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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Zacatecas: CJNG sicarios drag body of a decapitated woman on video with a warning against Sinaloa Cartel

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY Gus Twitter (2)

CJNG sicarios tortured, killed and decapitated a woman, then discarding her body accompanied by a cartulina narco-message directed against the Sinaloa Cartel and its allies, in the streets of Juan Aldama, Zacatecas

Aldama has been the site of recent violence by CJNG.

Authorities reported that the body and head of the woman were found near Federal Highway 49 at the exit to Río Grande, next to a roundabout at the entrance to the Zacatecas, city.

video below of sicarios dragging the decapitated victim and 
image of decapitated victim

Lying next to the decapitated corpse was a poster board message signed by the CJNG.

The narcomessage announces the arrival of La Barredora and warns  that the fate of the decapitated women awaits for all those who help “Los Sinaloa” " and Herrera, Cabrera, Parientes other Sinaloa allies.

They also claimed that Río Grande, Nieves, Juan Aldama, Miguel Auza and Sombrerete, are entities "belong" to the CJNG.


  1. So sad. They are able to do this and so calmly too.

  2. Well if she wants to act like a cartel member thats whats gonna happen to any woman that works for a cartel dont matter what cartel, it only shows that cds has a lot of women and children in their ranks, sad but true cjng has mostly men thats why they are wooping cds anywhere they meet

    1. 10:54 you can hear that among them there is a woman as well this fandom of yours is pathetic

    2. 2:21 i know she is gonna get it to duhhh! She involved in a men's world she will get dealt like a man when her turn is up, just like la emperatrix de los antrax and so many other girls that cds has killed

    3. @10:54 where are the men when LNFM come after them and capture them????????????

    4. 3:28 ahi estavan en aguililla cuando les tumbaron arriba de 20 gueyes

    5. 5:10 jajajaj cuales “20 weyes” si nunca pudieron comprobar esas cifras de muertos son mentiras del chimuelo que son puros cuentos inventados. Y Lo peor de todo es que pendejos como tú se las creen jajaja

    6. 8:13 jajajaha loko oviamente no saves como se manejan las sifras en mexico, o te haces guey? Nomas pa llevar la contra

    7. Only some wueyes apendejados can believe in capturing some plasa through killing and decapitating a big fat mexican jane doe.
      Juan Aldama and Miguel Auza are like twin cities in zacatecas state, one on each side of the Panamericana, north of Zacatecas & south of Durango.

  3. Female the one recording

  4. No pos wow very brave n tuff guys... funny how they don't mention Valparaiso at all most be cause they got whooped there after going in all tuff 😂

    1. Facts! CJNG only in this town and no other! They won't start problems in Jerez fs fs...I was just there and Sinaloa was patrolling hard asf!

  5. @Chivis - Full Text seen here. this pic is cropped (not that anybody cares about the mssg)


    1. thank you just changed and added!!

    2. PS the cjng alliance...are they also with CQ? I am confused. Are these the La Barredora from aca? the splinter grp from BLO?


    3. To the commentor saying it means sweeper. obviously I know that, i was asking about the gang in gro. if they were a part of this.

      Because in other mantas it says EL CARTEL BARREDORA not just la barredora.

    4. Im from zacatecas and I dont think it has anything to do with la barredora from guerrero.

    5. That's just a slang word

  6. Cjng killing women and children as usual, but knowing Mayo he would’ve killed her too since cds kills those close to them all the time

    1. Oh please cds only kill the ones who do the same to them eye for an eye mfer

    2. I wonder how these cartel "GROUPIES" would feel if that was their sister beheaded?? Those who defend and glamorize the acts of these aninals are just as psychotic. Pathetic. Hey my man what would you say if you left your parents basement and found your mother decapitated??? Scumbag.

    3. 3:26 m1 and macho prieto were loyal to mayo he still had them killed them to feed his ego, cds only tough and have honor in corridos that’s why they’re all infighting these days

    4. @3:26 was you with mayo when that happened there is always something that someone does that they get killed for there is principles in this mafia game

    5. @ 7:16 Really ? Principles??
      This is not a movie or an over exaggerated corrido, this is real life. There’s no principles, only envy, greediness, backstabbing, no honor. No respect for innocent lives.

    6. 716 I can tell you arent in Mexico

    7. Principles in MAFIA? That's redicoulos

  7. CDS going to dismember another cjng tweaker soon. Zacatecas ya tiene acuerdo con Sinaloa y zetas pendejos

    1. And you state it with pride? Just wondering who’s the pendejo? Unless you’re making money off the alliance!

    2. I'll tell you what if cds ever sides with z's thats a real sign of desperation, they are hated enemies, cds hates Z's more than they hate mencho, and also Z's are no so stupid to make another acuerdo with cds cause they know they will get snitch on, fool me once your fault fool me twice my fault

    3. 3:01 cds n cdn don't each other more than mencho hated CDG n look someone decided to look over the differences n joined...cds n cdn have being somewhat at peace with each other

    4. 3:01 well I guess mencho is in true desperation as to join forces with a hated CDG,they both hate each other

  8. Cjng got most of south zac on lock !! Since 3 years ago they started pushing from north Jalisco into Florencia , el teul , mezquital del oro . They can go from Nayarit , into north Jalisco and south zac with no problems moving a lot of weed , meth, opiums . Now with north zac on lock got the option to move their product to the Laredo border in 8hrs or to GDL in 2 hrs


    2. Pues alguien esta pagando o s Las escondidas porque por Laredo agarran varios cargamentos de meth y heroina algo que El CDN no vende.

  9. 😬 no mamen . Esta cabron why cant people see that you can make more money if not busy killing each other.. in the penitentiary all that gang shit goes out the door and with the numbers shit can get done.. they should start looking into doing some shit like that and stop killing so many people

    1. You are absolutely correct Amigo

    2. En eso están mera verga. Se están poniendo de acuerdo

    3. Theres a lot of street dudes in the joint, you cant trust these paisas and their unstable bottled up emotions.

  10. Coward CJNG killing inocent woman trying to scared sinaloa LMAO clean Jalisco of cholo and sinaloas then come to Zacatecas big mouths

    1. Are cholos people even in jalisco? or they got killed like la corona? Now if we go up north a little we will find out that culiacan and sonora are not looking good

    2. Im sure cjng didnt enter zacatecas killing inoccent women but sure i believe your story just like i believe all the corridos from cds

    3. 3:11 buddy cds has culiacan on lock no matter how u look at it,no other cartel operates there sour truth for u but that's how it is,the fight is cds vs cds...

    4. 4:45 That’s it? Wow

    5. 6:11 yeah let it sink in 😂🖕

    6. "culiacan and sonora are not looking good"
      Culiacan is locked up as much as NL for CDN,everyone saw the clout the Chapos and CDS has after Culiacanozo and then again after topping silly arse chino.Chapos run Culiacan

  11. 3 guys to kill a woman snitchoacanos getting really desperate 😂

    1. That snitch title is your people’s from Sinaloa! Quit crying 😭

    2. It DOESN'T go well, IT suits CDS SNITCHALOAS better.. DON'T change the script 😆

  12. Mudos aré gente de Los Cabrera de Durango led by El Mudo, they were some of the people that defeated Z's when they try to take Durango and have been fighting in Zacatecas not sure how long. Jaliscos are gonna have a bad time trying to fight both CDN and CDS at the same time in Zacatecas.

    1. If CJNG took michoakan they can easily TAKE zacatuercas..

    2. 8:24 cjng took Michoacaca??? 🤣😂 Stupidest comment ever cause as of now they still having a hard time keeping lnfm at Bay ,the hell cjng hasn't even been able to take gto in 3 years 😂

    3. But Durango pffftt never...its too organized

  13. And now the question is, will CJNG try to make a move on Durango? And if they do I wonder how long will the fight last before they call it a lost. Durango is where the safest and strongest CDS plaza in my opinion. I remember the last estaca of zetas in Durango, about 12 dismembered bodies outside of a club of club owned by their boss, 2 weeks later the boss was killed and that was the end of Z's in Durango back in 2012.

    1. If you really think about it that was nachos home state so durango had a lot of help from jalisco and zacatecas but now those 2 states can try and take durango not saying they can or they cant just saying that it wont be as easy like the last time

    2. A funny thing going on in that area of Sombrerete Durango border is that in those ranchos some dudes were Z then switched to Sinaloa once they pushed in and now i bet my paycheck alot have switched to CJNG . I have family in that area. And in some small ranchos eX-Zs coexist with Sinaloa . What a mess. A bloodbath.

    3. 4:39 yo i got a family member from that area and he said theirs been z that live in the small ranchos and have been there for a long time lol crazy pocket area of the state. Id rather have the durangos control since they keep their territory calm as long as your not being rowdy they wont mess with you

    4. CJNG won’t get into DGO. All the main borders in dgo are guarded like crazy. Once I was driving thru Guadalupe Victoria as soon as I entered they report you and 10 min later federals pull you over and just question you. I was coming in from Juan aldama n Miguel az, right there u had CDG in charge of them plazas, they were aligned with CDS at the time, Zacatecas has always been open state till the zetas came in and sabotage it and other cartels with in to clean it out. There’s still zetas there but they don’t use that flag anymore. Nacho had Guadalajara on lock when he was in charge but as for the state the cabreras and Herreras have always held it down.

    5. There's still many z's now called cdn in fresnillo calera jerez list goes on

    6. 11:31 ive heard of the federal police in that area being the real criminals and will look for any excuse to take money from civilians, but as soon as they see the cds troconas roll by they let you go because they dont let them mess with people.

    7. In Durango everything is controlled by la maña, government, El presidente municipal es related to Emma Coronel, even SEDENA is under payroll. Only people that are not under payroll are the SEMAR and you know because when SEMAR goes to Dgo toda la maña se pela pa la sierra. Any cartel that wants Durango has to fight not only CDS but SEDENA, National Guard, PID. G1 controls from inside El CERESO and when need it they send sicarios out to fight and when the fight is done they go back to El CERESO.

  14. Gente del Ondeado Villarreal "Aquí yo me despido hay que seguir laborando y que por Zacatecas se ven trocas patrullando a la order soy El mudo y aquí andamos al llavaso saludos pa los plebes y a mi compadre Zarco" El Mudo los nuevos ondeados.

    1. Rip el Ondeado villareal his enemies couldn't get to him asta que se avento una rayota de lavada y se le paro el corazon.

    2. Puro pedo el ondeado villareal no le entraba ala droga... el tenia un problema con su corazon se alteraba tal como si andaba ondeado pero sin usarle

  15. Elite Cjng flexing their muscle LOL. Pretty lame if you ask me.

  16. CDS getting hit everywhere even the chapitos getting blasted in the Sierra

  17. Isnt el 3 de los cabrera in charge of durango? Alejandro? Also i doubt nacho had much to do in kickin zetas out of durango from what i heard los Ms and Gente nueva de felipe cabrera joined forces to kick out los zetas en durango shortly after los cabrera and GN de noel salguiero joined forces to kick out los Ms and whatever was left of them went and joined juarez like el m11 and m10 SOOOO Durango is heavily reinforced with a sierra which jalisco isnt used to and the people there are pretty united when it comes to foreigners(i.e other cartels) trying to invade

  18. Also Herrera? Who is that?

    1. Im thinking its Rolando Herrera alias El Pariente from jimenez del teul zac.

    2. Really? Jaime Herrera and family, only the biggest smack making fraction in Durango. They controlled Chicago for a long time. Them and the cabreras control DGO

    3. Jamie herrera and his popsjuan herrera was my first guess but idk sounded too good to be true but yeah Los Herreras put DGO in the map on Drug trafficking... in the 60s they owned chicago

    4. Otto Herrera...

  19. When these people do this type of thing, are the people who are killed like this woman, really involved as the message accuses them of being or was this woman not involved in anything and she was just walking down the street and they captured her and do this to her and then accuse or blame her of whatever the message says.

    In other words could she be an innocent victim being used to spread their message and fear as a result of the violence they inflict upon their victims, but not involved in anything other thn being unfortunate enough to be in proximity of these cartel guys when they were around? Wrong place at the right time. Do the sicarios do things like killing innocent people when they need a body or bodies to make a point?

    1. It happens more often than you think every day some innocent bastard is chopped up to make a point

    2. Yes they do what do you think cartels like cjng and Zetas are known for shit like this

    3. Cjng is known for killing innocents. In veracruz they killed 35 innocent people and tried to make it seem like they were Zetas.

    4. If the catels use innocent people to kill and spread their message with the sign they leave on them, then does that make their message a lie? If it is a lie then what are they trying to accomplish by doing that? Why would they want to do that? Or as previous commenters already said, they do it to try and put the blame on their enemy or rival cartel. Or is it used in an attempt to strike fear or terror in the heart of the rival, like "hello we are here and we are coming for you next" even if they do not intend to or have the ability to do it if they wanted to? This is all very confusing. Can some of these victims be people who were point out to the cartel by other people who did not like them or were angry over a petty grievance or jealous of them for some reason? I heard or read about similar events occurring in Colombia with Los Pepes where neighbors would falsely point the finger against another neighbor to Los Pepes and Los Pepes would come around and kill the neighbor who was accused of doing what ever the finger pointer reported to them. Does this happen in Mexico too? Sorry for all the questions. Thank you.

    5. 10:03 the killers in Veracruz were the state police of SSP (secretary of Stste's public security) Arturo Bermudez Zurita who were using the academy of police to torture and kill their victims like the School of Mechanics of the Argentinian Navy and the chileans of pinochet used the Air Force Academy, during the US Operation Condor...
      The original institution was the french, angey over the loss of their colonies in Asia and Argel, started their School of Paris to fight revolutionaries, then they taught the US School of the Americas that brought it to the LatinAmerican Banana Republics "presidents and golpistas narco-gorilates" to save LatAm from castrismo (casteo-Comunismo)...drugs had to be involved to finance the illegal movements and produce the usual suspect war profiteers their billions and billions of dollars to feed their bottom line, in secret, tax free, financed by the US credibility and taxpayers...all of which many of us already know...
      Let's make it clear, the zetas or cjng put together are not as evil as the war on drugs supreme commanders now operating 8n Mexico.

  20. Disgusting animals I wish all cartels would disappear

  21. if CJNG manage to take away turf from the other groups which won't happen outright the other groups would probably have to flip or forge an alliance with Jalisco for Cjng to take over

  22. Chivis hola, I am from the UK and I noticed the cjng likes to kill mostly kids and women. You dont see the Sinaloa mafia doing this. Is this because they are not powerful enough to go against Sinaloa hitmen? Thanks in advance.

    1. Well...they all do not so much kids but women, and women are a part of the life so I suppose all is fair in love and war, correct? Where there is a difference is children. CJNG does not appear to have any boundaries. If it is shooting down a military helicopter or blowing up a child with dynamite...

    2. Also forgot to add just recently Chino Antraxs sister. Another innocent slayed.

    3. IMHO CDS doesnt really try to go all out and fight to "win" a state. While CJNG is taking over other towns and killing other cartels off. Anyone involved gets a prior warning to stop whatever it is they are doing/not doing.

    4. Blaming one country or one cartel for the dirty deeds of a few followers is not right, some people are always blaming "the Mexicans", others blame "the americans" or the Nazis (well they were guilty, but not their supporters like Henry Ford, condecorated by the Führer Himself, prescott bush, or Charles Lindbergh).
      Many times the cartels are put in charge by the state government itself or federal influencers like presidents or policia federal or the DFS.
      This woman could just have been killed by her husband or wife...
      --on TV they start the murder investigations by finding the victim's name.

  23. Shit ain't ever gonna change with fanboys like you all running around. Try raising an honorable family with values, morals and respect and you will find yourself richer than you ever thought possible.

    1. @ 10:27

      Thank you !

      but there are many reasons why they wont ever do the right things in their life Its A sad sad way of life for many and for many different reasons

      peace to you and yours
      All we can do is "Nothing"
      thats the sad part

    2. 10:27 n 8:22 u guys making me tear😢😥 so touching words but at the end of the day 🖕

    3. Excess wealth is a burden. It's true the best things in life are free, there are many unhappy rich people out the and so many wannabe rich.

    4. Dont save them they dont wanna be safe lol
      Shit the usa isnt any better, mexico is this way because of bad leadership that has been corrupted by foreign countries to benefit themselves from mexicos endless resources, so in a way mexico has an excuse why its the way it is, meanwhile the upper class usa has large numbers of dirtballs that grew up in the land of opportunity

    5. @8:40 proving the poster's point quite well. You're probably the kinda cartel nuthugger who's friends would stab you in back without a second thought.

    6. Awww hallmark moment... but lets face reality it cant and wont happen as long as there is supply and demand.. and ambition.

    7. 1:42 this poor woman looks rich in fat only, the rich do not do killings like this, they just let the dogs loose.
      Juan Aldama is one more poor little city in Zacatecas, like Miguel Auza and Nieves (aka Francisco R. Murgia) where in the little ejido de Villa Cardenas one young man killed two zetas and wounded two more armed with a ,22 little rifle, "the zetas" left two trucks behind, the wounded, weapons and their dead... zacatecasonline,com,mx/noticias/policia
      El alcalde relata los hechos a Denise Maerker.
      --noticias relacionadas: Habria matado a un tercer sicario joven de Nieves: procurador (arturo nahle garcia) en Atando Cabos con Denise Maerker en Radio Formula
      any garbage picker can become an associate of any little second hand cartel, this happened sometime in the 2011, these zeta chundaros just didn't have what it took, and took a shooting up their arses.

    8. @6:05
      Mexico is this way because of other nations? Hahaha!

    9. 829
      Dude,its hilarious isnt it,they keep trotting this shit out to try and make it true" other countries make mexico like this" Its comical if it weren't so sad,no responsibility

  24. 8:29 & 11:00
    You morons need to do your research on who owns the majority of mexicos natural resources and its commerce, its not mexicans.
    Who are the biggest consumers of drugs and also the ones who send the weapons?
    If mexicos leaders werent corrupted by other countries It would be a safe prosperous place with a booming economy.

    1. This is the most precise comment of all…. Exacto.


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