Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, June 8, 2020

The five most violent cities in the world are..... in Mexico

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Politica Expansion Mx

Tijuana (Baja California), Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua), Uruapan (Michoacán), Irapuato (Guanajuato) and Ciudad Obregón (Sonora)
In Mexico the state with most homicides is Guanajuato

Guanajuato last week

In 2019, Mexico registered a historical number of murders: 35,620 between intentional homicides and feminicides, according to official statistics. But, in addition, five cities in the country were ranked among the most violent in the world, according to a measurement on the matter prepared by a civil organization.

The Citizen Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice, also known as Security, Justice and Peace, presented on Monday the results of its 2019 ranking , in which it evaluated the incidence in 50 cities around the world.

This study did not include cities in countries that have war conflicts such as Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan or Yemen, since their deaths do not correspond to the universally accepted definition of homicide, but to those caused by war operations (according to the classification of the World Health Organization).

The ranking shows that Latin American cities are the ones that register the most murders, but, with five cities at the top, Mexico is the "world epicenter of violence".

These are Tijuana (Baja California), Ciudad Juárez (Chihuahua), Uruapan (Michoacán), Irapuato (Guanajuato) and Ciudad Obregón (Sonora), which occupy the first five places on the list.

However, they are not the only ones: 14 other Mexican cities appear on the list.

Why are they the most violent cities in the world?

The organization evaluated the murders committed in 2019 and the incidence rate with respect to the number of inhabitants of each city.

These are the results of the first 10 places in the ranking:
  1.  Tijuana: a rate of 134.24 murders per 100,000 inhabitants (it has more than 1.7 million).
  2. Ciudad Juárez: rate of 104.54 (it has 1.4 million inhabitants).
  3. Uruapan:  rate of 85.54 (it has little more than 351,000 inhabitants).
  4. Irapuato:  rate of 80.74 (it has more than 895,000 inhabitants).
  5. Ciudad Obregón: 281 homicides, rate of 80.72 (with 348,000 inhabitants).
  6. Caracas (Venezuela): 2,134 murders, rate of 74.64 (it has more than 2.8 million inhabitants).
  7. Acapulco (Guerrero): 600 homicides, rate of 71.61 (with more than 837,000 inhabitants).
  8. Cape Town (South Africa): rate 68.28 (with 4.4 million inhabitants).
  9. St. Louis (EU): rate of 64.54 (with more than 300,500 inhabitants).
  10. Vitória da Conquista (Brazil): rate 60.01 (has more than 340,000 inhabitants).
Other findings

According to Security, Justice and Peace, this is the third consecutive year in which a Mexican city is the most violent in the world. And for two years, that position has been occupied by Tijuana.

In the 2019 edition, Mexico became the country with the largest number of violent cities (in total there are 19); Only in 2016 Brazil was the "epicenter of world violence".

In addition, in 2019, the cities of Tepic (Nayarit) and Coatzacoalcos (Veracruz) managed to decrease their incidence, so they do not appear in the ranking, but Cuernavaca (Morelos), Guadalajara (Jalisco), León (Guanajuato) entered instead. , Morelia (Michoacán) and Zacatecas (Zacatecas).

STATES: Violence changes; Tamaulipas the only entity to leave the ranking
In three years Guanajuato went from number eight to the first, because of the number of intentional homicides registered; Tamaulipas came out of the ranking of the 15 most insecure states in that same period.

In 2019, the states with the most intentional homicides are:

Baja California
Estado de México
Mexico City
Nuevo León
and Sinaloa
These entities concentrate 19,905 intentional murders; that is, 81% of the 24,484 reported in the first 10 months of 2019 .

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  1. Anything and everything goes in Mexico, where anyone can get away with murder. Used to go to Tijuana, that was like 7 years ago.

  2. Coverage of current drug-trafficking situation in USA TODAY

  3. Replies
    1. Because Calderón was better?

      Because these cities were not violent before AMLO.

      These issues are so bad that it's going to take a lot more than a year and a half to fix.

      Do you even live in Mexico? I live in Juarez by the way.

    2. 1:42 sonora and guanajuato were not nearly as violent before amlo, in fact all of Mexico was not as violent before amlo. Amlo is the worse president.

    3. AMLO just buries his head in the dirt then pops it out every morning and says everything is just fine!

  4. 4:20 although Juárez is bad it's not as bad as during the Sinaloa/Juárez war... That was before AMLO. I think Guanajuato is bad because of CJNG and Sonora cause of recent events.

    I honestly don't think the president matters, Calderón started the war on drugs and shit was horrible then. It's the corruption at every level but criminals know they can get away with anything and this stuff happens at a state/city level. Hard to fix years and years of corruption at every level in a short span of time.

    1. Yes but ALMO does nothing with his cabinet regarding drug cartels, furthermore when US was shutting places in March due to covid19, he acted late and also many people are dying, this year will prove lots of death combined with both.

    2. “ Lead or silver” only describes the simplest threats. To navigate to the heights of corruption in a sea of the corrupt a politician learns early on what they must do to successfully rise to the top. They must know where to direct their focus and what to avoid. There are very hard promises to keep and respect is imperative...

  5. I lived in TJ for 15 years. During the war with El Teo and the AF cartel. I live in Mazatlán now. I’ve never had a problem in either city because I’m not in the game and because I’m a Christian. The problem in Mexico is systemic poverty. Kids growing up with no opportunity. AMLO is correct, but the problem is too deep. Mexico is lost.

    1. Your being a Christian has nothing to do with it. You are evidently smart enough to stay away from danger and may be a good person, but you are living in a country with criminals who have no respect to respect for the human life or the law.
      If you have the opportunity, get out of there, at least in the US, you can legally arm yourself. At least until the leftists/socialists seize power.

  6. Cape Town? I had thought violence would have stopped once all of the white land was taken from them.


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