Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 22, 2020

Videos:California FBI agents raid offices of Ángel del Villar, Del Records claim it is concerning Gerardo Ortiz

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY The Guy Who Knows Nothing and others RadioFormula
Friday, the FBI executed four search warrants signed by a federal judge to investigate DEL Records and other businesses of Del Villar, who has been a producer for Gerardo Ortiz and Luis Coronel. Click on images to enlarge

The FBI executed four orders signed by a federal judge on Friday and entered the offices of DEL Records, the record company of Ángel del Villar, who is the ex partner of  Chiquis Rivera, dauhgter of the late Jenni Rivera who died in a plane crash in Mexico.

The events occurred at the DEL Records headquarters, located at 6400 Garfield Avenue, in Los Angeles County, California. According to Miguel Luna, FBI special agent, there have been no arrests so far.

Del Villar, who was a partner with Chiquis for  four years, has produced performers such as Régulo Caro, Gerardo Ortiz and Luis Coronel, among others, who signed with DEL Records.

Heavily armed officers entered the company. In addition, it emerged that the police were also in a restaurant of the producer.

There have long been rumors that DEL Records is actually a facade for laundering money that comes from drug trafficking.

What did Ángel del Villar do while the FBI searched his businesses?

While everyone was surprised by the search, the producer shared on social networks that he continued with his daily activities. He even went to eat a hamburger while the searches were taking place.


Del Records is in a high-profile legal dispute with Gerardo Ortiz, a norteño singer-songwriter famous for his narco ballads. In 2019, Del Records sued the singer, alleging that he had insisted on being paid for performances in cash so as to evade taxes. The suit also stated that Ortiz had long had problems with the Internal Revenue Service, and that the label had once had to lend him money to pay his back taxes.

The label also claimed that Ortiz had performed a show in Mexico for an alleged trafficker, which drew the attention of the U.S. government.

In a statement on Friday, the label said that the investigation was related to Ortiz.

Ortiz issued a statement through his company, Badsin Entertainment, claiming that the agents had also searched the home of the label’s CEO, Jose Angel del Villar.

“To our knowledge the search by the FBI at Del Records office and Mr. Del Villar’s home does not involve Mr. Ortiz,” Ortiz’s company said.

Del Records’ representative could not confirm or deny whether Del Villar’s home was searched. An FBI spokeswoman confirmed that a home in Huntington Beach was searched, but declined to say who lives there. Public records, however, link the address to Del Villar.

Ortiz filed his own complaint against Del Villar and Del Records in 2019, accusing the label of underpaying him by millions of dollars. The singer claimed that the label had engaged in fraudulent accounting practices, and had failed to account for hundreds of shows.

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  1. These cartel always figure away to beat the Feds..

    1. Ehh once someone actually finds out they are being investigates by the FEDS , its already too late. He's DONE .

    2. Then Why is chapo locked up?

  2. Nothing new!

    We all know the chances of a business owned and/or operated by a Mexican or Mexican-“AMERICAN” anywhere in the world is 50/50.

    1. Not a stupid comment at all,thought a genius like you would realize that,the majority,thats about right Mr PC

  3. Awh poor Chiquis I really hope this doesn’t affect her singing career and looks.
    La Barbie

  4. I hate to break it to you guys but the FBI and internet rumors about money laundering could be right. Jose angel delvillar has numerous luxuries properties throughout the country. FBI is asking how though?

    1. He has top recorind artist with Grammy winners.

    2. el pasado lo sigue a mr DEL jajajajjaja

  5. They're investigating Gerardo Ortiz according to billboard this is part of the investigation -

  6. Chiquis is an ex girlfriend period. She has nothing to do with del records. Del records already existed when she came along. Misleading chivis.! Not fair!!!

    1. Go cry a river chiqui mafia queen 😂 “it’s so misleading”

  7. Damm my boy gone you know ones the feds up on you u dead man walking gota do time shouldn't have done my nigga geruardo otiz dirty

    1. Did you fail 2nd grade? I needed the Enigma to decipher what you wrote. Go back to school and get your GED.

    2. Villar has the privilege of enlisting a good lawyer to fight on his behalf hes got that kind of bread which means he's gonna put up a fight but in the end if the FBI finds some dirt on him its not gonna matter much

  8. So they raid a Mexican because they assume he launders money for the cartels?Damn the yankees don’t want to see us win really,they hate it when Raza makes it big.Yet they won’t do this at Wall Street or any big banks and big pharma.They rather see us cutting lawns or washing dishes.

    1. He is dirty what do you expect,viva la raza an all that bogus shit like you

    2. Wall street are classy thieves how you think the Italian mafia existed for so long in the US?? for 100 whole years. Villar is a dirty ass mofo with no class so is everyone in his circles

    3. 1. Do you really think he is not laundering money?
      2. I do not "cut" the lawn, but I do mow it.
      3. Not every "Raza" is performing a menial job. Some actually get an education.

    4. Yeah, it's the gringo's fault...every time. All you experts...ain't that right?

    5. @8:38 you are right about Wall Street they are classy blue collar thieves. Now the Italian mafia had their reign because they had everybody in their pockets how is extorting your own and selling drugs to your people classy. Now because Villar is Mexican somehow he’s the only dirty ass? Villar is up there almost with the classy Wall Street he made a successful business to launder cartel money. Everything was going good until Ortiz decided to start hanging around CJNG. Like the people in the inland empire with car lots they launder money. But what ever this is nomore del records

    6. Investigate, prosecute, detain, sentence, and deport...if possible.

    7. Let's make this very clear, the Italian mafiosos have always been owned and taken down by others who specialize in real good undercover money laundering and banksteerism.
      Why do you think mike tyson, cesar chavez and mohammad ali were so broke?
      Just to make don king look like a pig farmer?

  9. Angel tells everyone his dad use to work with, everyone claims they worked with Chapo but yet have never met him. The problem with these clowns is when Chapo needed money for his lawyer, where was Del Records? Only thing worse than these guys is believing the corridos they sing. Just trying to bring hype to the label.

    1. his dad used to work for Los Avendaños angel did too . His dad was "el charro"

    2. Del records is the biggest Hype machine along with Rancho Humilde but at least they're good entertainers even if the content in their songs is all fabricated

    3. “Good” lol

    4. Y yell kommander apá?
      Ese cabrón si necesita que le esculquen todo el pinche yoyo nomás por feo.

  10. Great now he gonna tell everyone at Del to make him another 20 corridos about this.. smh .. jack ass😂

  11. If we talking about the same angel del Villar well we talking about a known drug trafficker

  12. Angel del Villar Es el lavador de dinero #1 de la familia Caro de los sitios badiraguato.

    1. @5:55 de los zetas from his hometown

  13. Se les acabo el lavado a los avendaños. Del records is done. FEDS are involved which means they have everything by now . 97% conviction rate .

  14. U.S Citizen "Eslabon Armado" quit RH to join Del Récords recently. Dam! Tough young talent

  15. Payback from the government for chino ántrax death if the money laundering suspicion is true.

  16. Party is over for ADV and Del Records. It was only a matter of time.

  17. DEL has been laundering money for the cartel for years same

    1. Fkn Geraldo bought a $2+M home in shadow hills ca

    2. FACTS how else can they get clearance for all them corridos they sing for CDS & gente nueva they're getting paid dirty money

    3. 2m for a home in LA is not outlandish... and it was most likely not bought cash and since he owns a company and was signed to a label I’m sure financing a 2m property was easy

    4. Using a jaliska police squad car to record videos and songs does not lend anybody credibility, except to get your ass banged, like the model gerardo used, i wonder if she still gets business or her 15 seconds of fame are all over now...financing over 2 million worth of house on the US sucks, you ain't but a slave to the mortgage, aqui les afirmo, chinguen a su madre las deudas y las drogas, pinchis nacos presumidos y presuntosos, better to live in a double wide two floor outhouse with a clear title.

    5. Chivis, i have found me a new love:
      Angelica Ramirez, la Terrora de Tepito, on You Tube.
      i invite you to check her sincerely, pinche ruca deserves it, we too...
      But you will always be #1 jayna.

  18. A poster on here was saying this for like 3 years ha

    Reminds me of the spot on Pico Rivera, that club

    1. 6:19
      do you remember the building next to the Big Horse store off of I-10 in balwin park
      that white building going east before it was in big trouble yrs yrs ago 50 yrs ago
      it was leased or used by record labels Shit my brain is gone My ole stomping grounds
      Azusa to the Beach
      used to be a great place
      Never Never again
      I rode my horse on every street in El monte covina sam dimas azusa etc

  19. Hola Chivis!!! Here is a tour of this place.

  20. I was wondering when he would be investigated. Too many corridos coming out not to be involved somehow.

  21. How true is it that he’s compadre with the Avendaños and has ties with CDS?

    1. true. His dad used to work for them too . Their is old old corridos before he had his label saying he worked for them lol

    2. Escucha el corrido este es su primer corrido Solo se anuncian

    3. Of course DEL is tied to CDS they couldnt make so much music off them without their consent

  22. Apparently they are investigating gerardo ortiz for tax fraud , from what i gather he is some deep shit and is prob snitching on angel to try and get some slack

    1. if the raid had to do with Gerardo ortiz they could of just subpoenaed Del records, the raids on 4 of their properties means they are most likely on Del Records tail

    2. IRS seria quien lo buscaria no FBI estos son tiburones no pescados van por lo grande . Tiene años que el FBI tiene oficiales analizando el rap y los corridos ..... muchos que jalan se mandan hacer corridos y el F lo sabe el angel tiene rato que se quemo con tanto corrido y ellos no son amateurs saben su trabajo esto era una bomba de tiempo van por el asi como paso con tejashi cuando llegan es porque tienen algo y van por mas

    3. 655 el F????

    4. 6:55 Takashi has no problems, after every greatest wrestler kissed his ass nobody wants to be part of no party against him.

  23. If FBI went in that means they already had most of the evidence needed. They aren’t amateurs and bat above 95%conviction rate

  24. I wonder what they are going to find.. he was big time money man, that's why Gerardo dropped his liable

  25. they couldn't wait for wero v23.

  26. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that those so called businesses are Haven's for money laundering besides who wants to hear

  27. FbI sorry to break it to you but the corrido music industry is nothing but a facade of the drug still got many more record studios to hit there in los angeles....afinarte, rancho humilde...etc etc. Better late than never

  28. It was bound to happened. After so many corridos he made all his singers do for him with codes affiliating with illicit activities in code what do you expect.. in a downlow he wanted to let people know he is not ment to fuck with.. well, there you go here is the outcome. Feds won’t stop here they gonna bring him down if he doesn’t learn from this experience.. There’s also this interview years back we’re he made a comment when ask is it true that del records was founded will illicit money, To what he reply’s No, but I believe sometimes you got to do what you got do In order to provide for your family’..

    Plus rumors are he is linked to the Avendaños in Culiacán.


  29. Chivis... ay te van dos exclusivas este es el link de las demandas legales contra angel del villar Y otra que mataron al grimaldi en jalisco hace unoa dias . Feliz fin de semana

    1. Thank you! but this is LA civil court the federal case is sealed.

  30. So it's basically Death row records

    1. Not! At least until Gerardo gets shot up the ass...
      Mamasones, jaliskas, cds, televisa,
      all could be jealous and get even some day.

  31. THIS IS NOT about the label dispute, that is handled in Los Angeles civil court. in this case fbi means federal court, my guess is tax evasion or money laundering or a combination.

  32. Chivis can we get a follow up on this? Looks like much more info is gonna be coming out in the near future

    1. Sure and all you BB followers please send any new info. when the federal docs are opened it will reveal much

  33. suena muy bien a LAVANDERIA

    1. 8:49 everything is a lavanderia, but some gossip gets very expensive.
      Better call Saul, or bladdermir putin.

  34. Ese guey está bien embarrado. Angel tienen una hija como de 10 años que es hijada de uno de los Guzman. La Niña siempre se la pasa acá con la mamá. El también es muy amigo de los Torres. Hace algunos años el Hijo del Ondeado quería cantar corridos. Ángel le saco un disco. Búsquenlo en YouTube como “el general” pa que vean. Asta estudio le puso aquí en Cln para que el morro no viajará.


    2. @ 7:36 Tu k vergas sabes wey! Averigua k es la mama de la hija del Angel. Es Mas, aka casi todo esta cerrado pero ayer tuvieron fieston en Casona Centenario para el cumple de la niña.

    3. Y que tal la comida?? Se me hace que el angel ni sabor le agarro ps sabe por ahi dicen que en sinaloa no lo quieren porque es bien mamon se siente que es scarface segun asi dicen por ahi

  35. El de los lentes carrera.. Saludos a los de rio frio Zac

  36. The whole Mexican Regional Music industry is a huge haven for tax evasion and money laundering. Concerts are almost always a loss but you can take in alot of cash and unde-report or over-report revenue with 95% of the transactions involving cash. Its not uncommon to see promoters pushing large concerts aka bailes in small hispanic communities where its impossible for them to recoup costs. Everyone involved is in bed with narcos.

    1. @9:03 A.M.: Great post. You know what you're talking about. These money laundering ops are for people who "think" they are smart. Today, I think it is a matter of time until Big Brother hauls them in.
      Then, RICO will make out... and the next leads followed for more busts. These money laundries are gifts that keep on giving, and, giving...etc
      Mexico -Watcher

  37. Steve corel looking ass clown lol

  38. The music industry has always been mobbed up with Organized Crime. Film and TV for that matter too. News and Info not so much, the Secret Police has that market cornered.

  39. Pa que ahora cante :

    Me catea aqui, me catea alla...
    Me encierran en el gabacho
    Ke dolor ñañaña :(

  40. If it’s true it’s about laundering, the easiest way of doing that is showing you paid out more than you actually did. Could be they inflated Gerardos earnings which got him in a pickle with the IRS. If true GO has reason to be upset.

  41. So the FBI is targeting this Mexican-American label? When are they going to go after hip hop labels? They're mostly drug fronts as well-- the drug trade is intertwined with the rap music industry.

    There surely has to be drug kingpins in the US that deal drugs wholesale? How come they're never arrested? Or there not even named?

    1. Someone is starting to catch on. Exactly, where are these "pesados" within the US? The Twins couldn't be the only ones.

  42. You guys are so fucken naive to the gringos and Americans part in all crackers sancas miadas like to talk shit on my mexican people but let me throw thjs fact out there and if you gringos and shit talkers don't have huevos to admit the wrongdoings from the government and people in the us then tell me why the judge in chapos case didnt want to bear no more and called for objection the second they started talking about CIA and other us politicians involved with the carTel scene? Also remember this and let it seep In your fucken shit filled heads...if there wasnt so much gringos fucken junkie peices of shit roaming around then the cartels wouldn't have a need nor reason to traffick the drugs to gringolandia they could easily stay in Mexico sell in Mexico and avoid the harsh sentences gringolandia gives out but as long as you gringos perros valen verga are around there will always be a supply and demand...and if us mexicans are pieces of shit for doing what we got to do to feed our families and that involves us being tbe supply and distrubuting poison to the piece of shit faggit gringos. Then what does it say about the junkie piece of shit homeless gringos being the demand....until u gringos stop being such junkie pigs there is always gonna be other countries that are poor there to send poison to your gringo kids atleast they will die of drug overdoses before they go shoot .up their own schools hahahaha

  43. You guys are so fucken naive to the gringos and Americans part in all crackers sancas miadas like to talk shit on my mexican people but let me throw thjs fact out there and if you gringos and shit talkers don't have huevos to admit the wrongdoings from the government and people in the us then tell me why the judge in chapos case didnt want to bear no more and called for objection the second they started talking about CIA and other us politicians involved with the carTel scene? Also remember this and let it seep In your fucken shit filled heads...if there wasnt so much gringos fucken junkie peices of shit roaming around then the cartels wouldn't have a need nor reason to traffick the drugs to gringolandia they could easily stay in Mexico sell in Mexico and avoid the harsh sentences gringolandia gives out but as long as you gringos perros valen verga are around there will always be a supply and demand...and if us mexicans are pieces of shit for doing what we got to do to feed our families and that involves us being tbe supply and distrubuting poison to the piece of shit faggit gringos. Then what does it say about the junkie piece of shit homeless gringos being the demand....until u gringos stop being such junkie pigs there is always gonna be other countries that are poor there to send poison to your gringo kids atleast they will die of drug overdoses before they go shoot .up their own schools hahahaha

    1. Now tell us what you really think.

    2. Nothing but facts,it’s sad the yankees and the white washed self hating pochos hate on raza trying to make it big.If El Chapo was a white dude from Wall Street he’d be free right now enjoying his illicit $$$.

    3. This is aways going to be an issue and no one I'd going to change the others mind. Who is at fault, the consumer or the suppliers... Just answer this, is it possible to sell drugs and not kill anyone? As a Mexican I do not agree with your opinion and how you phrase it. I'm more offended that the Mexican people are killing their own people "because of the gringos"... The Mexican drug dealer's job is to cross drugs obviously but why does he change his tactic once he gets across? Why isn't he killing his competition over in the US? There is no need to kill your fellow people to supply the gringos... It's greed and that falls on the supplier's side.

    4. And allow me to continue... Where do these narcos get the idea that these routes, streets, plazas belong to them? Are they building them? Maintaining them? How much of a self absorbed psychopath do you have to be to kill someone else that is driving on said road with a load of drugs because that said road "belongs to you" ... Do we really have to get into the basic meaning of the word "ownership"... Build your own damn toll road! Those routes are public property!

  44. El mencho doesnt like rat's

  45. awwww yeeah, my boy trippn rizzles for realz yo. shuda put that hype on jtrizzle

  46. Angel Del Robar.


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