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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Z40: Federal Judge Orders Immediate Medical Attention

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Milenio / EjeCentral
The Fourteenth District Judge of Amparo in Criminal Matters ordered that Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, known as ''El Z40'', be subjected to a medical review, after his lawyer argued that his client's health is at risk because the The authorities of the Puente Grande prison have not performed a diagnostic test for the new coronavirus.

A federal judge ordered immediate medical attention to the absolute leader of Los Zetas, Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, "El Z40" , after his defense said that his life is at risk and that the authorities have refused to test him Covid- 19 . "El Z40" has just about completed  serving seven years in prison and is an inmate in the maximum security prison in Puente Grande, Jalisco.
The demand for guarantees was promoted by the lawyer Víctor Hugo López Ramírez, who claimed the omission to provide his client with urgent medical attention "even when his life is at risk". Given this situation, Erik Zabalgoitia Novales, judge Fourteenth District of Amparo in Criminal Matters based in Mexico City, granted the suspension of the plan.

"Those responsible (director of the Federal Rehabilitation Center number 2) are ordered to immediately take the necessary steps to provide the nonconformist with medical attention; in the intelligence that if according to the assessment by the corresponding area it is considered necessary to carry out the test with respect to SARS CoV-2 (Covid-19), they should carry it out immediately ” indicates their agreement.

The judge made it clear to the authorities that in case of violating the suspension, this represents the commission of a crime . In his resolution, Zabalgoitia Novales stated that he declines competence to continue hearing the matter, so the case should fall to the hands of the District Judge of Amparo in Criminal Matters in the state of Jalisco, due to the fact that "Z40" is inside the prison  Puente Grande. 

It is worth mentioning that until this Tuesday, 93 cases of Covid-19 are reported in the Puente Grande prison, after detecting 12 recent infections. According to the Jalisco Ministry of Health (SSJ), most carriers are asymptomatic, which is why they have not required hospital care.

"El Z40" is considered by the Mexican and American authorities as the bloodiest capo that has operated in Mexico , who managed to obtain control of the cartel before the death of his predecessor Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, "El Lazca" , shot down by elements of the Navy Secretariat on October 7, 2012, in Sabinas, Coahuila.
                                              Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano, "El Lazca" 

He is linked to the murder of José Eduardo Moreira , son of the former governor of Coahuila, Humberto Moreira Valdés, which occurred on October 3, 2012, in revenge for the shooting of his nephew Alejandro Treviño Sánchez by state police.
According to investigations by the then Attorney General of the Republic (PGR), it is responsible for ordering the kidnapping and murder of 265 migrants, whose bodies were located in clandestine graves in the municipality of San Fernando, Tamaulipas, in 2010.
Mexico offered a reward of 30 million pesos for information leading to his capture, while the United States put a price on his head of $5 million dollars.


  1. AWW Poor girl....Crybaby.....Was surprised only given 7 years.

    1. He should be out soon, arrested in July 2013 and most of the way through his sentence. No wonder 40 has been filing so many amparos; soon he will be out and can more easily control CDN than he did while in prison.

    2. He will get plenty of "Social Distancing" when they send him to Florence ADX for the rest of his miserable life!

    3. They will extradite him!

    4. @9:39 so cowboy is there an extradition request for him?

    5. I feel like this is his escape root Like how Chapo had the prison in his pocket this is his way of making his way to medical treatment where his boys can rally up and bring him out . Even if he is out soon

    6. The bestia has been in prison for 7 years,
      that does not mean he was "given 7 years" or thst he is any closer to be released or to be tried, and i hope he survives to get his turn at getting tested when his number comes up, because there are lots of prisoners with more seniority in prison than his pinchis nalgss apestosas.
      --Y si le pegan el virus que? Que chingue su madre el güey, o que se lo espante con una cola de sus caballos de carreras...

  2. Mencho vs zeta40 in a same cell who wins?

    1. Is this real? 40 wins hands down. Even against El lazca.

    2. But i woulda put lazca over both mecho and z40 at the same time...if he were alive.

    3. 3:33 mencho is a biatch,it's proven that z40 put it a lot of work n his histories are known,the only story known of mencho is when he begged for his life to be spared n eventually getting ran out of Michoacan

    4. And everyone will bitch slap chapo and mayo

    5. Lazca was a GAFE he would skin them alive and eat their children

    6. Lazcano would rip them apart both. Z40 is a fat unathletic slob that kills only handcuffed victims and Mencho looks skinny and fragile, like a junkie.

    7. It’s obvious Mencho would win, these others are “border town bums”!

      There are rumors that Lazcano was a cross 👗 dresser.

      Any one of these guys would whoop Mayo and Chapo though!

    8. Mencho was a junkie in san francisco

    9. Mencho was a junkie? How do you know?

  3. El 40ton es de guerra y arriba nuevo laredo

    1. De guerra cuando tienen sus sicarios a un lado pero seguro cuando efentados a solas son mas culos que un raton

    2. Ese 40 le rompe la madre al mencho a solas

  4. Fuck that puto let him die a slow death

  5. How did he catch it if he’s in isolation and has his own cell?

    Either way, it looks like the beast will be unleashed again.

  6. Porbrecito...imagine if he showed mercy to all those he killed or order to be...karma

    1. To be a drug lord you have to use violence. Part of the job

  7. Amazing how much power Amlo gives the Z40. He will be out before Christmas. He is a bad 👦

  8. Oh common for heaven's sake, he is a criminal. Next he will want French fries lol.

    1. He probably eats lobster every morning for breakfast in his small “cell”.

    2. Look at that FAT belly
      They should make these guys work chained up with each other
      eveytime they find dead bodies these guy get to rebury them
      They have to handle them with out masks no gloves and dig new holes for proper burial
      Murdered innocents that where migrants What a PIG
      ALMO should bring back The Death P by hanging in PLAZAS
      testing positive for Covid
      is not the same as having it
      Keep him locked up PLEASE

    3. Testing positive for covid is the same as having it are you not familiar with testing positive for something means think before you speak

  9. Its not that hard mexico. Testing is such a big q tip up the nose to your brain. He doesn't need to leave his cell.

    Joe p.

  10. Let him die of the virus and good riddance. A guy that orders the killings of innocents and children and the elederly doesnt deserve any mercy. Theres no bigger piece of shit in mexico than this guy. May be mencho.

    1. I would hate to see this guy die from COVID-19, sedated, hooked up to a ventilator, and not even knowing exactly the moment he leaves this world... i want to see him in an execution video squirming on the ground after having his limbs removed, i wanna see him set on fire while still breathing, or disembowled while still alive, at the very least i want him shot in the head and his head blown in a million little pieces left completely unrecognizable.. this man has no honor.. he's no chapo .. he's no mayo.. he's no amado ...he's no abrego... he's trash, pure trash just like mencho

  11. when? how? where? this 7 yr sentence. They added murder charges and he gets 7?

    Has anyone else heard this? One thing if true, he has that little extradition awaiting. and amlo has not been shy about sending narcos to the US

    1. I think it’s an error and they’re trying to say he’s been imprisoned for 7 years now

    2. you are correct i just read milenio....

  12. 7 years? Is this new? How the fuck does this make sense?

  13. 7 years??? This crazy fuck ordered the slaughter in Allende which is a well known fact. His brother in the US gets a big term for the horses and this guy gets 7? Goes to show the difference in the law systems of each country. Pretty sad.

    1. I Know I know !
      I do not have the photographic Chivas and Bugss !
      damn , I do not know , was that his original sentence ??


    2. People respect bt mostly fear him

  14. The baddest cartel that introduced the whole military style into the narco world..mighty ZETAS

    1. First 30 were military. The rest after them are underage junkies. Especially nowadays CDN is made up from 15 yrs old junkies getting killed left and right by the military.

    2. The “baddest” because the top sicarios were from Michoacán!

    3. 5:52 traitor golpista general Victoriano Huerta betrayed presidente Madero and was one of the greatest mexican military traitors, and an alcoholic mariguano like the US ambassador Henry Lane Wilson,
      Before him there were the vende-patrias kissing Maximiliano's ass,
      they could have kissed only doña Carlota's but generales miramòn y mejia and others chose to kiss the emperor's.

  15. I don't think AMLO will release him without extradition. The USDOJ wants him too badly and all it takes is a little arm twisting from Trump to get him to do what he wants; it's always political at this level.

  16. shoot the sick motherfucker

  17. I thought he was locked up in cd juarez

  18. Santa Ana y Magdalena heating up again

  19. Lazcano was the beast not Morales,Lazcano was the one ordering all the massive killings and it works just like CJNG,nothing is sacred they will your fuckin dog for being a family member.
    Yaqui chill girl 40 been in jug around 7 not sentenced to 7 dont stress this shit

    1. Seems like you’re the only one “stressing” mcfly ya numbskull

    2. 8:94 stressing over poor z40? Que pendejo,
      Send him money for the commissary.

  20. Seriously, Mexico needs a death penalty to get rid of guys like him. There's no way Mexican taxpayers should have to pay to feed him. If he somehow manages to get out of jail, Mexico should just give up and go back to being a Spanish colony...

  21. This guy was a real savage! Seven years for all the sh’t he did?!?! Wow.. guaranteed extradition ..

  22. Fiscalia here in Juarez just got shot up. The video I saw says "llegaron Los Menchos"...

  23. All hail the king z40 we bow before you mr 40 your cdn group and special forces troopa del inferno is doing some great work advancing thro Zacatecas they have fortified Nuevo Laredo no one has been able to have a sniff of that place and Monterrey and Nuevo León Veracruz are still filled with foot soldiers awaiting their orders it’s funny how many people are hanging off the zetas nuts now back in 2010 - 2012 infact until recently I have been the only true supporter now people are realising your greatness


  24. This dirtball will die in prison. His other brother the horse money launderer is doing time and Miguel was indicted along him. so the USA will be there waiting at the gates.

  25. He may be serving one sentence of 7 years but he has 50 year sentences also. He will never leave prison except for a cross border extradition where he is wanted in the US.

  26. They must have El Z 40 in solitary because if he was doing main line he would have ended up like Gerardo Mendoza.

  27. Judge must have been bribed good, since he wants this fool to get medical attention, now he cries, but what about the countless people he hurt and killed?

  28. Amlo is going after rich people in Mexico, does that include Narcos,Cartels i wonder if they declare their enormous Income and pay taxes???? Just thought

  29. Old Escuels Zetas still Active?

  30. All you ignorant cheerleaders are rooting for a scumback who nearly destroyed what was once a beautiful border town with beautiful people named nuevo Laredo and ordered hundred of deaths he will be extradited U.SA wants him.

  31. Zetas lives matter!

  32. Thats one muthafucker that needs to die

  33. Lazcano reminds me of a Lucky Luciano Italian mafia guy

    1. 3:02 y te gusta el güey del lazca...Pendeja...
      Ya esta muerto chingadamadre!
      Mejor regresate con EPN, que tiene sida y se va a morir.


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