Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Judge Orders COVID-19 Test for Hector 'El Güero' Palma

"El_Bujo" and "MX" for Borderland Beat
Hector 'El Güero' Palma in 2016
A judge in the State of Mexico ordered prison doctors to conduct a COVID-19 test to Hector 'El Güero' Palma, a former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel. Palma claims to have health complications and said that prison authorities have not allowed him to see a doctor. In the appeal, the judge stated that doctors should monitor his health conditions and see if Palma has any COVID-19 symptoms.

Should Palma test positive, the judge instructed prison authorities to give him the necessary medical treatment to facilitate his recovery. By law, prison authorities are permitted to bring an external medical team to treat inmates who suffer from COVID-19. The judge instructed the prison to do that should they need it.

Palma is currently imprisoned at the Federal Social Readaptation Center No. 1 ("Altiplano"), a maximum-security prison in the State of Mexico. He headed the Sinaloa Cartel along with Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, but his criminal career was cut short.

In 1995, he was arrested while heading to a wedding on his private jet. While flying his jet suffered engine problems and he had to do a forced landing near the Jalisco and Nayarit state borders. His arrest confirmed what many Mexicans had long known: in Mexico, the police are for sale and drug lords are purchasing them. When Palma was arrested, most of his entourage were active members of the Federal Judicial Police (PJF).

Palma was imprisoned at the Federal Social Readaptation Center No. 2 ("Puente Grande"), the infamous prison where El Chapo escaped in 2001. In Mexico, Palma won several appeals and had his charges dropped multiple times. However, in 2007, Palma was extradited to the U.S. and sentenced for his drug trafficking involvement.

He was deported back to Mexico in 2016 and was re-arrested by Mexican authorities who were waiting for him at the border crossing. He was imprisoned for his outstanding charges in Mexico. He is currently facing trial for murder.

Sources: La JornadaExcelsior; Reforma (subscription required)

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  1. We need el guero back in Sinaloa. Old school boss.

    1. For those that don't know, he was known for being cruel. Very cruel.

    2. Honest question: Can you elaborate on some of the cruelty you mention in your post? I don’t know a lot about Palma other than what happened with his wife and kids. Thank you!

    3. 6:49


    4. 6.49 I believe all dug Lord's are all cruel. All of them. Fuck them all.

    5. Really!!!? Wow didn't have a clue really said some thing that no one knows about lmao......all cartel bosses are cruel that's part of the job....

    6. Care to elaborate ?

  2. Poor Guy been through hell. I hope he breaks out

    1. No, he's too old and in too poor health to be running around like a fugitive. I mean, look at RCG. He himself has said that he's tired of being on the run. If anything, I think Don Palma should be set free. The PGR pretty much did him dirty arresting him at the very last minute on bogus charges when they had 9 or 10 years to speak up. But no, they chose to notify him not even 1 hour after crossing back into Mexico a free man.

    2. Most of the old guard is rotting away. If any of them got out, they would resume. Is best they be left to rot.

    3. He is not a "poor guy". He's a piece of shit. Fuck him.

    4. Well you give hell you get hell

  3. Short career? The guy was around since the late 70s. Lol. There’s others with a short corrido and tan tan that’s it.

    1. It said his career was cut short "not" his career was short. Read again maybe 2nd time around you will comprehend what is written

  4. His fam still got players working for the avendaños but I guess they don’t have the power/money to get him out

    1. Is chikilin avendaño still alive?

    2. Palmas Salazar are still active I believe didn't some niece and her mom got kidnapped around February in Sonora? Did they make it out alive? Also are the Palma Beltrán the same Palma's and Beltranes from ABL?

    3. That's true but they have several people determined

  5. Murder charges will miraculous disappear in Mexico. This individual has money.

    1. Why haven’t they disappeared yet? It’s been almost 4 years

    2. It's been 4 years now since he was locked back up. If he had money like you're claiming, don't you think he would've bought his way out by now?

  6. I wonder what would happen if an outbreak happens at ADX Colorado. Would they move Chapo?

    1. Of course not, that is the most secure place for him.

    2. Doubt it. I imagine that it'd be hard if not impossible to even catch a cold there when you're under 23 hour lockdown in solitary with maybe 1 hour of solitary rec time. But who knows.

    3. I would say more space for more guys like chapito.

    4. Nope. Even if heaven falls, I believe he will be certified dead before he gets any moving. He did the crime, now he's paying in time.

    5. For @4:02 NO. He is self quarantined for the rest of his natural wasted life.

    6. They most likely would move him TOWARD a contaminated cell

    7. He is fine, he is already in self isolation anyway, no big deal.

    8. I wish man I wish an outbreak happens, Chapo gets moved, and escapes somehow, it’d be the best day of my life, even if he is recaptured in 2 days, puro 701

    9. @2:27 Cheerleader#1

  7. long life el wero 🌴
    real narco no mmds

  8. Guero palma has 1 of the crazier stories ive read about these guys

  9. Not sure how many kids he has presently but according to an article from 2016, one of his sons went to visit him at Altiplano shortly after he was deported back to Mexico and locked up there.

    Jesús Esquivel said in an interview that Don Palma's days as a trafficker are pretty much dead and gone. He has health problems, he's old, and pretty much all of the old heads that he used to work with in CDS are dead or locked up so he wouldn't hold much weight, if any.

    The only way to find out if he's still really out for revenge though is to transfer him to Puente Grande where Don Felix Gallardo is locked up and see if he makes a move. Crazy.

  10. His wife was cheating with an AFO member. She was tricked into emptying millions from bank accounts then beheaded. Then his kids were tossed off a bridge to their deaths.

  11. 1:53 pm

    He has a cousin name Cuautemoc Palma Beltran. Two sons a daughter and a wife. Lives a very lavish life. I would say hes one of the richest around. Low pro. Wife is from La Juri.lets just say dude has it made. Rather not say anymore on public domain. Just know I know. My suggestion is i wish children in Mexico would focus more on combating the problems here with education and not with narcotics and weapons. The life in the drug world is not fun. You dont have friends. Nobody is loyal. Short lived. So why bother with it. I would give up everything i know about this and would rather be oblivious and not know what or where Culiacan Sinaloa is. And not have done prison time. And would rather not want to know the people I know to have been a successful well educated individual in life. I love Culiacan. At the same time i despise and hate it due to the fact that it has ruined our youth.

    A Unicorn stuck in a field of demons. I wish i could share more info. Its just hard to even type on here and have shared what i did.

  12. I prefer he rots in prison, then burns in hell.

  13. Please give more detail. El Guero Palma has friends in Culiacan. Who care about him

  14. Why don’t you guys upload the video of the 15 captured CJNG Bad guys ..the Sinaloa bad guys snatched that shit is crazy how they got so many at once .

  15. I remember when he was arrested. The army surrounded the judicial police compound in GDL when it was still located on avenida americas. They arrested 30 plus judiciales then let most of them go. After Chapos escaped El Guero got left behind to do his time. I don't think he has enough money or influence to buy his way out of Prison. He could possible get released to house arrest for health reasons. It's strange how some narcos like Miguel Caro Quintero get released by the USA and then face no charges in Mexico and don't forget about Osiel not facing any charges either. Con dinero baile el perro

  16. Replies
    1. Fucking Right Amigo.100% PALMA HAS FRIENDS IN UKRAINE AND X

  17. This SINALOA cat had the worst life from ALL the rest of CDS capos..
    Wife betrayed him with his homie and later that guy chopped her up and his KIDS..
    Double whammy.. Oh yea, and he lived to see it and got locked up in prison and they won't let HIM GO..
    Let's see if this coronavirus crisis FINALLY cuts him a BREAK...

  18. Does anyone know what happened to his brothers?


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