you have to admit that 6:11's post is EQUALLY as true as 4:43's comment correct?

    10. usa's full of guns and full of junkies, i've yet to see a convoy of armed men disarm the military, get in a firefight with the military, and win, or set up roadblocks and kidnap people at will to later have them show upiup mass graves, my guess is that the usa guns and usa junkies may not be the cause of mexicos problems

    11. 8:01pm well said!

  2. Still dont get why Mochomo got sentence for life, can someone explain to me. Yet Z and others who directly attacked or intimidated U.S agents are been released soon like OCG? The Z leaders like 40 42 are still in Mexico and they have staright links to the assasination of ICE agent Zapata..

    Another seems like the U.S Government still wants to avenge kiki camarena yet Zapatas case is rarely surfaced is there agency prefrence?


    1. He didn't cooperate. He stuck to his code of honor. He did the crime and was ready to do the time.

    2. ok..this is what the judge said, he said because although mochomo pleaded guilty he refused to admit he was a leader, he would not take responsibility. It was what alfredo said at sentencing "I plead guilty to the charges, but i was not a leader"

      and in the sense of what a leader is in mexico he wasn't. He was a more of a narco lieutenant. But someone should have explained the definition in the U.S. it means a leader is who has 5 people or more taking orders from them. I looked up the legal definition. the difference is quite a bit in sentencing. the ended up not giving him credit for pleading, which is stunning.

      He has a new appeals atty now and the new first step prison reform is favorable to traffickers. there are provision to covert life sentences to a much lessor sentence.

    3. Straight up Sinaloa OG never snitch

    4. @Chivis although Alfredo BL was a criminal i think he should have a fair trial. The U.S intel agencies know who the main players are using Mochomo as a scapegoat is ridiculous. If someone should get life is GeNarco GarCIA Luna he straight played the U.S officials and took illegal drug money from the CDS that is lead by MAYO and his federation


      Did some research of Rancho la Palma and its like two football fields from La Tunas center where Chapos mom lives.

    5. Agree. I mean he pleaded guilty, and did not expect anything but fairness. he was never named in any BLO indictment. when US heard he was being released in Mx after serving his time they threw a boiler plate indictment together with an extradition request. later they kept adding and adding charges.

      as for direct evidence his name never came up indirectly or directly by phone logs, recordings by the twins or any other informant. yet they were slated to testify against him if he went to trial. yet never mentioned his name.

      The gov called him "a narco monster" the thing is, americans don't know any better.

    6. "American's dont know any better" ass! C'mon Chivis!...Happy Mothers day to you Chivis and all the Mothers throughout this fuuuuucked up planet! Lol.

    7. yes i repeat Americans don't know any better---how can the populous ever know of something they are not told about? take networks and cable news (please)...where's the facts? truth? the WHOLE truth? and these "experts" give me a break, with their wiki-educations.

      A journalist who i communicated with until I backed out of an interview, worked at reuters and he said how frustrating it was to report on mexican organized crime because his hands were somewhat tied. He wished he was free to write everything he wanted.

      what americans see and read is like a headline with few details.

      BTW has anyone seen a report on chino's escape from supervised parole a couple miles from the south border? the one the-U.S. attorney called “one of the highest-ranking Sinaloa Cartel kingpins ever prosecuted in the United States.”

      has americans heard the story? they get a headline now and then with a couple of paragraphs and that's it. watered down bullshit.

      and it doesn't matter which administration is in...all the same drugwar BS in drugwar BS out.

      I am not speaking of those, like BB followers who genuinely are interested who seek out information. I am speaking of the "headline readers" and the news reports which fail the population by circumventing, placing little importance on the war next door that effects them directly.

      the planet is not fucked up. not IMO. I love this world, I care about it and i think good people out number bad by an overwhelming majority. There are some fucked up things in this world for sure and I have lived in enough countries to see it first hand.

      And in the US it is this moronic debacle called "drugwar", a failure not at the first day, a failure at conception. a waste of time, money, effort.

      agents work hard working the war, catching the big targets, only to have them handed sweet deals, unnecessary deals in the qty they agree to. How many made in the case of el chapo. all they needed was the flores twins and maybe one other.

      Agents are frustrated when this happens. In many ways the U.S. is not much different than Mexico, they just go about it differently. 'Narco bigs' go to court, put on a show, become remorseful, make promises "when i get out I want to remodel homes". the court laps that stuff up. and the narco big, who could have been sentenced to life was out in 7 yrs, and skips out on parole after 2 mos. Who is surprised at that? The timing was the only element of surprise.

      ok...stepping off my soapbox. whew...I needed that. TY

    8. You can thank Trump for first step prison reform..

    9. Very well put Chivis. Let me ah just reach over here and take "my ass" comment back! Thanks for all you guys do.

    10. Props to El Mochomo...... true OG...... and so was his brother Arturo...... echo balazos hasta morir..... no como el chaputo que se escondía abajó de la panochade Emma Coronel.....

    11. jaja...well I felt a little badly after sounding off, your comments wasn't horrible, I am just so frustrated of my 10 years invested in this project to see nothing changes, just names and faces of politicos and narcos...


    12. At the end of the day they have committed a crime. If they guy screw by the court who cares. I have worked honestly since I begin my employment career. These traffickers choose the easy path or so they think. I’m as happy as can be reading about this glorified narcos getting screwed by the US Govt. No
      pitty for anyone involved in drug trafficking.

    13. Chivis, I relate to you 100%. After 9 years of following the MX DTO's, I've realized the systemic corruption and greed of the DTO's/Politicians will have this cycle repeat endlessly. Look at the 2018(?) election, where hundreds of political candidates were killed. Many innocent people FRUSTRATED with the injustices. Nonetheless, I thank you, Buggs, and the BB team for all your effort. Your work goes a long way. I speak for many when I say you guys are appreciated!

  3. Arturo was a real one, Los 4 Caballeros.

  4. EL Botas Blancas is a corrido i ask to play any time i encounter chirrines or Banda. One of the few.

    1. When his time was up, he went firing. Just like he killed, he was killed. Ese si es de Sinaloa, Arturo el de Culiacán...

    2. Escucha la de Don Arturo by Los Dos Carnales

    3. Thats because arturo era una persona estudiada , a diferencia de los malandros de poca monta
      Este siempre tuvo todo
      Tambien huevos

    4. 5:05 Arturo Beltran Leyva died after getting shot like a dog while raising his arms in surrender, his right arm got blown off with half of his brains and tbat was genarco's revenge

    5. @10:45 I read the articles as the news was breaking when the operation was unfolding, he wasn't going to be captured and perhaps as you write the government's didn't want to arrest him anyways. He went out banging unlike others.....

    6. @10:45 No, he was shot while trying to kill himself with a gun to his temple because they didn't want him to die a quick death

  5. They got it bad, CDS was helped out tremendously and they still couldn't manage to take all of SINALOA? Beltranes are still relevant in North SINALOA despite all GOVERNMENT pay outs to stop that CARTEL SMH

    1. More complicated than that @1:20

  6. Genaro can be housed next to his friend Shorty up in Supermax,imagine how much of a good day it’s gonna be when we find out they sentenced him to life in prison in the US

    1. Jaja. So very true

    2. The only thing they will be is cell soldiers. Screaming to each other of how they will kill each other. Good luck with 4 doors from point A to B.

  7. Chapos betrayal was COLD, BELTRANES were raised by chapos mother so they were like chapos brothers living in the same house.. Chapo was jealous and had to take them out the picture

    1. One thing, I know that is common belief, and although the families were close, Alfredo and his bros were raised by their father after the mother died. I think He was only 5 or so. But they never went from their father who was a good man.

      I found this out by a close source. very close. I asked.

    2. I heard from a guy from that area that the jealousy/problems between Chapo and Beltranes started because one of them wouldn’t share el Agua del rio. Not sure if true but just thought I’d throw that out there.

    3. Didn’t their mom die in the 90s? Their dad supposedly lived to a really old age as well, must’ve been tough to see his kids die, or imprisoned for a long time

    4. I don't know what I was told he was a child when she passed but he had memory of her. I will try to access what I was told. I asked about the moniker, and was not given the answer.

    5. I was wrong he was not even 3. she died in childbirth. A heartbreaking story I don't think I should share....

    6. Ea chivo loco tell me is the story and what your peps say about rogaciano Alvas bitch ass people in the operation against el barbas death

    7. Doña Ramona Leyva was her name, according to Los Alegres del Barranco "Recuerdos de alfredo"

    8. It would be interesting to hear their story, most of it is a mystery to us, what we do know is very vague, and a lot of different versions...

    9. Hola Chivis HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! Alfredo's father is still alive Don Carlos is in good health and a strong ranchero man. I will e-mail you soon.

    10. Aha! I think this is my girl... hope so, I was worried I was in trouble again...jaja, then I thought maybe you were at the ranch chillin and keeping social distance. anyway email when you can. I sent you some important info.

      Happy Mothers' Day to you also!

    11. Chivis based on your experience and knowledge what cartel was the most sophisticated the one that came closest to becoming a real mafia with real power

  8. Arturo...Acapulco was @ peace when he was in charge.

    1. Most of Guerrero and Morelos was too, he kept everyone allined well

    2. In the beginning, everyone aligns well...

    3. 7:20 since Arturo had those plazas for almost a decade and never had a not even a year passes and shit hits the fan


  9. The cartels have to pay for 'derecho de piso' (right to operate) and if they don't they are taken down.

    The true bosses of organized crime are the government officials always.

    Why is that? Because the government has the bigger guns, more people and more money.

    The mother of all cartels is the government!

    1. @2:57 100% truth.

    2. 2:57 BANKSTERS spend a lot of money getting their candidates elected...
      --Even russian gangsters use US banksters and their puppets who know who they work for and make sure to deliver and carve the US GOVERNMENT LIKE A TURKEY for their patrons.
      --Nobody gets off the FBI Top 10 Most Wanted unless arrested or dead, except for top russian Red Mafiya Godfather Semion Mogilevitch...

    3. Yup once Ramon Arellno Felix was pinned to the FBI top 10 most wanted back in the 90s , he was a dead man walking.

  10. El chapo isidro rifa.

    1. The BLO was the real deal none of them snitched went out like men do. Man enough to commit the action gotta be man enough to take on the consequences

    2. No mad rifa within a 5 mile radius 😆!

    3. The thing is BLO doesn't hire a lot of hitmen. They select them carefully and train them well.

    4. La Mochomera choix and guasave's wildest

  11. Anyone know why Chapitos specially Ivan don’t like el Chino anthrax?

    1. Apparently chino slapped the hell outta el chapito in some nigghtclub or something like that

    2. I don't know but that is interesting

    3. One can only speculate but I’m sure it has to do with class. Ivan was born into royalty, while Chino had to fight for it. These things can create tremendous animosity.

    4. Los que no quieren al chino son Alfredo y su hermano Joaquín por que era muy presumido, el Trebol lo levanto y estuvo apunto de matarlo poco antes de que lo detuvieran en Holanda pero secuestraron a su hermana y sobrina y lo solto. Iván si era muy amigo de el incluso al chino lo veias en las fiestas del Ivan. De toda la chapiza solo Ivan lo trataba

    5. The beef is over a woman

    6. 6:10 ay mija, pos porqué,
      Munchos chismes en el molino.

  12. El Chaguin tambien! Sigue admirado aqui en la colinia olympica de mazatlan.

  13. Beltranes puro hombre de huevos. No jueges con satanas lo dijo Arturo Beltran

  14. Wow I can’t believe he was so stupid and arrogant enough to think he could get away with kidnapping a high ranking govt official

  15. Estos si eran narcos , no Las mamadas ke andan por ahi ahoritta... EPD Arturo Beltrán Leyva
    Saludos desde la Tierra caliente MICH

  16. Genero "Conrado" Sol desecration of Arturo's body was an unforgivable act of stupidity. Remember the first rule if criminality, business is never personal. Genaro made it personal. Now, he might end up in the same federal institution and Mochomo will be waiting. Mochomo is doing life, has the respect of the big homies and who does not want to make their bones with a disgraced cop in the pen.

  17. Damaso Lopez was a snitch.

    1. They were completely wiped off the face of the earth

  18. What did you expect, he learned from the biggest certified rat there is in the game to date and that is la scrapa guzman..I remember a few years back quite a few would comment here at the ever so wonderful BB, that all the snitching being done by their narco-super heroes was being done out of pure strategy, of all things! Lmfao! people, we need to wake up. What is going on all throughout our beloved Mexico, and by that I mean the horrendous murders being committed by all of today's cartels, splinter groups/cell's or what not is being controlled, manipulated and orchestrated by it's very own humble respects to whom from the outside looked like a stand up dude in that biz. Uno de huevos. A real motherfucker. El Jefe de Jefes! El Botas Blancas!....Arriba Michoacan y sus Verdes cerros.

    1. They killed innocents also none of these guys respect nothing..all narcos are scum destroying people. Fxck Arturo, mochomo,chapo all of them are pieces of trash,there is no honor amongst thieves.satanic killing demons that needed to be wiped off the face of the earth.the power of the most high will make sure they all burn in the lake of 🔥 good riddance to your beloved narco

    2. You are what others on this forum refer to as a "cheerleader"

  19. I will lose all hope in the US judicial system of Genaro doesn’t do at least 15 years

    1. Too short of a sentence, he needs a nice round 25 atleast.

  20. Mexicans killing Mexicans is what they want and got bye to the Mexican race

  21. So then, in this case, it's true that (wait for it)...Chapo snitched

  22. There's a video of a sicario of valdemar Alvarado saying they paid genaro garcia money to pay los azules y por un helicoptero para matar jefes de la familia then he gets shot in the eye I think is called los amigos de genaro

  23. This is true, but does not include the missing details where Barbie literally have the location 2 days in a row.

  24. BLO was big in Sonora and Arizona and California, all the way up to BC Canada.

  25. DEP Arturo Beltran y arriba Durango

  26. If the CDS was responsible for the down fall of Beltran Leyva, why didn't they take over Morelos?


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