Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

DEA Identifies the four top CJNG bosses

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Mexican mainstream media is reporting that the DEA agency of the U.S. has released names that they consider being premier bosses of CJNG under the supreme leader, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, aka “El Mencho”.

Alfredo Galindo Salazar

Identified as “El Toucan”, age is unknown. Suspected location; he is hiding in Mexico or Peru, but he is considered one of the “main associates and advisers” of Mencho, according to the DEA. Regarding his ties to the CJNG, it is pointed out that his "actions were key to the logistics and capacity of the CJNG to move massive amounts of cocaine from places like Peru, Bolivia and Colombia to the United States and Europe for distribution."

Juan Manuel Abouzaid

Alias “El Escorpión, el Árabe, el Hermano y Nene”, 47, has been linked to transactions and shipments of large shipments of drugs to the United States. In 2016, federal prosecutors filed charges against him for smuggling cocaine. and methamphetamine. According to the DEA between 2013 and 2017, he was responsible for having some of the top CJNG lieutenants reporting directly to him.

Ulises Yovany Mora

Known as "Yiyo, YY, and MacWire," he is a 35-year-old US citizen, believed to have been involved in drug trafficking since 2010, but it was in 2016 that he was indicted for distributing and importing cocaine.DEA says, "he is considered the secretary of the leader of Los Cuinis, Abigael González Valencia, a key financer for shipments of cocaine from South America and imported into Mexico for distribution in the United States and Europe."

Érick Valencia Salazar

He is known as "the 85, Matazeta, Mono and Commander", the DEA identifies him as "the main associate and advisor" of Mencho; He is 43 years old and US authorities believe that he is hiding in Mexico and that he frequents both Guadalajara and Mexico City. There is a $ 5 million reward for anyone who offers information leading to their arrest; It is estimated that since 2003 he has been engaged in drug trafficking, but in 2018 he received an indictment from a federal court for conspiring to distribute more than five kilos of cocaine to the United States. 

On 3 March 2012, the Mexican Army arrested El 85 in Zapopan, Jalisco. On 27 December 2017, El 85 was released from prison after a judge concluded there were human rights violations in his due process.

There were rumors at the time he was released that he felt betrayed by El Mencho and was no longer working with the leader.  However, DEA has concluded he definitely is.

Recently, Mencho has suffered some big hit.  The cartel lost three key members of its leadership: two are his children and one is his brothers-in-law, who directed their financial operations from South America.

All three are already in United States prisons facing long sentences.

Gerardo Gonzales

It is Rubén Oseguera González, alias 'El Menchito' and who was considered the second in command of the CJNG; his sister Jessica Johanna Oseguera González, accused of money laundering through five companies; and the uncle of both Gerardo González Valencia, one of the leaders of the Los Cuinis criminal group.

Gerardo González Valencia was extradited to the U.S. from Uruguay last month, May 15th.

Noteworthy, Armando Valencia Cornelio:

Armando Valencia Cornelio, aka Maradona or Juanito, founder of the Millennium Cartel, was released after 17 years of confinement in Mexico and the United States and will now live on Marsh Road, in Atherton, California, the richest town in the U.S.

On April 21, the capo left the Federal Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky, after his sentence was reduced by 15% for having good behavior.

He filed for an early release last year in the Federal Court of the Southern District of Florida, in Miami, but the request was denied.

However, the drug trafficker who filed for a humanitarian release, and suffering from lymphatic cancer stipulated he would remain in the U.S. and live in his Atherton home.

He was then granted release.

 The Millennium Cartel or Cartel de los Valencia is the predecessor to CJNG.  The  criminal organization, originated in the southern state of Michoacán, dedicated to illegal drug trafficking and the shipment of cocaine from Mexico and the United States.

At the beginning of the 90s, Armando Valencia Cornelio took the leadership of the cartel and extended the territory of that group to the states of Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit and Tamaulipas. In those years they were known as Los Reyes del Aguacate , because they disguised their criminal activities with the production and marketing of avocado.

To read an overview of the cartel use this hyperlink.

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  1. “There were rumors at the time he was released that he felt betrayed by El Mencho and was no longer working with the leader. However, DEA has concluded he definitely is.”

    Speaking of which what the hell happened to Cholo and “Nueva Plaza”?

    Always knew the rumor was horsesh*t , Erick and Mencho were always very close.

    1. Nueba Plasa was/is enrique alfaro designated hitter vs la Mencha and CJNG, but the shoes were too big, even alfaro is losing is ass but to AMLO now,
      Alfaro also said he wants to be presidente de Mexico No Mó...he can't even be governor of the pinchis jaliskas...

  2. Menchito is definitely not second in command... he was just a chubby kid who played call of duty with his friends and went to night clubs in Jalisco. No idea where they get that from.

  3. Things will work out. X has Mucho Respect for SENOR MENCHO

  4. Menchito second in command???? That's really funny he had no leadership skills he a Daddy's boy,if cjng control was handed to him most leaders n plaza bosses would go split they wouldn't see him as the main leader...

    1. @12:41-

      Whoever has the Colombian cocaine connections and also the chinese precursor chemical connections is in CHARGE!! That's right!! If Menchito has the rolodex with the contacts, then he is in fact SECOND IN CHARGE. Like it or not, Tonto....

  5. Y ahi gente que todavia piensa que CNP con la ayuda del CDSnitches le puede ganar al cjng, el 85 sigue al millon con el señor de los cocks 🐓!!! Los chapillos son apenas unos 🐥 y nomas le atoran al mayo porque lla esta viejillo y casi estoy seguro que aun asi de viejillo los va a tumbar, pero al señor de los cocks si no le entran por miedo u ahora menos con la ayuda del 85

    1. You know chapitos have PTDS after menchos man kidnapped them.

      El Rey De Reyes El señor mencho.

    2. They should have been more careful, now they will be, stupid move.

    3. El rey de reyes no está en este mundo wey. Y Mencho ni siquiera es el bueno.

    4. 7:45 LMAO poor chapitos cant even eat at a restaurant in peace anymore, every time a new customer walks in they have flashbacks of menchos men. lololol

  6. But but, werent people on here saying el 85 was NP? LOL no saben nada

    Arriva las 4 letras del terror!

    1. Never a manta with him being mentioned and yet bunk articles(BAE) put out the nonsense that he was beefing with CJNG. In the CNP video with the skinny jean wearing sicarios Cholo tries to convince him to join them. 85 nominated Mencho to be the BOSS, he got caught in the city like the majority of other capos. CJNG helped him to be released from prison just like they did with El Ojo de Vidrio.

  7. El 85 is Mencho's top lieutenant? Well, I didn't expect that. So who runs the Nueva Plaza then?

    1. Probably El Cholo alone without El 85, a diferencia de los reports at the time saying that El 85 had linked up w/ El Cholo and CNP after "feeling betrayed". I guess we should have known better since DEA did include El 85 in the announcement of indictments unsealing against 11 members of CJNG back in Oct 2018.

    2. Cholo and his people are NP, Aguila Coronel and his people are La Corona/Coroneles. The people that made Nacho Coronel strong are the Valencias/Milenio/Cuinis but they had problems. Lobo and his people were owed big money by Nacho/CDS, they felt they were being shorted and punked. Shit fell out and the rest is history

    3. There’s a nonaggression pact between CJNG and NP and thinking of getting back together

  8. Sheesh So these Mencho Top Lieutenants

  9. Holy Shit i thought el 85 left to join Nueva Plaza with El Cholo guess that was Bullshit, He still in CJNG oh my and this shit gets Deeper

  10. One of El marro's main cohorts detained in SLP

  11. When el Nacho was in Guadalajara, these guys had to come beg just to wash his cars.

    1. And where are they now? CJNG is no joke tonto

    2. In every job you have to start from the bottom, thats what gives you the expirience, just look at all the guys who have been given every thing in a silver plate they sont last long, the chapitos wont last long, chapo and mayo started from the bottom at one point but right now mwncho is the verdolaga whether you like it or not

    3. Valencias were the reason nacho coronel even gotta big 😂

    4. If Mencho was smart he would have retired like long gone Mayo. How much money is enuff anyway or is it the fun life hiding ?

    5. 8:53. Chapo Mayo and Azul are the reason Nacho was who he was you are delusional. All of Jal was under his thumb.

    6. 10:38 above them all, general marcelino garcia barragan, former secretary of defense for gustavo diaz ordaz and ally of luis echeverria alvarez, his son javier garcia paniagua ran the DFS into more and more drug trafficking when not busy doing terrorism of state.

    7. @7:32 The DFS is basically behind every big cartel's history bro and el PRI.

  12. Atherton, California huh. The cheapest house for sale there is 2 million. Was the 17 years worth it?

    1. He had billions at one time. Probably has lots and lots of money stashed.

    2. nope, he is on last legs anyway health is gone.

  13. Michoacános are about have a field day in the comments 😂 can’t wait to read all the hating comments from snitchaloa

  14. Ok, so it was just a RUMOR el 85 was fighting MENCHO.. Most Likely MENCHO is the reason el 85 is out and ABOUT

    I wonder if el maradona is going to join the ranks of CJNG..

    4 of the THOUSANDS of PEOPLE under that CARTEL...

    1. El Maradona is out of the game, Retired. Right now he needs to hide from the gov before they kill him.

    2. I daught maradona will join cjng, he is the dorados de sinaloa soccer team trainer, even though he loves coke he wont get involved, hes a user not a dealer

    3. @8:11 You joking simón? Not the ex footbal player.

  15. When he got out and Guadalajara had a violent few weeks people went with the bandwagon of him switching sides to NP. People often forget when these bosses go to jail they still keep getting info on what is happening outside regardless of the cartel. When they do get out you often see a small wave of violence occur because of ajuste de cuentas within their own group of people. Some vales se pasan when the boss goes to jail but are the first ones to run when he gets released. Whenever a boss comes out he wants to go back to how HE left it not the people than ran the group when he was gone, especially someone like el 85 who’s a founding member.

  16. El hijo del maradona es el que sigue al trono si se cae el mencho

  17. It’s disturbing how the government can label you the second in command of a cartel for there own benefit even when it’s evident menchito was nothing more than the son of the alleged leader. Mochomo is another disturbing example of the dirty government.

    1. Mochamos been in jail 12 yrs and still has a lot of loyal followers u hear a lot la tal mochomera

  18. Is Armando Valencia related to Los Cuinis?

  19. I just hope something positive happens for the people of Mexico. I think it’s terrible how these people have destroyed peace in Mexico.

  20. I don't know about Mexico but in Europe and Especially Israel Arabs runs shit like drugs racket and a lot of bad things!

  21. 11:08 carlos slim helu and carlos salinas de gortari are but two arabs running shit in Mexico

  22. There's quite a large Lebanese community in Mexico. Lebanese migrants from decades ago. El Bayeh is a Lebanese surname.

  23. There are thousands of Arabs in Mexico, maybe millions, they have been there since early 1900's. De hecho, el hombre mas rico de Mexico es libanes.

  24. Arabs, Iraqi and Sirians. Many are in Coahuila, Tamps and NL especially mty. Bjut also in mx city, baja gto and a couple others but mx city and the ne has the most

    about 1.3 million. they settled in mx during the 30s. the culture is infused with some of the food in those areas. Jews also.

    if you go to mty the big thing there is cabrito. baby goat roaasted, i can't recall if it was from jews or arab settlers.

    I have never tried it.

  25. Which one is the meanest because he will rise to the top eventually

  26. The Mexican-Lebanese individuals are interesting indeed fellas.


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